tv [untitled] September 25, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am PDT
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understood]. take a quick opportunity to thank our superstar anthony adams who has knocked every single project we have funded. and you'll see the benefits of that hopefully next month in a sneak preview. just want to remind folks watching, this is a lot of information. the powerpoint is available at our website at along with tables detailing each project. then other authority staff and mta staff are here if you have any questions. and lastly, this comes full circle. next month there will be a presentation on the district 6 project. but also a huge group of city-wide projects, a lot of munich re hactionv thaition and projects such as commissioner wiener was talking about we will cover next month. that will be it for today. >> thank you, maria. ben supka, planning authority. i want to point out we have the district 5 and 7 lists available today and they were
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included enclosures with your packet. the list is more detail than i can go into in the presentation. i want to remind you these are active projects in the district. we leave projects off the list that were completed six months ago just so you know. so, we have a quick map of the projects in the district. i just want to point out that as you can see we've separated projectses broadly by project type and they're mapped out here in the district. * and then we're going to do an update of just a few of the authority-led efforts that were both in district 5 and district 7 and we'll get into the mta and dpw projects. central freeway studies, it was adopted today. so, unless there are other questions i'll move to the next item. venice vrt, we reported that in the executive director's report and that answers commissioners questions. i'll move on to that as well. the geary vrt project, quickly we completed the most recent round of outreach.
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we're currently incorporating the feedback we received from that outreach, prepping for the full environmental impact statement and refining other design. we're in the workshop stage right now. and we have that project manager if there are specific questions about geary. moving to the mta and dpw projects, one of the key projects in district 5 is a bike improvement project. this project is environmental review and design is underway. the project [speaker not understood] a $350,000 bicycle project to a complete streets project including curb ball, traffic calming and traffic management items. it's about $1.3 million project that happened after the planning process. again, this is to provide connections on -- bike connections on fallen oak and pan handle and key connections across the city. construction is planned to start in the spring. remainder of funding will be from the [speaker not
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understood]. the next project we have is the [speaker not understood]. this is about five different bicycle projects and match the bicycle [speaker not understood]. two in district 5, south street and masonic, and the market and valencia street intersection, this pays for the design of the intersection. this is to improve the left-hand turn from market street onto valencia. the next slide is the construction phase of that project and this is a really good example of how the prop k funds and transportation fund for clean air and other types of fund sources and other agencies worked together. this is the funded portion of that project. the project is just completing design. i understand dpw and nto are working throughv some issues with the granite curb. there is a granite curb on market street that makes it a little more complicated, but construction is planned to start in october of next month. a few pedestrian safety projects in the drifted.
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there is a sliver of district 5 that hits 19th avenue. there are two pedestrian signals. these are pieces of the pedestrian signal that beep and chirp and also have warnings for people with disabilities to cross the street. this was funded -- this was in the design fade and was funded through prop k allocation in april. * phase the design is expected to be completed at the edv of this year and construction in 2014. the clayton traffic cowving project is a planning project. this project is for the ashbury heights neighborhood. the project has been cleared environmentally. it is going through the internal agency review. expected to come forward to the mta board in november. so, in just a few months for approval. again, this is the planning portion of the traffic calming project and they are identifying things like speed humps, curb balls, things of that nature in that area.
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masonic avenue, the project is environmentally cleared through sequa. the current cost estimate is $18 million. we understand there is a good possibility we'll be seeing this project, application for the one bay area grant program. i also want to point out that as the mta board approved all the necessary legislative changes on september 18, this project is moving forward. traffic calming, we found a broad range of traffic calming projects every few years, 80 to 90 projects. this is just a few that were in the district. these are completed, speed humps 17th avenue and pedestrian visibility improvements along soma. the visibility curves, this is another kind of standard city-wide project. and i believe the board earlier in the prop k allocation requests approved the next
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batch of the visibility curbs throughout the district in the city. three single projects, new single contracts, 61, is in design, [speaker not understood] between masonic and ashbury street and another flashing beacon at post octavia. it should be complete in september 2013. a year from now starting construction 2014. this is recent i believe we did the allocation a few months ag very recent. single modification, as opposed to new signal contractor, this is modifications generally adding pedestrian signals or turn phases, things of that nature. several of those are in the district. we did have a small delay in this project in the design phase, but we're back on track. and the project should be completed by the -- the design portion of the project should be completed by the end of this year. this is going in before the major masonic upgrade project.
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design should be completed by june of 2013, construction completed by september of 2014. again, this is an upgrade for the pedestrian signal extending [speaker not understood], things of that nature. finally new signal contract, these are brand-new traffic signals. the construction is near completion. i believe they're what we call punch list items. the signals aren't up and activated and moving forward we should be seeing a close out from this fairly soon. franklin and goff improvement, this is to install a suite of traffic signal improvements along the full extent of franklin and goff. goff is currently completed. and franklin street is about 97% complete and the design, they're looking to move forward the construction contract very soon. that will be coordinated with full repaving of franklin street and installation of pedestrian [speaker not understood] along the full franklin street corridor.
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final project reporting on district 5 is a market haight street transit program. [speaker not understood]. the main portion of this project is to create a two-way street -- two-way haight street between laguna and market. this is to improvement the operations of the 71 haight and the [speaker not understood] so it does include spending the facility of the [speaker not understood] trolley coach. we have to add new overhead wires in. it can be expensive to do that, but it is a good improvement. like i said, it's moving almost to the end thev conceptual engineering phase. it is anticipated to be complete at the end of january 20 136789 final design should be completed after that, completing december 2013. moving into construction june of 2014 and completing may of 2015. the total project cost did increase quite a bit from the original grant for this project. this project is supported by a
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regional transportation for livable communities grant and also some redirection of seeing block grant funds from the 2nd street project as well as some other mta funds. it is fully funded, but the cost increase came from looking back at the overhead work that needed to be done for the project as well as other items. project also includes -- i wish i had a better schematic for you -- a lot of improvements at the market, goff, haight intersection, both intersections across market street. i believe that is it for district 5. shall i move on? >> unless there are any questions. okay, great. >> we have three authority projects to give you an update on 7. >> hello, [speaker not understood] transportation planner. i'll talk about three of the efforts that the authority is heavily involved in this morning. first starting with what we're
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callingedth 19th avenue transit corridor, transit study for short. this is looking at exploring how to move the m oceanview and light rail line from the median of 19th avenue where it runs today to the west side, together with separating the crossings of the light rail makes of 19th avenue so we can get the light rails and the traffic to reduce the conflicts between them. we're also looking at ways we can improve nonmotorized transportation in the bay if we're able to move the light rail to the west side, what does that do to pedestrian accessibility as well as bus operation. this effort is being coordinated with recently approved land use and transportation plan. we're looking at how to extend the benefit of having a west side alignment beyond park merced here. we have produced some initial study products, including
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planning goals [speaker not understood] as well as existing conditions so we can understand in more detail really what happens to the [speaker not understood] light rail as well as traffic volumes in the area and pedestrian activity. and we started the process of developing some preliminary concepts for how we could do that light rail shift to the west side. do we go over 19th avenue, do we go under 19th avenue, where do we go over and where do we go under and how do we come up. we continue to screen out these preliminary concepts together with our partners, and we expect to bring some concepts to the community later this fall. this is kind of a project looking at a medium to long-term implementation. we're looking at at least 10 years out or so. which is different from the next effort more of a shorter
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term effort to improve 19th avenue. this is the 19th avenue build out project. this project is in the environmental and caltrans current state. i say caltrans state department of transportation which retains design jurisdiction over 19th avenue which serves as state route 1. so, we have to get approval from caltrans to do any changes to 19th avenue. and this project is looking to implement pedestrian corner build outs as well as transit build out along intersections -- at intersections along 19th avenue. this project is being coordinated with sfmta transit effectiveness project. it is looking at ways to improve bus travel time and reliability performance on bus lines in san francisco including 19th avenue. that is looking at a number of options to improve bus services, including making
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changes to the bus stops. and, so, this effort is coordinating with tep's effort to change the bus stop along 19th avenue and our project, we're taking care of the caltrans clearance that's needed to make those changes. we believe that this phase will be concluded around december 2013. we understand that the current tep schedules summer fall 2013 to come to the end of their environmental process. we will try and dovetail and make sure we're ready to move forward in lockstep when that project moves forward. the last study i'll talk about that we're heavily involved in in this area is the balboa park station area recreation study that came up before. i think it's on people's minds. understandably, the station is one of the busiest stations in san francisco.
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it's often the busiest bart station outside of downtown san francisco. it's got three light rail lanes, notable bus lines. and there are currently some issues with pedestrian access and transit op -- operations at the station. there have been previous efforts to look at improving the station and there are improvements that are on the way. some improvements that have already been done, such as the west side walkway project. and more that are on the way. but there is still room for improvement. this study, the circulation study that we are managing, is looking at ways to improve the overall circulation of the area. we think that one issue that hasn't been looked at in detail before is the issue of can we rearrange some of the circulation in the area relating specifically to how the vehicles access to and from i-2 80 at ocean and [speaker not understood] avenues and whether we can reduce some of the conflicts those vehicles
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are having with bus operations and pedestrian access. so, this study has also produced some initial products including planning those framework and existing conditions. we're in the process of generating preliminary concepts that include thinking about ways that we can modify the interchange system. for instance, can we close one or more ramps and, therefore, reduce the conflicts with buses that are accessing the station there. we intend to do some further consideration of these concepts and we'll be ready to share some of these ideas with the public probably in the winter of this year. and that concludes the presentation on these studies and i'll turn the presentation back to dan. >> thank you. >> okay, thank you, chester.
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i will make haste. so, in district 7 we have john muir bike lanes, buffered bike lane facility installation in october of 2012. 19th avenue median improvements moving into construction. this is construction of local median plantings along 19th avenue from lincoln way to wawona. the west portal [speaker not understood] these are both -- dewey traffic calming project [speaker not understood]. the projects were a bit delayed but they were delayed so they could be coordinated with each other. they are both moving forward at this point. there are several traffic calming projects in district 7, over 30 from seven difficult aren't traffic calming plans. we provided the maps with all the plans and the status of all the specific small improvements within your packets [speaker not understood]. the majority of the project should be near completion by the end of this year.
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pedestrian refuge island, this is complete, 19the avenue pedestrian signal, same project as district 5. continental crosswalk conversion, this is a small project that is at the end of design at this point. signal projects, over the majority of these are the same contracts that i described from district 5. probably most interesting, two new traffic signals recently activated in district 7, action avenue and ocean avenue and capital avenue and ocean avenue. again, these are activated. the final project we want to highlight in district 7, the relocation and public [speaker not understood] transit oriented development. this is moving the current loop project overhead line loop behind the fire station at the corners, you see kind of the red circulation pattern there. and in its place putting in an affordable housing site. to the west of the new phelan loop area is a public [speaker not understood]. this is funded by a combination
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of regional and federal funds, the federal funds program by the authority. >> commissioner avalos has a quick question about this one. >> a really quick question. i think this is a great opportunity for transformation of this area of the city. i just want to make sure that we're really cognizant about how to improve the bike pathways through here. right now bikes come off the hollow way bike path onto lee and if we want to go onto phelan, we have to take a left on ocean avenue which is really dangerous because all the cars are converging at that point. i want to make sure we can consider moving up across ocean on lee and coming into the parking lot of perhaps the new site that is being developed or into the parking lot of city college to actually access phelan through that way rather than getting on ocean avenue. i think it isv' a really great opportunity that shouldn't be missed as we're moving forward on transit improvement.
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>> sure. and i know they are going through some extensive community outreach right now so we'll get back to the project manager and talk to him about that. >> commissioner olague did you have a question about that? >> [inaudible]. we can wait till it's over. >> i think they're wrapping up. >> it's over. >> okay. so, commissioner olague. >> okay. i guess getting back to the masonic fix, 18 million, i think 9 million has been identified. has the other 9 million been identified yet to fund the project? >> i'm getting a no. >> okay. >> so, we're expecting to see this project for the one bay area grant. so, that will be competing in that grant program and we'll be looking at that funding source and other possible local sources [inaudible]. >> good afternoon, commissioners. jonathan rivers with the mta. so, we've been working with the authority for a couple months on a full funding plan for masonic.
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it is a very significant project here in the city of san francisco and it's one of our major complete street projects where we want to come in and try to do everything. there is a component, the resurfacing component that is being funded through the proposition b bond. the $18 million project, though, is those additive complete streets streetscape improvements. we have funded the environmental phase and that's moving forward, just recently completed the mta board improved legislation associated with the project last tuesday. so, now comes the hard part. we have tried through numerous different programs to try to fund the detail design phase which is the next step of the project to continue to move us forward. i think in the next couple of months, the one bay area program specifically is our best opportunity to fund this project. we are going to continue to try to move to fund the next phase, which is detail design which is a couple million dollars. so, this is the next generation of street projects, bike and
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pet projects, completely separated graded lanes. it is a little bit more expensive than paint and takes a little more engineering, but we are continuing to move forward with the project. >> okay, thank you. also with the geary vrt, one of the issues that kept coming up was i guess it's the very costly, but it's one that i'm committed to seeing also and that is filling in the bridge because a lot of people feel that, you know, it's sort of symbolic of the separation and divide between that community and the rest of the other parts of the city. so, where are we with that? >> good afternoon, [speaker not understood] transportation planner. * chester i believe the commissioner is referring to the fillmore intersection that is currently separated and the idea of filling that grade separation. so, it's actually all running at the surface. where we are with respect to the geary bus rapid transit
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corridor bus and how it relates to that, we've been doing some engineering work to really figure out what the options are for running the buses through that area, whether we run it in the existing tunnel or we run them on the sides or as commissioner suggested, filling the fillmore intersection. the geary project has concluded that there are workable options for if the fillmore is safe, it's compatible with running the buses in a dedicated center lane. and we'll be taking that option into our environmental analysis. we've done some preliminary costing work and we recognize that it would be a costly project to put solely on the rapid transit project. we have in mind that we want to
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compete nationally for federal transit funds to implement geary. we want to make sure it's competitive from a cost-effectiveness standpoint. so, we think that the filling of the totally by the geary vrt project. but we will take the analysis of that compatible transit project to our analysis. so if there is a related project at the filling of the fillmore intersection, that we can move forward separately in the city that it would be compatible with the geary project. but we'd love to have a conversation about how to move that project forward from the funding standpoint. >> because i know with the -- i know the woman who was working on it, she i think has left the department since. she did really good work, it was seven years of taking input from the community. it's good that it's being considered in the environmental report.
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and finally, i'm happy about the oak connecting neighborhood sort of thing. i think it's really long overdue. finally, i guess at some point, then the traffic calming in ashbury heights, those are the types of issues i've been following. but i guess this is a question i have, is -- let me see if i can remember. fell en oak -- fillmore street, is that something that's in the works? [multiple voices] >> it's on the list as something to talk about. >> we can work with dpw and see where it is on the list. >> thank you, commissioner olague. again, colleagues, this is an opportunity for you to not only let your residents know what projects are in the works, but to the extent there is not something being done that should be a priority, it is an opportunity to raise that issue. i don't know if we have any
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other questions on any other presentation on districts 5 and 7. why don't we open it up to public comment. and again, thank you to staff for the presentation. i'll use this microphone because it's on. again, my nick hastings is jackie sachs and i want to make comments on the presentations. -- on both districts. regarding district 5, regarding the geary vrt, like i mentioned at the last meeting before you took your recess, that you should flip, go back into the archives through our public records, look into the final report of the geary transit task force that was published back in 1989, 1990, and also the geary -- the final report of an engineering report that
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was done that was finalized in 1995 about a light rail transit that was passed by -- one of the property sale sites by the projects that was passed by the voters in '89, grandfathered into prop k that i also worked on. that is in district 5. regarding district 7 regarding 19th avenue, i went to the tepp meeting. there were many concerns about moving the stop on 19th avenue for the simple reason it is the wrong distance for people with disabilities, with walkers, with canes with wheelchairs, to walk long distances between the streets -- between the streets in the district. and if you move the stop, that means someone with a wheelchair or walker or cane that has
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packages will have to walk, and in the rain, when it gets dark in the wintertime, it will be very difficult for them. i also want you to take that into consideration. i aired these concerns before, and i urge you to consider them again. as far as the -- putting the m line in the middle of 19th avenue, i have suggested that they consider leaving it where it is and having a bus -- having a bridge going over 19th avenue so people -- peep well walkers, wheelchairs, strollers, whatnot, those who are disabled, instead of taking their chances crossing the street at 19th avenue [speaker not understood], go over the bridge and make it safely to the stop for the light rail system. thank you very much. >> thank you. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. again, want to thank ta staff and all the other agency staff that are here to present on these items. and i hope colleagues found them informative. madam clerk, if you can please call item 14. >> item 14, introduction of new items, this is an information item. >> colleagues, any new items for introduction? is there any member of the public who would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is close -- commissioner olague. >> yes, i guess in the future i'd like some kind of update on lof. [speaker not understood]. i'd like to know where the conversation is. >> duly noted. thank you. any member of the public who would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. if you can call item 15. >> item 15, public comment. >> an opportunity for any member of the public to provide public comment on anything within the jurisdiction of the agency, but not on the agenda. seeing none, public comment is closed.
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