tv [untitled] September 19, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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item 31 is a motion directing the clerk to prepare findings. >> president chiu: so i'm going to open this public hearing and first acknowledge the supervisor from district 8, in whose district this project exists, supervisor wiener. >> supervisor wiener: thank you, mr. president. at the request of the appellant, in order to have a full opportunity for a briefing in this matter, once we open the hearing, i'm going to be moving to continue this item to october 23. so i understand from the city attorney that we do need to formally open the hearing, take public comment, and then i'll be able to offer the motion to continue. >> president chiu: i've already opened the hearing right before you spoke so having opened it, supervisor wiener is making a motion to continue. is there a second? seconded by supervisor olague. let's open it up to public comment. if there are members of the public that wish to speak to this item or the motion to continue. seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor wiener has made a
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motion to continue these items to october 23. that motion has been seconded. can we do that without objection? without objection that is the case. madam clerk could you call items 32 through 35. >> clerk calvillo: 32 a public hearing interested in the planning commission 2012 conditional use authorization to allow childcare facility doing business as alpha kids academy. item 33 is a motion approving the commission's decision approving the conditional use authorization. item 34 is a motion disapproving the commission's decision and item 35 is a motion directing the clerk to prepare findings. >> president chiu: this is a project in district 7. i'd like to acknowledge the supervisor from that district, supervisor elsbernd. >> supervisor elsbernd: thank you. similar to the last item i will be making a motion to continue this one for two weeks to october 2. we are working and almost at a solution. >> president chiu: so supervisor elsbernd has made a
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motion to continue this item two weeks to -- i'm sorry, you said october 2? >> supervisor elsbernd: two weeks. >> president chiu: two weeks to october 2. is there a second to that motion? seconded by supervisor campos. let me open it up to public comment. any members of the public that wish to speak on this item or to the motion to continue? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, can we take the motion to continue this item for two weeks without objection? october 2 that shall be the case. why don't we now move to item 18. >> clerk calvillo: item 18, resolution authorizing the public utilities commission to accept and expend department of water resources administered grant in the amount of approximately $2.1 million for the implementation of the harding park recycled water project. >> president chiu: roll call vote. >> clerk calvillo: president chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor elsbernd, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye.
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supervisor mar, aye. supervisor olague, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. >> clerk calvillo: there are 11 ayes. >> president chiu: resolution is adopted. item 19. >> clerk calvillo: item 19, resolution authorizing the public utilities commission to accept and expend the department of water resources administered grant in the amount of approximately $863,000 for a high efficient toilet installation program. >> president chiu: same house, same call. this resolution is adopted. >> the clerk: item 20, resolution establishing rent and term for a second extension and confirming a sublease extension with the unified school district for real property on mission street for general assistant services from the human services agency. >> president chiu: same house, same call this resolution is adopted. >> clerk calvillo: item 21, resolution to consider the issuance of perform adges to the rocksie theater located at 2117,
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16th street will serve the public convenience. >> president chiu: supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: i want to amend motion 21. we've recently had discussions between our office, the city attorney, sfpd alcohol licensing unit and the rocksie theater. to give history to this license the application before us, this applicant came to us over a year ago, when our offices working to amend the mission alcohol special use district to exclude bowling alleys and single screen theaters. we did this because in one part we've heard from the neighborhood they would like to see these types of businesses thrive in the area but also we want to figure out ways to help businesses that are struggling venture into other ways to raise revenue like our independent single screen theaters that are so important historically to our community. i understand that this resolution passed out of -- however the applicant was unaware at the time that it
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would take an additional year to be able to serve alcohol in the theater proper. in fact they believed they would be able to amend these conditions quickly as soon as they received the license in hand. unfortunately as you know, when working with our small businesses the liquor license process can be often very confusing. it is the intent of the theater to obtain a beer license at this venue so all patrons can enjoy a beverage while watching a film and not just while standing in the tiny lobby. it is not a spacious area and would not enhance the business to generate the revenue they were hoping to. as you know, small single theaters struggle to stay open and this is one option that would help them remain in the community. this amendment is just a recommendation by our board. the abc will make the final determination on the liquor license. but i just wanted it to be on record that the board supported
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the rocksie theater in allowing beer in the entire theater and not just the lobby in front. so we have amendments that we have shared with colleagues. happy to answer any questions. >> president chiu: supervisor kim is making the amendment she'the amendmentsto she's scri. supervise olague. >> supervisor olague: i support the amendments. as supervisor kim mentioned, the roxie theater, clay theater, all these single screen theaters are really struggling to stay open, and viable. and i think this is a very small ask to be able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage, beer or wine -- i don't know if wine is included -- no, just the beer. okay. while watching a film i think is just very reasonable. so the last film i actually saw at the roxie, usually the choices are independent films or
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documentaries. i think the last film i saw was about a tibetan monk. i can't imagine there be a rowdy crowd. most of the people were -- not that this means anything but people my age can get rowdy but they were my age or older and we were enjoying this film about someone who brought tibetan buddhism to the weftd. so it was a very good movie. so i just wish the roxie luck in staying open. anything that contributes to that end i would support, along with -- maybe it's something to be considered at some of the other single screen theaters because as mentioned they're all struggling to stay open. the vogue is having similar issues. i believe the four star, i'm not even sure if they're still open, the balboa, they're all struggling in the same way. >> president chiu: supervisor wiener. >> supervisor wiener: thank you, mr. president. i'll be supporting the amendment and the license, despite the
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fact that the agenda erroneously states the roxie is in district 6. it's in district 8 vuth of redistricting. so we're -- i'm very proud to welcome this amazing institution to the district. but i can't let the opportunity go by to -- as is always the case when these things come up -- to criticize the mission alcohol special use district. you'll recall that the roxie was actually prohibited by law from getting a liquor license because of this outdated and recovery broad alcohol zoning restriction. and we worked together, as we did for the bowling alley before it to grant exemption for single screen movie theaters. that's a bad way to do policy in making one off exemptions so supervisor campos and i are working closer together to come up with a broader reform so we don't have to do one offs and
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have a more vibrant mission while keeping the -- of the special use district. >> president chiu: supervisor campos. >> supervisor campos: thank you. i want to thank supervisor kim and her office, who are working on this when it was district 6, before it became district 8. and, you know, sarah palin could see russia from alaska and i can see the roxie from district 9. so in some respects, you know, it's all part of the same neighborhood. so i'm supportive of this, and happy to be involved in any effort to ensure that we help the roxie. so thank you. >> president chiu: thank you. >> actually i want to say thank you to supervisor wiener and his staff because as supervisor wiener noted we are working on the issue around the special use district and trying to make sure that we come to a result that makes sense for all the folks involved. and look forward to good result on that front. thank you. >> president chiu: supervisor
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mar. >> supervisor mar: thank you. i love the roxie as well but i wanted to remind my colleagues that we have two incredible independent theaters, the balboa theater and the four star, as supervisor olague mentioned but also the bridge theater that's in supervisor farrell's district. i'm glad that supervisor kim is using kind of her efforts and supervisor wiener as well to support small businesses-like theaters. i used to have a beer and pizza at parkway theater in oakland so i would cross the bridge to be able to hold my then baby and have alcohol but also with a family environment too. i'm hoping the roxie keeps it as a family environment too but i'm not so sure. i know that as we look at how small businesses can try to survive, finding different types of diverse types of food and drink kind of in different establishments is critical. so i'm really supportive of this and have been talking with the different theater owners from
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four star to balboa about ways to enhance their small businesses as well. thank you. >> president chiu: any further discussion? colleagues, first of all, on the amendments, if we could take the amendments without objection? that shall be the case. and on the underlying resolution to be adopted as amended, same house, same call? without objection the resolution is adopted. item 23. >> clerk calvillo: item 22, mr. president? >> president chiu: 22. >> clerk calvillo: an ordinance amending the planning code to permit existing gasoline and service stations located on 19th avenue to provide mechanical car washes on site. >> president chiu: passed on the first reading. >> clerk calvillo: item 23 an ordinance amending the planning code related to the transit impact development fee increase and update. >> president chiu: supervisor wiener. >> supervisor wiener: move to continue two weeks to october 2. >> president chiu: colleagues, supervisor wiener's made a motion to continue this item to the second of october, seconded
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by supervisor olague. any objection to the motion to continue? that shall be the case. item 24. >> clerk calvillo: item 24 is an ordinance amending the park code to repeal prohibition of persons from petitioning and -- in certain city parks while another event is in progress for which a permit has been issued by the rec and park department. >> president chiu: supervisor wiener. >> supervisor wiener: this is a repeal of park code section from 30 years ago that is outdated and overly broad in some areas, underbroad in other areas. it restricts protesting in a number of different city parks to certain areas, some of which don't even exist anymore. so this repeal will of course continue to -- will -- rec and park will continue to have discretion to provide a free speech zone, or restrictions on a case-by-case basis so protests don't interfere with park event
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but it will be a much more flexible authority rather than a very rigid and outdated authority. >> president chiu: colleagues, can we take this same house, same call? without objection this ordinance is passed on first reading. >> the clerk: item 25 a motion appointinappointing jazzie colle rodriguez, larry saxxon, marcy he hamarcy -- and bill ambrunn r indefinite terms to the -- task force. >> president chiu: colleagues, same house, same call? without objection, this motion is approved. item 26. >> clerk calvillo: item 26 is a motion reappointing supervisor malia cohen term ending june 20, to the public-private the penine
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>> president chiu: roll call vote. >> clerk calvillo: president chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. supervisor elsbernd, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor olague, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. >> clerk calvillo: there are 10 ayes. >> president chiu: the motion is approved. next item, item 27. >> clerk calvillo: item 27 is a motion appointing bruce wolfe term ending april 27, 2013 to the sunshine ordinance task force. >> president chiu: roll call vote. >> clerk calvillo: on item 27, president chiu, no. supervisor chu, no. supervisor cohen, no. supervisor elsbernd, no. supervisor farrell, no. supervisor kim, aye.
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supervisor mar, aye. supervisor olague, aye. supervisor wiener, no. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. >> clerk calvillo: there are five ayes and six nos. >> president chiu: motion fails. can we go back to item 15, colleagues. supervisor wiener. >> supervisor wiener: thank you, mr. president. we passed the item and did not vote on the motion to amend that was before the board so i move to rescind the vote to adopt the amendment, and then we can proceed to a vote as amended. >> president chiu: first of all on the motion to rescind is there a second? seconded by supervisor campos. can edo that without objection? the vote is rescinded. and then supervisor wiener's made a motion to amend. there is a second? seconded by supervisor chu. colleagues if we can do the motion to amend without objection? that shall be the case. on the underlying ordinance as
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amend, roll call vote ngeddle president chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. supervisor elsbernd, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor olague, no. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. >> clerk calvillo: there are 10 ayes, one no. >> president chiu: ordinance is passed on first reading as amended. go to roll call for introductions. madam clerk. >> clerk calvillo: supervisor elsbernd. thank you. supervisor campos. supervisor avalos. supervisor mar. >> supervisor mar: thank you. colleagues, i have several items. the first i'm calling for a hearing on the development of the alexandra theater site at geary and 18th avenue. this site has so much potential to once again be a keystone and
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an icon for the neighborhood an in the short-term there has been problems with blight and disrepair. we'll also be following up with a community meeting with many stakeholders in the neighborhood from residents to the ymca across the street to the neighborhood theater foundation and many others to get their input into the future of the richmond district's landmark. i also wanted to say i'm working closely with the arts commission staff to look at perhaps bringing art in the storefronts to some of the different vacate spaces in the richmond district as well. also, i'm calling for a hearing along with the support of supervisors farrell and olague, for a hearing at the land use committee to hear our plans to mitigate the traffic challenges upon the opening of the geary masonic target that's planned for some time in 2013. we hope that this will help people, especially residents and stakeholders, give input but also make the area safer for
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pedestrians, bicyclists, seniors and families in particular. i'm pleased again that we're doing this with the three supervisors that are around that key spot in our city. also, on a related note, i'll be asking the county transportation authority to hold a hearing to fully fund the masonic boulevard plan. the boulevard plan was the one chosen by many of the residents and businesses. i know the mta recently just approved, just minutes ago, support for the boulevard plan as well. i've worked with dick's masonic which includes the walk sf and livable city and the bicycle coalition and many neighborhood organizations for years that have been trying to make it a safer corridor. so i'm looking forward to solution for the street but also full funding for the different proposals supported by the community. and once kind of we have the project fully funded, working on making sure that the project moves forward so that we have safer streets for all.
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also, on friday, i'll be joining president chiu and many others in the celebration of the chinatown north beach campus, the city college of san francisco. i know there's the open house celebration from 5 to 7 pm at the new site at kearney street and washington. it's been a 10 year struggle and ballots. and battle. i salute the groups like chinese for affirmative action, lawrence wong from the college board and many others, just a few meetings ago we had the former dean, joanne lowe but also the current dean also here. but i'll be there to celebrate. i hope others join us as well. the rest i'll submit. >> clerk calvillo: thank you. mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster that concludes roll call for introductions. >> president chiu: ladies and gentlemen, why don't we go to general public comment. >> the clerk: opportunity for the public to comment generally -- >> president chiu: sorry, madam clerk.
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i understand that there are several other colleagues that do have roll call. if you want to start with supervisor cohen. >> supervisor cohen: thank you, mr. president. thank you, madam clerk. i just want to ask that my colleagues join me in a moment recognizing the life of mr. robert price. he's passed on. and would like to close the board meeting out in his memory. a little bit about mr. price is that he was an army man. he served in the united states army, and then he came west to san francisco in 1969. as an outreach worker for youth for service, which was at that time a nonprofit organization here in san francisco, dedicated to the service of the, quote, throw away. the throw away children of san francisco, bob worked with neighborhood gangs. bob's success was attributed to his ability to accept youngsters as he found them and channel their frustration through
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competitive sports. he was also very well known as the supervisor of the emma gri resettlement program. he trained and placed 500 -- in various jobs in 20 months. he was named man of the year in 1979 by bear area council on soviet jewry and was recognized and commended by california assembly on february 20, 1980. bob's true commitment remained with the throw away children. for 20 years as youth guidance center, employment specialist, he helped prevent recidivism through employment training. he raised $3 million in public funding and private donations to establish the training program under the auspices of the improvement committee, a private nonprofit organization designed to help youth transition from
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being offenders back into their community, with employable skills and with a job. bob's work and life were unfortunately cut short by the alzheimer's disease with medical complications. thank you, madam clerk. >> clerk calvillo: thank you, supervisor cohen. any other members of the board would like to introduce items at roll call for introductions? >> supervisor olague: i just wanted to support supervisor mar and his masonic hearing. >> clerk calvillo: thank you, supervisor olague. >> president chiu: why don't we go back to public comment. first speaker please. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something else about the people who used to be with mubarak. one of them, his name -- he be bring that he's dirty, and other guy -- he work with mubarak 20 year. he hide $9 billion, and 42 cancel. tell me if you hear him for that, if you see that in the computer, how you feel about us. we work in this country. we struggling in any other country. we try to run away from the
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people we voted for them, to be our president. is mistake we make it but we don't need to continue with our life like mubarak did. as i said, and i repeat again, if someone of them has hide 18 billion american dollar, and he own 42 castle for him and his family, what the regular people like me can do that. how we can live there. i said and i repeat again, four year, i am -- my grandchildren, i am far from my family, but i am never far with my heart. and that the reason i have heart problem and i survive like anyone else. ladies and gentlemen, i would like to support this man because he promise to return to us our
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money. his name is barack obama, and i wish to let him have second time to see if he can bring it our money, they steal it and they hide it in american bank. $700 million has been hidden from us in england. billion of dollars in -- let us get my money back. thank you. support us and support barack obama to return our money to our country. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. stop the corporate rape of the public library, don't give money to the friends of library, don't accept money from the friends of the library. everyone knows that the influence of private money on our politics has the power to destroy democracy and distort public policy. if you have been following these presentations, you know by now
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that any claim to legitimacy that the friends of the library had, has completely collapsed. we know from reports submitted to the california state -- that the friends of the library had income in the past 11 years of 40 million, and expenditures of 48.1 million. we also know from reports required by the san francisco sunshine ordinance that over the same 11 years the friends of the library gave just 4.9 million to the library for any purpose. the friends are under new leadership and at a recent library commission meeting the friends admitted in the most recent year 309,000 or 41% of its expenditures benefiting the library were restricted funds and only 441,000 were unrestricted. but restricted funds are usually bequests. and if that were typical then over the 11 years only 30% would be unrestricted.
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this means that while spending 48 million, the vast majority of what they gave the library was only what they had to give, yet the city allows this organization to sell naming opportunities in 24 city facilities without any agreement with the city. the concept of a public-private partnership is just a way for the wealthy and corporate interests to use our public institutions for their own benefit. and the public-private partnership is never evaluated, never reviewed, because lack of accountability is what they get for their money. it is because of this damage to our reservoir of social trust and social values that the lies cost more than the money. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm patrick -- in preparation for the board's hearing on the removal of sheriff mirkarimi, i have to ask whether -- i have to ask for sfgoo fgov-tv viewers
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whether this board has learned its lesson on the parkmerced deal. those amendments were introduced without sufficient public notice, prior to your vote, which the sunshine ordinance task force ruled had violated the sunshine ordinance. the task force referred four of you supervisors to the ethics commission for official misconduct and also referred the matter to the district attorney for review. ethics took the mirkarimi official misconduct case first before taking the misconduct case against you four supervisors. i have just learned that the main reason the sunshine task force was gutted was because board president david chiu was angry that the task force had referred the parkmerced matter
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