tv [untitled] September 26, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm PDT
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superintendent zone and we provide additional resources and support. again we want to thank you for your attention. we went through a lot of information in a very short amount of time but again we wanted to celebrate the small wins and the big accomplishments and ladies and gentlemen that are listening at home and those here in the audience what we do not want to leave the public with is the misinterpretation of this dat that less funding allows you increase student achievement. we are at a critical junctionure in california and san francisco and were it not for the heroic efforts of our teachers, of our professionals, of our support staff and principals and administrators we would not see the growth that we have seen but they can only work like this for so long and we're at the critical point to continue this work. we know what to do now we need the resources to do that district wide so thank you for
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your attention this evening. we are happy to answer questions. [applause] >> thank you superintendent carranza and other staff members that presented the wonderful news. any comments from the board? commissioner maufas. >> thank you president yee and thank you all for the pretty jam packed full of information presentation. what i would like to ask is knowing that we have come this far and we have been
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working quite intensely over the last few years -- particularly since i have been on the board and really knowing the work that i of focused on, i would like to know how are we -- you know, how are teachers bringing this work about? and administrators in school sites? and this is a really ongoing question because this is an ongoing presentation where you update us. i would like not only to hear from you now but in the future this sort of discussion point incorporated into the presentation because they're integral to the process, and what are the changes that they of able to implement? because a lot of this -- a lot of our issues from my perspective comes from an institutionalized way of delivering education and it's
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so long engrinned in ssz that the achievement gap is from way back before my time in school, so how are we able to sort of attack that, that mind set, that institutionalized systematic bureaucratic behavior really with our educators understanding how they can transform and change lives immediately but also going forward, and so i would like to hear from you now but again incorporate that in your next presentation. i think it's an important part to hear about. thank you. >> commissioner murase. >> i'm sorry. there is no response to that? that was for now and if you have a response and yes, i would like you to incorporate that understanding in your ongoing updates about this work. sorry. if you have something now i would most
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certainly like to hear about it. >> sorry about that. >> there is no question in order for us to be successful where we're seeing acceleration is because we're student centered but none of that is possible. we know that the teachers are at heart of this reform. some of the things you heard about today it's because teams of teachers are putting their heads together and are reflecting on student work. they're planning their lessons together. they're really being deliberate how they share some of their practices with one another. that's what makes a lot of this possible. our school communities are built on that community of professionals and yes leaderships critical to make sure the conditions are there for our teachers, but it's our teachers who make it happen for our students, so we definitely need to always acknowledge that and we can also do more of that, so i will start with that
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comment. >> i think you've very abtick latly encamp u.s.ed what the work is going forward commissioner maufas in terms of capturing best practices and they're really at the root of what teachers are doing in schools and i think the graphic that you saw in two slides where we listed the school, what their achievement was in terms of closing the achievement gap? did they have high achievement in english language and math and how the principal is approaching it and how we're approaching this and what happened in schools to give us the acceleration we're seeing in certain schools so as we come to the board not only in board meetings but also committee meetings, in committee of the whole reports our intent is always show you what the root
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cause of what is actually improving and i will tell you that the lessons we're learning -- when you have six times the rate of growth in mathematics for example in the sub set of the lowest performing schools -- previously the lowest performing schools in the district and see that increase in mathematics achievement we want to mine every nugget from that school and how did you do it? what did you focus on first and what did you focus on next? we want to share it with the board and the public as well. >> and i'm sorry i just want to follow up with that. i appreciate you telling me that and i appreciate and i will appreciate your best effort to bring forward the most honest way to present that. one of the things that i find being here in this space of this seat is that oftentimes you're giving information and it's not as raw
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as it needs to be for me to understand what is going on. i don't mind seeing the transition because it didn't happen by magic. i know that. it is effort and i would like to hear about the effort, and have other folks understand it's not magic happening that makes this work move forward for our students and families when they imagine something for the future for their children and i think folks really need to understand what diligence is happening in our school sites by folks that are committed to this work. you know teaching and school site administrators is just not the glory job. it is not. and for those that do it i am grateful. grateful, grateful beyond measure and i would like us to hear about it, so that may take some courageous people to step forward and talk to us about that. hopefully you will find them and be able to tell us
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that transformation happening in the classroom and school site. thank you. >> commissioner murase. >> yes. i want to thank staff for this information in a user friendly format. i think the graphics are great. it's easily accessible. i want to thank staff for that. three comments. first i really think in light of 25% budget cuts from the state in the recent time period that these scores are remarkable. really rationally the scores should be going down; right? because we have 25 less resources. we have forced closure dispais layoffs and defies logic that the test scores are moving in the right direction and i really want to think and it's possible only as the commissioner pointed out and the blood and sweat of the
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tears of parents and peers and students and before my comment on the scores i want to congratulate you on the drop of suspension rates and they're deathly. are you removing kids from a learning environment and giving up on them and bringing that down to 4% is really huge and i attribute that to board leadership and restorative practices, leadership at the school sites and to principals and claudia anderson and her team. finally on the test score what is is really clear to me is the achievement gap just persists so in our district the average in english is about 61% of proficient or above which is okay. that's two out of three kids that are proficient or above but we have some groups performing at 85% and some at 35% and one in three proficient or above is just not
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acceptable. nobody can really say that proclaims success and only one in three this a sub group are proficient and above and math 68% and pretty good overall. we have some students performing at 89% and others at 40%, just two out of five. to close this gap with single dkg itd growth would take 20 years we don't have 20 years so what is really clear from the data is the investment in the superintendent zone, with the school improvement grant, the infusion of money is relating in double digit growth which is what we have to see to bring up the under performing sub group so again to reiterate the superintendent's thought for the evening. we have a very important opportunity in november to increase the funding because without funding of public education we are never
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going to be see the gains we need to see with this these sub groups. >> commissioner norton and wynns. >> so i had a couple of questions and i want to echo all everything that has been said before about people doing the work out in the schools and the progress we're making it it's wonderful. i was curious where you know superintendent in your remarks you said "it's doable to close the gap because some of the schools are making such tremendous progress and we called them out and called specifically some of the schools" and commissioner murase makes a great point about funding but when you listed some of the simple strategies going forward some of them match what
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the high leverage strategies that the principals gave us and some didn't and since we know in some of the schools where this incredible acceleration is going what are we doing to replicate what is happening there across the district? >> it's a very insightful question. i will take the first piece of it and then i will ask deputy superintendent to also chime in. we need to be honest with the public and be honest with ourselves and we have perpetuated in our school system not unlike large urban school systems and practices and systems that for years have served some of our students well and some of our communities well, and we talked about going deeper and further we're talking about disassembling some of those systems. for example who gets into an ap class? who gets into an algebra class? there are schools for good and well
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thought out and historical reasons figure there are certain requirements that students must need to be able to go into an eighth grade algebra class so we're are challenging those assumptions and asking ourselves does it really make a difference or not? that's just one example. the other example that we have to be honest with ourselves about is we're moving from a confederation of independent schools chrksz means for many years schools had tremendous autonomy to do what they wanted to do that serves their communities to a unified school system, and we're not moving in this direction because we had the bright idea to do it, but we're hearing from the teachers in the field that say "we need support. we need resources. we need help with a core curriculum that makes sense that we're part of" so we 200
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teachers helping to right the core curriculum for example. we have teachers involved in developing the assessments given in the early grades and the pre-k. we have teachers involved with the professional development. we are not where we want to, but we're moving from a system that says as a school district there are certain things we believe and hold as true. one is we have support for the priority work for the district that will look pretty common for everyone and we're going to challenge systems where we have data to show that sub groups of students are not successful and what that means they're going to be some push back and if you remember i talked about the elasticity of the status go and that is very simply as we push against the systems that have benefited
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some groups and not benefited other groups there's an elastic that is getting stretched and at some point we either break free from the status go that kept kids performing sub standard or that elasticity is going to bring us back to the status go and will have achievement gap that persists in our district so from the 20,000 level that's the battle we're fight interesting we have more and more allies everyday in the classroom that are fighting that with us. i think the superintendent wanted to add a piece to it. >> i think that is the key question and what are strategies? what are lessons learned? how can we apply that to the next level of schools that need enhanced support and we know we
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want the professional learning to be job embedded so providing teachers with the time to collaborate, to have the opportunity to come back a few days early in the summer, to really map out their lessons for the semester. making sure that our teachers are on top of the shift to the common core state standards. making sure they're understanding our district's new core curriculum. that they have some facilitated discussions around student work and student data. having enhanced supports at the school level with other teacher leaders like instructional coaches in literacy, in mathematics. focusing not just on standards but also instruction, so a balanced literacy approach for example. strategies that permit differentiated direct instruction for specific
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students. we also know in the superintendent zone that paying attention to extended learning opportunities aligned after school programming, summer school opportunities, taking the community schools approach that takes a look at a broader diagnoses of the school's needs so taking advantage of some community partnerships and whatever we can apply to ensure that there's a repertoire available to school communities like mental health partnerships, some student supports available to students and families in need are just a couple of elements that have been part of the package in superintendent zone especially sig schools. we know that resources matter and they make a difference, but if they're invested wisely and there's a clear strategy behind them with a reminder that the sig funds allowed us to enjoy a per pupil expenditure that
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matches a lot of east coast districts typically, so it has allowed us to bring on the additional personnel to work with teachers focused on building their capacity as teachers because they will be gone in june unless we find a way to find on to that expertise we have developed. >> yeah. i mean that's the crux of what i was hoping you wouldn't say actually. i guess what i am worried about is that we have seen -- we've seen this incredible progress at some of these schools because of the additional resources, invested wisely and doing the right things, and then how do we -- without those resources replicate that progress? i mean do we also have a corresponding list of things that we should probably stop doing at some schools? maybe that's not the question you want to answer
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yet. i don't know. >> well, commissioner norton i mean that's a whole another committee of the whole but i will tell you that yeah. yes, we are identifying the list of things we need to stop that we don't have evidence that is having impact on student learning. i think the inefficiencies we talked about moving from a confederation of independent will schoos to a unified school district there are infshseses we can realize in a unified approach to student learning. not based on a consultant that comes in and says what we should do. based on the work of our teachers and principals and our communities in our neighborhoods in our schools in our city. we know what we need to do. the challenge that we have is institutionalizing that learning and bringing others on board to understand how they can have an impact. i am very happy to say that that process hasn't really stopped and deputy
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superintendent yee and his group of smart team members have already met around that question. what is effective? what do we continue to fund? and what do we propose to the board that we discontinue funding in terms of really using our ponies wisely to fund what we know is effective. >> commissioner wynns. >> i'm sorry. i have one more question. >> okay. go ahead. >> oh i know what i wanted to sc. just as a corollary. katie francis gave me some data and there's some issues on kids taking the cma, how many kids are taking it? you touched on some of this. i would like to see an analysis what is the use of the cma, particularly in the superintendent zone and does --
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i mean the ideas -- has the bottom been sort of cut off in the superintendent zone as well as as she demonstrated in some of the district wide figures by putting kids into cma and is our use greater in the superintendent zones than the district as a whole? i know you don't have that at your fingertips but if i could get that i would be interested. >> thank you. >> i actually wanted to ask a similar question to commissioner norton so follow up on the first question a bit. there are -- i mean that we know resources are important and we also know that this version of support for struggling schools will not look like this version after this year, and i carefully say that because when people say "oh what are we going to do when the sig
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money goes away? " . i have been saying to people and i think is true and there will be another version coming along from the state or feds on ways to target resources at the most struggling schools and i don't say that cavalierly. and some other money will come along. i am concerned that we need to make sure to continue this work not just because it's the right thing to do and absolute necessity, but because i think that having seen version after version come i think one of the things we haven't done well is transition and be prepared knowing there will be some other form of this, and i think that we and everybody else by the way -- in fact i suspect that we're better at most of them, but still the starts and stops have tremendously negative effect and one which i think is amplifyd
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and not planning for it and not thinking. what is -- how can you sort of do these things and maintain them in some way and knowing which ones are most important and what form we can keep them going so they can be resourced in a more effective and quicker way, so that's one of my first questions. the second one is about -- i would like to know and i think we need to discuss -- first of all it seems they fall into a number of categories so there is the tremendous investment in professional development. we understand that. there is things that we know, we want to and we want to now continue all the time that are structural improvements. things like linked summer school, longer
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strickennal time, the alignment of the after school programs and now we have an understanding what that could actually look like, so those things i think we in the community too especially the community with these schools, need to understand how we're going to make the tough decisions about what we continue in what way and with what resources and why? what's the evidence on which we're going to base those? which to me also includes the sort of qualitative evidence, the experience of the people working in those schools, the students going to school there and the parents and families, and then i'm interested in the lessons that we have learned which you referred to that we think are transferable. what did we learn there that isn't so much just about money, but about doing things differently? that we can do differently if we should.
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i'm interested whether we think they're important and valuable practices and changes that will benefit everybody or what specificity they have in their alignment with the challenges of those schools in particular? so i think there -- okay. that's my first part. i don't expect you to answer those now but later. and my second question is about the achievement gap, and i think this is going to take for all of us, but maybe start with a sit down with whoever might want to, but when i look at the numbers in the zone schools and in the sig schools and the improvements that we have seen and then the not only persistence but at exactly the same rate in the school district for the achievement gap and we know those students are concentrated
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in these schools i don't understand statistically because i don't have very much expertise in statistical analysis about how that works, so and i think for all of us that would be interesting and i hope for the public because if you say "okay here's all the things we think we're doing to close the achievement gaps and look at the gains and this is where the kids are concentrated but by the way the achievement gap is exactly the same". i don't understand how it works. i don't know if there is -- i think -- i want to say that the kind of data that you have provided here -- there are a number of windows here, ways that this data has been presented that i never seen before they really appreciate the movement, the acceleration and even though we referred to them i haven't seen it
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graphically and meaningful to me and i can understand it better and visual learner but that are more components to it and really helps me to understand more in-depth, so i definitely want to say that but i still don't understand how it could work this way statisticallyo i least i suspect i don't know enough to understand. those are my questions. >> otherwise somebody might say -- [inaudible] i'm a 1, nervous. >> understanding our -- being aware of where there are opportunities to continue to put fortapplications for federal monies so even with school i'm improvement grant and benefits some of the bay view schools
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and based on the zones and the community schools and we're hopeful they're fruitful as well and you're right it's hard to match the ip fusion so hopefully some of the capacity building that isn't resource dependent if we can be creative about building in job vetted learning like common planning time for example and a way to have conversations that we need to have. >> windy. >> i would like to ask from this perspective what else is being done to overcome the achievement gap, the barriers? i know there is a lot of teacher support but what about student support? what else is being doesn't?
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>> well, that's a big question. that's a great question. making lessons everyday, not just engaging, but presented in a culturally relevant way, rigor and relevance i believe is important but making sure that the teaching and learning environment, not just physically but the relationship between the adult and students and students to students is so important; right? and so the lessons being not just standard space but that the teaching strategies also make the learning accessible to students just a couple. making other supports available to students. we know how important wellness centers and having other supports and counseling in schools is important for
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