tv [untitled] October 10, 2012 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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please gopjk the facts. the definition of a public official is somebody who is the standard for taking up0"o somebody to ethics should be some serious felony typenn,i of conduct, not personal affairs or misdemeanors. and our?e;hç city, with our limd resources, when police can shoot unarmed young men andoy=5 walk y with few if any consequences, we can spend our resources in betterc2r2f ways. let's get the sheriff back on the job, and continue the good work,5< >> president chiu: thank you. if i could just remind folks who rule in the board chamber against applause and other support. so i'd ask you to respect that, particularly those of you who have been here in public comment often and know that. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. i say thank you to whoever
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really listen to us because i think all -- we need respect listen. because that's the reason we here. and hopefully this is for all ones who cares about this politics. and i'm here because i support ross mirkarimi, and i believe in politics. and if it you really believe in politics, you have to take care of this job tonight because we wasting so much time. it isfój a lot of work outside o do. and also i say for the la casa de las madres how much money you receive every month and if you really care about violence domestic and immigrant people, tell us the truth. because i know a lot of people, they don't call the police, they don't go into those resource, and ask for help. because sometimes they don't give us the help. they just want money. and money is -- everybody just money. and i'm here because i don't have pay. i'm here because i support the
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rights of the rights for everybody who vote. and i know a lot of places, it's like why are you guys here and talking and they don't say the right things. but i'm angry because every time we speak, every speaker say something, everybody -- and we respect for us. and i would like you guysgñ -- ross mirkarimi on the job right now because it's a lot of work don't do the job. only a person who knows the work, he-aj:÷ has to be -- plac. thank you. have a good night. >> president chiu: thank8÷@ax y. next speaker. everyone. my name is darwin k9y(y i would like to thanks for the opportunity to express myk3k#ñ feelings. i've been following, watching, and listening this case.
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disgusting, shameful,?7k unprofessional, unethical, unspeakable, to see the measure ofpzçh san francisco, the distt attorney, the city attorney, the nonprofit organizations who get paid by you know who, and they only toldstlv whatever they told you. san francisco chronicle also includes that. and]b many more malevzm'f lusn behind. trying to destroy a family by calling him a criminal, açeqc hitter, a abuser, don't make me believe that because he's not÷d criminal. let me tell you, you know who's the real criminal -- let me tell you who the real criminal is, who's the real liar, who is the real unethical person is. there's cases of abuse and
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police brutality. they even kill people and they still working, getting pay, with our tax dollars. there's cases where they lie under oath, and they still holding their job. so don't tell me because mr. mirkarimi grabbed his wife's arm in a familiar argument he's going to lose his job. so he needs to be reinstated. and let me tell you something. remember, what goes around comes around and you don't want this to happen to you or your family or anybody else. so thank you, and reinstate the sheriff, and god bless you all. >> president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. thank you for allowing us to speak tonight and for giving us two minutes. i'm really appalled at the mayor's office and the city attorney's office still using
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buzz words like beat his wife, attacked his wife, when we all know that's not what happened, and even using domestic violence which to my understanding is not even an issue here. they're trying to throw you off the track. the real issue is official misconduct as far as i understand it. but if it were domestic violence i would tell you that i'm a domestic violence survivor, 24 hours a day, a domestic violence survivor from childhood domestic violence as well as marital domestic violence in the 60's when it was no big deal. if these people complaining aboutrouk domestic violence aro concerned about it why aren't they up in arms about the cases in this city that never get touched. do the right thing and let ross do the job that he was elected toidq ethics should trump politics and it's really too bad that only onedqn[ñ ethics commissioner understood that.
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you know in your hearts that the reinstate ross mirkarimi as the sheriff of the city and county of san francisco. >> edward -- a member of theñr secular san francisco -- order that helps out tourists by giving them thissafiñ brief cit. so we help lots of tourists. my5wu concern is where, in the state of california, or in the united states, canuu8u a mayor, municipal official, remove a county sheriff. is this a ploy!"/ to reduce the county sheriff to a city sherifñ position. the -- figuratively above the
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law is over the police chief and thek! sheriff. i was disappointed that the the opportunity to subpoena hear her testimony that she gave mayor lee that he should dismiss ross mirkarimi as a wife-beater. this testimony is in -- that commissioner renne tabbed is merely hear say and the worst ramblings of a first year law student. it's disappointing we have not heard ivory madison speak. the -- in the commission hearings, i attended, the question was brought up of the
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presumption of guilt, how many times do you beat your wife, mr. mirkarimi. and, also, i heard that the finding that sentence is evidence of guilt. the sentence is not evidence of guilt. this all unfortunately began at a meeting at the cafe -- four weeks before the -- >> president chiu: thank you very much. >> good evening,zez supervisors. obviously a long one. i want to thank you all for your endurance here. my name is gus feldman a field represent with seiu 10-1. as we move forward in the night on this matter i want you to please consider the following questions. numberguwuv one, have thec[ckíñ1
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incident of alleged misconduct in any way negatively impact the public at]xw$s large. number two, was the power of the administer this alleged act of +4(#%ñ three, do you believe409 eliana, and if not, why do you believe the city oy/srp&s who have continually said they known better for her family than her, herself. also as a fieldru: representati, a union representative, i've had the responsibility and duty in the.r)r past, admittedly in a different jurisdiction of representing law enforcement employees. some casesd:ñ i even had to represent employees who had been convicted of criminal!úf chargef domestic violence. i have never ever seen a case result innéje it's suspension is the standard,
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for -- and ross -- understand but after the four days and on the election -- the eve of election day he understand why we did that. he told us outside whee -- he understand why we doing that, why are we fighting prop c, a handful of us. and, you know ross, you made a mistake. you should have not pled guilty.
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did, when mayor ed lee, when he was running for mayor last november, he have -- remember volunteer to help the chinatown members -- citizens to vote. stencils that they could only i remember a lot of supervisors here tonight that actually went feds. that whatmén the mayor did -- i !n 't know what they were >> president chiu: thank you much. >> my name is don -- from districtd.p.7. we should all be clear and i'm
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for the reinstatement ofí=xx ro. we should be clear, speaking for the people who are for the reinstatement of ross, none offe us support domestic violence, none of us are trying to hide it. but there's another agenda goi.t on here tonight and that's called political violence. what we're:j#iy seeing is an att to politically lynch a leading this city and working women in this city. what we're seeing in that is this town who would like to push people have made in this city. that's really what is on the agenda here tonight. reinstatement of ross you're talking about defending the if you vote to uphold the commission'sñ@hú÷ report, you're really siding with the 1% to take out a leading spokesman for that's what's on the agenda. that's called political violence. the 1% has nothing good in mind
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for women in this town. their agenda is to cut everybody's wages and the women's wages always get cut first. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> board of supervisors and everyone, my name is emmett powell. i've had a business in san francisco since 1972, right up the street on hayes and octavia. i've had the privilege of having great dignitaries from flute the country, throughout the city, throughout the state and through the world traveling. i've had the mayor -- in my place. not only that he invited me to stay here when the -- was here -- all over the world. but let me say this, i know mirkarimi. i do.
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and i've seen him talking to -- it might be inebriated, they might be high, might be low, whatever. but he never showed disrespect. when iiy3s opened my new restaut on eddy and fillmore, mayor newsom, mayor brown, many other dignitaries was there. mirkarimi was there every week, seeing what i needed done, seeing how things wereí/ and when i went through the problems that i had there, he didn't stay;ñn away. he was right there. so we have auásystem here. if we don't like what any of you remember, he who casts thecaít stone without -- cast the first stone. we all have done wrong.
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any -- but i'm saying that's a good man. city. we voted for him. let him be. thank you. next speaker please. >> good evening, supervisors.eii stand before you as a resident, a voter, but more importantly-a grandma. today i want to take a little diversion from the content qy&qg7t heard and i'm asking tht we really seize this opportunity bring a healing to the city, and that we mitigateddhp the divide our duly elected sheriff. i urge that we seize thisç9b @&y carefully at our behavior and our vote tonight in:chm a way t brings this city together, and stops what has been ag7b=ñ destructive, tearing apart of people, intended to do the right
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thing. thank you. >> president chiu: next speaker. >> hi. good evening. my name is -- i'm a member of self-democratic clubs. you've heard my name i'm also -- i love the san francisco just as you and everyone in this room, even if we disagree. i'm here to ask you to please reinstate ross mirkarimi as sheriff. thank you for taking public comment. it is now 7:45. this has been a long day and evening. i appreciate your -- to reinstate ross especially from pressure from mayor ed lee, the -- office, and others. what would the late harvey milk say about the bullying, the precedent 1.5 million in legal expenses, the editorials by the
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san francisco chronicle. i think harvey milk would vote to reinstate ross?v1( mirkarimid george masconi would never conduct ak5ss witch hunt againsa former highly -- supervisor. when did an arm grab become an assault. there's big money behind thejíh( removal of mirkarimi. namely the realtors associationd interest in carrying out massyç evictions of foreclosuresùd and martial law. also ifv=n#; decide to remove m just keep in mind that the city of san francisco will!b4çl be vulnerable to huge lawsuits going forward. you understand this right? so thank you for yourohu consideration and listening to my concerns. please vote to reinstate him as vote. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you. nexta(c speakertsnkc.
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>> good evening, supervisors. i'm peter warfield, head of library usersñ7fár association. we support the reinstatement of sheriff ross mirkarimi, and ask d8ñ vote for reinstatement. we are concerned that the removal of the electe$c@ sheriff would be a dangerous precedent for all of the reasons that you've heard previously. we3jzgh also understand the hypy of the mayor in using the ethic commission to bludgeon ross mirkarimi, while doing nothingc at all in a previous matter in which the ethics commission remove mayoral appointee jewel commission president. she had been found tooc]çf willy violate the law, official misconduct, by silencing a member of the public duringg@c2a library commission meeting. the sunshine ordinance task force voted unanimouslyx;' and t
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this to the ethics commission for enforcement. nothing about the ethics commission recommendation,í'7ee didn't even answer their letter. and in fact what yjkó>2p4 havent heard this evening on this subject is it went further. the library commission reelected jewel gomez president of the commission earlier this year by a unanimous vote. of course, as you know, all of the commissioners are appointees of the mayor's office. we're also concerned that the attempt at removal represents mayor lee to politically ant culturally cleanse san francisco of whatever is convenient, an effort that includes the attempted removal of the sheriff as well as removal of the political multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual
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mural on the bernal branch library which had two of its three sides painted out last week. >> thank you for your time, mr. board president, supervisors. as long as this has been going on, i've been following every single word i can get on it frop the crongicle to the bay guardian and everything in between and i just5÷súñ don't g, i don't see a mad dog wife-beater. i seqó man who made a mistake, he did something that he shouldn't have done and has been disciplined both in the courts]+ and being separated from his family for a long time. i think it boils down to character. i'mzv in district 3. i've never had contact with mr. mirkarimi but some of the things i've heard7ñpt from his constituents brought tears to my eyes, both$r3b> outside, at they long ago today, and in the press, in the past as?nx well.
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i think he's a guy who can law enforcement community. unfortunately we have a mayor who thinksz@qx things like stopping -- is a good idea. in addition to the board of=( else to abominable practices like thatj good man and put forth a progressive agenda in a city and countrycvd5 where a lot of s prisoners are for profit and monetized instead oftz4é&y the help they need. i mean i pretty much support everything -- echo everything i really think he does need to be reinstated and given a seco⌝2 chance. that's it. and i thanki8 time. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> honorablewí
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most critical decision which i strongly suggest be viewed through the eyes of the humbled patron saint for whom our great city that is a microcosm for the community, st. francis of assisi made an instrument of peace for the san francisco world peace affirmation that offers world peace justice healing and even healing for this situation. the proposed affirmation that is an edited versions of st. francis' words. i am an instrument of peace, where there's injury, pardon, where there's doubt faith, where there's despair, hope, where there's darkness light. i shall not seek to be consoled, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love for it is in giving that i receive and pardoning that i amw
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pardoned. i ask you let justice with mercy, compassion with courage, guide your conscious to vote and be your legacy for such a time as this. the world is looking in on this number one city. the higher power/[aq÷ too. that compassionate restorative justice be preb lent in our city. i say stand up and do the&s&9 t thing. i urge you to give the honorable ross mirkarimi his elected position with his due back pay restored. thank you. >> president chiu: next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. eric brooks. i am a member of san francisco green party. i want to talk about domestic violence. i understand domestic violence really well because i was a victim of it when i was a child. my stepfather beat on my mother every week and verbally abused my mother and brothers and emotionally every day, and when
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i say every day i mean all day every day for years. i understand domestic violence and that is what it looks like. he even went after my mother in the middle of the night with a shotgun and he missed. i could have ended up like him but my mother had wisdom to reach out for help when we were young and take us to counseling. when i got to be a teenager and realized i still had issues, i reached out and went to counseling, after i grabbed my mother's arm. so you bet, an arm-grab can lead years down the road to domestic violence that's very serious. and the way you solve that problem is that you encourage people that are involved in family conflict to reach out for help, and get that help. and if you go along with what the mayor's doing in this just obviously way over the top reaction to this situation by any measure, that tens of
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thousands of families in this city that have issues with conflict and are watching you make this decision, are going to think about how -- what the results of your decision. and if they think, you know what, if one of us reaches out and says the wrong thing to the wrong person about a conflict issue that we had in our household, it could send our father or mother to jail, and destroy his career, make them unable to financially provide for the the family, and economics are the main reason people stay in bad situations, especially women with kids. so if -- do domestic violence is going to be part of your decision think about that, think about what you're going to show all those families in the city, when they think about whether or not they should open themselves up and reach out for help. thank you.
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>> president chiu: next speaker. good evening, everyone. my name is don/odg ikele burge. man. i know who hates him. i first met ross, he was working with arms control resource center with -- you66kaç know, eg a book about the environmental impacts of the'qé rst gulf war. that's the first place i heard about -- later i helped ross as he co-coordinated a state effort to qualify the green party on 2000 nader campaign which, youl÷ know, many democrats to this day so he's hated by warmongers and by democrats and he's run a couple of power campaigns so
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he's hated by pg&e and i fear that's where this comes down from. many here may have a long political career ahead of them and ask themselves can i do it without pg&e money. so i hope the vote goes well here and everybody shows strength. to the women's groups all i can say is i've known ross for a long time. i feel like as sheriff he will oversee your interests much better than any other sheriff candidate i can think of, specifically the fire chief. but thank you very much, all. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> hi. chris -- a 30 year resident of san francisco, a laborer, an artist and san francisco historian and in that endeavor i've learned that history is not merely replete but overflowing in instances of tragically misguided but not outright
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nefarious ways of making examples of individuals. the executive director of la casa has atib iewtd a 12% increase to this case and the issue is bigger than one reason, one person and one incident executive director of domestic violence has said the ethics commissioners are not thinking about the message they are sending to women, children and male victims in thie their comm. i seriously doubt there is any notion that the ethics commission is not thinking about the message that their actions might present to members of this community but what kind of message are we talking about here. the message of the actual particular circumstances regarding an individual been placed before the law of less importance than issues percolating around him. the message can be interpred
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