tv [untitled] October 8, 2012 6:00am-6:30am PDT
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so, the building that now faces [speaker not understood] as a part of a committee that worked on the plans, actually look at how we could link the pedestrian linkages between city college and our transportation including balboa park, k line, the phelan loop area where the 49 terminates and the 8x. i also worked for five years at the los angeles county metropolitan transportation authority in the board office where metro r which is their third sales tax that provides transportation revenue for transit projects and they're looking to accelerate those projects currently with a new bond measure this upcoming year. i worked with a lot of the directors that compiled a lot of those different projects. and my first transportation job was actually as a high cooler at muni in the service planning department. so, i have a lot of
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transportation expertise. i work with student government on city college of san francisco and i also just have an immense desire to see a lot more transportation improvements in the balboa park corridor. i have a great relationship with john avalos, supervisor avalos and i continue to work with trustee issues. that is the bulk of where a lot of riders are. we need a light rail [speaker not understood]. the second highest transportation [inaudible] outside of downtown. so, that's why i submit my application for seats 1, 2, 3 or 4. i think i'm eligible for all four of those. thank you. >> thank you, mr. walker. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is henry kabane.
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he did submit an application already. before i tell you a little bit about myself, i just want to echo what supervisor elsbernd said about dan weaver. he is awe inspiring, a legendary neighborhood advocate and he would do wonders on this committee. a little bit about myself. i'm a practicing attorney in san francisco. i live in westwood park. i have a son who is now a sophomore at [speaker not understood] high school just adjacent to the balboa park station. i am also a member of the board of directors of the ocean avenue association, the cbd that mr. weaver is the executive director of. and i'm currently serving as treasurer of the ocean avenue association. i think it's fair to say that ocean avenue corridor has turned a corner. we've seen tremendous improvements in the area and i think now is precisely the time to focus on the balboa park station and all that that can
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offer to the entire community, city college, [speaker not understood], and all the residents in the area. i bring an open mind and a commitment to service and i would very much like to be a part of this committee. i do notice that i had applied for vacancies 6 and 9. i don't know if they've been filled already, but i also am a heavy and regular muni and bart user and if those are the available seats, i would be happy to move my application around as necessary. thank you. >> just to broaden it, i mean, as you say, you are the father of a student who goes to school so you could hit seat 4. but seat 8 as well, families in westwood park. [speaker not understood]. you could hit a number of seats. i'm at your disposal. thank you. >> thank you, mr. [speaker not understood]. at this time i will open up for public comment.
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[speaker not understood] again. i just wanted to speak in support of dan weaver who is all of the things that have been said about him, continues to serve as the vice-chair of the mta, cac and certainly is a wealth of knowledge and the right person for ocean avenue and balboa park area. and also in support of william walker who would be an outstanding person on this particular body. i'll wait for you to figure out how to shuffle the seats. it will be a lot of fun. >> thank you, mr. filkow. is is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed -- oh, i'm sorry. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood]. i'm an attorney in san francisco and i am here in support of veronica for this commission. i am with -- [speaker not understood]. and i can speak to her very strong communication skills, and [speaker not understood].
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with the urban habitat program, we learn a lot about urban planning, mass transit and the needs of particularly low-income and communities of color in san francisco. i know veronica in that context has spoken very well in that context and i would highly recommend her for this committee. >> thank you. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. again, our apologies. there was a clerical error. actually, our clerk who usually staffed rules committee is out on vacation. we did have six other applications that were not properly noticed on this agenda. and, so, for that i am asking this committee if we can continue this to the call of the chair. likely, i will schedule it for october 18th, which is our next rules committee meeting, barring any other scheduling conflicts. >> so moved. >> we have a motion -- >> committee to the cal of the chair. >> to the call of the chair, we
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can do that without objection. >> madam chair, for purposes, for the benefit of folks who have applied and testified, they don't have to come back. >> yes. if you have testified today, you have spoken before the rules committee. we will certainly not ask you to come back to our next rules committee meeting. >> and i just throw out veronica, i didn't say this either, make sure you put down as many seats as possible on your application. you only put down one seat, but i think you could represent seat 8, as example of another one, but i bet you can fit a few others. it will give this committee a lot more flexibility. >> okay. so, at this time if it's okay with the committee, i'd actually like to go back to item number 2. sib do believe we have deputy director cat brown from animal control. we have you here already.
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if you could just speak broadly to the issue. >> i just wanted to verify that i talked to my office and that there were investigations of the candidate. >> thank you. so, going back to this item, colleagues, are there any further thoughts on seat number 1? we have moved forward seat 2 and seat 7. >> i believe that at some point, madam chair, you had expressed an interest in one other candidate. >> yes, i expressed interest in supporting ms. fortier given she's spent time volunteering for the spca which works closely with our commission on' malwelfare and control. as we know it is a body that is volunteer hours. i think it is important to see that commitment prior and so that's why [speaker not understood]. we had many qualified
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applicants for this seat. >> so, i would make a motion to move forward ms. fortier for seat number 1. >> thank you. so, we do have a motion to move forward ms. fortier for seat number 1 with recommendation. we can do that without opposition. apologize to the candidates. we kept you waiting longer than you had to be. mr. clerk, can you please call forward item number 6? >> item number 6, hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending april 27, 2013, to the sunshine ordinance task force. >> thank you. we've now heard this item several times on this seat in front of this committee. and i know that several of the applicants have already spoken to rules committee in the past. but i will give you an opportunity to speak if you'd like. first there is ms. francine simon, and then kai forsley who i do not see in the hearing room.
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we also have jorge garcia, sophia de anda and last bruce oka. hlsd to see mr. oka here in the room. mr. oka, would you like to approach the mic? and, mr. clerk, if you can ensure the second mic at the podium. thank you. please come forward. good afternoon, madam chair and supervisors. my name is bruce oka and let me begin by saying that my commitment in public service began way back in the [speaker
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not understood] of this city. unofficially. i've been part of the city [speaker not understood] for many, many years. i've been an advocate for people with disabilities as well as myself all of my adult life. and most recently, i [speaker not understood] the mta board of directors, a job which i thoroughly enjoy. and believe me, i've been retired for the last 3-1/2, almost four months, and i have thoroughly enjoyed that. [laughter] believe me, my family says they haven't seen me around so
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long in 40 years. so, it's time i got back to work. i think what i bring to this position is i have a reputation of being level headed and fair. and one thing that i will promise to do because [speaker not understood] one way to approach any job that i do, and that's to go full bore forward. and i will do my best as i [speaker not understood]. i will devote 100% of my time and energy to this position [speaker not understood]. like i said, i have enjoyed retirement immensely. there are others that say i
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should stay retired, and maybe they're right. at my age, you never know. but believe me, my love for the city is such that i think open government to me is priority number one, because if we don't have open government throughout the whole country, we don't have [speaker not understood]. that's something that i truly will work my tail off to assure that that continues to happen. and i will promise you that i will be every energy and every
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[speaker not understood] official in the city a fair and open hearing. that's all i have to say. >> thank you, mr. oh -- mr. oka. have you had an opportunity to attend one of our sunshine authority task forces? this is a question for you, mr. oka. my question was have you had an opportunity to attend or listen to a sunshine ordinance task force meeting? i have attended one task force meeting in the last i think 4-1/2 years. so, i have to be honest. sunshine ordinance task force is not my favorite task force to be on.
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i'm only being honest, because i'm not going to back away from any controversy or -- i'm certainly not afraid of any hot seat that i may be in. and i certainly am not afraid of being talked about. and people are saying what they will because people will talk. but i thoroughly will devote my time, and i read everything that comes across my desk. it's not an easy task to do, but i do. believe me, nobody can dispute that i'm fair. that's one thing -- my reputation speaks for itself.
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i have been an advocate for people with disabilities all my life, and i will continue to do that throughout my service. >> thank you. thank you, mr. oka. i appreciate your application. i know that several of my colleagues and other folks have spoken to you about applying for the seat and we certainly appreciate that you have. at this time we will open up for public comment on this item. if you'd like to -- please line up, no order. how long do i have, two minutes? >> um-hm. my comments are without disrespect to any of the applicants, particularly mr. oka.
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i'm sorry, supervisor farrell isn't here to see phase two of this task force purge completed. so, it looks like everything is going to plan, although the task force has been crippled for the last five months. the purge of the [speaker not understood] now leaves just two standing. and if the [speaker not understood] and the new american media don't stand their ground, then those two incumbents will go. because i'm sure that what's important is that you not have anybody who has any institutional knowledge or there be any continuity. i was born and raised in chicago and i practiced law for
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50 years. mayor daly, the real richard daly, he ran the city with an iron fist. but everything he did was open and [speaker not understood]. he was well known because that was when he was asked, why only a citizen [speaker not understood], one of his sons, he said, if you can't give it to your kids, who can you give it to? well, that's something he did in chicago, but everybody [speaker not understood]. here it's different and i think the mayor could learn a lot. mayor daly, i'm talking about. everything is handled differently. but the end result is the same because the two institutions that were designed for protection of open government have been [speaker not understood]. am i finished? >> you can finish your sentence, please. you know who they are, the task force who will have new members who never attended the
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meetings, mr. capell the only exception, and we know about the ethics commission which has done nothing, nothing in all the years it's had referrals from the task force. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. i'm richard nee. i'm still on the sunshine ordinance task force as a hold over member until my successor is appointed. mr. oka has seemingly admirable record in advocating for the disabled. certainly he deserves a deep tip of the cap or a high tip of the cap for that. but a couple of things kind of disconcert me. number one, his statement, well, the sunshine ordinance task force isn't really his
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favorite body to serve on. if he has another body that he would rather serve on, i suggest he apply for it. if he doesn't want to serve on the task force, if eade rather be somewhere else, then i would give strong consideration to that statement. another thing on his film 700, his signature block is redacted. i'm very curious, i think that should raise question as to whether he actually submitted it or somebody submitted it for him. furthermore, his film 700 has nothing beyond a cover page. we don't know really what his economic interests are. same is true for jorge garcia, francine simon and sophia de anda have submitted no form 700 at all. kai wilson shouldn't be
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disqualified because she is employed by the city. i think we're in a very unfortunate situation right now. >> thank you, mr. nee. david pilkow, last time today. i wanted to speak in support of bruce oka's position. i served with him i believe for three years. [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. original member. >> he is the founding member. [speaker not understood]. he and i served together for the first three years of that cac. we did not always agree, but we always acted responsively and respectfully of each other. and i think it would actually benefit the task force to have someone serve who previously served on a board or
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commission, had participated in those sessions, had to deal with document issues and what's public and what's not. there are a lot of complicated judgment calls that the task force needs to make, and i often have provided my expertise over my two periods of service on the task force. it would be helpful to have someone with bruce's expertise there. so, i would look forward to your positive recommendation there should you see fit to provide that. i also wanted to -- i mentioned since rick nee testified before me. if this committee can see fit to deal with the hold overs and the nominees of the three organizations [speaker not understood] of time, that would be good, continuing to have holdovers that continues this cloud that ought to be resolved one way or the other. i'll leave that to your good efforts unless you have any questions. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. pilkow.
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seeing no further public comment on this item, public comment is now closed. i do just want to clarify that oftentimes personal addresses, portions of that phone numbers are redacted for privacy reasons and that is not done by the applicant him or herself. [inaudible]. >> i don't have a response to that. colleagues, any comments on this item? seeing -- >> i just want to make a very brief comment about this. you know, i have previously indicated my preference in terms of the prior nomination that was forwarded out of committee for this seat, and that's bruce wolf.
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and that's something that i recommended i think a couple of times before that the item was sent to the board. and i still think it's unfortunate that that appointment did not go through. i think it's important to have continuity, especially based on what i saw. and the first that i think only meeting that the new -- newly configured sunshine task force had, i think that [speaker not understood] would be helpful. that said, these are the applications we have and, you know, i have worked with bruce oka before. and i actually -- i share the perspective in some respects that mr. oka i think frankly conveyed to us, which is i think that your heart is probably more in the area of transportation in some respects and i wish that you had continued in that capacity, to
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be honest. not that i have anything against a new appointed commissioner, because i think that she also brings a lot of qualities to it. but what impressed me about bruce on the mta board of directors was that he was not afraid to take a stand even when it went against the person who appointed him, which oftentimes it did, oftentimes going against not just mayor newsome, but then mayor lee. and, so -- [inaudible]. >> and i think that there is in many respects perhaps a reason why he wasn't reappointed, as supervisor elsbernd said. so, i actually think that that's the kind of independence that could be very useful on the sunshine task force. and, so, you know, i am not going to vote against bruce oka based on that because i do
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believe that he is someone who will, you know, call it as he sees it. the one thing that i would ask bruce is not only that you provide fair treatment to all these agencies and government officials that come before you, that i think it's also that you, you know, do the same with respect to the people who submit those complaints and the public because that is a very important function of that, of that body. and i think you will do that. [inaudible]. >> and i would encourage the -- some of the folks who spoke and who have been involved and done tremendous work around this issue to reach out to bruce because i actually think that bruce can be an ally in those efforts. so, even though i have said previously that i wish that bruce [speaker not understood] would be appointed, i think bruce will do an excellent job as he has with everything else. and i think that those of us
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who will be supporting bruce may be surprised to find that, you know, he may very well end up doing things that we don't like, as is his record, which is one of the reasons i like him. >> thank you, supervisor. my thoughts as well, i did also support a previous commissioner, bruce wolf who wanted to continue serving on the sunshine task force. he didn't have the votes he needed to confirm. i'm happy to see bruce oka has applied in the third round now for this seat. i have tremendous, tremendous respect and admiration for you, bruce, and i am very sad that you are no longer serving on the mta board of directors. and that you are not reappointed by our mayor. i think that you served a fabulous job. you were very outspoken. you always spoke your mind whether you agreed or disagreed either with the mayors or the
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board of supervisors, frankly, and i really appreciate that fierce independence. and i actually think that that is what this committee needs and is looking for. i'm happy that you were interested in serving this committee. as you said, this was not of your priority interest. transit is really where your heart lies. but it really speaks, i think, of your dedication to the city and county and your willingness to always serve, that you after spoken to by several colleagues that you were willing to apply and you were willing to commit to the vast number of hours that this committee requires. and, so, i'm happy to support you with recommendation to the board as well. i did just want to make another note that you did fully submit your form 700, that you had already checked that you had no reportable interest on any schedule and therefore you don't have to complete any of the following schedule summaries. seeing no further comment, we do have a motion to move forward mr. bruce oka for the seat with recommendation and can do that without opposition. thank you.
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mr. clerk, can you please call item number 7? >> item number 7 is a hearing on the six month report of the citizen's advisory committee for the central market street and tenderloin area. >> thank you. and we do have the chair of the citizen's advisory committee for the central market and tenderloin area, dina hilliard. and as required in the legislation for the cac, we did ask for a hearing on this expense report of the activities of the citizens have iery committee. a lot of things going on in the market. we're looking forward to hearing this report. >> thank you. so, my name is dina hilliard, i'm the chair of the community advisory committee [speaker not understood] legislation zone. this committee has actually been meeting for about a year now. as you'll remember,edth legislation creating the cac was passed in june of 2011 and
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our first meeting of the cac was in september * . and between september and december of last year we met about six times. the majority of our meetings initially were to create a framework of priorities that we wanted to submit to the city administrator and to companies to use as a reference of what are the priorities and most important to the committee and to the community. and actually, there were only two main points on that. the first was we felt it was a really important priority to stabilize the surrounding at-risk community. and the second was that we wanted to make sure that the companies who signed the cbas had ongoing engagement with the community. and recely
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