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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2012 10:30am-11:00am PDT

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board of supervisors as to the approval or denial of this license. police calls for service from may 2011 to may 2012 is eight. police reports from that same time period are three. this premise is located in plot 547. the high crime area is defined as 215 or more police reports in a plot. this plot has 1,637 police reports recorded for 2010. this is over the high crime definition by 1,422 police reports. applicant premises is located in high crime. this premise is located in census track 122.02. on-sale license by census track is 25, current active on-sale 34. the premises located in undue concentration area. two valid protest letters
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were received by the abc. there's no record of letters to support with the abc. there's no opposition from northern station and the police department recommends approval. the following conditions have been recommended to the abc. note of the five current conditions on the active 41 license. the police department remains silent on the first two. they are entertainment related and no longer under jurisdiction of the police department. the following active conditions have been recommended for the type 42 application. number one, there shall be no exterior advertising or signs of any kind including advertising directed to the exterior from within. promoting or indicating the availability of alcoholic beverages. interior displays of alcoholic beverages are signs clearly visible to exterior shall cons cute
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violation. two, the sale for alcoholic beverages off premises is prohibited. three, sales or con shunl shall be permit between 11 a.m. and 12 a.m. midnight sunday through thursday and 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. on fridays and saturdays. additionally the following conditions have been recommended for the type 42 application. number four, no noise shall be audible beyond the area under the control of the licensee as defined on the abc 257. loitering is defined as to idle about, linger aimlessly without lawful business prohibited on sidewalks or property adjacent to licensed premises under the control of licensee, as depicted on abc257. exterior of premise shall be equipped with lighting of sufficient power to el laoum nate and make discernible appearance and conduct of persons on or
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about the premises. * additionally the position of such lighting shall not disturb normal privacy and use of neighboring residence. the petition shall utilize -- petitioner shall utilize electronic surveillance and recording equipment able to view exit and entrance points of the exterior of the premises. the electronic surveillance recording shall be operational at all times at the premises open to the public. said electronic recording shall be maintained and kept for no less than 72 hours and shall be made available to law enforcement on demand, thank you. >> thank you. >> any questions for the department? seeing none, public comment on this item. if there is any other public comment f you could please line up, or at least raise your hand to get a sense. >> thank you. my name is kelly couch. i'm the wife of the owner of amsterdam cafe, mohamad.
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thank you for hearing us. we have an application on the recommendation of abc. we have agreed to surrender the 41 we have currently upon approval of the new type 42 license. we have also committed to our neighborhood members that we will stay in business as a full-time restaurant, as we are currently operating. we have support of community leadership alliance. we have accepted and agreed to the police conditions. our new license will allow tw to three more staff members. we just want to let you know that we have a permitted table and chair license that we have had to give up due to the loitering and we have promised the police we do not put the tables and chairs out anymore, as prevention on our behalf. thank you for the consideration of approving. >> thank you for that. mr. mcnulty.
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>> michael nulty. executive director of alliance district six. it is not every day we have three in district six on the agenda. all right. in regards to 137 geary, i want to recognize that lower polk neighbors is not for this license. i happen to be a paid member of lower polk neighbors. so, you know, i want to recognize there are other community groups besides the community leadership alliance and, you know, every group has their own opinion and does their own thing. but the applicant did come to alliance for better district six meeting, did talk to us. so we are going to remain neutral on this because we -- we also want to respect the concerns of theser community organizations when they have interests. they -- my understanding
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any problem that they currently is happening along lower polk is that there are many bars and there are tour buses and many concerns that the residents have about noise. noise abatement. we are not sure how these things impact. we will stay neutral on this. i have done several site reviews on the amsterdam. i do see people hanging out of front, so the issue of loitering is a concern of ours. we did send in a protest, but it came in late so -- our organization, so it was not registered with abc. you know, again, we are volunteer organization and sometimes we get behind on paperwork, so there would have been additional conditions we would have sought, thank you. >> thank you.
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any other public comment on this item? >> good morning again, supervisors. stefano coslano. though we don't represent them *, they are not our clients, initially they did come to us about outreach. we did encourage them to get out to the community. where they are situated tends to be a little muddy water. sometimes you get mud when you are in muddy water. however, i could see them saying this is part of the solution, not part of the problem. right now type 42 wine bars don't tend to be problematic. i have opened quite a few citywide. they tend to bring in a better clientele. somebody that is looking for something a little bit different. some of the other establishments who are type 48s or what have you tend to -- you know, there could be fights or this.
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this is not the case here. this is a husband and wife and a family trying to survive and operate a business in san francisco, deemed a tough area. i'm encouraged the police department has put down conditions they believe that will, you know, make sure there isn't any issues with the space. i also wanted to thank michael for his outreach in giving him pointers. i think if he has points he would like to recommend, although they may not go in, because it is late as recommendations, i think the owners would engage with him and listen to his advice and insight. he is an experienced guy out there. so i hope that this family could stay in business. i would hate to see these mom and pops, you know, who are struggling, you know, not run a sustainable business. so i would like for you to pass it to the board with
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recommendation. >> any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. any questions or comments? >> i do appreciate the public comment that was made and some of the concerns that neighbors have expressed. it does also sound like the proprietors are folks who are looking to help address some of the problems that have been faced in the neighborhood. i hope that that business does continue to do that. so with that i will move the item forward with the approved or recommended restrictions or conditions. >> that will be the order, without objection. mr. clerk, any other items in front of the committee? >> no others. >> seeing none, we adjourned.
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>> the public wants to access particular information about your house or neighborhood we point them to gis. gis is a combination of maps and data. not a graphic you see on a screen. you get the traffic for the streets the number of crimes for a police district in a period of time. if the idea of combining the different layerce of information and stacking them on top of each other to present to the public. >> other types of gis are web based mapping systems.
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like google earth, yahoo maps. microsoft. those are examples of on line mapping systems that can be used to find businesses or get driving directions or check on traffic conditions. all digital maps. >> gis is used in the city of san francisco to better support what departments do. >> you imagine all the various elements of a city including parcels and the critical infrastructure where the storm drains are. the city access like the traffic lights and fire hydrants. anything you is represent in a geo graphic space with be stored for retrieval and analysis. >> the department of public works they maintain what goes on in the right-of-way, looking to dig up the streets to put in a
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pipe. with the permit. with mapping you click on the map, click on the street and up will come up the nchgz that will help them make a decision. currently available is sf parcel the assessor's application. you can go to the assessor's website and bring up a map of san francisco you can search by address and get information about any place in san francisco. you can search by address and find incidents of crime in san francisco in the last 90 days. we have [inaudible] which allows you to click on a map and get nchldz like your supervisor or
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who your supervisor is. the nearest public facility. and through the sf applications we support from the mayor's office of neighborhood services. you can drill down in the neighborhood and get where the newest hospital or police or fire station. >> we are positive about gis not only people access it in the office but from home because we use the internet. what we used to do was carry the large maps and it took a long time to find the information. >> it saves the city time and money. you are not taking up the time of a particular employee at the assessor's office. you might be doing things more efficient. >> they have it ready to go and say, this is what i want. >> they are finding the same
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things happening on the phone where people call in and ask, how do i find this information? we say, go to this website and they go and get the information easily. >> a picture tells a thousand stories. some say a map welcome to the regular board of supervisors meeting. i'm supervisor chu, avalos, our clerk and we have jennifer low and scott wiseman. madam clerk, any announcements? >> yes, please silence cell phones, electronic devices. complete cards and copies of documents to be included as part of the file should
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be submitted to the clerk. item acted upon will be on the october 23rd, 2010 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you very much. would you call items one and two. >> resolution approving issuance of -- up to 502 million of the san francisco plan bonds. * item 2, ordinance appropriating 543,200,0030 of proceeds for sale of bonds to the airport commission for fiscal year 2012 * 2013. >> thank you. for this item we have kathy weiner from the airport. these came before the budget and finance last week. we made a change to the dollar amount. for that reason we had to continue these to allow for public comment. to ms. weisner to items one and two, resolution approving issuance is
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502,200,000 versus appropriation at 543,200,000. so i'm wondering if you can explain the difference. >> yes, chair chu, supervisor kim. kathy weisner. * it is my understanding the airport has prior approval on a previous sup taition that would provide the difference. i'm joined by the business finance manager at the airport. if you have specific questions about that. i also understand it is addressed in this difference and the previous approval is addressed in the budget analyst report. >> we want to make sure that is the correct amount for appropriation or issuance versus appropriation. >> it is. >> thank you. to the budget analyst s there anything else you would add to this? * >> thank you. madam chair, supervisor kim, only that we recommend approval. >> thank you. why don't we open these up for public comment?
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are there members wishing to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a motion to send these forward with recommendation. we will do that without objection. thank you very much. item 3, please. >>the clerk: resolution authorizing the office of contract administration to enter into fifth amendment between the city and san francisco and en pointe technology sales. >> thank you. would you call items four and five. >> item four, resolution authorizing office of contract administration to enter into fifth amendment between city and county of san francisco and xtech to 67,890,000. item five, resolution authorizing city office of contract administration to enter into third amendment between city and cct technologies contract limits to $34,460,000. >> thank you. for these three we have bill jones.
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>> good morning, supervisors. bill jones, office of contract administration purchasing. today i'm here to request your approval of these three resolutions for amendments to the technology store products contracts with computer land, en pointe and xtech. with your approval these will increase contract not to exceed limits, extend term by one year to december 31st, 2013 and update standard contractual clauses. the requested increases are for computer will have an, 9,970,000 to 4,463,000. to en pointe, 15,660,000 to not to exceed new amount of
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$54,150,000. for extech, 16,400,000, not to exceed 67,890,000. oca calculated these requested increases based on average expenditures from january 2, 09 to july 2012 and extrapolated the end of the new contract term as december 31st, 2013. we included a two-month contingency. short background of the technology store, it is a program that provides departments with prequalified vendors which provide a wide range and variety of i.t. products and services at competitive prices and in a timely manner. the vendors were selected through a competitive process. the original contracts were approved by the board of supervisors by resolution in december 2008. the contract terms starting
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january 1st, 2009 was for three years with two one-year options to extend. one option to extend has been exercise and current term ends this december 31st 2012. this is made up of amendments before you and a micro setaside program. vendors compete within the technology store. these are requirements contracts, meaning they are available to city departments on an as-needed basis. the contract value is an administrative cap, not a commitment by the city to spend that amount. rather departments may order from any of the vendors using departmental funds that have been improved by the board of supervisors in the budgetary process and certified by the controller. oca intends to conduct a new competitive process for the technology store in 2013 and to develop new
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contracts to replace the expiring contracts prior to the december 31st, 2013 term. given the estimated values, oca would be returning to the board of supervisors after that process with resolutions to seek its approval for new contracts over $10 million. i'm available for your questions, supervisors. >> thank you. just as you mentioned, the contract has two abilities or two times we can actually extend the contract. this will be the last of the two. >> this will be the last of the two. >> was oca planning to do and will plan a new rfp process? >> definitely. we plan that for 2013 so new contracts would be in place. >> thank you. why don't we go to the budget analyst report. >> thanks. madam chair and supervisor kim, as you know, all of these increased expenditures are subject to board of supervisors appropriation approval. we have reviewed the
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calculations of the oca. we concur for increased amounts and recommend you approve resolutions. >> thank you. why don't we open these for public comment. are there members of the public who wish to speak on item 3, item 4 or item 5? seeing none, public comment is closed. do we have a motion to send item 3, 4, 5 forward with recommendations? >> yes. >> we have a motion to do that. we can do that without objection. item 6, please. >> item number 6. resolution approving and authorizing an amendment to the lease of the union square garage. >> thank you very much. we have both from mta on this item. >> thank you, supervisors, for hearing this item. what is before you is an amendment to the lease of the union square garage or uptown corporation between recreation park department and the uptown parking corporation. it is required because, as you know, the mta redeemed
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the outstanding revenue bonds on four of our nonprofits. and as part of that redeeming that the prior leases were no longer effective. so we have to enter into a new lease or as two of the garages have chosen is enter into an advisory capacity, not a lease. out of the four nonprofits, two of the nonprofits will no longer continue to have a lease structure but uptown, which includes center stockton managed by the mta and union square will continue to have a lease. japan center, which did not have outstanding debt also wanted to continue a lease. so this amendment before you gives us 180-day window to come back to you with a new negotiated lease without the bond debt service but bond issues associated with that new
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lease. we be back before you along with recreation park department in 180 days from the board of supervisors approval for you to approve a new lease with uptown corporation as well as japan center. so i will be happy to answer questions. i think the budget analyst did a good job about summarizing. we agree with the recommendation and have sent you revisions to both resolution and the loose to have a termination -- 180-day termination rather than a month-to-month provision, so we are okay with that. >> okay. >> last, i want to say there is somebody from uptown, if you have questions for the uptown corporation. >> thank you. i see we have representatives from reck park here. >> katy is here too. >> additional comments from either department? why don't we go to the budget analyst report on this. >> madam chair and supervisor kim, the uptown parking corporation is reimbursed for actually cost to manage the union
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square garage and is shown in table three on page six of our report. the corporation management cross of 135,600 in fiscal year 11-12. that is included in the 2.6 million worth of operating and management costs as shown in attachment one on page ten of our report. on page seven of our report we point out that on june 9th, 2011 the controller issued a report which found that leasing garages to nonprofit corporations is unnecessarily costly to the city. that is further exexplained on page 7 of our report. page nine our conclusion is given controller's june 9th, 2011 report finding that uptown corporation -- uptown pamper incorporation would be the only nonprofit corporation whose bonds
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were redeemed, which would continue in its current role of managing city-owned garages and that the mta and rpd have decided to move forward to negotiate a new lease with uptown park corporation for the union square garage and that the estimates of annual savings are 102,600, if the mta managed the union square instead of uptown parking corporation. for all those reasons we consider approval of this legislation to be a policy matter for the board. we do recommend that you amend the resolution to impose that 180-daytime limit as ms. sinali has indicated. >> thank you very much. i believe the 180 days is 180 days counting down from the time when the board passes the resolution is that correct? >> yes, supervisor. that is correct. >> why don't we open this
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up for public comment, if there are no questions. are there any members of the public who wish to speak on this item, number six? seeing none, public comment is closed. so we have an amendment that would impose the 180 days. the amendments are before us. basically in the front it talks about that the uptown parking corporation to continue lease for period not to exceed 180 days. and of course that is also reflected in the text of the legislation on page two, lines 8 and 9. also to add, not to exceed 180 days. on page two, line 22, to also insert the same language, for a period not to exceed 180 days. let's see. finally on page three there is language on line three and four so it reeds lease and create new advisory body to replace corporation within 180 days from the
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date the board of supervisors approves the proposed lease amendment. finally, just to read into the record on page four, lines seven through nine will have an additional further resolve that reads further resolve the board of supervisors authorizes an amendment to term of lease amendment for period not more than 180 days from the date lease amendment is approved by the board of supervisors. okay. do we have a motion to accept those? we have a motion to accept those. we can do that without objection. to the item as amended. do we have a motion? okay. we have a motion to forward the item as amended to the board with recommendation. we can do that without objection. thank you. item seven. >> item number seven, resolution authorizing the san francisco department of public help to accept expended grant in the amount of $747,833. >> thank you. i believe we have