tv [untitled] September 27, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT
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successful events in the modern history of the cup, i only go back 32 years and each of them since, a number of us, particularly the late great tom black hauler in san francisco, the late frits juwett and a number of others, we've tried to get the cup here, as you know, this san francisco bay area is spectacularly, just an amazing venue for sailing, the iconic beauty of the bridge and alcatraz and tell me what, but also because it's reliably windy and we think together, the city, the county, the sporting -- all of us involved in cup, it's going to be a triple win because we're spending picturing around all over the globe of the bay area and of this past event and i think the future events that are going to represent you all and all of us in the city very nicely. thank you, commissioners for
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your support, mr. director, your support in the past. i guess you guys can all see this, the report starts with the last event and i'll do the first couple of three slides and adam will kick in, america's series ri gotta, we got some 60 thousand on the peak and marina green, if you see the boats on the water and the others around the bay area, there was tens of thousands of people watching a spectacularly successful event, you tube and published stories around the world were in the thousands, we had many, many accredited media from some 15 countries and i just don't know what else to say except as an arena for sailing, it's just amazing. the reliable breeze, the
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sailing right up along the shore and remember, commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, this is the first time in the 160 year history of the cup that the sailing has not taken place far off shore, that has never been before and it's amazing. the website had a lot of hits, a lot of unique visitors, this unique app, some of them called it sex on a stick, but on an ios device, you can download this app and realtime wherever you are get the information of what's happening and very soon, you'll be able to point the device at the boat on the water and because the device is geolocated, it will recognize
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what boats you're pointing at and will download the information from that boat, the sailors, the speed, all the information, so it's quite -- and this is because of the bay area, all the bay area technology, we couldn't be doing this in many other places in the world, it was artistically and sporting-wise, it was a tremendous success. adam? >> thank you, tom. adam, i'm the project director in the office of workforce development, i wanted to add a couple of piece from the city side, we saw this as a tremendously successful event, we were concerned with a number of elements from transportation, getting to and from, from accessibility, from waste management, sustainability, a number of pieces that the city's had responsibility, on all fronts and we debriefed all our safety
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personnel, police, fire, from our local district supervisors to our meeting representatives, it was considered very successful, the number of spectators there on the greens, we had very positive press both from the sailing community x the non-sailing community, we had two back to back articles in the chronicle praising us, so you all know how rare that is in san francisco, we were able to pilot some of the projects including the 47 limited [inaudible] which is a precursor to bus rapid transit and to test some to have strategies we hope to test in three weeks, so if we could go back to the slides. coming up in just less than two weeks' time starting on october 7 is the next world series events, they've been around the world, two stops here in san
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francisco, one you saw in august and then the other coming soon. the village for this will be at little marina green and at the peninsula, i'll show you a preliminary site plan and what that will look like, along fisherman's wharf, pier 39, pier 32, pier 80, playing host for the number of vessels coming for fleet week, we're working on transit outreach, things we're looking to improve in terms of maps and advanced marketing and promotion, ambassador training and then time -- time, so this is integrating with the fleet week event and they'll be racing right after the blue angels about 4 to 6 p.m. in the weekend, during the weekdays and integrating on sunday when they have a live tv slot on nb cshs, the sailing will be from
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1:50 in the afternoon to 2:30 that afternoon, this is kind of a super peak weekend, i would encourage you to leave your cars at home, we're going to have a 49ers game, a home giant's game, a hardly strictly bluegrass in golden gate park, decompression, which is a post burning man extravaganza and pier 35, so both a full turn and a half turn, we have a lot of activity and a lot of it in the northeast waterfront portion it seems. this is an overlay of the different course areas, i think you in the past saw the 2012 and 2013 course areas, these are the kind of outdoor envelope in which management
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lays out the course, depending on the conditions that day, they'll use a subset of that area, here is the green rectangular fleet week box t coast guard enforces the perimeter and this is the air show, so the sailing in october will occur in this fleet week box, so you see it moved a little bit to the east from where it was in august, very similar kind of short courses and tom can add to this one, i sit back down but it's 20, 30 minutes worth of racing. the preliminary site plan that was put out on their website today, in august, the focus was on marina green itself, that was taken over by the navy during fleet week, for the
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america's cup in october, it will be at yacht road and continues on to the hospitality tents that have been there since august, they're next to the st. francis yacht club. they're going to be combining right up -- coming right up as they did in august. this is just a note to say we're piloting a lane closure of the northbound market area, this is telling for us and help us figure out some of the congestion that happens at herb cane promenade, you have bikes weaving through, pedestrians jumping into traffic, bikes filling into the vehicular lanes and it's dangerous so
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we're planning on closing that northbound lane and expanding the use both for bike -- bicycles but also for emergency access. so, our people have been working hard on this and is available to give you an update post october should that be of interest. i don't know what happen today the video but i was going turn it back over to tom to lead you into post fleet week, what's underway and what's in development for the 2012-13 races, everything to date has been to authorize and permitting and demonstrating the value of this event, the big event starts on the 4th of july next year with a kick-off of the louis vuitton series and the match off for next year, so i'm available for questions but
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i'll let tom wrap this up. er >> just one very key point and it's important for the ri gat ta and the sport and the bay area, we are live for the first time in 20 years, the last day of the new port ri gat ta, of the august ri gotta, the last day we're live on nbc from 1:30 to 3:00, and we hope you spread the word, the more eyeballs we get, the better television coverage we're going get -- to get next summer, we have 55 days of racing, so wiem we have fewer teams than we had hoped, we have a lot more racing because not just the finals in september or the louis vuitton which is preceding that in july and august, we have a parallel series of the defenders to see
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who will then meet the challenger in the finals and then for the first time over, the red bowl youth american cup which will bring something like a dozen teams from around the world for kids 19 to 24, college age kids racing in the ac135 and that will bring more media attention, the great benefit we think for the bay area, four events going on in september, 55 race days and i can tell you that the three or four teams na are now ang ling to try to beat us, i have never seen the swaoed and italians, these are the three prepared challengers i have seen at this stage and i won't say we'll be lucky to defend it but we'll be fortunate to defend the cup,
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the home team is oracle team usa, we might get to do it here again if we win it and extend this. so, that's it. adam, should we take questions together? do we have this other slide? we should tell you that one of the reasons we're concerned about the challengers is the emerit's team is foiling, they're up on hydro foils and there's a video of them sailing something like 50 miles an hour in their training off oakland next week, you can see the t foil on the rotter, it has been
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fixed, these are tennis courts with a 13 storey building. tennis courts with a 13 storey building flying across the bay at something approaching 50 miles an hour, it's going to be bloody spectacular. so, with that, any questions that we can help you with? >> thank you. commissioner moore? >> adam, could i ask you when the america's cup was before the planning commission, literally nothing worked and the project shaped itself with what was workable. last niekt, there was a hearing speaking about what worked and obviously much worked. was there anything that still didn't work which you're using at as a guide for tweaking, fixing, reinnovating, working through? >> thanks for the queue, commissioner, i have a slide
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specifically on this, so in the big picture, resounding success. with any kind of e -- event of scale, you can always improve things upon, for october, we had fantastic augmented muni service, cab stands, we had bikes l.a. and we attempted to market that but just in talking to people out on the streets, it was difficult for them to understand where was the augmented service coming and going, where was the like l.a., so we're going to be wounding on more marketing on those amenities, there were people says it's difficult to get into and out of marina harbor on the out side, so this is to be expected when you have a course area push up near the marina yacht harbor, we're working with them with these short
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windows of racing that there are people that can lead people in and out, whether they're interested in the cup or just sailing elsewhere in the bay. we had some -- one incident that was quickly resolved so we want do make sure doesn't happen against with helicopter conflicts, there was one reasonably stationery and the other following the action on the water, then we had some news helicopters that were there and waned to see this event, they're on radio control, they weren't able to see above or below. of course there's bike, ped safety issues that we are well
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aware of but we're going be testing some of the lane closures for the october events and hope we can reduce some of those impacts. the event was a tremendous success in terms of waste diversion, they had a number of staff on-site, it was a very clean venue, but we realized after the fact that some of the contracts that were helping take down the event didn't have the same level of training and that impacted the overall diversion rate, when they're taking things down, we're going to make sure they're putting things in the right bins, simple steps there, and again, strategic planning with fleet week, this is an event that's been here for decades, they're sharing the basic footprint on the same week enld, we're going to be working on strategies, which make sure the america cup has not gone [inaudible] for 30
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days, we're going to do a better job of advanced plan. >> commissioner sugaya? >> yes, a question for either or both, were either of you on the spectator boat when [inaudible]. >> commissioner sugaya, i was not, but i could show you the video from three different angles, it was the spectator, if you're the golden gate bridge and the wind is blowing from the west, is starting line is set parallel with the boat so the boats are sets down and there was a boat, turns out to be his teammate just downwind of him and under the racing rules, there oes no obligation for that boat to give room to pass the starting boat and the
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other boats and jimmy says he didn't realize what it was and russell thought by slowing down, the door would open and he didn't and he went straight into the size to have race committee boat, a little damage was done but he was back on the water the next day. thank you. >> commissioner wu? >> thank you. i want to congratulate you on your successes. in looking at the areas to improve slide, i'm reminded -- i heard from residents that live here so it's all the people that are visiting san francisco to attend the waste, but it's all the residents that live here that it was confusing which buses to get on to see the american cup, there were a number of folks that went on the bus to go to america cup but went to chinatown, i think
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areas to improve is languages as well. >> come and sail with us. >> that will be fun. but i do have a question, i noticed there are a bunch of other events including bluegrass and are you coordinating with all of those larger events, like dream force, there was some issues on the tunnel and it shut down all of market street and i know people will be using the tunnels to get to everywhere, because people will be coming from all parts of the city and it's not just the fleet week but it's people getting there. >> yes, absolutely. we've had a number of exercises led by our public safety personnel where we've gone through how many events are
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going on concurrently, what if you threw a protest in the mix, what happened if there was an incident on the public safety side, we worked on the incident command to handle such event, our muni planers have worked on service coordination with this, we hope there's going to be some synergies, you can be moving around with the city and still be able to see multiple venues so we've been aware of this for much of the planning of the america's cup, the giants being the big wild card but everything's looking good at the moment, it's not news to us that this was going to be a challenging weekend so we hope it's as fluid as it was in august and we can come away and say it was successful. >> are there key signage point that is we can tell people about and which app is it
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because there's a number of america's cup app. >> they were announcing to take the 30 limited from civic center station, we've been reaching out through 311, through 511. >> are there any hubs today that you could announce today. >> to me, the best way to go is to come through civic center because you have a direct way to muni, and you're not on the congested corridor or going through north beach and chinatown on a diagonal, both of those will be access points, if you're familiar with fourth of july or fleet week, everybody goes to bar ton station, they go along the
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waterfront and feels their way towards the north. what people don't think of in advance is coming here and heading north which i think could be quicker. >> and the app? >> it's the official america's cup app, there's another one called america's cup, the game, also cool, but it's the official america's cup app that is the informational. >> right, thanks. >> commissioner antonini? >> i'm very impressed by the competition last month and the final day, i did watch the nbc coverage for the final race which i thought was quite good and impressive, the helicopter shots that framed the city in the background and i think this will be even more impressive, i understand the courses will be longer and taller boats and you're seal the tower and the bridges and all these parts of the city that are iconic
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backdrops. >> next summer, the finish line is off piers 27/29 which is the america's cup village where as you all know the steel is going up for the new crew ship terminal which you've all been trying to build for some years and that will be one of the great legacies of this america's cup, 2029 around the corner if i can point it out on the map. >> we can't hear you. >> 27/29 is where the america's cup village and the finish line will be next summer. we're in partnership with the giants, they have teamed up with us because they like to be involved in big events and support big events in this community, we have a fruitful partnership with them and it's a nice feeling to have two world championship teams from
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2010 hopefully approaching another one in a little bit and now go the 49ers. >> and the giants may also be able to help with some blimp coverage which is impressive for their game and is the segments they show of the city taken from the blimp. >> it's the rose parade images, i grew up in michigan, we watched southern cal -- california and our team always got beaten but it's those fantastic jimjams of the bay area, president fong. maybe we could get a wax model of the ac401. >> one final thing, the finish line -- the finishing run will be perpendicular to the wind as it was this year when you have the race? >> yes. >> i saw that one italian boat
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almost went over, exciting with the race but it comes with the territory. >> that's why we start calling the reef going across, it's the most challenging point of sale. when you get hit with a puff, you don't know whether to turn toward the wind or turn away from the both to empower the boat, the italians made a mistake and almost flipped on the finish line. >> okay, you can feel the excitement from this commission alone and as you know, i've been involved with this for quite a while, so congratulations to you thus far, good luck going ahead and communication getting to and from the races, the overall experience is going to be leaving your hotel or leaving your home, hopefully is everyone is encouraged to take public transit, go online and find out the best way to go there and leave your cars at home if possible. >> commissioner hillis?
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>> i wanted to echo my fellow commissioners, i was in the community, it was well run and well managed throughout. a question for adam, there was talk of improvements like the cruise terminal, we talked about on jefferson street, improvements, what capital improvements are still being slated to being improved by the race next year? >> the signature piece is the cruise ship terminal which is the steel is erected and they're starting to outset by march of next year, we'll turn the keys over to use as a hospitality site, they will outfit as a cruise ship terminal. they are on a schedule to be completed on time, brandon and wharf, it will be a public promenade there, but one of the main things that's different
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about this cup from valencia, from free mantle, from even san diego, the majority of the event is done on a temporary basis, it's bringing containers in, erecting temporary villagers and bringing on a fantastic i rent several weeks ago and dismantling and going on, that will be going on and coming back here next week, so where valencia put nearly 3 billion dollars on their marina, we don't have that kind of capital opportunity here, but we are fixing up several of the piers, we've made some investments in 30/32. there is a lot of capital work that's going on in this and we
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hope come the end of this event, we can see the positive legacy this has left on san francisco. >> thank you, i'm going open it up to public comment on this item. thank you very much. >> sue, i'm following up on commissioner borden's points. i am well aware of the cater related activities as the person who has their office at union square and i plead with the department and the interagency capacity that have you take seriously, you need to raise the question of pedestrians along market street. there is a big event going on and there are traffic control officers on 4th street at mission and on the south side
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and i'm stressing that, on market street, the north side of market street is an uncontrolled mess because the construction of the freeway and as long as there is no traffic control officer along market street where traffic turns left and william montgomery is one, 5th street, 6th street, and in the case of the central subway on the north side as well, there is no -- there is no control of the traffic. i was caught yesterday where traffic didn't move at all. they were supposed to cross market street because there were no traffic control officers associated with the central subway on the north side of market street and around union
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