tv [untitled] October 3, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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what the state standards are, the schools know them. the school district knows them, but what about the service providers? what is it that the kids should be do at the end of the day, what that should look like. so, again, thank you for this and i look forward to seeing what comes from it. >> thank you very much. and i believe now we'll be hearing from our deputy superintendent. guadalupe guerrero. >> good afternoon, commissioner, and supervisors. guadalupe guerrero. i think i'm in the eighth week for deputy superintendent for instruction, innovation and
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social justice. glad to speak on the topic today. let me switch over to our powerpoint. there we go, thank you. today's presentation there's a few things i want to be able to speak to just at a high level reminder of the school districts' vision and goals for all students. but more importantly, share some data with you today and some outcomes for some of the targeted student populations that are the focus of conversation today, discuss and share with you some strategic actions and interventions that are showing promise in some of our schools that can only benefit to expand on and highlight some of those promising partnerships that are occurring. san francisco unified school district's vision for student success, we do expect that every student who enrolls in our schools will graduate from high school, will be ready for
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college and career and be equipped with the skills to be successful in the 21st century. san francisco unified adopted a bold strategic plan with three goals focused on access and equity, student achievement, and account ability. -- and accountability. and there are six key milestones our superintendent has laid out toward measuring our progress and student goals. there are a few in here i want to highlight. they're kind of chronological starting with the first milestone, and that's the percentage of students who are ready for kindergarten. and that's important to today's topic because 30% of our students, based on our assessment, are actually showing up ready for kindergarten. so, that is a point of input. we then have a fourth grade milestone where you see that number after a few years has gone up a bit to 70 and 72% for meaning in which language arts and math standards.
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similarly you see our milestones for eighth grade. and then a 10th grade we have a graduation exit exam, the kc exam. we have 80 and 84% of students passing the content areas. and then for our percentages, seniors that are actually graduating with the a through g sequence, we see a number of 52%. and then we have graduates in post secondary at 79. this past tuesday evening at our board of education meeting we spent some time going in detail through a lot of our district summary data. but today i'm going to focus on our student subgroups, most relevant. this first slide is based on our performance on this past testing cycle of state tests, cfc. this first slide is on english language arts. these are the transfer proficient level. these are students who score at proficient or advanced. for a few student subgroups, these are for grades 2 through 11 test graders. let me start off by pointing
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out in the top right corner you'll notice the overall trend in san francisco is a 10% growth which double digit growth. so, we did show at our board the other night while there is a lot to be commended and san francisco is back on top as the top performing district. but while we enjoy that title we have the widest gap. it is something we are being attentive to. african-american, latino, native american and samoan. and while the district overall trend was 10% growth, what you notice over a five-year trend is african-american growth has bested the district average of 13% improvement, latino at 10% equal to the district's growth, native american at 14%, and samoan at 11%. the next slide is similar, but in the content area of mathematics on the state test. again, 8.2% district overall
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growth trend, african-american comparison 13% growth over five years, latino 10%, native american 7, and samoan 11%. >> superintendent, i'm just wondering if there is anyway maybe later on to get the numbers of where the anglo and asian-american students are. >> okay. so, maybe in this next slide, we get to that point. so, this next slide is actually on the english language arts achievement gap. so, what's highlighted in this one are two line graphs, one for african-american/latino, and the top line graph actually represents the district average. and what i want to point out is, again, a different way to represent it over five years, you'll notice that there was -- there is a persisting achievement gap, the first thing you'll notice. but if you look at the district average of 50.5 in 2008, you'll notice that 28.3 is one
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subgroup's performance and the other one is 22.6. there was quite a margin or gap there, 22 and 27%. if you fast forward to 2012, our latest test results, you'll notice that one really hasn't budged in the english language arts and the other one has shrunk by just a few percentage points. so, in this next slide, instead of actually comparing to the district average we've actually disaggregated in this line graph, the top line graph actually represents our chinese and white students. so, you also see the achievement gap illustrated not just in comparison to the district average, but actually in comparison to those subgroups. and what you'll notice there is that the achievement gap actually gets even more significant. so, five years ago you saw 43.4 gap with one subgroup and 37.7 with one. and while there's been a slight narrowing, that gap persists and is still wide. so, it's worth noting that
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everybody's performance is going up. the african-american and latino is narrowing slightly but there is still a persistent gap there. this slide is similarly shows the same trend only it's in mathematics. you see a little bit more growth in some cases. again, this one is in comparison to chinese and white students on the top line graph. you see an even wider gap when you don't factor them into the district average. so, you see 54% performance achievement gap five years ago, narrowing a bit, but still persisting. this next table is high school success and retention for two student populations, latino and african-american. just looking at the first row there, the latino state demographic graduation rate is 70.4 with a 17.7 drop-out rate.
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11% of those students still engaged with their school districts and perhaps a fifth year of credit recovery program. in san francisco that graduation rate is at 67.2 for la tin owedx, 18.6% drop out and 14% still engaged. * latinoses at thurs owe good marshal and burton, those were pulled out, specific schools we want to shed light on statistics for, thurgood marshall 38% overall graduation rate, 5% still engaged with the school in some fashion. at burton 68, drop-out 22, still enrolled 9. for african-american state graduation rate of 62.8. the district pretty much on par with that rate. at marshall, you see it a bit, a few percentage points higher than that. and burton actually has been enjoying a bit of or a greater succession than the district average, 82.6%. but still with the 17.4
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drop-out rate. so, here you see sort of a comparison from 09-10 to 10-11. so you can see there how that graduation rate has improved in a one-year difference there in our state from 74 to 76% and the district from 77 to 82%, which is a 5% improvement at burton from 78% to 78.9, just slight increase, but at marshall, 75.6 has increased to a 77.8% graduation rate. so, since we're talking graduation, it's hard to separate that from the actual requirement. so, the board adopted a through g requirement. it is important to notice whether we're on track or not as students who are falling under that policy are going to be enjoying success. so, what i want to point out
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here with these three subgroups listed, african-american, latino and samoan is you see four columns after that. whether they're on track, you see a c. these are students who are getting a c or better in the a through g core sequence. that means they're taking courses for california state university or university of california eligible. so, these are students who are on track for doing that. these are our present juniors in high school right now. you'll notice that we have 2,122 students who are on track. it's not a typo. we have the exact same number of students based on sort of our best data today that are not on track. so, that means we don't have a c or better in all of their courses on that a through g sequence. in the third or fourth column where it says on track or off track d, these are students who are getting a d or better in that same core sequence. so, they can get a d in the a through g core sequence and meet district graduation
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requirements because they're taking the core sequence that they wouldn't be eligible to apply for a csu or uc school. so, what you're going to notice in the fourth column which is sort of the most alarming one here is these are students that are both not finishing school uc or ucs eligible and not graduating san francisco unified school district with a diploma if this pattern persists. so, just to call it out, for our 2014 class, african-american students, those are 246 kids today not on track. these are students that are not performing with a d or better in their required courses and only 76 that are on track if you look at the minimal requirements. if you see the 2015 class, you see that number there. now, of course, as they become juniors and seniors, you'll notice that the sequence gets even a little more stringent. so, the big question is what
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are some of the strategic actions and interventionses for closing this achievement gap, which is persisted for generations? >> commissioner. >> excuse me, deputy lieutenant. i have a question or clarification on the last slide. does that include students that are just in our regular schools or does that include our county schools? >> good afternoon, bill sanders, director division of curriculum instruction. it includes all students in that grade. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you. it's good to have you back up. -- your back up. >> so, a few strategies and interventions for tackling the issue here is a big push in our district at the moment becoming oriented towards implementing an english language arts and core curriculum. one is very focused on the common courses standard for
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different level of rigger. it's a different level of practice and something our teacher and principals at the moment are becoming familiar with. it's adopting materials. we just adopted new k through 8 language arts materials for students. so, again, getting better quality instructional materials to teach those standards. we're also expanding our use of assessments to inform instruction. so, more and more steps are being put in place by teachers so they can learn whether where students are at&t any given point and monitor progress thou they're doing. it's access to the course. it's one thing to have standards and practices, but it has to be accessible to all students. and how do we deal with the readiness to learn issue? how do we better align pre-k and elementary? that's a big push for us. how do we differentiate our instruction? so it's culturally relevant? so it's accessible to students with special needs, students who are second language learners, how are we inclusive in that fashion? and then how across all of our
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schools are we dedicating time per allowed plan for english language development? so, we have a specific time during the day when instruction is being provided in eld or specialized instruction. and all of it, if we're implementing standards and we're differentiating our instruction, how do we monitor who is doing well and who isn't? and how do we respond and react? so, how do we make more robust multiple tiers of support and intervention for students that are not achieving? and, so, what are some of those targeted interventionses and supports for our prioritized subgroups which i refer to as african-american, english language learners and students with disabilities? these are targeted in our lea in the district. we said algebra 1 is required. we have more students taking that. we are enhancing grade 9 bridge program. so when we notice there are issues with eighth graders as
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we're going into school, they're getting additional remediational support with study skill to be successful and something that's shown a lot of promise for us is putting in place an early warning indicator system so we have much more accurate means of tracking which students are falling off track. if we look at a variety of factors, attendance, suspension rates, grade performance, et cetera, we should know right away who early on is in need of some support. so, you see some of our high schools who are enjoying some nice results. it's because they're paying attention to our early warning indicator system and for these sets of students, for example, who are creating mentor ships, additional targeted supports for these subgroups of students. and then the kc, the kc is an exit exam. you have to pass it to graduate. so, what are the tutoring supports we're making available to students who need that extra help? and then of course how do we make credit recovery and learning options available for students, not just during the summertime which has been great, but we've been able to
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maintain alive thanks to the city, and during the school year a blended learning option. there are also lessons learned from what we see double and triple the rate of acceleration for these subgroups. specifically in superintendent zone schools where we did see a rate of improvement that was much greater than the san district. there are a few things we paid attention to leadership development, engaging parents and families and community partnerships, raising the capacity of our teachers to be successful with students, making sure the learning environments were equipped with the material and coaching for our teachers. also, it bears mention that there are a lot of places around our district where there are some very valued partnerships. this is not an exhaustive list, but just an example of ways that we're also engaging the community who works with families, who we need to be in alignment and partnership with. i'll just rattle off a few.
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naacp back on track, african-american honor roll, wonderful event, public a cheervs, mayor's public housing, p support, et cetera. these are all examples and i was really glad to hear in the earlier presentation because i agree, it's going to take that kind of collaboration and coordination around a shared set of goals and outcomes and it's going to take a multi-prong strategy if we're going to really accelerate and make an impact on this achievement gap. just a few examples of actual schools that are showing results so we know it's possible. i'm not going to read off this whole list. we recently had some of our principals list some of the strategies that have garnered them double digit growth with student subgroups, for example, new traditions elementary. it's a school that's been recognized for closing the gap for african-american students. it's narrowing that. and there's a few things they're doing. they're engaged with their
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colleague principals on the topic, focused on exclusive practice for daunts with special needs. there's a lot of collaboration happening with teachers. they're using a lot of assessments to gauge how student's learning is progressing. they're having family events in the evenings based on math, same thing with charles drew, higher expectations, bringing in supplemental programs, software; focus on literacy and lots of collaboration time for the students -- the teachers to plan together. and then the secondary schools again just to name a few examples, you see some similar elements, some common planning time for teachers, enhanced after school and summer opportunities, enhanced student support, mental health, et cetera. so, some of the slides that didn't show tonight we showed to our board on tuesday night, there are other indicators. suspensions have gone down dramatically. our attendance is going up dramatically. so, we're definitely on the right track. i think the question of the day
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is we may be narrowing the achievement gap. however, we're also in a bit of a crisis mode because if this pattern persists we have an unacceptable number of students right now who require a much more robust intervention right now. where do we go now? continue to deepen our practice on support, our interventions, state standards driven, make sure we're reporting out to parents so they hold us accountable about the progress of learning in school. these are tough economic types, but stay aware of investment and funding opportunities out there, much like the [speaker not understood] able to show impact and we're in our final year there. i think there's a real scenario here with prop 30 and 38, the outcome of that is going to be super critical. that could be a big setback. i know that one of our supervisors has an upcoming resolution as well. that will help us kind of fill the gap with after school and
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other credit earning options. staying alive for some of these same subgroups of students. and then this is a working title. how do we get more strategic about assigning leadership support to this topic as a district so that some of those elements and some of that outreach with some of the groups in the community, so that we can expand on the strategies that are working in our city and our schools with our kids and make that much more, much more collaborative service provider model. we've shared and aligned academic goals and supports for students and family. thank you. >> thank you to our deputy superintendent. i know supervisor cohen had a couple of questions. supervisor. we have been joined by president chiu. >> thank you very much. i had a question, if we could go back to the slide that discusses partnerships with city and cbos. on the second bullet we've got
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back on track/naacp mou. can you please inform us what naacp mou? >> we have in our midst [speaker not understood] who can provide lots of detail. >> thank you. supervisor cohen, last year martin luther king had 200 suspensions, and there was a number of staff changes and meetings with the community. and one of the things that came out of that was a person by the name of bob ivory who had come out from ohio. and this summer we came up with an mou of the program. in fact, they've got a big open house tonight. and last year they had 30 suspensions the first month of school, this year it's down to one. so, there are activities that
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are going on. the academic programs are just getting started. students are being referred through the counseling office to him and, so -- and also this year we're going to probably this summer have program of freedom schools that will connect with that. >> thank you. thanks for describing to me the functions. could you talk to me a little about maybe a little more of the mechanics of the m-o-u, the goals expressed? is it set up to minimize suspensions? >> certainly suspensions. there are field trips. there are meetings with parents. as we speak, i think the two things we've mentioned with african-american students in particular have been the achievement gap and outmigration.
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last year there were 105 african-american students at martin luther king. this year there's 92. so, again, the outmigration is evident that's there. >> how does the outmigration tie into this, the m-o-u? >> it really doesn't. it's just the fact that the school -- it will be less students to be working with. and with that in mind, we feel as though we should be able to have a lot more success because we have less students we're dealing with. >> is there a budget associated with this m-o-u? >> this budget is beings raised by the group itself. and i know they're working with wells fargo, bank of america. and at this point they have only had groups that have shown interest, but no money has been raised as of yet. >> so, what happens' the projected budget, which i'm sure -- what is your aspirational goal? >> i think it's around 100,000 or $120,000. >> is that for one academic
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school year? >> yes, one academic school year. and also in mind how to be expand totion other schools, particularly in the bayview, thurgood marshall, and as the funds come in. >> so, the purpose again of the m-o-u is to provide support for teachers and the administration to address suspensions? specifically the achievement gap. >> i would say the person who runs it, bob ivory, is considered a linkage coordinator. and what he does is he works with different groups such as the teachers, community groups, and in doing that, try to focus on the individual need of each of the students. it's going to differentiate as to what each student needs. >> is bob ivory here today? >> no, he's not. >> okay, thank you for your time. >> okay, all right. >> thank you.
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supervisor olague? >> we'll come up with solutions and recommendationses after the hearing. it seems like we've gone from horrible to less horrible, so, i'm not feeling the, you know, joy, i'm not jumping up and down at this point. [speaker not understood]. so, i mean, the starting point, the jumping point was [speaker not understood] pretty bad. we are where we are, it's not acceptable obviously. i just want to know how we get there. hopefully we'll get, you know, some good positive conversation going. and if it means developing a task force to really focus on this, it's not a bad place to go. i mean, the one good thing to about the task force we established there was a sunset pointe. i like the idea of sunsets because at least it's action oriented, you know, or
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achievement oriented. i was just a little bit alarmed. >> commissioner maufus? >> thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor olague, to your point, i think what you see presented before you today is what the district is doing in recognizing [inaudible] has been happening and not turning a blind aye, and taking some very purposeful, very direct, very intent action and including our staff, our teacher -- [multiple voices] >> i don't want to disregard that. >> also, in particular the very, very strategic about how we bring our students along so they are not falsely led to a place and a path to nowhere. but really, truly, to a path and pathway to somewhere and
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that at least they have an opportunity to make a choice. but if they didn't have those opportunities to even get to the place to make a choice, then we truly are at fault. and i would agree with you and the concern of others here, and probably everyone in this room, of our history and how somehow this has been so prevalent for so many years of intentional activity taking place by those in power and positions of power, as a district, as a board, and in our community to thwart that understanding and find solutions. so, where i think you see presented by our deputy superintendent guerrero is although intentional and purposeful activity to change that ma'am i can and essentially change the lives of our students and their families. * dynamic i believe clearly the commissioners that sit on this committee have been -- [multiple voices] >> a part of that and do not
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turn a blind aye to facts that have been glaring at us. we have come up through this system ourselves and know full well many students who have not been able to participate in college education. and even in [speaker not understood], because by the way, you have to be academically ready to ascend and not just be at the labor reer level. -- laborer level. so, i'm happy, supervisor cohen, and president chiu, you understand where we are at and we are not turning a blind aye to this issue -- [multiple voices] >> thank you, commissioner. commissioner fewer. >> yes, i'd like to comment a little bit about looking at the state. quite frankly, when i saw this data, i myself was very, very shocked particularly about the students not on track for graduation. supervisor, i share your concern. i think as far as the pathway,
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this is a pathway to nowhere. so, i just want to emphasize about the difference between feel better and do better. i know if you're not really in this conversation all the time, what does it really mean when we give two sets of data that say, on track c or better and on track d or better. on that track d or better is a lie, it is a lie to all our students because we instituted an a through g graduation requirement to do two things, one is to give access so that those students that never had access to the a through g courses that were missing eligible for college or university, would be given access to these classes. these students, african-american, latino, islanders specifically were not given those classes, integrated science or integrated math which could get you to graduation, but could never get you to college. that a through g graduation requirement gave them
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