tv [untitled] September 29, 2012 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT
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earlier report in march the availability of those funds is not certain. there was a discussion of fundraising. it is short of the $32 million that was originally considered. the city's been paid in full through june. we don't know about the august payments, so we do consider this to be a policy matter for the board because of the uptick in the funds. >> thank you. supervisor avalos? >> thank you, just followups for the budget analyst or mr. martin, but that is really on -- what we are anticipating as a city in terms of how -- what our appropriation from oewd for -- we are anticipating we would have 2.4 for cash collateral and another one million plus for insurance or is this a new expenditure that we hadn't anticipated? >> supervisor, i will take a first shot at answering that and go from there.
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we anticipated the cost for security when we came before you in march n. the current appropriation we feel there is capacity to make these payments as required, as proposed in the resolution. we are not looking for new authority but strictly folding it in with what's already been reviewed. >> so then when we had made the appropriation for the office of economic workforce development was there an actually line item that referred to these expenditures and others? >> there was not a specific line item that said cash collateral and security. it was appropriated as a $10 million amount broadly for event purposes. >> is there any risk of something else not being covered by this expenditure being done? have we over extended, you know, how this $10 million will be used and looking at future trade-offs that we will have to adjust in budget committee down the line? >> i don't believe so. we went through sort of a forward budgeting exercise in reviewing this with the
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risk manager and controller's office to understand how this looks going forward. we see certainly that costs of not only finishing the planning of the event but also putting on the august events were lower than we projected. think we did a conservative job and it is coming in below. i guess i would express confidence on that side but provisions chair chu mention about coming back with reports on cost-saving measures on a quarterly basis is a way to keep on top of this going forward. >> just kind of related to what we have before us, more general to the america's cup, what have we been able to learn from the events that happened last month and what we expect relative to what will happen next month and next year? do we have a sense that we are successful in terms of attendance? do we have any measurements
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of economic activity that we earlier had projected? what do we have for any kind of data related to that? >> it is interesting. so back when the original economic projections were done back in 2010 that had the much ballyhooed one million number of jobs, et cetera, it did not take into account 2012 america's cup world series events. those weren't in part of their analysis. what we have done, i think, is used august to give sort of a baseline of what, quote unquote, normal day or normal week of next year would look like. i think we really were pretty pleased we got a lot of constructive comments but it wasn't a great deal of complaints. i don't think services in the marina were overwhelmed, muni performed well. we can do better like community augments so there are operational things we want to improve on and test out in october. we have anecdotal evidence of certainly neighborhoods,
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commercial districts, starting with the waterfront ones having increased interest. we don't see sort of upticks in hotel bookings for august. at least in our sort of unscientific sampling. i think part of that is what we will look like next year, august, september and july are the big tourist areas anyway. >> it is hard to measure who came specifically for america's cup year over year. hotel occupancy rates seem to be similar. >> right. for that sector we will have to do thinking about how we measure that. do we do surveys, try to find ways to count people year over year. i mean we want to be able to assign with some specificity this was an america's cup benefit. we have been talking to the organizing committee as part of what they are putting together to get an economic study that looks at what is happening during the events. because i think it is -- i think difficult as we are finding to take a snapshot
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in hindsight how many were there and what did they spend on. we need to be ahead of doing visitor accounts, surveys of neighborhood groups to see how -- i think also sort of informs our strategies. we will survey a neighborhood, we want to figure out a way that there is a specific strategy to get them involved in the event benefits and that sort of thing. i wouldn't say there is a number kicking out of august and october of this year. but what i would say is, you know, i think we feel comfortable with spectator estimates that the event authority has put together from their aerial photography, about 150,000 over the course of the august events. i think there's really no chance of us being able to aggregate america's cup visitors fleet week or decompression or visitors during the weekend of october 6th and 7th, so i think we will probably not be able to see what that bump was. what we are going to get out of october is the strategic understanding of white -- what it means to
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have that number of people moving around the waterfront and do the muni work. does the closing of embarkadero work for bikes and pedestrians? does that work or create problems. i think that is the experience we are looking at in october. together i think we would like to then refine our plans for next year, assign sort of better planning for low days versus high interest days for next year. do budgeting and our economic sort of scientific analysis based on that and come together with a policy dialogue that really verifies and validates the policy decision in moving ahead with the events. >> do we have other indicators we can look at in terms of city spending, overtime, quantifying how buses have been used as well? is some of that going to be gathered together? >> certainly different pieces have different things. we had good stats on the ridership on the different muni augments, the e line, the light rail line on the
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embarkadero was a huge sort of spectator hit. probably hit for the neighborhood too. that is where a lot of the ridership went, which was interesting. that isn't necessarily the center of attention for the america's cup world series event, toward the northern part of the city. i think we are using that kind of analysis, sort of august to october, to make sure we are better sort of deploying our resources. i think august probably didn't tell us a ton about overtime usage for big days next year. i think october, we are in good dialogue with fleet week and folks that run these events to see if how america's cup changes them, if some of the plans make those things work better. i think that is the dialogue we want to have before and after october and we started on that. >> we did use overtime for different departments, mta, police, dpw and that over time is a cost is
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occurring, that is getting reimbursed by the organizing committee. >> that's correct. that is coming out of the budget appropriation through an innerdepartmental process. we turn to the mou and say these are the costs we have paid, reimburse us for these. what we have asked departments do is show us effectively their net new is relating to america's cup events relating to things you described, supervisor. using that as a way to sort of review that budgetary ask and seek reimbursement. >> we have been reimbursed. >> correct, through june 30th. the next quarter under the mou we actually to the end of october. we wanted to capture the costs. we will likely do a roundup of those and in working with the controller's office issue a reimbursement request. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you, supervisor.
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supervisor kim. >> thank you. i appreciate supervisor avalos's question. i had a quick follow up. by the way, i appreciate the work put into place after our last hearing on america's cup to ensure we were getting reimbursed through privately driven fundraising for this event so we can take on the event without necessarily incuring the cost, as supervisor avalos brought up. you mentioned it is difficult to discern between fleet week and america's cup and strictly bluegrass. how would we calculate additional costs for police, fire, other infrastructure when we have multiple events going on that weekend? >> i think the aggregation from my perspective was around the spectators, what they are doing. i think in terms of america's cup proposition, if what america's cup is doing is requiring new efforts beyond what would be provided for fleet week,
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that is what we want to see in our being. for example america's cup will do some activating on marina green. awe we know fleet week has the bulk of the main park. so to the extent there are rec park costs for overseeing that build or, you know, other security things we have to stretch down, one other thing we are doing is bicycle valet. not something fleet week has done in the past but something we have in the america cup people plan. that is something we are expecting our budget to pay for, not fleet week. it is things different and kind from what people understood. those are ones we want to come to us. >> i apologize that i don't actually know this but has fleet week usually taken place with strictly bluegrass festival? >> my understanding is this was a this year thing. that generally doesn't get scheduled together. but there being so few weekends in this time of year, i think everyone tries to pile as many of their great events in as
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they can. >> okay. thank you very much. why don't we open this for public comment. are there members of the public who wish to speak? seeing none, comment is closed. we have this item before us, the amendment on the whole i spoke of earlier. do we have a motion to accept that amendment of the whole? we will do that without objection. to the underlying item. do we have a motion to send that forward? we will do that without objection. thank you. any other items before us? >> no, no further matters. >> okay, we are adjourned.
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x it's my privilege to welcome and thank you, mayor lee, deputy director with the governor's office of economic office, lewis stewart, gale maderas, qb3's regkelly and esteemed colleagues of the city and dr. andres bush and the drug discovery leadership and our employees for joining us on this exciting occasion, the next step of expanding the innovation in mission bay. today is notust about the launch coelaborate , but thanks to mission bay's reputation as the hub, the area has become one of the most dynamic clusters of scientific
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innovation as witnessed by pfizer and the continued expansion of nektar and growing start-up companies that number over 30 many mission bay alone complimented by ucsf and three new hospitals here in mission bay. we're thrilled as of today mission bay can add the colaborator to its growing in the area and for bayer this is another step in the company's greatest history of leadership and development and our partnering of life science firms. today we'll start the clock on what we'll hope will be a longlar of collaboration between bay area and the most innovative companies in the area. before we introduce the first companies to occupy the area
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-- -- >> thank you, terry. i guess as everybody knows here, bayer has next year a history of 150 years' of successful r&d. i can assure everybody things have changed how we do r&d over the past 150 years, some things remain the same, which is you need great people talking to each other, networking and when we took a little while ago the decision to move here, it was for very simple reason. we understood that director kelly was not willing to move the whole qb3 do richmond. [ laughter ] as a consequence we wanted to have our scientists in the midst of wonderful, very inspiring campus. however, we never really gave up on the idea of getting creative young
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people, young start-ups to us. and this is now happening today. establishing the collaborator will mean that we'll attract young companies working together with us on a great campus, getting inspired with great networks and helping us with the purpose of all of our doings, which is identifying breakthrough innovation for the patients which need it the most. i am extremely excited and i hope that everybody understands how important this step is for us. everybody sees that my entire management team is here, everybody understands that we have the unbelievable honor of having mayor ed lee here today, who also wants to speak to us on this event. i think we should all be proud of what we have accomplished, establishing our own group here. what we want to accomplish, establishing the collaborator.
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i really hope that at the end, the big benefit will go to our patient. thank you very much. i'm very happy that mayor ed lee is here and speaks to us. thank you. >> thank you, andy. welcome everybody. you know, i still marvel, terry, and andy, at just less than ten years ago i was at dpw and we were signing off and getting rid of my mission bay driving range. signing off on getting rid of the railroads and turning this over to what was visualized by mayor brown and then gavin newsom later as the place that we're going to really create life sciences and now today, just seeing what with bay area is doing and the innovations that they have at really putting in the meat of why we all our city the innovation
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capital of the world. it's not your bay area and pfizer working alone, but they are literally using their drugs and their development of drugs to really incentivize the therapeutic uses and just like with the other tech companies, this is a very successful model that is happening between big and small, established and new. the collaboration that is going to go on here, i'm excited about this. it will especially with the two companies that you are naming today and i have to admit, terry, that when i heard prolynx was here, i thought you have finally gotten a replacement for the driving range -- you have to be a golfer to understand that. [ laughter ]. and aronora,
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these are very important discoveries and therapeutic uses of medin that medicine that will advance our world and 38 of them here in mission bay on a vision that i inherited, but so glad to come to fruition. these great incubators will provide information for future generations. i know. it it's right here happening in san francisco and at the same time, while we visualize the kind of push-button to some of these solutions, you have got to see how the laboratory discoveries and the very high-levels of disciplines that are happening in these laboratories. and in the constant conversation between these different disciplines that are going on. ends up to be these great
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discoveries of it's exciting. it's our future. it's what we had envisioned when gavin said regenerative medicine right here in our bay, the stem-cell research going on and the association with uc san francisco that is part of your work that is happening right here. so i don't mind if i come down here every week to find out what the newest discovery is. it's amazing for the city and always places us on the map. i get to talk about this whether i'm at the u.s. conference of mayors or the democratic national convention, everybody is interested in what san francisco is doing from music to art to life sciences and clearly showing the way for our new ventures that offer even the best jobs to be created right here in san francisco. so thank you, bayer. thank you for being part of this wonderful, wonderful mix. it's my appreciate ion for you
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to be here and continue to support you here and how much this has become very much a part of our city. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> mayor lee, friends and colleagues and neighbors, and partners and people who are interested in partnering with us with bayer, today is a great day. today is a day that when an idea comes relative and concrete. you can feel it and touch it and the idea goes back to terry and chris. and i'm very happy to be a part of it today. as you know, bayer is really committed to innovation and knowing the intricacies of science ever growing and becoming more complicated.
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it's pretty clear that we must reach out and compliment our internal research strengths with partners, partners from academia and tech and collaborations with academia part of our research. it's not just an incubator model, but collaboration with mutual fit of interests. we help each other really for the benefit of the patients, which is really our ultimate goal to bring treatment to the impairments. the collaborator is one of the newest models that we pursue. it's an addition to our partnering models which cover actually pretty wide spans. another example i want to give you is our grants for targets initiative, where we use the internet, really to reach out into the whole crowd of scientists, worldwide, and the collaborator is our newest addition.
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we do have other forms of collaboration beyond of course the collaborator and the grants for targets initiative. for example, the imi initiative in europe actually goes beyond the collaboration of individual companies forming consortia of academia and large companies where the individual partner is just too small. but focusing on this area of course, the san francisco area and mayor lee already alluded to that is a hotspot and it's extremely important. we have been here for a long time and our activities here with just four projects with ucsf last year with our partnerships are testament to that commitment to this area. and again, the collaborator is just testament to our commitment to bring treatments to the patients and we use any
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kind of model that fits that purpose and makes us more productive in that endeavor. thank you. chris, please. [ applause ] >> thank you. so we have heard from my colleagues that collaboration and innovation are real priorities for bayer's research and development and using these values that are important for us. the collaborator is just an incubator, but we're trying to put a new twist on this with the landlord-tenant relationship and there really no better place to do this and to be part of the growing bioecosystem it than here in mission bay of the whole point of this is to have tenant companies, start-up companies that want to partner with bayer with proximity to our research groups in this building and in addition, can access the global
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expertise of bayer scientist, as well as the infrastructure that bayer brings and dr. bush mentioned that we have had for 150 years. we are also looking to put companis in the collaborator that are not necessarily partners yet, but again, what better way to find proper probings to work on than having scientists in the same building interacting with each other? as we'll open up the space for tours the collaborator is an open-floor space that encourages interact between the start-up companies in the space. but more importantly what it brings to mission bay is the ability to interact with the 30 other start-ups here, with ucsf, and their core facilities and with incredible organizations like gladstone and qb3. really if you think about it, there probably isn't a better place in the world for a start-up company to become successful than here in mission bay. what you see here in front of me is the collaborator
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roster. and this will house the logos of the start-up companies that will be the first to utilize the space. i will invite them up in a minute. aronora is developing drugs that hold the promise to prevent the growth of blood clots without some of the thrombotic side effects of bleeding. prolynx is manufacturing custom drivers - no, they are not. [ laughter ] >> exactly. statement sorry, i'm putting you in a hole now. you have to develop that as a side project. prolynx is developing technology that get as round many of the problems with conjugated drugs and develop technology for the sustained
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>> you have heard mention from some of my colleagues -- one second -- that time is of the essence and that we are in a race to deliver the therapies to the patients and we have a clock that reminds us that we're us on the clock and time is of the essence. i would like to invite the other four speakers up to help me start the clock, that will be a reminder of what i mentioned.
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3, 2, 1 ! >> is it working? >> yes, it is. [ laughter ] >> it is working. trust me, it's working. trust me, it's working. [ laughter ] so in a few minutes we'll be opening up the doors to the building over there behind the registration desk. and i welcome you to come in and take a look at the space. and ask any questions of colleagues that are in there. thank you very much for coming.
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