tv [untitled] September 29, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT
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avalos, aye, supervisor campos, no, president chiu? aye. >> there are 10 ayes and 9 noes. >> the motion has passed. colleagues, why don't we go to our 3:30 special order, supervisor mar, apologies to the individuals who have been waiting but i do understand supervisor mar has certain accommodations. >> i should say that both of the accommodation people have left, so we were expecting to todd david and the [inaudible] but mr. david had to leave because of yom kippur and ms. parker had an ill child, but i just wanted to say that this week is support public schools week and there's a critical fundraising effort that a number of parent groups are involved in, led by the organization ed match and a critical time is right now to
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support our schools, also i wanted to just say that in my introductory remarks, i will be talking a little bit more about how people can support not just the richmond district schools but all the schools throughout the city. thank you. >> thank you, president chiu >> item 25 was considered by the economic and land development committee was considered, and forwarded to the board as a committee record, it's an ordinance ordering the summer vacation of a public service easement and approving the city's interest in the property located at 14071435 market street. >> roll call vote on this item. >> on item 25, supervisor chu? chu, absent. supervisor cohen? >> aye. >> supervisor elsbernd, elsbernd, aye, supervisor farrell, farrell, aye,
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supervisor kim? kim, aye. supervisor mar, mar, eye, supervisor alag gi, alag gi, aye, supervisor wiener, aye, supervisor avalos, campos, aye, president chiu, there are 10 ayes, this ordinance is passed for the first reading. roll call for introductions. >> we'll go to supervisor kim. roll call for introductions, thank you, supervisor wiener, roll call? okay, president chiu? >> today i'm introducing an ordinance, our conflict of interest code lists the city employees and officials that to file form 700s every year, under state law, the ordinance i'm introducing helps to update
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it since its last revision in 2010. i also want to mention that i'm introducing a resolution to authorize the installation of a new rosy dr*if ter plaque, rosy dr*if ter who wauz part of the north beach telegraph hill community for all of her life is someone who has been a symbol and an icon not just to our city but to the entire country for women who worked in factories since world war ii, the resolution i'm moving forward would allow the city to replace the existing plaque and continue to can xhen rate the memory and the symbol of what rosy dr*if tor stands for, the rest of the items i will submit. >> thank you, supervisor campos? >> thank you very much, madam clerk, i want to take an opportunity to note that in district 9 and specifically in
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the mission in the last few days, we've had a couple of incidents including a shooting that took place about over a week ago and we also had vandalism that took place on the valencia corridor and i just want to take this opportunity to thank the san francisco police department as well as a number of organizations that have been doing bondage prevention work in that community as well as thank all of the residence of the mission who have been rallying around this issue and coming together to figure out a constructive way that we as a community can collectively address this issue. we had a community meeting last night that i thought was a very productive meeting where we were able to hear not only about the steps that are being taken by our police department, our violence prevention departments and our various agencies to maintain the safety of our neighborhoods but also
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to hear directly about members of the community about their concerns and their ideas, one of the things that i think was really amazing to see was the level of -- to which people care about their neighborhood and the fact that i think that that meeting led to many people wanting to be even more involved and i think it is an example that sometimes something positive can come out of something negative. i also wan to thank supervisor wiener who has been working with my office to make sure that we address the issues around the vandalism that took place, the vandalism allegedly had to do with an officer involved shooting that took place a few days back but the reality is that bha*fr the reason, there is simply no excuse for that kind of activity, that kind of vandalism against local businesses that are simply trying to survive. many of the people that were impacted are family-owned businesses that are simply
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struggling to stay afloat and that is simply not a proper way to express any kind of frustration, so, again, we look forward to continuing to work with our agencies and community partners and i want to thank everyone involved for the work that's been done in the last few days. >> thank you, supervisor campos, supervisor mar? >> thank you, madam clerk. i have a couple of items, the first one is regarding a new piece of legislation i'm introducing today, i've spent the past three and a half years to protect our small business sector, i've been addressing the potential threat posed by large retail on our smaller neighborhood businesses and we've held hearings at the land use committee and i've passed legislation to address these concerns but for the past few months, i have been working with a brand no coalition
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community and small business owners some of whom i think were here earlier to create policy solutions to the problems created by the proliferation of large corporate chain stores in our city, we call this good jobs and healthy communities, and with the co-sponsorship of christina alag gi from district five, we introduced today the first piece of our legislative packet which will establish what we're calling the healthy food retailer incentives program, and it will oversee and coordinate the city's incentive and assistance programs for healthy food retailers. this legislation also addresses another important priority, i focused a lot of my attention is promoting healthier food options for children and families and the purpose for this legislation is to increase access to healthy food, reduce unhealthy influences such as tobacco, alcohol and extremely processed foods that are high
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in salt, fat, sugar content in -- especially in underserved parts of the city and we're doing this by providing incentives for existing corner stores and mom and pop stores to change their business plans to offer fresh produce and healthier foods. in many parts o -- of the city, there's lack of equality for fresh foods, and an abundance of corner stores that sells junk foods and tobacco that are high in salt, fats and sugar and low in nutrients, in communities that lack supermarkets, families depend heavily on the corner stores for food choice and they have too much packaged foods, it will create by july 1, 2013, one food stop for healthy retailers that will provide
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technical assistance to businesses and organizations wishing to become healthy food retailers, the office of economic and workforce development will also explore how healthy food retailers can provide new job training and employment opportunities for san francisco residents including low income individual and youths and create incentive tos high locally, to hire san francisco residents, this will also help our city's effort especially at expanding local hiring, i look forward to speaking to many of you and urge your support. one other item that i wanted to acknowledge was the two hor nor roes earlier, they had support of public schools week with other leaders throughout the school district, it's a week-long celebration, an effort to raise money for our
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public schools through new partnerships with local celebrities, businesses, parents and our communities, there are over 150 businesses big and small that are participating, i know washington high school, presidio and many schools in my district are participating, the week becomes shop for sf public schools, also participants may purchase online gift cards and redeem them at favorite sponsoring businesses and workshops that have generously donated some proceeds back to public schools and this ends with a citywide what we talk the tech savvy scavenger hunt, it puts our schools in the spot light and it shall be fun, i'd like to thank ed match, the pta and all the parents who are organizing this. while the state is not supporting and funding our schools the level that it should, it's great that the parents and businesses are stepping up to support our
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schools, also ed match has done a great work creating this events, but leading financial all of our schools, especially those that need so much more financial support. i hope many of you will participate in the scavenger hunt and the many activities going on, if you want more information, go to website support sf public schools .org, one other item that's happening together is it's a national day of voter registration, we're calling it voter registration day, it's one of the most important issues for me as a long-time neighborhood and community activist, especially in immigrant communities, i want to register working fagbacker families and lower income communities, my work has been to expand language access
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but also to support the youth vote process in our schools which creates an awareness among young people to be life-long participate ins the electoral process, i work with a number of youth and san francisco state to get po*ling, i looker forward to working with young people that on national registration today we encourage younger people to participate, today there's over 250 organization that is are joining us in national voting registration day as well, there's also an important kind of improvement in california, now you could register to vote online and i wanted to encourage people to consider registering to vote online if you're not currently registered, the november 6th election is coming up quickly in a short six weeks, it's a critical national election but also local races are critical as well. >> thank you supervisor mar,
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supervisor avalos? >> thank you, just a couple of items, just a note related to supervisor mar's last comments, resident of district 11, mike brown has been moving around with a bus registering people to vote in areas where there's very low voter turnout and doing a lot of outreach to people that are ex-felons who are eligible to vote who may not know they're eligible to vote since they passed parole, i think it's important work that's going on in san francisco and i want to commend mike brown for his work in the community. colleagues, you might remember last year, i had a hearing about the america's cup, their workforce development and local business plan, local business inclusion plan, making sure we hit our stride around local businesses taking part in america's cup and benefits from america cup events, as well as hiring local residents in some of the temporary jobs that are
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created in the america's cup, some of the stages and signs that are going up, i heard from members of the my community and the sign and display union local 510 that perhaps america's cup is not living up to its obligations, i want to have a hearing to look at the status of how we're meeting our obligations in hiring local rez dens and making sure we're including local businesses around the america's cup so i'll be hosting that hearing in the next couple of weeks. >> [inaudible]. >> wonderful, okay, and then i have announcement about an important event in my district called -- if you remember on august 7, there was a fire that affected 8 businesses on ocean and businesses are struggling
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to get back on their feet, lost a lot of, you know, revenue coming in because they're closed down right now, so there's going to be a fundraiser this sunday september 30th at the anglo presbyterian church at ocean and plymouth and there's going to be an opera singers, she's designated as a marion anderson society scholar and is a 2012 honor raoe, she's a winner of the opera social competition and a finalist on the national council of auditions, this is an incredible venue, a pondbacker wonderful church but
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the acoustics here are incredible for some musicians and artists of this caliber and it would be a wonderful event, also a good cause of supporting a lot of business thaz are struggling many the wake of that fire that happened last month, so that will start this coming sunday september 30th at 4:00 at the anglo presbyterian church. er >> and seeing no further names on the restaurant, mr. president, that conclude roll call for presentations. >> why don't we go to general public comment. >> the next opportunity for the public is to speak regular within the jurisdiction of the board without committee reference calendar, please note that public comment is not allowed on those items which have been subject to the board
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discussions, if a member of the public would like a document to be displayed, please state such and remove the document when the screen shall return to live coverage of the meeting. >> first speaker, please. >> i would like to accept 12 newspaper examiner today which i would like to see each one of our supervisors receive one. ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, my name is abdul, i am going to make it my testimony very short, i have here message i give the mayor today which i ask him to be honest, to stop harass and
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attack ross rakramani, he gives vote to be the mayor, but he only receive it only 37%. i don't know yet, that make the mayor angry because his friend lost the job or what? enough is enough, mr. mayor, you see me and you read my message and enough is enough again. i would like to see the second person behind me to continue whatever he wants said about his issue. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, stop the corporate rate of the public library, don't accept money from the friends of the library, privatization of our society not only feeds on the public's assets, it destroys people's access to the truth to protect that abuse.
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as you know, the friends of the library made a commitment that it would raise 16 million dollars for furniture, fixtures and equipment for branch libraries, as recently as february of this year, the library's budget report showed there were only 1.1 million for furniture, fixtures and equipment and 273 thousand of that was for the library preservation fund. the department of public works can only count for 3.6 million from the friends, yet the library claims there was 5.1 million donated by the friends, the library admits that it has no documentation to support that figure stating that "no information is available almost one year later", what must be acknowledged is that not only does this claim violate the branch library figures, but if these new figures were true, then the disclosure required by the sunshine ordinance that shows the friends only donated 4.9 million over an 11 year period would theses be --
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themselves be a lie, can you imagine any institution that is given the license to be given naming and no one accounts if r the money, the entire record is clear, the library commission endorses a president found guilty of official misconduct, the library is the most egregiously dysfunctional and has management failures, this is no accountability because private fundraising interests are what matter, the benefits took slow to private interest and the lies cost more than the money. >> next speaker. >> i would like the screen to remain on display through my entire talk. i was really shocked to hear one of the members of this board of supervisors give their
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blind allegiance to the mayor and total trust to his decisions. let's talk about some phases of the mayor's tenure. first, phase 1, if i'm appointed, i won't run for election, well, we know how that turned out. phase 2, i will overturn an election and take control of the sheriff's department using a charge of official misconduct, that's the current phase, and in between, i will ignore official misconduct in appointing officials under my control. ethics commission had a hearing yesterday regarding jul gomez, she was found in violation of the sunshine ordinance, she fell short of a public official and she was also recommended unanimously from removal from her position. she has learned her lesson, if you can't silence the public,
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send the police department, two inspectors showed up at my home unannounced after public comment at the library commission, and i call the letter the wtf letter, two reasons, one, here is some comments that the library commission president made on the -- that were publicly put on the library's website and also appeared in the san francisco examiner, i know 12 people would would f-in bury him if he walked out of here today, he doesn't know who he's f-ing with, she hasn't changed her stripes, she's still got the same disregard and contempt for the public participation, she should be removed. >> hello.
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my name is vivian imperialy, i'm a city worker speaking as an individual on my own time, today is yom kippur following ten days of repen dense, for ross, it's been nearly ten months of repen dense, it is significant that yom kippur both sends the apologies and to accept apologies, ross came to terms with her isolated incident, it is incumbent on us to accept his apoll -- apology and leave that moment behind, we must use the power of forgiveness and acknowledge the good that can come from bad. ross has grown as a person and as a husband and father, he values the sanctity of family and is is a joy to behold as he embraces both literally and figuratively the family and
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friends who surround him, daily, he demonstrates humility and civility, this is a man who knows what it takes to rise up from adversity, to face his weaknesses and make a change for the better, as sheriff, he'll recognize the potential of people in our jails, he knows now with resources and determination, people can reconstruct their lives, he's determined to make a difference to those in the criminal justice system. we voted him in as sheriff to do just that. we must not be a vindictive society that allows one momentarily arm grasp to alter a man's life forever. one man, one family needing one vote from you to let them have their lives back. then we can face a new year with justice prevailing. >> next speaker, please.
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>> good afternoon, honorable board of supervisors, my name is [inaudible] and with me maria, [inaudible] and everybody, we are members of the audience of 1010 a.m. kiqi, a spanish format radio talk show, which at least these supervisors here, two are frequent visitors which are david campos and supervisor avalos, i think supervisor mar has been here also, we are kind of bilingual and we're hoping to entertain you, this is a group that decided to pull together all the time to be the voice or bring you the voice of members of the audience who cannot be here. this station is heard on san francisco 990 sacramento and
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1170 in the valley, this morning, [inaudible] opened the lines to the audience and to talk about the issue of [inaudible] which is a very hot issue on this, we're representing here dr. margaret [inaudible], his wife and business partner [inaudible] and the audience of 1010km california, i'll try to [inaudible] as much as i can. (playing radio station audio). >> i am recording the phone calls concerning mr.
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[inaudible]. all i ask that you call [inaudible]. >> thank you. >> ma'am? your time is up, thank you. can you turn the radio down. okay, next speaker. >> okay. >> next speaker. >> okay, it's going to start again. i mean, if you could humor us, okay, there's a lot of people who called in, okay. and well you can say no any
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time. >> well, we're only -- every speaker is allotted a certain amount of time, two minutes. >> okay. >> i'm sorry, it's against the board rules, we're not able to yield group time like that, if each member would like to speak, they may speak two minutes. >> okay, you know, do you want to -- >> (speaking spanish). >> i would like to submit this in the records for the supervised sore in --
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supervisor, we there is many people in the audience that are calling to the station and asking so why this is happening so is there any justice in san francisco? are they going to be doing the same thing once again, i'm asking you the use this in record, to pass it in record and then you can listen and then you can have a sense on how many people is asking to reinstate ross kamini, i live in redwood city and i work as a volunteer in redwood city, but also i work in san francisco and i'm a community organizer and i cannot let
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