tv [untitled] September 22, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT
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the fleet, which would be kind of that midlife overhaul. typically in the transit vehicle about its halfway life there's components the manufacturers recommend you overhaul or replace. that is what's represented primarily in that rehabilitation column. two exceptions are the historic and cable cars, which are assets. we wouldn't replace them like a bus. those fall under rehabilitation, though those projects are similar to replacement of a bus. the second column shows the replacement costs where we actually take an old vehicle that's run for its entire life. replace it with a new one, then dispose of the old vehicle. that makes up the bulk of our 20-year projected cost. >> what goes into deciding
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how much of your resources go toward rehabilitation versus replacing vehicles. >> this table here is just showing that unconstrained need. just based on the recommended useful life. the mid-life overhauls and expansion. this hasn't been constrained by available resources. >> seems like when it comes to, you know, making sure our fleet is well-managed and well-maintained, it's probably cost-effective to work on maintaining the existing fleet before purchasing new buses, new vehicles. so what is in the plan term of extending life of the existing vehicles? i don't see that being as discussed so much today. i think that is a real critical need we have within the mta. >> yes. well, part of the response is that it is partially
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driven by funding sources. one of the most cost-effective ways to maintain fleet reliability is replace the fleet at the end of its useful life. we have been -- >> based on funding sources or based on what is best practices? >> it is based on best practices. it's informed the policies that guide the funding allocations both at the federal level and at the regional level through fta and through the mtc. in the last several years we have had opportunities to get kind of one-time funding sources for the rehabilitation of our fleet. we focus those on key components of our light rail vehicles and also a portion of our bus fleet as well. we are looking for opportunities to fund the rehabilitation. they are just not -- they don't come on the regular cycles through the standard
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transportation bill. they are more one-time opportunities that we look forward to to help support those. >> can you show what federal allocation from ta to mt last year? we have replacement doors then there was something in the wheel base as well. what was -- >> i don't have the specifics about that, but i believe those were for trolley coaches. the trolley coach fleet in particular, which had our lowest mien distance between failure, an industry standard in how reliable your fleet is operating. our trolley coach fleet was significantly below the standard we had set for ourselves. >> i would like to make sure as we were managing our fleet looking forward that we don't have other emergency allocations moving forward. i think that is something that as we are working on
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updating the fleet plan, the managed fleet plan, that we work hard to take that into consideration. some of the things we probably didn't fund because we made the allocation from the t.a. last year. >> thank you. the last -- at the bottom here it also shows the expansion needs for all of the modes based on that 220 vehicles. about 580 million. largely driven by the number of light rail vehicles. as i mentioned before, facilities are the other half of this investment. these do not include any enhancements or expansions to our facilities. those recommendations will be coming out of the real estate strategy i think later this fall. >> what are our facilities of -- any plans for expanding our facilities? >> that is what is coming
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out of this real estate study going on for the better part of this year. recommendations are formulated now and are supposed to be coming out with those later this fall. so we will have more information about the extent of expansion needs, what can we accommodate within our existing footprints of our existing facilities and understand what the cost of those investments would be over time. >> does the city actually -- the mta actually look at leasing facilities that might not be in the city and county. that considered part of -- on the border there's actually land that might be available where we don't see a lot of land to increase maintenance facilities in the city. >> i believe that was part of the charge of the real estate vision. i don't have that answer. >> okay. that will come out later when we have the real estate plan before us. >> sure.
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>> so the next steps, there have been a number of changes to the underlying assumptions used to generate the demand figures i showed you here today, so later this fall we will be updating our projections that the ridership projections will have recommendations from real estate to understand how much growth can we accommodate and how we are going to go about that. we will also be evaluating funding strategies. how do we get to the more staggered procurement where we are buying a smaller number of vehicles versus banking funds and going out for one large procurement and charged to have an updated fleet management plan toward the end of this year or early next calendar year. and as maria mentioned at the beginning of the presentation we will be coming back next month with an update to the five-year
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program projects that reflects the strategy i have shown you, as well as our initial request for prop k funds to procure those 57 40-foot hybrid buses, thank you. >> thank you. colleagues, any comments, questions? okay. we can go onto public comment. >> in regard to replacement of trolley coaches, one thing they should take into consideration, the mta should take into consideration is when the fliers were retired and new electric coaches came in, they were having problems with the overhead sort of thing. the new coaches did not --
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the overheads on the fliers did not accommodate head problems with the electric coaches, this sort of thing. when you bring in new electric coaches make sure the overheads for these coaches are put in properly so that you don't have a lot of breakdowns. because that's what's been happening lately. as far as the hybrids it would help immensely if you bring in ada compliant hybrids. i have mentioned this before. because on the hybrid they have on the 44, you get on the bus. the first two seats are for wheelchair passengers. if you've got a wheelchair and someone with a walker or with a cane, they've got to walk about 10, 12 feet before they can finally sit down. that is absolutely ridiculous. also the new coaches, they should also have so what they did with old coaches,
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they took down the bar next to the fair -- on the fair box. someone who is visually impaired or someone who has problem with the balance cannot hold on to anything after they pay their fair or they show the -- it is a good five feet between the fare box and seat * and i think that is wrong. they should make sure there is something people can hold onto so they can sit safely, thank you. >> thank you very much. any other members of the public who would like to comment? seeing no one come forward we will close public comment. to follow up with mr. ito. just to followup question. i just think it is important that we look how we can maximize the life expectancy of our existing
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vehicles. want to make sure they are devoting the proper resources to that from the mta with all of our available sources. so i think that is something we'd like to make sure that the mta is cognizant of moving forward. you know, we can see that. maybe an additional plan that they can look at how they are actually doing greater work toward fleet management toward rehabilitation within fleet management i think would be important to see. >> yeah, that is the type of analysis we can incorporate into this update that we will be working on the rest of this year early into next year. >> okay. thank you. that was item number ten. i would like to take a two-minute break, because we don't have a quorum. we would lose quorum. if i were to step out for a split second, i just need two minutes. be right back.
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five. let's come back to it. we have commissioner olagi, item five mostly represents her district. >> recommended approval of final report of central freeway in octavia study. this san action item. >> good afternoon, commissioners, jeff keller, senior planner in planning division. i will preserve time for your discussion and questions. this item is to present finding and recommendations of the central freeway in octavia circulation study with which the authority has been engaged for some time in partnership with our partner agencies and the community. it was funded by a planning grant from metropolitan transportation commission a number of years ago. the purpose of the study was really to take a look back since the former central freeway was replaced with new touch stone ramps at market and
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the boulevard facility, which runs through the heart of hayes valley. recommend near-term improvements and high level look of circulation and what those mean from policy and planning perspective in this key core area of this city which serves so many travel demands, whether they are local or cross-town or regional threats that are accessing the freeway goods movement. high levels of bicycles and pedestrians, lots of interesting opportunities and challenges. just to remind everyone that not only was the central freeway replaced and opened in 2005 with the new facility, octavia boulevard in addition the board of supervisors approved the market plan which called for several thousand units of new housing. if you have been on upper market you have been seeing that, now that project financing has returned, as well as several thousand new jobs through construction of new office
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space in the community. given the role of the study, the focus looked at needs in hayes valley, upper market and other parts of octavia area as well as connections to the rest of the city and the region. taking a look at what we know about the needs in the area, as we conducted the needs assessment and developed the articulation of key challenges, the boulevard project brought a lot of benefits from an urban design and land use perspective to the immediate area. we know there's a lot of issues that remain. these center around the high level of traffic that seeks to access the facility via primarily the open cell and franklin gof couplet pairs. this brings concerns about vehicle complex and motorist behavior, pedestrian safety needs and needs for bicycles. we see areas with sitting
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transit provided but significant crowding issues. who's traveling in this neighborhood, on a daily basis, quarter million with a destination but fully three times that amount are passing through the neighborhood. these are trips that affect the network but do not necessarily have an origin. these are dominated by auto trips. it is no surprise in some respects because a high majority have trip patterns not well served by transit as well as other patterns. they may not be having an end in downtown. may be from west side or east side or south bay. this is another presentation showing three-quarters is just passing through. another addition with this installed this functions as a key side to the boulevard via open cell. when it wasn't open that
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was severed and traffic was reduced significantly. when it was opened traffic grew again on the facilities but did not return to level previously present when original central freeway was installed. some travelers shifted routes, whether to ai jay september corridors such as the laguna san jose corridor, across town to state route 1, 9th and 10th. pulling this out, this is difficult especially given on a citywide basis we have experienced economic growth, population growth, which has obscured some of that impact. one of the key topics was to inform our countywide planning because so much of local and regional network touches this part of the city. the policy framework was three parts: improve circulation, focus on strategis that will shift travel alreadis to transit and nonmotorized, improve
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walkability where local trips are dominated by pedestrian, bicyclists and transit riders. under this rubric the city developed a strategy that looks at streets not only in isolation but understood they function as network and collection serving similar travel demands need to be developed as multimodal corridors with some streets playing important roles for surface-running transit; others playing a key role for the dwpment of the bicycle network such as that as we afford with street level we are thinking wholelysing tickly about how the network functions. all this is detailed in the report. i will touch a couple highlights. we recognize all our surface streets need to be safe and accessible for pedestrians. that some streets are going to serve and do serve a role for vehicular traffic but improvements need to focus on vulnerable users, particularly pedestrians. we are thinking about how
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the network as a whole functions. in terms how this boils down to the street level, some highlights. these are detailed in executive summary. on east-west streets, thinking about how do we develop corridors through the neighborhood and around the neighborhood that support community livability but key travel needs we see developing over the near medium and longer term. recognizing that turk and golden gate at the northern nd have excess capacity and opportunity to develop that as bicycle connection. mcallister serving a key muni function and recognizing roll for bicycles, paid for transit and role of 16th for traffic. spinning the axis, church and fill more serving for 22 fillmore. looking into octavia, we will delve into this
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regarding design improvements that can tweak that corridor. gulf and frankton were moving forward with the van ness and octavia market impact to deliver pedestrian improve pts, the crossing environment particularly as the key auto corridors may be implemented by brt. in the soma grid is recommendations from the ent project in coordination with long range plan core study, which the team will be -- is developing and will be presenting and chairing with you over the coming months. finally taking a look up even further away from individual streets, recognizing that this part of town, transportation issues mirror those of the city as a whole. in fact, the region as a whole. the challenge of developing a livable and sustainable way, managing automobile traffic, providing options for diverse travel patterns.
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what are programmatic and citywide strategis that can help be of -- help manage the demand in the neighborhood. this may be everything from parking management to supporting employer based measures such as shuttle services, looking at how does freeway access in the soma grid function in terms of priority for buses and high occupancy vehicles. actually improvements across the county, whether it is caltrain corridor on the eastern part. the 19th avenue corridor and the more policy based strategies such as extending the fast pass to daly city, might encourage people using this other network to make this an alternative to make their trip. we talked about street level improvements, high-level policies. i will briefly touch on some of the nearer term project opportunities the study did a little analysis on. the first is looking at the
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crosswalks, my commute through hayes valley, recognizes it iss from straiting to be walking across the street and have to cross three times to continue as a pedestrian. these are high movements that conflict. we want to be careful about openings and ensure safety was paramount. we did analysis regarding interval or phases to open those. there are significant trade-offs in some of the areas, whether it involves reducing lanes or providing a dedicated signal phase. our finding are that generally we should move forward with further design for opening the crosswalks. the highest priority would be felon golf, the least traffic. southbound golf area. you could cut that down to one lane or protect it. the good news is as these have come online some of those changes provide
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additional relief for motorists and provide alternate paths of travel for the network. we are blessed in san francisco with the grid network to help us manage some of those turn movements in a more effective way. another area we looked at was how can we make octavia function even if we are not drastically reducing traffic. there are property improvements. most are familiar with oak and octavia, eastbound traffic making a right onto southbound octavia. there are opportunities we have worked out with the mta and project team to improve pedestrian crossings, provide corner bulbs, extend medians to the northern side and look at reconfiguring oak street to east of octavia from three lanes to two. recognizing that two lanes are only that what is provided from oak, west of octavia boulevard. this would help to also
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additionally channel some of that turning traffic and potentially extend that -- those two turning lanes further westward on oak to help ease that traffic, provide for more orderly cuing and paramount improve the pedestrian environment. >> it wasn't that long ago we constructed octavia boulevard. was there an anticipation we would be making improvement so quickly to -- >> sure. >> the pedestrian areas so recently built? >> thanks for that question, mr. chair. the boulevard was one of the first of its kind in terms of facility that is replacing an elevated freeway with a contact-sensitive and neighborhood-friendly design. it was inevitable certain tweaks were going to be necessary. the order of magnitude of improvements we are talking about here are much lower than the, you know, 30 million plus it took to construct the boulevard. they are seeking to leverage growth
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opportunities happening on the corridor, leveraging impact fee revenue and also simply the disturbance of those takes place to make sure we are not making anything worse whether it is because of a curb cut for a building or for parking management. some of these tweaks, adding a corner bulb, adding a few seconds to realize a safe crossing, making sure at some locations there shouldn't be ped administration ak chew waistings and should get a green light. this is something we need to do on an ongoing basis as growth happens and how many are using the facility and what the levels of congestion are. >> thanks. >> the final area of detail analysis we conducted may seem a little remote from study area but on the expressway segment of san jose, which connects this part to the 280 freeway. this cuts right in front the bernal heights and glen park -- >> bernal cut?
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>> precisely. >> which was way back in history cut out for railroad line and eventually thought the feeder to mission freeway which fortunately was constructed. the objective in this part on a long-range basis have been anticipated by the glen park area plan but also desires and opportunities among community and city agencies to improve conditions in the nearer term. specifically focusing on the northbound segment, three lanes of traffic and very substandard bike lane at the curb. >> actually a gutter. >> yes. >> it's got paint. >> you can see a little in this picture. generally say you want to build a five-foot bike lane, the practice would be that five feet does not include that portion. it is nearly half of the right-of-way of that lane. >> it is my route. >> you are family -- familiar with it.
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>> i'm curious. >> this is something that took me a little time to wrap my head around is you have three streams of traffic coming in at that point. the off-ramp, the heaviest load. you have san jose avenue, which comes in from the left, after it dives under the freeway and the monterey ramp which connects san francisco to glennwood park to san jose. so you don't have collisions among the streams, having the three lanes allows that to happen. it is a complex issue that implies looking at not only the 280 connection but also the connection to the local streets. we looked at three options at a sketch level planning analysis. one is to signalize some of those traffic flows. the second was -- excuse me, number one on the slide would be close san jose avenue. it serves about 500 vehicles per hour so you
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would need to manage that in a different way. the second option on the slide would be to close monterey and the ramp, which serves very low traffic volume in the peak. that traffic would likely be accommodated on ther routes. these have trade offs, whether from traffic diversion or what it would do to the actually local context. among the three, the study notes monterey as most promising, maintained for bicycle or potentially as land use and corridor planning advances be dismantled. clearly further community input is needed. this part of the analysis was really just to establish at a planning level what are the possibilities and anticipate a future phase of planning work that would bring together community groups from both sides of the cut to look at this in a more detailed fashion. what are near-term opportunities and long-term
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