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tv   [untitled]    October 3, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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novel is the creation of the incident command. the idea that we are going to create a network headed by metaloa who is a veteran of the police department now at mta who makes sure that she knows who is in response of minutemy service planning, the minioperations and dealing with traffic management and out reach and promotion people, the service planning people. she has us meeting on a weekly basis to figure out what are the legacy that we learned from august that we need to carry over and what are the areas that we need to correct? this is an extraordinary week that we are going to be seeing. this is only a partial list of what we know is going on fleet week. 49ers game on sunday, the giants should they... they are in the playoffs. it depends on how much the home games are here but this is all happen ng san francisco. blue grass, a big draw, we need
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to keep people safe. italy an fair. the same weekend. the cruise ship visit we have been working closely with the port to make sure that we understand those logistics and get out ahead and we steer the bikes and not in the midst of the activity and all of this means that we have gotten out early with the promotion and the advisory campaign. we are working with employ ears and we are working with the tenants of the port to get the information about what is happening on the water front and when. the idea of the embarkadaro right lane is as much of a safety issue if anything. it is not just a bike facility so they are not competing for the sidewalk, it is also an emergency vehicle access lane, that ends up being important, if we see congestion that we have seen in the past, it gives the ambulances and the fire dependant *
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>> so we have also worked around out and do we have enough parking control officers, police, traffic managers we, have a plan for not only how many there are but where they will be stationed and how fluid they can be. because the reality is that we don't know the day-to-day issues until the day happens and knowing that we can move them around through an incident command structure to be from this place, a half hour ago to this place in 15 minutes is part of our planning. now, one of the big lists that we are giving fleet week that we have not seen before is the tremendous amount of cooperation that we are getting in the region. golden gate transit, cal train, all of these regional providers are offering more service to carry people, it is not just once they are in san francisco, we are intercepting them in hayward, in luxburg and giving them that tras sit so they are
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not bringing the car close to the city. we are marketing that at the airport so the people can make their plans to come to san francisco and know that they can hop on and not rent a car and actually be part of the foot traffic and the fun of the america's cup. and then we are also doing a very big tdm transportation demand management, if you are an employer that you want to be sure that your employees can get to work, we are telling you to use these transportation services they are not just for people watching races, they are for everybody who needs to go from one part of san francisco to the other. there is a lot of discussion about the lane treatment, so october 6 and 7, a saturday and a sunday, we are taking the right-hand lane north of washington to bay. carving that out for bikes and for wide enough for emergency vehicles. and then, what happens is when it comes to bay, we divert that bike traffic, west association that it bypasses the heart of
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fisherman's warf, so it serves the crews activity and give them a shortcut to the marina green. >> it move the people safely. the people do come in the building, such a huge hub for tens of thousands of people who will be coming and from that point they are working their way north. what we would like to do is not mix the bikes and pedestrians. because both volumes of peds and bikes are slowing if we believe that it is the event that we believe it is. >> the barricades and the barriers that we are putting in place have brakes at every driveway. humans will be able to use their intelligence to make sure that if people need to have drop off and delivery, they will allow t that is the beauty of working with the parking control officers who are veterans of these kinds of events. we also manage and accommodate the crews activity which is happening in the same weekend. >> so this is the schedule.
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i don't think that i need to break it down. i am sure that you are aware, put it into perspective the real races are next year, these are the preraces, we have america cup finals september 2 to 22nd. what shifts for us and we are paying attention is that the center of a lot of the activities moves over to pier 2729 f, for me it is a easier area to serve by transit. one of the legacies that we have seen in august is the historic street car that was running from cal train north along the water front all wait to the warf. there were 8700 people that as i understand the feedback, rode that service, that could be a permanent part of san francisco's legacy if we work and if this works out well for moving people from ball games, let's say to the ferry building, to the warf. they will be riding that service again in october and look at running it again in 2013. other programs that we hope to
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use cliper card even more. comprehensively, having all of the transit providers accessible by one simple card and so that a tourist does not have to dig in his pocket and get in those cars and large numbers out before they get to san francisco. those are the campaigns through next summer. the jefferson public realm we are tracking that to make sure that it is under construction and that it isn't in the way of all of the pedestrian ans that are coming. but it actually helps them strategickly go to the park so they have a wonderful experience from the street car, from the public realm to park. the warf is one of the projects that we have tracked they seem to be coming on-line to make the pedestrian experience more than not just convenient and safe but also more beautiful. but we are also looking at completing the marina to the fort mason bike ped trail. even though the america's cup
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headquarters will be at 2729 the green will be programmed in 2013 and we expect the visit tores there as well. here is an image for the 2013 village. and 2729. there is an image of 3032, it will become an important, destination for the people who love to watch the boats being assembled and put in the water. it is what is going to be happening in october it will be happening again in 2013. and again, it is right on that eline, and the initial service to go to the ballpark now and we will be marketing those as options to get there. >> before a jump to questions, i do want to make a comment about planing for feet week. we took this seriously and we realize that had it was a great opportunity to help fleet week and give them all of this advanced planning on transit and transportation options in the marketing. >> they have built a brochure and we are actually looking at the third and a great
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connection to the pure 80 for the people who want to see the ships. >> we are doing it for a candle stick, event. we are getting the most efficiency out of that rail line as it goes past pier 80. any questions on where we are and where you would like us to go next. >> is there any public comment? >> seeing none, commissioners, sorry. >> >> sue, hester i want to follow up on some comments that i made at the planning commission. i live my office in union square, which is one of the other venues. and i didn't see it up there.
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and union square and the... are often looked as overflow areas and viewing areas. and we have to be sensitive to the fact that we have not got a lot of people that are trained to manage pedestrians. when there is an overflow crowd in urba buena last week, and when there is construction under way on stockton street, the grand subway, the disruptions caused by them back up the street. and they are back up the street particularly with the pedestrians. i would give me right arm if the city would train effective people to control pedestrians. around voskony center last weekend it was horrible. because the pedestrians were
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out in force, in such force that they just crossed market street when they wanted to. they crossed the adjacent streets when they wanted to. and there was no one there with a whistle blowing to control pedestrians. we have about a year, to get up to speed. and if we do not use the time well, to augment the pedestrian control, and as a pedestrian, i know that you know, it helps to have people whistling to get you back on the curve if you need to be back on the curb, but market street is... and around the center, it is a horror and while the construction is going on stockton street it is particularly a horror. no one has responsibility as far as i can see with controlling pedestrians and so peter, that is my plea and you
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all are in charge of a large part of it. the word has to go out to the entire city family, that we need better traffic control and this means a lot of pedestrian control because (inaudible) are interrupted and buses are interrupted on market street a lot. thank you. >> thank you. >> is there any other public comment? >> okay. >> commissioners? >> comments? questions? >> i think that we certainly have our work cut out for us this coming weekend. but my sense is if that works it will make the america's cup in 2013 look like a piece of cake. >> one thing that... yeah i would be curious about as was pointed out by the prior speaker, we do have a number of tourists in town and will there be any steps taken to try to focus on the pedestrian safety
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issues >> the incident command system is going to be monitoring how well we do with this super, event that we have in october. we do have sessions planned for post october. 2013. and make sure that we staff up. i think that the big thing is staffing up in positioning. and so the short answer is yes, we watching this as lessons learned as a legacy. i think that the great opportunity is how fluid we are and making sure that we are smart with where we wanted to dispatch people and where we needed them to be. between now and october that is the focus of our conversation. >> mrs. brandon. >> thank you for the presentation, and i have a couple of comments and you have worked hard and i appreciate that you do this in the living situation because i think that we go from experience to experience and we learn. and so i did have a couple of
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questions, one i guess for the port in terms of the cruise ships coming in. are those cruise ships aware they are carries passengers that are walking into a huge city of events and so on the one hand it is positive. but on the other hand that not shocked when they come in. >> yes, the deputy director, yes, good question, we are going to have two large ships pull turns after 35 on saturday and sunday. we have reached out to the cruise lines, months ago and did a couple of things, a, we informed them of the activity on the water front and part of them were of the marketing standpoint they thought it was great because the america cup races will be under way and when they depart the big, white cruise ships will be sailing right by the race course. that part was great. in terms of logistics, we talked about the cruise lines, mike and my staff, john davy went to the cruise lines and requested that the vessels not be stored in san francisco, so all of the large semitrailers,
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full of food and provisioning that normally would take place on two days has been moved to san diego at another port ocall and we have taken those trucks off the road and they have notified the passengers of the impact and slightly altered their embark and disembark schedules to allow for the cleanest working the ship. so princess is on board, that is our biggest customer, they are aware tf and kind of excited about it and they are aware and the passengers are aware >> good, because their passengers may have some of the best viewing right from the ship. >> you might mention the docents. >> we have a team of greeters in st* that come in and greet every ship and hand out information and maps and information to the passengers looking to find out where they should go and what is to be seen. we have the disney wonder in port this afternoon, here on an over night call, it is at 4:00
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or 5:00 in our volunteer passenger docents do hand out maps and point them in the right direction so they can spend their money as quickly as they can. >> i do have some questions, i guess. i did not hear you mention ferries? in terms of extra ferries coming? >> good question. the ferry, lines are... and peter knows better than i do. i will let him answer, there will be plenty of ferries and we are actually trying to get the water taxi up and operating for a special service between pier one and a half and christie field during that race day. so ferries will be... yes. >> thank you. >> peter albert. we are working with we are work withing golden gate. * *
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>> because the weekend, the time when the buses have more reserve because they are more heavily used during the commute period. we have figured out what buses need to run, to accommodate for the fleet week and we have to accommodate the extra buss that go out at golden gate park and now we are down to which types of buses and where they are going, we have room with the light rail which is good because they need it for the tshird and also the ball game and the historic street cars, we are down to know what kind is serve the e, and how many need to be rehab taited and need to be running by october and how that comes on-line. and so the answer is, yes. pretty detailed service plan getting us prepared for exactly this kind of extra frequency, on these few days. >> and this service more or less like a express that you go straight from point to point and it is a regular stop at every two blocks. >> one line will be served as a
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limited. it will be the 47. the opportunity is that the people can try what it is like to have a limited service from the civic center. the other buses we will run the basic service. in august we tried augmenting other lines with the limited on the 43, and short lines on the 22. and they were not all that well used what we found is that the golden gate transit which runs the bus service into san francisco, actually picked up a lot of the people who were trying to go from one part of the northern water front to the field. and so they are kicking in an extra service and giving uni more band width to put the buses out to golden gate park. >> one more question, i think that we are all very excited about this. but concerned about how people are going to get around. and so in terms of the major hotels, are they having any type of private service that will help the people get to
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these venues? >> they say that they are encouraged to do that. >> the private companies can offer whatever shuttle and there is a lot sbf in that. we are working with the industry. they are helping with the brochures we hope that they will ask the people to take advantage of the augmented services that we have in place and because we have thought about destinations and hotels and centers where visitors coming, union square, the warf and the cbd there, they probably don't need to run shuttles if they are marketing the services we have already got up and running and that actually worked out very well in august. i don't know if people saw that bart had one of the top riding days. that showed that we can rely on the existing service and just use it more efficiently. >> you said that there would be satellite parking lot. i wish that i had known that because i had a terrible time
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trying to park. from the parking lots and to the actual marina green area, is there a different type of shuttle that the city is provide? ing >> the satellite parking lots are around the locations where there is either a transit hub or a bicycle rental hub, so they include ucsf, they are a little father from the water front, we have civic center and performing arts garage, which is right on the limited line, we have the downtown garage close to the e and the f line. it is not that we are opening up garages that are closed we are helping the people find the facilitis that tend to have capacity on the weekends and we contacted the garage owner to help to anticipate bigger crowds. they could do it on foot and these augmented transit or i did not talk about park wide. it is a coalition of bike rental companies that have four station areas in san francisco. union square, plaza right by here, the marina green which is
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a great station for this and golden gate park and the satellite parking lines up nicely with these stations so you could park there and pick up a bike and ride it and drop it off there and take a cab back and get a ride back and that gives you the extra flexibility. >> the cabs are going to be organized in a way that they will be right around the areas where they expect the most people. >> actually i heard that we are looking at having 150 more cabs running than a typical weekend to accommodate the demands. >> okay, i think that i have run the gamut. people can hear as well. i think that it is going to be very exciting. and i am debating whether i am going to try this and actually get into the mix or stay away. >> obviously, what we would love to do is that everyone comes, tries it and comes back with a really posive experience, that they are not afraid to come, but that they are finding that it is more fun
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to come in a way that does not require, parking grid lock and congestion and actually enjoy the water front and the fun services ferry and the historic street cars, people come from all over the world to ride these, it is about time that we saw them not as a tourist attraction but a fundamental way to get from ato b. >> employers will be encouraging more tele commuting and don't come into san francisco at all this week. >> the transportation demand included tele commuter to give them the option to work it out with their employers. >> thank you very much. >> peter, sorry, i have a few other questions, too. as you did touch on taxi cabs and it is not just the taxi companies, but have we done anything to ensure that taxis will honor calls, for example you hear the complaints, it is not possible to work with them. have we done something to sort of alert or get the message out to cab drivers as well sort of
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the added need for their services? first question, and second, would be just in terms of distributing any bike route maps so that at the hotels or elsewhere where we have people in town or locals adding ease for movement with bicycles. but, a third one that jumps out at me was during our first world series that was sort of the only major thing in town. and so we had 150,000 people there. this weekend, or the weekend we are referring to now, there is going to be a lot of competition, so accounted for shuttles to all of the different parts of town as well. >> there are two questions, the first one, being about the cabs. the mta luckily we managed the cabs as well. so they have been a regular part of the incident command system meetings that is what he is doing. he is telling the drivers and the cab operators where they are and where we need to be. and that is where i got that number 1 50.
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>> for the public information brochure, it does have a select, not the comprehensive bike route, but what we consider to be best and most usable for truist bike routes clearly put in place. i did talk about, there are so many things that went into the people plan. you might have already seen the temporary waste lining that becomes a part of our infrastructure and we got a lot of work. and we extended that system for pedestrians all the way to chrisy field and green and actually included projections of how long it takes to walk from the ferry building to fort mason and so that people get better information and now we are rolling out a similar situation for bikes. you will see a bike waste lining system with real time information about how long it takes from ride from point a to b. it is one of the things that we would like to pilot as well. if it works well it could be a much more systematic approach to bicycle. >> commissioner katz, the third question? >> the differential, this
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particular weekend with the fleet week activities, the giants, playoffs, the 49ers game. >> thank you. >> one thing that we didn't do, which i think is smart is we did not treat it like we were planning for america's cup and someone else is going to be planning for fleet week and someone else for... working with the incident command system we put them all on the table. there is a great poll that i looked at last time that talks about all of the services that we are marketing and how to get there and the transit brochure that is accessible now on our website and. oewd website. the hubs if you are trying to go to blue grass, here is the 5 l, or if you are going to fleet week, here is the 47 l, where the buses are. >> the con see erj is going to have a brochure. they can print and give them a copy, whether it is bike or transit and what we like is that you just have a great time in san francisco that weekend. i think that people are going to sample a little bit of
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everything and that is exactly what we want them to do. >> okay tu, very much. >> thank you, and everyone who put so much time and effort into this. >> thank you. >> item 9 b, information presentation on the progress from plans to projects for the 69-acre pier 70 site located near the intersection of 20th and illinois streets. >> thank you. >> deputy director of planning and development i have it as cuing up the powerpoint. let me take this moment to just explain how we are going to present this information. we will give you a little bit of history on the pier 70 as well as going through the plan itself. focus in on the key developments that we are working on and introduce the
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team that is going to be working on pier 70 or is working on pier 7 and talk a little bit about next steps. so just to remind you where pier 70 is located just south of mission bay you can see from this graphic. just along the water just south of mission bay and just before the trail, now closed power plant. just a little bit of history on pier 70. we began the... when it is plan was aproveds if 1997 and the plan included pier 70 and within the pier 70 plan, the 69 acre theres was a 12-acre
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opportunity site that was included in that original plan. this shows earlier was a 1990s view and you can see in the mission bay area how little development there was. and then the next slide you can see with pier 70 and the foreground how much new development there was. but when you go back to the slide from the 1990s, when the plan was adopted in 1997, it sort of kicked off the development process for pier 70. and we actually issued a rsf and 2,000 for the development of the 12 acre opportunity site. two developers were selected, aand b, and then the san
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francisco art institute. but neither of those developments went forward. >> and in both cases, the developer has indicated that the projects were not feasable that the air was not ripe and it was too isolated. we began negotiations in 2004, th explore torium about moving to pier 70. again those negotiations were not successful for a lot of the same reasons. it found that the two isolated and as we know now they have indicated in the northern water front. but their partners... as well, with the concerns b