tv [untitled] October 9, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT
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families in the city, when they think about whether or not they should open themselves up and reach out for help. thank you. >> president chiu: next speaker. good evening, everyone. my name is don/og ikele burger. i'm here to say ross is a8 man. i know who hates him. i first met ross, he was working with arms control resource center with -- you66kaç know, editing a book about the environmental impacts of the'qé rst gulf war. that's the first place i heard about -- later i helped ross as he co-coordinated a state effort to qualify the green party on the ballot 2000 nader campaign which youlkgj÷ know, many democrats to this day
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claim lost the election to so he's hated by warmongers and by democrats and he's run a couple of power campaigns so he's hated by pg&e and i fear that's where this comes down from. many here may have a long political career ahead of them and ask themselves can i do it without pg&e money. so i hope the vote goes well here and everybody shows strength. to the women's groups all i can say is i've known ross for a long time. i feel like as sheriff he will oversee your interests much better than any other sheriff candidate i can think of, specifically the fire chief. but thank you very much, all. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> hi. chris -- a 30 year resident of san francisco, a laborer, an artist and san francisco historian and in that endeavor i've learned that history is not
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merely replete but overflowing in instances of tragically misguided but not outright nefarious ways of making examples of individuals. the executive director of la casa has atib iewtd a 12% increase to this case and the issue is bigger than one reason, one person and one incident executive director of domestic violence has said the ethics commissioners are not thinking about the message they are sending to women children and male victims in thier their community. i seriously doubt there is any notion that the ethics commission is not thinking about the message that their actions might present to members of this community but what kind of message are we talking about here. the message of the actual particular circumstances regarding an individual been
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placed before the law of less importance than issues percolating around him. the message can be interpreted as saying your issues must take a back seat than what domesticg activist hold. they appear resolute. ag& spike in public interest can in no way be taken into consideration as argument of>c[0 civil rights against an individual. falsely as it turned out later]ij1u of raping a young woman with a coke bottle in the st. francisúc hotel which ruined his career. is it a spectacle we crave in i> strongly suspect that should ross regains+íhl his elected position that san franciscans will be given a spectacle of7ñm, a long and hard working -- to show himself at the hel&m%sh mp of these issues
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with personal integrity and that is something which i submit we ei-are sorely in need of in this town. thank you9 p. >> well, i've been praying that i6g the lord would have me say the right words here and i've heard a lot of good speeches tor l. the best was that asian lady with the massage. that was a good֖jpv one. this is totally reinstate him, give him double back pay and it's!z!/ all right. you should believe his wife also. okay? believe his wife. now -- and also i think the sheriff should go in there and sit down and dare anybody to arrest him, because he has been elected. the mayor has no authority to do what he did but so far he hasn't done that. okay. now here's something that no one brought up tonight. now i'm a christian. and i believe the bible every
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word in the bible. and the bible says the man is the head of the house, not the wife. the man is the head of the house. we've not heard any talk of this but god made adam first and then eve. see a lot of people disagree but that's the way it is. that's 55 seconds. all right. christ is the head of the church. last week we had a big to-do because the new archbishop that's been reinstated has been -- said that the homosexuals can't have commune union. basically it comes down to authority, doesn't it. it comes down to authority. who is the head of the church? well jesus is the head of the church, right? and god gives us instructions as to order in the family and it's not the wife it's the husband first, it's the wife next, and then it's the children. the children are to honor their father and their mother.
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the lord wrote that in tablets of stone when moses went up the mountain. moses was just the messenger. he brought the plates up there and god just... >> president chiu: nexty speaker. ladies and gentlemen. if i could ask you to please be[oçoñ silent. thank you. next speaker. >>÷b hello. frank martin dell campo, representing here on=xos the san francisco labor council. i'd like to share just some of our thinking on thisl
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ross. so but we began a discussion, and there of view. and l[ydv was through the course of a discussion then we came to a conclusion ross mirkarimi. but there was something else that also helped to developuwe÷xz our thinking, and that really led this issue in our labor council, and that was/ ea that affected women, that women were the clearest on this subject, and that>$v÷ working women know about the issue, aboutc$:v9 dot domestic violence and they're very clear on the subject. k[x when our sisters provided that leadership and we worked through each and(, were able to come at the only conclusion that we#gjpa could. we ask you today to reinstate ross mirkarimi. wegl $uá like to raise also thatvñ &c @&c"p% if i understood the facts, when
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eliana was grabbed she asked that it be stopped, right? and it is my understanding that it was also -- that it was stopped, right? so if this was an example of how to effectively engage and put a stop to something that was not acceptable, eliana clearly was able to do that. she is not needing anyone's defense. she's obviously -- tonight. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is francesca rosa. before i speak a little about why i'm here i wanted to remind you of some of the organizations that the grassroots organizations and groups that have come out in support of sheriff mirkarimi. we have the san francisco labor
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council, seiu -- committee very recently national lawyers guild latino democratic club, bernal heights democratic club, harvey milk club, bar newspaper, sunset beaconé"s: rivment review. they've helped you a great deal -- some of you a great deal over the years. i'm a delegate to the san francisco labor7:1[a council, also a member of 10-1, and myself and our members2 ls have precinct walked and phone banked for many of you in this roomt over and over for years and years, even some of us who are not in your particular and i think a lot of us would like to call in our chips/ tonight. we are the 99% of san francisco. we're the people who live here. we want ourm(:t sheriff. we voted for him. we don't want to see our votesñx overturned by mayoral whim that
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quite frankly there's nogt:rq justification for that decision. we all make dismakes. sheriff mirkarimi madedn" mistake. his wife made a mistake. all of us in this room have madea5 a mistake. as much as i respect the work that the domestic violence íu$5ñ do in difficult circumstances i would respectfully say i think you made a'2]f big mistake in this instance in relation tokñ&ó proportionally and please reinstate our sheriff ross mirkarimi. thank you. next speaker4 u. >> good evening. my name isd roya cyrus. i've been a teacher in california public school systems 1acérju over 20 years. i work in an impoverished and crime ridden school district area. i had tobz n
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that our law enforcement arewñ first responders to domestic acts in the home. and i ask that [ge5e will take into consideration a survivor, it has affected my family and itg)h60 been a life-long journey to be able to come out of that violence and to set a precedent in this -- in my life. thank$ - >> president chiu: next speakerff:ñ. >> i'm julie fisher i've livedppzss and worked in san francisco for over 25 years. i have great regard for everything people have been); saying this evening. what a difficult situation we've been put in. but i want to get downåaç to two or three points and one is that you've heard already. the1m voters chose ross to be our sheriff. he has not had a chance to get to work yet supervisors, that many of us have supported, s-w?( with, and
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still supported that you do your job tonight. let ross get to his job iaf>sq move us forward. thank you >> hello. good evening, supervisors. my name is zach marks. i've beenwjvmd shocked watches person after person voting for reinstatement. i voted for.8j mr. mirkarimi because i thought he was a wonderful supervisor and one week later was quite disappointed from what i% in the news so i feel i was somewhat tricked into voting for mr. mirkarimi. i just am shocked that people coming up here one after another q unacceptable what happened, and i fully support?n decision, and i do not support sheriffámirkarimi's reinstatement. thank you. good night. >> president chiu: next-j speaker.
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>> president chiu: thank you very much. and we will allow for twomq[4j minutes for a translation for what you stated under the rules of our board? is there someone whol/>bo wishes to translate? sir, please step up. >>9 m [speaking spanish] >> president chiu: sir ifsomo you could please step up and translate what you are ables sz to. >> translator: in a nutshell, thereqlc"k isn't an immigrant from peru, his kids were born and they believe they come here, they believed in democracy here. and one ofjñ the things he was saying that he knows ross
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mirkarimi and+s4!i recently he met ross and it was eliana's first day and ross tolda year he had over 400 people there to. and this time he was alone, trying to talk to thezu venezuela, basically in a nutshell. anybody else wanted to add anything÷$= else? >> [speaking spanish] --}÷ english not very good. that's okay. >> president chiu: you'veí w had your two minutes and our rules in the board chambers, if someone could translate or one member translate what you've stated%&ot. great. and we will do that?r. excuse me please. one person speaking in the chamber at a time. wez ma'am. would you like to speak? >>o,o q yes. i want to say something. i believe in the family. i believe in rossm by mirkarimi.
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and what did happen it wasn't by domestic7@.já t it was a misunderstand. and please respect ourjzbñ vote. this happen did not destroy him. also, it destroy please think about it and reinstate him. we r366y our sheriff back. thank you very much. >> president chiu: thank you !ekz. >> [speaking spanish] >> president chiu: excuse me,ox sir. are there other members of your family that wish to speak? >> [speaking spanish]h]ñ7p and we support mirkarimi. >> president chiu: thank you. nextg >> hello. good i was not born here. i was born in south americaehnd where -- are common. we come to expect them. but then i became anl citizen. i did know that united states also had those but yet here in
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sj)jancisco it seems like we just did and hopefully we won't have anymore of these.dgr# that ewhy we're asking you to do the right thing. to the2z advocates everything you say is nice and proper and should/5 e said. unfortunately it doesn't apply in the case of ross$fg> and eliana. so i suggest that you go and find these women that need your help, women that are"x@>] dragged, kicked, beat stabbed, help them. they need yourm$n help. eliana has said over and over she does not need your 15÷ she is fine. she loves her husband. she'3 ñé @ reinstate ross. >> president chiu: next >> that's isabel. that's she wife,h:t. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. next speaker.
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>> i'm the next speaker. i'mk speaking. i do morning radio. i'm=3)6ally not up this late, but it is so special that i'm here. thank you very much. 0i first i need to say that i remember martha strickland who startedç]oi la casa de las morerasnvj not happy with these organization that are basically sold to thedki@ mayor. their job was to help the women, help the families, like isabelcy! said, instead of trying to destroy families. and this has to be said.ñ96qi it is, as they say, the politicians i want to makee[ perfectly clear. the emperor who is trying to ousta/au sheriff mirkarimi, and lied to get into office wants to order the cops to stop us all. so stop looking suspicious,m=kt÷ everybody.
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divide and conquer, the mainbçuuç victim here will be the traditional left. please, don't sell to the>6 right. ross and eliana will come out of this stronger because thish2z%÷ has not destroyed them. it would have destroyed many of us. thank you. you're a lovelyñwv1 couple. another victim, democracy. f$ a radio person, you know i try to tell my audience registerñsz to vote, go out and vote, become citizens. they do. and they finally find somebody that can change. thisnbuei was our change. and then for one person to take him down, and for all of youúhpm to follow and take him down further, please, do the right 4b,%]9 thank you mr. ben hur. i hope you guys follow hiso5 thank you very much. >> president chiu: thank you. next speakerydv-2ñ. >> good evening, supervisors.
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my name ist=5uz lori leaderman. in the incredibly diverse community of san francisco applying cx+í standards of being convicted of a misdemeanor as basis for removing an elected official is frightening precedent. city attorney called the charternoá0ñ provision nimble. well a nimble mechanism for removing a elected official is something we should you cannot adopt a broad definition of this charter provisionácãwithout undermining democracy itself. public resources have been squandered and abused in[hñç a undisguised attempt to demo.yy demonize sheriff mirkarimi of being a batterer to make himhñkx into a par ryeia somehow ineligible for redemption. it is clearo0dz from reams of evidence that the december 31 incident between mirkarimi:ó lopez has been blown out of proportion. while the sheriff crossed the line he immediately're stopped when called on it by lopez.
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lopez must be believed and respected in thisdi+! matter that she has never felt threatened by her husband. themubty domestic violence community who perform an essential service have child for domestic violence and havewsu6y discounted andl[$:÷ marginalized eliana. the sheriff is being held accountable. this entire experienceo
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this case how will you find your moral centerpsh again, how -- >> president chiu: thank:iwz you. next speaker7kez. >> good evening supervisors. my name is kimberly hathaway, a 25 year in nopa and i've had the pleasure to work withúqv= uju mirkarimi who was a tireless supervisor in our district, most proudly he:$gbg led the largest prodemocracy rally for iran inj:! 2009 which directly resulted in the fleeing of a politicalélyeq prisoner. i'm going to speak from the heart. ross i'm going to come clean. youh]4@u you were a lot of other peoples and at tha$c)6f moment you became my sheriff. you are the sheriff of san francisco and i'm asking you supervisors to do something!x that's difficult. you have to look at the facts in this case. i've been sitting at my%p%@g÷ omputer all afternoon and said i've got
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to get down here. this did not rise to the level of $eñ ethical misconduct. that's a fact. chroniclu-5lcá 65% ofxzi favor the reinstatement. as i understand sheriff hennessy had an assistant=qa sheriff who was convicted of manslaughter and still serveduqqw honorably. this is not the rye thing to do and i know this is difficult to do to stand up@j and look at the facts, vote on the facts, not from your heart, not to be funnyy:ñ or flip. this is very serious. this is an incredible, hard-working man who has aémyc beautiful wife who is a star with her own income in her own country. they haveqpao a son who may never get over the trauma of this. i am sorry. i oath. at that time you became my sheriff. please reinstate my ]cb sheriffgñcém. >> good evening. my namekael is -- and i'd just like
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to say a few words on behalf of[i"ol ross mirkarimi -- they're very good friends. i'd like to say just for aúy$nd minute because i know irregardless of you have your own opinion, you're going to do what you want ÷jbo do irregardless. i am not a politician. i don't believe in either 8m9édublican or democratic process because for many most of you are going to do what you can for yourkp comes to justice and when it comes to crimes, theq5,j justice must fit the crime. in this case there is no crime. their only2$ó+ú crime is primarily because you're not respecting the rights of the citizens, the people that havef? mirkarimi to do their service, to dopá they think that he wants them to!#ue do. and when it comes to this type 4 5jñ whatever, i -- of the man, what he says, what he does, whatrzq he's about, because i feel myself to be a man. i talk to his wifeçvvh and she tells moo i love this man and will
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stand by him that's good enough to1nñ ç me, irregardless of what we say it is her0v09ojut add devotion to stand by that man that makes a difference. tq2d the rights of this man to do his job, take away hisfnz income take away his right to live as a man, to protect his family take care2 )hshp &c"p% of them to do what is right, then that is committing domesticlé6ú violence. this man needs his job, he needs to work. we all need to any man that knows this, we all have disagreements with wife. that's ourñ@ wife disagrees with husband. not= :d always happy -- but when it comes down to it, they go back together. so whou l are we to get involved in their lifestyle and their relationship. let them do their ours. get him back to his job. let him do his job and let the m(çjkple get what they wantub]iuc
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>> president c-k7óp thank you very much. next speaker:lf2ç. >> hi. good evening. name is richard yh stone. i represent like others whoíi6t have spoke before you, a member of the san francisco laborgx]sa council -- san francisco green party. and speaking of the greenenrzn÷ party, as many may know, ross was actually -- he founded the charter of the party you know back in the mid-90's and with the green parzm'u have what's known as the ten key values and two of those values are ñ feminism and non-violence. as usual able to bearft+# witness to the people
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