tv [untitled] October 4, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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powell street. jurisdiction includes all sidewalks and up to the building faces on the south side. the jefferson street plan is bold, for the two blocks before you it takes a 37 foot width street with two travel lanes and parking on each side and narrowing it to 24 feet. jefferson would also be changed from one way to two way, making it easier to understand and reach destinations. the street would not... the section, it shows it as much. the street would not have parking but could accommodate loading and service loading that would occur during the morning hours, bike access would also improve as they would gain two way access by using the street and mixing with slow-moving vehicles. the existing sidewalk and the north side of the street is now both a cafe and space, would convert to a cafe zone if
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desired to this commission, subject to other lease negotiations. the street would take on a distinctive appearance with scored concrete paving in the roadway and unique lighting fixtures. the planning department port and cbc include meetings including the restaurant association and developed a traffic monitoring program to ensure that adequate access would be maintained to area businesses. the program includes limiting vehicle access at the powell street intersection during peak weekend summers hours. >> having officers at two key intersections at those hours and conducting a three-year monitoring program to allow for feedback and changes. regarding revenue impacts it would remove 32 metered parking estimated loss of $319,000 of meter fees. >> the business would have to increase by 2.9 percent.
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>> the port staff is also seeking authorization to allow dpw to manage the tree removal for this project consistent with the public *f public works code. there are 25 trees on the south side of jefferson, that in an earlier version of the plan the proposed for removal. during the public review process and an individual repeal, the request to the hearing, the plan has since been revised to maintain 21 of the 25 trees and supported by the community. >> the project would require relocation of a kiosk to across the street of the north sidewalk of that block which is 27 feet wide. pursuant to the code the commission must review and relocate public tie lots and dekiosks up to nine street
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artists relocation, during construction and there after. street artists real estate staff is working with the street artist program director to identify temporary and post construction locations on and off port property. regarding the question, the goal is to have construction completed by june 2013. and in time for america's cup events, and also maintaining access to all businesses during this time. construction bids are due on october third and construction could begin in early december. if dbw is able to reach an agreement with area businesses to spend the holiday on construction *, otherwise the construction will begin in early january. the project needs about 160 days of construction, so the schedule is very tight. pgand e will begin replacing a gas line on one of the two blocks in mid october, following the earlier described events that will be taking place in early october to make
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way for the roadway construction. >> to summarize the requested port commission actions, the resolution before the commission asked to one, approve the final mitigated and the phase one project authorizing the public works to construct the street and crosswalks for two blocks between jones and hyde street. a substitute monitoring document was provided to you today. number two, approved that relocation of one jc dco kiosk. and for the municipal transportation agency to carry out tree removal and changes to the on street parking and traffic regulations on jefferson and street betweens powell and hyde streets. >> so moved. >> second. >> any public comment?
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we do have troy campbell. >> this is important in making sure that the community is aware of what is going on, i want to take a moment to speak to that. >> starting in january of this year, the fisherman's warf coordinated meetings with jefferson from hyde to jones street. we also held community meetings that each held over 100 attendties each. >> discussed in the meetings were the details of the time lines, construction plans and solicited feedback from the community. as many as were incorporated into the final design. >> over all the date at the have coordinated the meetings and three community meetings about this project. in addition the cbd has a
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website called new jefferson and it is managing the dpw. it gives details about the plans and provide a faq section and an alert mechanism to let the neighbors know about the upcoming meetings and alerts and we will do this through the construction process. over 70 people have signed up including each tenant on the north side of jefferson street between hyde and jones. holding regular meetings with the port of san francisco starting in october every other week to keep people abreast on the construction process and to give them a forum to contact if they have problems. the cbd is continued to out reach and the stake holders about the project and will work with agencies to mitigate the impact during construction. with that i just wanted to say that the cbd firmly supports
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this project and requests your action. >> any more public comment. >> hearing none. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> i would like to thank your efforts for saving the street trees, i am glad to see that it worked. i didn't mention as the sidewalk is widened, will we be able to get any revenue from stands that will be permitted on that widened sidewalk area? >> the sidewalk is being widened on the north side of the street, currently there is a mixed cafe zone and sidewalk and that area could be expanded into a solely a cafe zone. >> i was thinking more like the food trucks or the carts, one of the pictures that you had shown an ice cream cart. do we get revenue if we allowed carts like that too? >> there are locations along
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these two blocks, little pull outs that do have a little bit of extra space, particularly as you get closer to the west end and we could explore doing carts at that. the pedestrian volume are so high on jefferson street, we would need to be... i would recommend that the port and commission be selective as to those locations that are done. but there are some areas, for instance, near where we are doing the jcdecaux kiosk and to the east of that outside of the fuel tank area and there is extra space and might accommodate such a use. >> the pictures had it. thank you. >> and the last question, in terms of the lanes, it will be mixed use, vehicle traffic that includes bicycles and do we have any striping for a bike lane or slow enough that the bikes will not have a separate lane? if we are widening the sidewalk? >> the way becomes 24 feet, that is two-way, so it is 12,
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12-foot lanes and the speed is dictated by the slowest moving user, so the bikes will not have a separate lane and the narrowness of it will encourage people to move slow and actual casual drove off. and loading will be restricted to morning hours, however drop off of guests will occur all day long and to area businesses. so we expect the street to operate at a slow speed. it is a street without a thru circulation and the belief is that it will accommodate as well. it is not a separate dedicated bike lane, it is where everyone mixes in a slow street. >> thank you. >> shall we revote again? >> i just want to mention that i think that we obviously appreciate that this has been well vetted in the community and it sounds like this has been planned for a long time and i think that we have been hearing about it and i am glad
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to see that it is in front of us today. i will ask again for a motion to approve. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> resolution, 1273 has passed. >> and we are going to take item 10 a first before we take item 9 d. >> item 1 on a, informational presentation on amb pier 1, llc pier 1 energy efficiency and solar array projects. >> good afternoon, jay edwards, senior property manager, i am here today to present an informational presentation on the pier one, energy efficientcy and solar upgrades. it is prologises through the allc it is the port sublandlord as well as a tenant in the project too. >> i am going to give you a project overview and then i
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francisco environment to be repaid through the special tax assessment against the specific parcel over a 20-year term. the port must opt into the special tax district, however the special taxes are secured by the tenant's leasehold interest. >> port in return would pay its prorated share of the special taxes which is approximately 35 percent, and that was derived by the amount of space that the port occupies as compared to the project over all. which are estimated to be approximately $100,000 annually. >> the sublease agreement, between the port and prologis
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provides for the reimbursement of the taxes leveed against the tenants especially to reduce the operating expenses. >> the project sponsor through the controls and the project sponsor is over here aaron blinkly and cordova is the director and johnson is represent as well. they have prepared extensive models on the energy safe ands their estimates through the sustain able improvements will be approximately $100,000 annually. so that equates to the cost of the special tax assessment. and so that is in the first year. the projections, however, take into account energy inflation, if you will, energy cost inflation, which they have run a very modest projection, as
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you can see in my staff report and the cumulative effect of the energy inflation over the 20-year project would be a savings to the port after our reimbursement of the special taxes of almost $265,000. >> so, very significant. and you think that these are really achievable and measurable, too. >> so, there is no up front expense to the port to participate in this project and prologis through a letter of agreement, has or will agree to be responsible for any cost over runs to pay any vacantcies and they will pick up that share of the vacantcy and any bond financing, costs, extras will be covered by them.
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so we think that this is a very... there is a lot of upside for the port and we have limited the down side. and so with that i would like to introduce rich chin to give you information on the green finance sf. >> thanks, jay and good afternoon, commissioners, rich chin with the department of the environment. just to keep it really quick, green finance sf is a paste program, it stands for property clean energy, there are 28 states that have passed specific state-wide enabling legislation to allow for this type of program to happen. it solved the up front cost barrier to making buildings more energy efficient and we are very excited to be a part of this project, working with very great team, the owner, the contractor, the sfupc of course.
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it has been a great public, private partnership. a lot of people have been mobilizing around this particular project. it will be the first commercial paced project, that would use 100 percent private capitol to finance the improvements under the structure. it will be a great demonstration project for programs that are launching all over the country and we think that it is a great show case for san francisco leadership and the port around this innovative mechanism and show that it works. i will keep it at that and i am around to answer any questions if you have any. thanks. >> thank you, rich. >> so, in summary, this project is the... as rich mentioned the first pace bond for the city of san francisco the first project to receive qbce interest rates
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report and the first and unique public, private collaboration between the city, the port, the puc, the lodges the johnson controls and we are very excited to participate in this project. that concludes my report. thank you. >> is there any public comment? >> very well. commissioners? >> i just... i for one am very excited as a big proponent for solar power and energy efficientcy. thank you both for all of the hard work on this. >> ditto. >> yeah, i think that we all feel the same, so thank you very much. >> okay. item 9 d, request authorization to issue a request to proposals to rehab tait and retenant the pier 38 bulkhead building
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located on delancey street and embarcadero. >> my name is john doll and i promise to be brief. this is a follow up to an information item that was presented two weeks ago. regarding a staff recommendation for a selection process for the pier 38 rehabilitation project. at that time, port commissioners provided input with this selection process. as noted in the staff report, commissioners inquired whether there was a way to rehab and retenant the bulkhead building quickly and also develop a way to consider developer qualifications for long-term plan for the rest of pier 38. there was also a certain whether there was a way to improve the physical appearance of the pier 38 shed. and finally there was an inquiry whether or not there was a pose blts to engage the developers one for the bulkhead project and the longer term
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redevelopment of pier 38. in response to this input, the staff has listened and recommends the following pier 38 project objectivities that would be inserted into the rfp. one, top priority would be to quickly repair and reteb ant the pier 38 bulkhead and two, respondent to this rsp process may submit to a master tenant to accomplish the repair of the building with no obligation to address a long-term redevelopment scheme for pier 38. under this master developer approach, this would allow an entity to propose a plan that would not trigger seismic upgrade and these leases are typically ten years in duration. alternatively, a respondent to the rfp may submit to a master developer which will allow a
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development entity to repair and tenant the bulkhead first and then demonstrate their qualification to undertake the long term development of pier 38 if deemed feasible. under this amoefp, the respondent will have to influence the repair of the bulkhead building first and then demonstrate their qualifications to develop all of pier 38. if deemed feasible. the commission would consider long term pier redevelopment proposal at a later time and these are typically 50 years in duration. and then with regards to the physical appearance of the pier shed. the master tenant would have to be responsible to make improvements to the bulkhead and depending on the amount of pier shed proposed. under the master developer approach they would be responsible for making
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improvements for the entire pier 38 pier shed. once staff has issued and received these responses, we will evaluate them, and we will try to evaluate them and we would hope for issue... well, we will try, the... let me go back a moment. >> we have would evaluate them, the submitle deadline is expected to be in february. we would try to evaluate, these proposals in the springtime, and get back to you some time, i think, maybe next year, and maybe summer some time. and so some conclusion, the staff recommends that the port commission authorize and direct the staff to rehab and retenant the bulkhead building at pier 38 while possibly qualifying an entity to consider the long
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term reuse. if approved, again, we would like to issue this rfp, some time in october and the deadline, submital deadline would be in february of 2013. in conclusion, if there are any questions that you have, i'm here as well as presad and grace pot from our legal team. we would welcome any questions, thank you. >> so moved. >> second. >> is there any public comment? >> we have no more public left. >> okay. commissioners, comments, questions? >> most of it last time. i appreciate incorporating some of the issues that were raised. >> okay, good. >> and thank you. >> i actually went out just to visit the pier 38 myself yesterday and so i have a better appreciation of some of the issues and i think that we are incorporating some of that but i think in the conversation
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with the lawyer, we also discussed and while we have an estimate of what the seismic upgrade we thought that we would get more firm so that as we get the rsf respondents we have a better idea of what is involved with the seismic upgrade sos we are dealing with the same facts and that way i think that we can come to a more intelligent decision. and again, i guess just my comments is that this is standing there and seeing where pier 32 is and see that there is a lot of work to be done, there are the piers there that we have two illegally or two illegally parked, or docked or shipped to get resolved. so there are a lot of issues to what we have to resolve but as far as where that pier sits, it is fantastic for the positioning and what we would have adjacent to the arena and further down and the south
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beach, very attractive neighbor on the other side, so somehow, i think that there is great potential and we have to figure out how to get there in the short and long term. so that i think this rfp will generate interest and ideas and creativity and there will be public trucks issues to address and so we know that this is complicated in the long run and worth while to pursue. >> okay, thank you. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> thank you. >> item 11, new business? >> hearing, none. >> okay. >> item 12. public comment. >> no one here. >> motion, do i have a motion to adjourn. >> so moved. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we are ajournd. thank you.
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the folks in the group will think of the park as very scary. it has a lot of hills, there's a lot of dense groves. once you get towards the center of the park you really lose your orientation. you are very much in a remote area. there are a lot of trees that shield your view from the urban setting. you would simply see different groves that gives you a sense of freedom, of being outdoors, not being burdened by the worries of city life. john mclaren had said that golden gate park was too far away. he proposed that we have a park in the south end of the city. the campaign slogan was, people need this open space. one of the things that had to open is there were a lot of people who did a homestead here, about 25 different families. their property had to be bought up. so it took from 1928 to 1957 to
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buy up all the parcels of land that ended up in this 317 acres. the park, as a general rule, is heavily used in the mornings and the evenings. one of the favorite places is up by the upper reservoir because dogs get to go swim. it's extremely popular. many fights in the city, as you know, about dogs in parks. we have 317 acres and god knows there's plenty of room for both of us. man and his best friend. early in the morning people before they go to work will walk their dogs or go on a jog themselves with their dogs. joggers love the park, there's 7 miles of hiking trails and there's off trail paths that hikers can take. all the recreational areas are heavily used on weekends. we have the group picnic area which should accommodate 200
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people, tennis courts are full. it also has 3 playground areas. the ampitheater was built in 1972. it was the home of the first blues festival. given the fact that jerry garcia used to play in this park, he was from this neighborhood, everybody knows his reputation. we thought what a great thing it would be to have an ampitheater named after jerry garcia. that is a name that has panache. it brings people from all over the bay area to the ampitheater. the calls that come in, we'd like to do a concert at the jerry garcia ampitheater and we do everything we can to accommodate them and help them because it gets people into the park. people like a lot of color and that's what they call a park. other people don't. you have to try to reconcile
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all those different points of view. what should a park look like and what should it have? should it be manicured, should it be nice little cobblestones around all of the paths and like that. the biggest objective of course is getting people into the park to appreciate open space. whatever that's going to take to make them happy, to get them there, that's the main goal. if it takes a planter with flowers and stuff like that, fine. you know, so what? people need to get away from that urban rush and noise and this is a perfect place to do it. feedback is always amazement. they don't believe that it's in san francisco. we have visitors who will say, i never knew this was here and i'm a native san franciscoan. they wonder how long it's been here. when i tell them next year we'll get to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the park,
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