tv [untitled] September 27, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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several members of public have requested that we move the meetings to a better place so people are better able to know what's going on in the authority. we have had neighbors and concerned citizens draft legislation to move the meetings outright. the board does not have that authority. so hopefully, this resolution is the first step toward that end.
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we often talk about bringing the housing authority closer, inside the family. this is our attempt to do just that. in the vain of transparency, i want to provide a cost break down for this broadcasting. there is no cost to utilize the space. we thank the city council for being flexible and working with limited resources. the sfgov tv cost are $35,000 annually for 24 meetings. and we would like to thank them for being flexible and willing to do this. supervisors, it's our office's opinion that the cost associated with increasing a citizen's access to democracy and promoting government accountablity. we hope to work with the implementation of this very important project. additionally, supervisor olague
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would like to thing her co-sponsors, supervisors mar and kimm as they have worked with residents of the housing authority sites. we don't have the need for a staff report on this, but i should point out that henry alvar alvarez, the director of the authority is in the audience today. >> he's upstairs. sorry. he's no longer -- >> so, ms. tucker. thank you. is the housing authority in support of this? >> the housing authority is in support of this. >> okay. so mr. alvarez was here, we would say yes. >> he would support, yes. >> so they are willing to pay the $35,000? >> it's important to note, other departments like the san francisco unified school district factor into their budgets payments for broadcasting. >> i only reason i ask that is i know that the housing authority
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has had trouble paying off judgments and other things so it's not flush with cash. >> they have an annual operating budget of $210 million. >> in terms of location, and i think televising commissions is a very positive and good thing. i very much am in favor of it. in fact, radio is good too, when we were back to kpoo. the difference between 440 turk and city hall, is there a down side to having it at city hall? >> i don't think there's any down sides to having it at city hall, in fact, for us only upsides. it's easily accessible and broadcasted live, and i think that what we heard from the residents would feel more comfortable coming here. >> thank you. that's useful >>
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thank you very much. >> thank you. >> so i do have some public comment cards. i will call people up. sharon hewitt, who had to leave. want today noted she was here. robert woods. robert weber, karen huggins, i'm going to mispronounce this name. eiled banningpadon. >> shar on short and guon wu 10. if anyone else wants to speak, fill out a card. doesn't matter the order >> governor. supervisors, i am robert weber, i come to you as a resident of san francisco housing authority. i would like to mention i'm a community organizer fully
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educateed on the sunshine ordinance. when i found out the commission met without being recorded and taped, i was pretty astonished. i am choosing my words carefully as i have blundered in the past. as a tenant of sfhs, i would like to lend my support to the long standing reputation for dysfunction. while talking to my building manager, she informed me she received a large shipment of goods costing thousands of dollars she did not order. upon returning the merchandise, she was told she could only get half back. the supervisor told her to pay it. these are only the incidences i know of. if you take these incidents and
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multiply them by all of the housing authority housing and the millions of dollars, the people suffering at the loss of these funds being expended are the tenants. upon moving into my unit, the heat worked fine. to my surprise, a work heard has been issued to replace the thermostat. i informed the contractor that i use the low and the fourth stair and if he was taking away my choices, i would prefer the low. i cannot use my heat at all. after several bills from the company with no result she intended to never use them again. meanwhile, i no longer use the heat because a, it doesn't work since june and the tenant who moved in above has cigarette smoke coming directly into my unit. if this proposed action can gain
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more accountibility, i urge you to pass it. thank you. >> thank you very much. and we're rejoined by president chiu. >> hello, how are you guys? supervisors. i wanted to let you know karen huggins couldn't be here. he's the president of halle court for their council over there. i wanted to read what she wanted you to know. transparency is important, in resident concerns have met with disregard and disrespect by san francisco commissioners and televising for us. we fully support this resolution. thank you. i'm going to read mine. hello, supervisors. i am the director of community engagement. part of the role is to advocate for peoples' needs and their
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residents to make sure our residents which are almeny and halle court to support them as neighbors. we bring everybody to the table to assure accountability. we bring city officials san francisco housing authority. sf safe and business residents from both locations. we talk about ongoing issues and concerns. we are thankful for the support of san francisco housing authority in attending these meetings, but believe this resolution does a critical connection between the housing authority and the residents they serve. by making it clear and transparent and accessible. thank you very much. >> next speaker.
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>> my name is sister stephanie. i am a resident in public housing and i am if support of the move to, of the commissioners to come to city hall for several reasons. i had an experience with the commission, i went once, i never went again. it was a very humiliating and degrading almost as humiliating as the housing i had lived in. if the meetings are moved here and televised, there's accountability, people wouldn't have to be concerned about being spoken to in a dehumanalized way. our voices are heard and not just that, if they're televised, even the residents who don't feel so empowered but whatever it is that's already there in the public housing, they will
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see the process and how things go and maybe they would be more empowered to come down when they see other residents such as themselves who have been stepped on by processes of san francisco housing and the commission board, that they would be empowered to come and use their voices more if they knew that more people were viewing and that housing would be more respectful. that's always the hope that people are respectful to thank >> thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. ladies and gentlemen. my name is robert woods, i am here, i'm with the san francisco human rights, black human rights leadership council of san francisco.
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absolute power produced absolute corruption. keeping this agency board of commissioners behind closed doors without public knowledge, they have been the leading power behind the most of the people being evicted out of the city of san francisco in terms of the laws that they lay, what they're, the arrogance of their position. when you have the residents go before them because they are not being, they are not under the eye of observation. then you really see the bad side of why you need to bring this
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organization to the light where they could be observed. i think it's a good thing but by the same, we need it done like 25 years ago. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> my name is [inaudible] ladies and gentlemen. the history goes back to 25 years ago to the housing authority and my statement i have been using at your commission for years, ain't no mystery, check your history. ladies and gentlemen, there's deeper history in what we're talking about with the city government channel. i'm the one that started that, i'm not going to get the hand for that because of same things the housing authority tenants went through 20 years ago.
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ladies and gentlemen, i am happy, tickled not pink by black right now because most of the tenants are african-americans. i stand here as the czar of the african-american out migration. i am so happy that my supervisor in the fifth district had the courage to come forward for something 25 years ago. we brought the needs of the redevelopment to the san francisco government channel. i can't say it all right now. i am ecstatic. i am so happy that the supervisors are doing something that i call community reform. we're going to show and demonstrate not only that department, but there are several other departments that need to come before the eyes of city government. i got a unique technique call in your face. right now in your face.
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i have been discriminated against. yes, commissioner wiener, you can yawn all you want. i am so glad kristina stepped forward and doing the right thing in the most progressive district. i am ace dog gone in. we're going to be on the case in front of you. i know you can't deny it. >> next speaker, please. >> hard act to follow. sarah short with the san francisco housing rights. a lot of people come in when they have issues with their repairs or evictions or rent increases and such. so, we've talked to many, many public housing residents throughout the years and believe this would greatly benefit the
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whole population. what this resolution does is, it sends a powerful message to over 25,000 public housing and section 8, let's not forget, residents in san francisco, and it sends the message that we believe that they are entitled to participate in the democratic process. unfortunately, the fact that they're commission meetings have been in another location not only not recorded but often not even available online and not in a timely fashion. not tape recorded. a lot of people don't know what's going on at the housing authority commission meetings and these are residents that are impacted. and you know, this special treatment that the housing authority commission has been
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given you know, it's perhaps the only city department that is in this special position. so i see this as a really common sense measure that would bring parody. even the quasi-agents meet in city hall most of the time. this the send a meaningful message to the residents that the city hall does not believe they are second class and that they deserve the right to see what is happening with the government body of their housing agency. >> thank you. ms. short. i appreciate it. next speaker. >> this is not here today so i'm going to read the speech. >> i am song won chen.
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[inaudible] is an organization established by the public housing developments in chinatown. we have 413 households living in the area. limited english-speaking families. the current location is very inconvenient for us. many of us do not know how to get there. on the other hand, we know how to get to city hall, we have more chance of options going to city hall. in addition, many of residents are seniors with physical disabilities. it's difficult for them to get around. having the meetings live on tv would give them the chance for an update. for working families, they can watch online. by having it broadcasted, it will bring back the relationship with the agency. we ask you move the commission meetings to city hall and
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broadcast for the public. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> willie radcliffe, libertiville. and the daily news paper and i also just started a limited partnership for development. but the housing authority has -- needs light shined on it what's going on. they spend a lot of money, especially in bayview hunter's point and district 10. but people of color have been locked out. also some time there's contracts left out for people to do development and no one else was asked to even be involved or knew it was coming up. so that is government money and we looking at it. and i'm glad that they agree that, for us to do this, that they agree to do it and not try
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to fight it. i won't say some of the things i know, but i know one thing, we need to shine a light on what's going on over there, and i appreciate the supervisors that brought this up. it's a good thing. any time you open up the light, it's like sunshine coming up in the morning. wakes us up. i appreciate it and hope you will go along with even them not going against it. thank you. >> next speaker. >> thank you. you start off with the civil grand jury and end here too. it was a year ago in which the civil grand jury asked to you think about putting the ethics commission on television, and i think that has been a great success. i think probably your ratings are the highest you have ever had for sf gov tv.
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i encourage you to open us this agency including the sunshine task force. >> thank you. any additional public comment? public comment is closed. >> can we move this forward without objection? >> i want to thank the public and city staff in bringing this forward. i am a believer in more sunshine and televising meetings will help to hold everyone accountable. i was happy to support this. >> chsupervisor chui. i absolutely understand the point. i will be supporting the legislation, but i do want to express reservations i have
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about it. i know we have limited space with sfgtv to cover this. i hope this will promote the housing authority to see if there's availability of space within city hall and that doesn't conflict with the other meeting to figure out what we can possibly do. that's an important issue we face with many commissions in city hall. i also want to make sure the housing authority is taking a look at the trade off. if we have a meeting at city hall versus elsewhere, are we going to be disinfranchising others? i am sure the housing authority will consider those as limp one of biggest things about televising anything is the cost. i hope the housing authority as they are looking forward to the budget evaluates whether or not they can afford this. i will be supportive of this because i understand the desire the folks to see this and access
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it and have it in the public light. there is things the housing authority needs to review in order to make this become something that is a reality. again, i will be supportive. but availability of space, trade off to the meetings, space and access to it and of course funding is always something we need to look forward to. thank you. >> thank you. so colleagues, can we forward this recommendation to the full board? without objection. >> and then, through the chair. >> can i ask if we rescind items 3, 4, 5 and 7 to vote on? >> without objection, can we do that? >> rescind three, four, five and seven. as to items three, four and five, the motion was to file items three and four and to move items 5 to the full board,
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excuse me, did you mean -- >> three, four, five and seven. >> okay. >> so with respect to item three, the motion was to as amended move the responses to the full board with recommendation. can we do that? >> i will make that motion. >> without objection, >> item four to move. >> without objection, so ordered. item five, the motion was to move item number five to the full board with recommendation. >> so moved. >> without objection. >> item seven, the motion was to move to the full board with recommendation, >> mr. chair. item five was amended. >> that's correct. so, for item number 5. the motion was to move forward to the full board as amended with positive recommendation. can we take objection? >> yes. >> item 7, the motion was to
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