tv [untitled] October 6, 2012 7:00am-7:30am PDT
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carry them through life and it's tough at some times and we want every student to feel successful and if they're not entering college at 18 and like my husband and going at 40 and perhaps they can do that and perhaps we could have a conversation at the curriculum meeting and how this relates to the graduation rate and do projections about looking where we are at the graduation rates and how this is going to be -- what we have learned from this and how can it be aligned through the graduation rate and what is missing or what is not miss something what are we doing well and what are we missing so we can connect the dots at very end when we know high school is their la stop. i think the algebra in eighth grade is
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a good idicator and how does it compare to the success of geometry in ninth grade or does it? so those types of conversations i think are bigger but i don't want to rain on anyone's parade and if i have i apologize. this is a good report card for us. it's a good reminder where we have to go and where we have been and how far we need to go still. thanks. >> commissioner mendoza. >> thank you. i have several comments. these are some just reminders they think are really i am grateful to be in san francisco and i thank the mayor and the superintendent and the superintendent of oakland and the superintendent of los angeles. we were together recently and the mayor mexed me and said thank god we're in san francisco and oakland and l.a. have other challenges ahead of them and i think one of the things i want to highlight is the relationships that we have and the relationships that have
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been built in particular in the superintendent zones because i think we've recognized that community really matters and when we got the sig funding we were embattled with our communities. this was two and a half years ago and we -- people were reluctant and we took a risk and i am glad that we d i am glad that we kind of said this is unacceptable for any of us and should be unacceptable for you as well, and we took some big chances and fortunately we came out ahead and i am grateful for that because it was one of the scary moments that for years and years none one has been willing to take that chance and we did. i feel like we're starting to be better about getting ahead, and forecasting what the challenges will be.
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thinking more about prevention than fixing things after they're broken. i don't think we do enough of that. we emphasize that particularly around our students that don't have enough credits but we are -- i think the data has shown and particularly under the commissioner made around the suspension rates. we used to see suspensions going down this road for a long time and we let them and we're starting to see a big shift in that, not only in the suspensions but we're catching them earlier and trying to provide them with the support and service that they need and a lot of the work is the alignment. i love the idea that early education is talking to kindergarten and they're talking to the larger community and it transfers over. we have step ahead for middle from elementary to middle school and the promise from middle schools to high schools and then all of the community base the
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organizations that helped to support the out of school time, the summer learning, the after school programming. if we didn't have all of those support mechanisms in place and a lot of the folks that have really dived into the work that we're doing and committed to our work then i don't know if we could actually be tooting our horn the way we are and i want to give a shout out to the community based organizations and frankly have told us these are the things that we need to do, so some have stayed with us in and out and the other thing i want to remind ourselves is that we made some conscious decisions to invest. we not only cut back on things but we also felt strongly about professional development, about making sure that college and career was really important, and we did great investing and we tilled away the distractions
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and i think that is important to note and there are certainly so many things we can get ourselves into and we pushed it out. i wanted to go back quickly around our partnership we have with the city and prop h and the childrens' fund and prop a and rainy day and all of the voter approved dollars that we received. you know the monetary resources are amazing, but it also i think speaks to the investment that our larger community and our city is willing to invest in as well, and that's just huge. and lastly in addition to our teachers and our administrators and our parents and students who have worked really hard to help us show the scores as well i really want to thank carlos, our former superintendent who was willing to put himself out
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there pretty regularly, and fought us on things that were his passion and desires really came out, and i am so appreciative that you're following right behind him richard because it's going to be that passion and commitment that will keep us on track and then lastly just wanting to thank my colleagues for staying focused on and sticks to our strategic plan and i think too that made a huge difference in years past and the strategic plan is really clear. we get to tweak t it gets up grated and we stick to it and we're not distracted by the many -- again many, many things that we could could be distracted by so i want to thank my colleagues for staying on track and really committing yourself to improving the lives of our students and nnsuring that education as we always
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hear a right and something that i am really proud to be part of this board and to be working with an amazing and smart staff that has been helping our kids get what they deserve. thank you. >> i am going to wrap this up and everybody made comments and they're valid and great comments. basically some -- what we all seen it really takes a village to raise a child in this case and educate a child, the community, the parents and the administrators everybody. and we're hearing we're on the right track. obviously we're beginning to close narrow the achievement gaps but we have -- all of us have to acknowledge and nobody kids ourselves we actually close today. we have a long ways and money does
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matter. i mean we're making gains but as commissioner mendoza was saying one of the biggest differences between this city and other cities is the voters of this city believe in public education and they support it and i think it's the big difference between us and them, and the schools that made the most gains received the most money regarding the sig funding and so forth and yes money does matter, so i want to say one last thing about this is that we've done a great job. i mean the past with initiatives and almost like a one shot view and do this fun thing and two years later is not there anymore. the things that you learn you don't use and i am seeing a shift inow we approach investing our funding and when
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i say that i mean we do things that if the money were to go away there's something still there, and i'm seeing that with how we approach our curriculum, our teaching, which is we use data. we use assessment. informative assessment. so it changes the culture. i mean it's not just because you lose that you -- [inaudible] teachers will continue with that practice. i am soing that with restorative justice and dollars up front to train teachers and train schools, communities around that. once they're trained and the culture of how we behave and work with students will remain there. in fact i'm still hearing that there are certain schools that would love to have us go in there and provide even more training because they just want to be
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able to implement these concepts a lot better and as you know once we start implementing people learn from each other so i am real proud we were able to make that shift from thinking about going from -- investing in one time things that may work for the one time to where we're making investments that can be lasting longer, so thank you again. thanks for the presentation. thank you for all the good work that everybody has done, teachers, educators, administrators, parents, students. everybody is working real hard and what i think we're all saying is that we have to work harder because we have to get everybody graduating from high school. we want every one of our kids to be proficient and higher. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> okay. i'm going to go back -- jump back into item l. we left one item which is the approval of appointments to the child care planning and advisory and i would like to bring up amanda mantak. there was a question thrown out. we went through the reading and so forth so commissioner mendoza asked a question about the qualifications of two of the three -- because we're not familiar with that, those two. we are familiar with ester and before you do that, can you say a little bit about what is c pac? >> yes. i'm amanda and the chair of the c pac and the child care advisory council and a state mandated body and charged with setting the priorities for determining state and local
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funding for ece based on need so our membership is pretty set by the bylaws so 20% have to be representatives from public agencies. 20% are ece parents or providers public agencies and then the community reps and 20% discretionary so half are appointed by you all and half are appointed by the board of supervisors so all three of these slots are actually for public agencies so sharon howell. she took over for sue and she's the regional manager for community care licensing which is obviously critical to the ece world so sue has retired and taken her place and regularly attends the meetings and important voice at the table to see what is going on in
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licensing. jane evans has been attending as a non member for five years and at the department of public health and manager for the nurses that go into the center and work on public health issues. >> any other comments or questions about the appointments? >> i have one question. >> vice president norton. >> i'm just -- i wasn't here when it was brought up earlier, but i just noticed that you're supposed to either live or work in san francisco and does ms. howell -- it appears that she doesn't live or work in san francisco. >> i can check on that. actually swree a coordinator that would be here and he switched his position so i'm fitting in and doing my best but i can find out and i think there are some exceptions and i think part of her job as a regional manager is oversee san francisco. i know see riego
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had the same position and i can check on that. >> i just wanted to flag that. >> perfect. >> i have one question. i know that c pac does a survey or a report. >> yes. >> and can you describe that a little bit? i mean that seems to be one of the biggest focus for the group. >> we're mandated -- i believe every five years to come out with a child care needs assessment for the city and the report -- one of them recently come out so i can get copies to you all, but it really highlights where the need is in the city, where the supply is in the city, and how the city is working to meet it, so it's a comprehensive look at the entire ece landscape in san francisco. >> yeah. i think -- i know because once every five years but it would be nice if we
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could somewhat make sure when these needs assessments come out since we're trying to align so much of the work between there and see the assessments and not only us and the board of supervisors see a copy too so they understand the needs in san francisco. >> absolutely. >> thank you very much. no other questions? okay. good. roll call please. >> thank you commissioner. yee. >> wong. >> fewer. >> maufas. >> mendoza. >> dr. murase. >> ms. wynns. >> mr. yee. >> you can notify the three they're pointed. >> yes. >> thank you very much. >> okay. let's move on.
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consent calendar resolutions removed at previous meeting for second reading and action. none toafnlt item o vote on consent calendar and section f::::am. mendoza -- k1 and k33. thank you. roll call. >> thank you. >> on the consent calendar. ms. -- (calling roll). >> [inaudible] as part of the consent calendar and secondly the lowell exterior painting and to the group and for advocating for that and thirdly i want to congratulate
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facilities in this consent calendar out of the $2 million in approvals 81% are minority or women owned businesses. >> thank you. >> [inaudible] >> that was aye commissioner? norton. wynns. mr. yee. seven aye's. >> thank you. item p consent calendar resolution for board and discussion and action. k1. commissioner mendoza. >> all right thank you. so i actually pulled both of these items. surprise. because they are retroactive. i am sorry to keep you here on this, but these two things are the kinds of things that make don't make a lot of sense to me, so for both items the school schedule require the work to start or the information was not finalized in time for the meeting and
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started august 1 and now september 25 so these kinds are the things that worry me particularly as the budget chair and for somebody who is concerned about the dollars that we spend and the commitments that we make, and there isn't a better explanation than school schedule required work to start. and in particular with the school schedule required to start it was august 1. school didn't start until the 20. i imagine there was summer programming going on. i don't know. but retroactive ones are unacceptable and particularly with things already started and we're eight weeks into the school and we had four board meetings in which these could have come forward, so i normally would not expect an explanation, but be able to just express how
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frustrating this is to me, but i would like an explanation on why these started in august and they're now just coming to us with a very lame explanation? >> so we have the executive director kevin rocup. >> thank you and good eeng evening commissioners and commissioner mendoza. this was -- i can speak for the sig one. i can't speak for the other one. one.ovement grant a little background as you know there is a requirement for extended learning time so we have done this every year since we started the grant. what was unusual this year is this one is in particular for the school biewntda vista horace mann and went through a leadership change and the falling through the krax
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of something and we wanted to honor our cbo partner, jamestown worked in good faith. they were under the impression that a resolution was going forward -- let me back up. we wanted the new leadership of the school to have an opportunity to work with the after school partner on the content of the program and so the intent was to have them perhaps start later or try to get something together. it's taken a while for the new leadership coming on board to be able to have time to negotiate with jamestown. in the meantime there was a plan, a strategy last spring to put forward at least for the first two months, august and september, a pracial contract so they can get started with the work while that negotiation was happening with the leadership and that was the part that fell through the cracks coming in so what happened is jamestown and good faith believed that -- at least
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the first two months would be covered while they were negotiated with the new leadership and that didn't happen, so we wanted to honor the fact that i were doing work that they were under the impression they could or should be doing. there is another piece to this and they're administratively strange. in other words, our sig funding tries to expand and build upon the existing program which is excel contract so they have the contract to provide the bulk of the after school services. under normal s we would amend it so it's not retrobecause of the different sources we like to keep them cleaner and separate so what what would have been an amendment becomes a new contract if that makes sense. >> information got finalized in time for meeting is the explanation. >> right. and i think that's a
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drop down -- on the k reso form and there say drop down and the best sitting one is that one. in other words, on the form when you submit it you choose something from a list. it's not something that you just type in from scratch, but we could put longer explanations. i think that's the drop down that you choose when you submit the k roseo. >> and again my biggest concern is are the funds there? >> right. >> to do this work. >> and for sig of course the funds -- there were commitment to do the expanded learning programs that was approved with the funding for the district for three years and definitely the funding for it. this was really more -- as i said this was a glitch in change of leadership in one particular school that created this particular falling through the cracks. >> is this a different contract for jamestown than the last two
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and a half years? no. but as we split fiscal years we can't go back -- i mean if we could we amend and we don't do that. we start a new contract. >> and i understand that but the question is if we're working with jamestown for the last couple of years to have this fall through the cracks when we know they're going to continue to do the work they're doing. these to me are like check offs and not renewals and falling through the cracks. >> right. >> i'm not going to give you orders but i want you make you aware of these. >> we agree. >> and unacceptable and letting eight weeks go by and not having something in place and if this is a drop down sprainz i need you to reach out to me and we can have that discussion. >> certainly. i understand. >> thank you. >> and on wallenberg.
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>> good evening. on wallenberg it was a couple of things. you're exactly right. we should have corrected and caught early on. one that it's money that's a grant and there was a misunderstanding about not putting a k reso forward until the money was loaded in the actual account for the code, so it was waiting until it was
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knowing we had eight weeks )ñ)>% work going on and it hasn't been >> roll call please. (calling roll).o:o: >> g%g%4,÷that's five aye's. >> thank you. let's move on toñ item q. superintendent's proposal first reading. this would be p 1342. uniform complaint procedures. is there a motion? >> second. >> this has already been
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through resolution is held for action yg to the next board zwzwd board members proposal first reading. none tonight. next standing committees first v/mg- be augmented curriculum and program commix- commissioner fewer. >> yes thank j update on the although the numbers were draft -- it was a draft so it was a preliminary sort of data that we got. it was a little shocking,i the data it showed again i-émac course a large kfkf$nyzyzcoraci achievement gap on the concerned about that. i believe that staff is reworking n numbers to make sure they're absolutely accurate before d!d!
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so we look forward to an update on that. the next curriculum meeting íyí monday october 1. >> next report committee of the, >> yes. so the committee of the ,on k september 18. we heard gcgc!+& discussed commissioner fewer's " resolution on establishing a j5development time for s i would say that a u÷u÷5 about the idea. everybody thinks it's a good i%but it's complicated thing to implement and to cost out and integrate into our work strands, so we are going to bring this back periodically to the curriculum committee and get updates where are
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we withdraw the resolution to a#a#p phase there were many gygyf ñmembers came t plan ]g]g8yis for us to hear a revised n the oqoq jmeantime i understad deputy cc[wsuperintendent yee y will be the point person on this for the public and members of >> commissioner, vice president norton i will be your point of contact, all seven of you and we are looking-rúñto the principalb of the respective school communities to be the points l) contact rcrcy2for their communió members and
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