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tv   [untitled]    September 24, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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corrected by the superintendent? >> none. >> any items removed for first reading by the board? >> any items severed by the board or superintendent for discussion for tonight? >> seeing none, since i am to jump right over to the vote for the consent item here. and go to 0. vote on the consent calendar has been moved under section f, so roll call? >> lee? >> yes. >> wo ng. >> yes. >> fewe r. >> yes. >> mendoza. yes. >> merosy. >> aye. >> and wynn. >> aye. >> i am going to go ahead and i
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am just do a p, also, consent calendar for board and discussions in the media action, there were none, so p is done. >> i am going back to h, now. >> this is a superintendent proposals, held for speakers cards and action, none tonight. item i, board members proposal. speaker cards and action, none tonight. >> requests to speak regarding general matters. i have 8 speakers here, i don't know if we have any more?
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i think that this is a group and i will give this each speaker a minute and a half. joanna hag? josh verm it. jeniffer bishop, michael george, sherry beesley, gilian phillip, amy hagen, christen balmgardner. so you have a minute and a half. and i have one more speaker after that which is unrelated to this and i will call you up when they are finished. >> okay. let me get adjusted here. don't count the minute now because i thought that i had two minutes. hello, my name is johanna hagg
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and my daughter is in fourth grade. she started actually her fifth year and started in kindergarten and has been having a wonderful time attending ever since. and ever since we started at new traditions it has always been a very caring, collaborative school full of joyful learners. i have served myself on the sse board for two years there on the pta for three and last year as the president. and i can tell you a new traditions like all schools has faced challenges. i have also seen how well the school has worked together. with our fabulous wonderful principle. the teachers, the wonderful staff and the wonderful community of parents and children that we have. recently, at the school, a new teacher came to new traditions to teach the 3/4 split. >> excuse me for a second and i will not take away from your minute and a half.
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>> i should do this all of the time. if i knew it was a particular staff member, >> yes. >> we don't mention names. >> that is correct. >> that is why i said teacher >> i appreciate it. i want to make sure that we are clear. >> thank you for reminding. >> yes, a new teacher, came to our school to teach the 3/4 split at new traditions, since then we have seen our children go from joyful learners to being bored, unengaged, angry, shamed and even afraid. when my own daughter when i was driving her to school burst into tears and i pull the car over and said what is wrong? and she said i am not learning anything and i am afraid that i am going to flunk fourth grade and i am really afraid. this is unacceptable and we are here because we want to take action. and my fellow parents and my
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community are here to share their experiences as well. many of us have observed the classroom and all of the information that we are going to give you comes directly from experiences that we are hearing from our children. >> my name is crist tin bomgardner my daughter is also in the 3/4 split at new traditions she is also a very enthuse as stick learner and she is a gate student for the first time this year. and i just wanted to say that i kept in with the teacher as school began, new teacher and a parent checking to make sure there is anything to do to help my husband and i helped to set up parts of the classroom and every time that i would check in, any questions about curriculum or what the students
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were learning was quickly pushed aside and there was much talk about how the children are coming along so well. and sitting still and keeping their desks straight. so i asked my daughter who had not brought home any homework after two and a half weeks of fourth grade. no homework. what are you learning? what is going on? and she said, it is... i hate it. it is horrible, it is chaotic and there is no learning going on, it is just a lot of sitting around and waiting for everyone to settle down. so i am here... i did apply for to switch my daughter to another school. all of us have spoken to the principal and provided letters and we are here out of great respect for unified school district and we have had nothing but good experiences for our family, we have had nothing but good experiences. so, we are hoping that you can listen to our concerns, thank
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you. >> hi, there, josh, and my son is in the same class. i warked hord to get my son in the new traditions his brother has been there for the last three years and i see it to be an involved community with caring and talented children it was a 2012 california distinguished school and i am excited to be a part of it. this is the fourth week of school and this is our experience, no homework and little indication of what is dot. i seen infrequent work sheets that are not corrected. reports about the ininstruction in class include mention of drugs, blood, death, bullets a gun, and the rich verses the poor. he has told me that the teacher has sometimes said that parents go away and don't come back. i find that to be inappropriate. back to school night, we asked the teacher about our concerns, the next day in class she told
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the students that they should not tell bad things to the parents because it makes him feel bad. i feel telling my son or a child not to tell something to their parents is a breach of trust there has to be i can't even think of it. >> the teacher told the students that their room is filthy and has rodent droppings in it. whether or not that is true, that is something that the children should not be involved in, it is inappropriate. and several times he has made the children clean their own desks and he had to hold his breath. and he can't do his work because the teacher and confusing and speaks too much about the rules. the incomplete work sheets support this and confusion. he reports there is a good, bad list and students are scared in the classroom. the teacher walked by him after school one day and told him not to kick him. disturbances that everybody has to stop. a classroom run by fear and confusion where there is no
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leadership and to be blunt i am concerned about my son's safety and happiness. and this teacher has been only with us for three weeks, yet we have seen so many inappropriate choices, there is no (inaudible) that the teacher remains in the classroom. we would like him to be removed. >> hi, sherry beesley and i have two children at new traditions elementary school. like my fellow parents i am intimately involved in the classroom. my children have always enjoyed school and with the addition of this teacher my daughter does not want to go to school. she is asking to be staying home, she is bored and unchallenged and she is told that she is often to ask fourth grader works while the third graders learn to control their bodys. the social, emotional issues that are happening in the classroom. she feels hum mill ated by the list of good and bad. when she is not on the good
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list, she has asked the teacher what has she done wrong and he gives for guidance and no explanation, so she is feeling very unmotivated. he asked the students one day who has a problem with me and what is the problem? as they raised their hands he became defensive and angry and shut the conversation down, the next day he told the students that if they said bad things to their parents he would say bad things about them. so my daughter fears retribution in the classroom if she speaks to her parents, i really believe that the irreversible damage has been done to my child. he has broken the trust with me as the parent and lost the respect of my daughter and the best solution at this point is for him to be removed. it is inrek son silable. >> good evening, julian phillip a proud parent of a third grader in the same class. i echo the same sentiments that my friends and colleagues have mentioned. i am very concerned for my son,
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he is a very bois ter yus and happy student and he has described the class as boring, scary, violent, upsetting, and he is very nervous about going to school. he has cried about going to school which has never been the case. he is not a kid that is scared of anything but he is afraid of the classroom. two examples where he has talked about at home is the bad list and the good list. the first day of school he was asked to stand up as an example of a good student. and his name is put on the board in the good list. two weeks later he was put on the very bad list. he was asked to stand up and he was pointed as an example as a very bad student. so when i asked him, why was he put down as a very bad student he could not give any description of why. and i asked him again, why was he give an example of a good student and he was clearly and equally confused of why he was as a good student.
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i noticed back to school night that the teacher had put the curriculum up on the board and it was in how i presieved it as work on one side of the board and work that was kind of incomplete on the other so, again, the same thing with the good and the bad it was separating the students out into the good and bad students which is very concerning to me and the other thing that he has talked about is the homework assignments are very confusing and we have homework packet back a couple of days ago and i will stop there. >> thank you. >> my daughter is in the same class, the main thing that i want you to know is that i am concerned for my daughter's safety while being in the presence of her teacher. i arrived last wednesday to pick up my daughter at 3:30 at the pick up time to find that she was nowhere with the class
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and when i approached the teacher to ask where she was, he shrugged his shoulder and said that he did not know. i spent ten minutes after school looking for my daughter with no assistance from him and when i came after she was located by another student, i actually had to enlist the help of office administration to locate her and when i brought her back and said this is a problem for me and i am concerned that the fact that you did not know where my child was and that you did nothing to help find her. he said, she should have stayed with the group. and i found that to be inexcusable and scared for her safety. i don't want my child out on a field trip anywhere with this teacher with this attitude. and so i just wanted... that is basically my main point and thank you for your time. >> my name is michael gorgus
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and my daughter and my son also go to the same school. my daughter is in the 3/4th class. she has always been a very excellent student. she has exceled at school and enjoys the homework and enjoys school and loves going to school and could not wait for summer to get over to go to school. for three weeks she has become increasingly sad, she started to cry. she does not want to go to school any more. she is disengaged from the classroom and does not want to learn any more. at her back to school night, we asked the teacher what the curriculum was he was unable to explain his plan for the curriculum. he was unclear on how to implement the new curriculum with his old curriculum. he said that he had not taught this class before and it is very apparent. it appears very ruterless and my daughter is not learning anything any more and does not want to go to school.
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>> we feel his teacher methods are extremely inappropriate. on the first day of school, my daughter was asked to write a list of worries. the sixth worry on the list was a class is boring. he apparently knew at that point where this was going. my wife has just left for a week-long trip and in talking about it with our daughter the teacher said sometimes parents like to follow their dreams. they really go because they want to take their dreams and then they don't come back because you were sad. >> the last thing that i want to say, is that and this is her quote, i am discussing inference with the teacher. teacher said, if she saw a man lying on the street the clues that he is dead is that there is a bullet shot through him, blood, not moving and you find a bullet laying on the floor. my wife and i had made the decision today to pull our daughter to pull her from the
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school after she cried for the fifth time. we love the school and appreciative of the school district but we told this teacher on the back to school night that we would take action and this has been our action is to remove our daughter from school and find other opportunities there is nothing that she is learning in class and there is no benefit. it has only been detrimental. we are sorry to report this in a school that has otherwise been fantastic. thank you. >> may i have ten more seconds to discuss this document? >> no. >> i really appreciate that you guys have kept it to the time and we heard the message. superintendent? >> i also want to thank the parents for coming this evening. what i would like to offer is our assistant superintendent that supervises new, tradition is here and chief of human resources. i would ask if you could meet with them. they will take you outside and
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get more information from you. but thank you for coming this evening >> one more speaker. (inaudible) green wood. >> you have two minutes. >> my name is nesitaria green wood and i guess that my problem is unrelated. sorry about that. i signed up for my son to be enrolled in three schools, you know how you sign your child up for admittance and well basically my thing is my son is still not enrolled. i have been in the 555 franklin on numerous occasions and talked to numerous people, cried my eyes out, practically pulled my heart out, but my son is still not enrolled. my problem is that i want him
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to go to actis because it is close to me. they enrolled him in the valley and he has a violent background, he went to sheriton he was a witness to a shooting at that school. so i want him to be close to me and in the valley i live in the (inaudible) district. and the valley (inaudible) is like, it is a safety issue in my case, because of the things that is going on and my son and his cousin, was on the bus one time and the cousin is no longer alive because in that same day, in the district, my cousin was pulled off the bus and murdered. my thing is that i don't want my son in the valley and no one is trying to help me get my son enrolled in a school. like i said he has been through a lot already and i am a single mother with two other kids and i need my son in school and it is going on almost a month no
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one has called me back i can't keep crying because i can see how people feel picked on and i don't know, i feel defeated. but i want my son in school and it is very important and i need some help, some kind of feedback because there is nowhere for me to go and no one is trying to help me. i can't keep coming down here because it is hard. i am in school myself. i am trying to make a better life for my son but i don't have no help. so can i get some? >> hold on a second. superintendent richard a. carranza could you have somebody speak to miss green wood? >> yes. president yee, i am going to ask you to speak with my chief of staff lora moran so she can get your contact information and some details and then, we will make sure that somebody follows up with you first thing in the morning. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. so that is the end of the
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public speakers. we are going to go to k, advisory committee reports appointments to the committees by the board members. are there any tonight? >> the student delegate megan wong. >> i like to reappoint angelina way to (inaudible). >> are there any others? >> seeing none, let's move on to item m. discussion of other educational issues. called superintendent richard a. carranza this is the university of california san francisco science and health education partnership 2012 high school summer intern program. >> great, thank you, president yee. and i am so excited to see this. i like to invite katherine neilson and she will have the honor to introduce our special
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guest. in a brief intro i have the honor of attending a presentation in a summer program, where we have our own students conducting high-level scientific research. and when i mean high level, scientific research. and i am in the middle of writing a dissertation and they lost me. and how they do it and to actually have tangible results with something that i thought not only the board but our community needed to see. so with that, i am very happy to welcome katherine neilson who is the co-director and she will take it from there. >> thank you, all. good evening, my name is katherine neilson and i co-direct. i am pleased to be here at the request of superintendent richard a. carranza and i am honored to share our work with all of you. as you all know, ucsan
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francisco and sfusd have a long history of working together. it is greatly committed to its community and has been working with fsusd for a long time. our particular effort and the science and education partnership is now 25 years old. each year with the staff of ten people, we support more than 250 csf partners and volunteers and students teachers. they spend more than 10,000 hours working in 90 percent of the district schools each year. and that annually results in about 4,000 students getting to know ucsf scientists and these scientists coming into the classrooms are not guest lecturers but rather the students participate in a series of hands-on science lessons that are led by the scientists and the teachers together. and just a couple of things that we have seen from these partnerships, when we ask middle and high school
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students, what surprised them about the scientists that came to their classrooms, these are some of their most common responses. one, they were surprised that they were women. so, even today, people still assume that scientists are men. two, they were surprised that the scientists looked like them. and this goes to that ucsf scientists are from many different ethic backgrounds and people assume today that scientists are white. and then the third thing that they often share with us is they are surprised that the scientists were nice. yes, we will let you make your own conclusion about that finding. >> so but what we feel is that by changing their perception of scientists these students can see themselves as a scientist in the future. >> our newest and highest
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profile is the bay area science festival and this is bringing excitement of sciences to the community, beyond the schools. we launched it last fall. it is a ten-day celebration of science we expect about 25,000 people to be there doing free hands on science i want to give you a brief overhaul and we want to celebrate the high school program as superintendent richard a. carranza described and i am so pleased to share this program with you. each summer, 20 sfusd students who have just finished their jr. year come to conduct biomedical reach, while they also learn about making a transition to college. unlike most other intern programs in the country, we seek students who are not
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necessarily already on the college path. we work closely with the high school teachers and ask them to nominate students who are talented and have potential but may not fully see that in themselves. we are looking for students in whom the program will make a critical difference in their lives. and what we have found is of the 200 students who have been interns in our program, more than 90 percent have gone on to college when only 50 percent would be expected to based on their parents' educational background. 80 percent of those students earned bachelor's degrees. and 90 percent get a degree beyond bachelor. that is far beyond the national average irrespective of their parents background. particularly in reaching students who are under represented in the sciences. we were honored last year with the presidential award for
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excellence in science, math, and engineering mentoring, the nation's highest honor. but what these numbers and award cannot tell you have the personal fight of what it is like to be an intern in our program. so to do that i am very pleased that we have chelsey stewart a senior in high school here with us tonight and before she begins, let me say that each of you has a blue folder with a lot of information about our programs and on the second, on this side, the second page is a copy of her research poster. okay? and there is also a picture of her, yes, exactly. there she is. >> good evening, i am a senior at walenburg high school. i am from san francisco and grew up in a baby district where i have seen various things that my nation faces.
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the shipyard and the children at risk for asthma and the lack of produce accessible. i have experienced first hand the inconvenience and the absence of a local healthcare provider. after experiencing these experiences i have decided to become a pediatrician and educate on the importance of health. i was asked in participating in a program this summer and that in some way would enhance my experience in the medical field. thus i was elated to be nominated for this program by my physiology teacher. she told me that only three people out of her 50 students would be nominated and motivated me from the start because she had faith in me that i out of 50 students had the potential to be accepted to this program. i put my best foot forward and was accepted to the program.
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>> during this internment i worked in a lab that focused on auto immune disease, it is a disease in which a individual's immune system attacks the body. common diseases include arthritis and type i diabetes. my lab focused on the diseases such as ms. and we focused on neuro myelitis a disease in which it attacks the optic nerves and can cause blindness and paralysis my goal was to find out why the system worked against itself to cause complications these findings would help the scientist and doctors better understand how other auto immune diseases work. we mimic the disease in life. we injected the mice with proteins to identify the exact protein that would trigger a
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response to identify the exact part of this protein that is responsible for causing the auto immune disease. through this research, i have learned to be extremely independent. my mentor allowed me to partake in every aspect of the research even retraining the mice as they had bowel, movements during the injection, during it all, the relationship that i shared with her as she aided me in the techniques that she performed daily. to this day i cannot believe that i worked alongside the scientists and was able to actually help the lab as a high school student. more i presented my results in both the research topic and a poster session much like scientists do. the growth and knowledge that i have gained from this internship will forever inspire me to per severe for the return of intelligence and satisfaction and to know that