tv [untitled] October 12, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT
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that there was more to this than ross mirkarimi decided to plead to misdemeanor, false imprisonment. it seemed a case against him was settled and he was willing to listening to eliana. removed him from office without pay for official misconduct. this was an unprecedented decision madeuuá÷ by an executie official in the history of san francisco politics. one individual. no official misconducl occurred while he was in office as sheriff. by his action, ed lee has suppressed my vote. i decided then to work to
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reinstate ross mirkarimi, to his elected office as sheriff. i have since become friends with both ross mirkarimi and elian eliana -- excuse me and their son, theo. they're a loving couple. i call on you to do the right thing and vote to reinstate ross mirkarimi. reinstate my vote. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> supervisors, my name is ed cinchly. i live and vote in district 9. am very happy to have an excellent supervisor in district 9. last week, the elected delegates of service employees international union local 1021, which represents 13,000 workers here in san francisco, voted to ask you to vote to reinstate
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ross mirkarimi as sheriff. this is not an easy decision or discussion for us. many of us, including myself, have worked with domestic violence victims for most of our careers. i just retired after 18 years of working as social worker in the emergency room at san francisco general hospital and spent many working hours trying to help domestic violence victims including getting some of them into places like la casa shelter. but our members, after long discussion, made it very clear that we feel that the mayor has been using this charter section in an unprecedented way to attempt to remove a more progressive elected official from office. and so our members are asking you to vote to reinstate him. in my training, which was given
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to me, and many of my coworkers around domestic violence training, were taught that you first take into consideration what the victim wants. we're appalled that that has not happened, that the wishes of eliana in this case have been ignored. please reinstate ross mirkarimi as our elected sheriff. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, president chiu, supervisors. my name is maria gee ann. and it's worth repeating, theyf& punishment doesn't fit the crime. it is clear that ross, hisii?q e eliana, and their child, theo, have been punished beyond whatçñ we may want to even admit to. the loss of timeyçñ together, ls of income, loss of sleep, the loss of joy for just ordinary
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days. áui1% the punishment doesn't end there. in, and/or trying to build san francisco have also beenbqv punished by these proceedings against ross and his family. beyond the loss of so much public funds, is to see people that were once friends are now at odds with each other. community allies are at odds in discrediting one another when there is still so much work we all need to do together. many of you are also not escaping negative consequences. i can only appreciate the turmoil you are in. long-standing relationships in jeopardy because we couldn't bridge our different perspectives. the punishment doesn't fit the crime. but even more importantly, it is causing more pain than any of us deserve. reinstate ross as our sheriff.
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in hopes that theo can be able to witness the power of redemption and live a life enhanced by restorative justice. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> hello. my name is vivian imperili speaking as a worker on my own private individual time. you begin each meeting with the pledge of allegiance, affirming your belief in liberty and justice for all. these are basic tenets of the american way yet oddly revoked in the case of ross. liberty, the the freedom to live in your own home with the family !mfé bring home a paycheck, all this was stripped away from ross. no home, no job, no money. and in the cruelest move of all, no family. justice, the expectation to be treated fairly, to have due
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process, to be judged by unbiased citizens. instead, false charges abounded. there is no justice in declaring a man guilty from day one when our guiding principle asserts innocence until proven guilty. there was no justice when the mayor removed our duly elected sheriff. the ethics commission, appointed by officials intent on removing ross became this inappropriate jury, and now he sits before you. electorate who put him in office. only we should have the power to remove him. and we know he did nothing to preclude being a fine sheriff. no mayor should have9j7÷ñ the unilateral authority to remove an elected official. you musto]ññt allow this to stad and set a dangerous precedent.
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allegiance you're agreeing to its truth. take that pledge as seriously as liberty and justice for all. restore what has been stolen from ross, and from the voters who elected[ç him. reinstate rossy. >> president chiu: thank you. nextjh speaker. >> hello. you for your continued attentiveness. i knowl
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stand both for reinstatement of ross mirkarimi, with the mirkarimi family, eliana lopez and theo, and also against domestic violence. they are not -- we are not opposed. we're on the same team. i really implore you all to recognize that, and not to be afraid that since the word domestic violence has been thrown out there, that you would be setting some sort of -- sending the wrong message by voting for what's right despite the fear of being seen as standing for domestic violence which is utterly ridiculous and anyone can see that that's not the case here. none of us are standing for domestic violence. we do stand with ross, and we really appreciate your willingness to listen to us, and to -- your continued openness to the possibility of redemption, not only for the sheriff, but for us as the people. i stand here as a survivor.
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i stand here as a woman, as a proud, queer, flam oint and boisterous woman and implore you to restore ross mirkarimi to his elected office and support him in his dedication to uphold and further the restorative justice foundation set by his predecessor. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, board of supervisors. i am against domestic violence. i think women in our society are our mothers and sisters and our daughters, and need to be protected. i think in case of ross, if you have a little bit discussion, and your wife is leaving without listening, if you grab her and -- and it makes a mark, that is not domestic violence.
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i've been charged for domestic two or three felony and give me a bargain. you accept the misdemeanor or you go to court. misdemeanor. and i went to court, and !.=÷ pd my innocence. but it took lots of pain and lots of effort, and lots ofçdáu money, and lots of energy. i think rossçkcb tried to save s [53&unity, from accepting this and say, you know, he'sa/
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instead of judging this[w awesoe gentleman who is a fine sheriff, and i vote for him. on your watch, this wouldn't happen. i think, you know, i'm disappointed in mayor when he did not go with his promise. and, you know, run and took your choice away, and also yours. and, you know, i think we should honor the people's choice. >> president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good evening. thank you for this opportunity. my name is oscar james, i'm a native resident of bayview hunters point born and raised there. i've been voting since 1966. i'm a property owner. i'm also if you would say a
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domestic violent person, if ross is a domestic violent person, i once grabbed my wife's arm when we were on our honeymoon like you are now. i've been married 46 years. three years into my marriage, me and my wife got into a argument. i grabbed her arm and i found out she gets bruised just like ross mirkarimi's wife got bruised. but out of that time -- and i don't classify that as being domestic violence. i don't know how you guys look at it being you're doing ross' way i see how you look at it. all this time that's the only time i've put my hands on my wife. yes we get in arguments but i've learned to go downstairs. my best friend is my wife. that's his best friend. his son is going to end up being his best friend as a son. let them live their life. let him become the sheriff that we need him to be for the city
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and county of san francisco. all of those who have done wrong, you know if you vote] fy against him, and not let him come into being the sheriff, and you know you've done wrong, no man or no woman has lived in this life and haven't done wrong. give this man his job back, you have taken too much from him already. him, they say two -- three out of twodx/ peos voted to remove him. who are the three because they didn't come and ask me/#u;ñ any. are you scared to come to hunter's point? speaker. >> hi. my name is -- i'm here to support ross and his family. two years ago, i met ross and and a neighbor, who every older personçfnfñ or young person in neighborhood, he's befriended
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everyone thatqawát come across. and he's a very nice man. and i come here personally to tell you that80j6 he's a great, and his family has suffered a so you know he has been with you, he has walked with you, hr been a great man as a supervisor, and he has/)-86 been elected to be a goodtdz sheriff. so tonight i come here -- i ask you to please-> president chiu: thanks. next speaker.
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>> hello. my name is alicia begines. i have three points to make and begin by first staying to the domestic violence community thank you for your advocacy, for your bravery, every single day, responding to people who need help and who want people. you do an incredible service and you've been doing an incredible service for years, and you are leaders in this community. and i absolutely want to give them the respect that they deserve. i would also like to say i support the reinstatement of ross mirkarimi. i think that many people in san francisco understand the differences that this matter brings. eliana lopez is not someone who wanted help, who needed help, who needed the intervention of
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police departments. she can stand up for herself, every day. and she has a supporting husband who cares for her. she does not need the intervention. that is not for one moment to say that i believe that domestic violence is acceptable, and that is not for one moment ever to criticize the community that protect people who need it. i hopew"v$ that you members of e board of supervisors can be equally brave in-t" defending y rights as a voter to elect representatives who will serve my city. and i hope that you will also own lives when they are competent and powerful to do so.0z-sç @&c @&c"p%thank . >> president chiu: thank you. thank you. nextj[,z speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. and thank you for yourgp8u
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work,5< >> president chiu: thank you. if i could just remind folks who rule in the board chamber against applause and other support. so i'd ask you to respect that, particularly those of you who have been here in public comment often and know that. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. i say thank you to whoever really listen to us because i think all -- we need respect listen. because that's the reason we here. and hopefully this is for all ones who cares about this politics. and i'm here because i support ross mirkarimi, and i believe in politics. and if it you really believe in politics, you have to take care of this job tonight because we wasting so much time. it isfój a lot of work outside o do. and also i say for the la casa de las madres how much money you receive every month and if
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you really care about violence domestic and immigrant people, tell us the truth. because i know a lot of people, they don't call the police, they don't go into those resource, and ask for help. because sometimes they don't give us the help. they just want money. and money is -- everybody just money. and i'm here because i don't have pay. i'm here because i support the rights of the rights for everybody who vote. and i know a lot of places, it's like why are you guys here and talking and they don't say the right things. but i'm angry because every time we speak, every speaker say something, everybody -- and we respect for us. and i would like you guysgñ -- ross mirkarimi on the job right now because it's a lot of work don't do the job. only a person who knows the work, he-aj:÷ has to be -- plac.
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thank you. have a good night. >> president chiu: thank8÷@ax y. next speaker. everyone. my name is darwin k9y(y i would like to thanks for the opportunity to express myk3k#ñ feelings. i've been following, watching, and listening this case. disgusting, shameful,?7k unprofessional, unethical, unspeakable, to see the measure ofpzçh san francisco, the distt attorney, the city attorney, the nonprofit organizations who get paid by you know who, and they only toldstlv whatever they told you. san francisco chronicle also includes that. and]b many more malevzm'f lusn
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behind. trying to destroy a family by calling him a criminal, açeqc hitter, a abuser, don't make me believe that because he's not÷d criminal. let me tell you, you know who's the real criminal -- let me tell you who the real criminal is, who's the real liar, who is the real unethical person is. there's cases of abuse and police brutality. they even kill people and they still working, getting pay, with our tax dollars. there's cases where they lie under oath, and they still holding their job. so don't tell me because mr. mirkarimi grabbed his wife's arm in a familiar argument he's going to lose his job. so he needs to be reinstated. and let me tell you something. remember, what goes around comes
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around and you don't want this to happen to you or your family or anybody else. so thank you, and reinstate the sheriff, and god bless you all. >> president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. thank you for allowing us to speak tonight and for giving us two minutes. i'm really appalled at the mayor's office and the city attorney's office still using buzz words like beat his wife, attacked his wife, when we all know that's not what happened, and even using domestic violence which to my understanding is not even an issue here. they're trying to throw you off the track. the real issue is official misconduct as far as i understand it. but if it were domestic violence i would tell you that i'm a domestic violence survivor, 24 hours a day, a domestic violence survivor from childhood domestic violence as well as marital domestic violence in the 60's
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when it was no big deal. if these people complaining aboutrouk domestic violence aro concerned about it why aren't they up in arms about the cases in this city that never get touched. do the right thing and let ross do the job that he was elected toidq ethics should trump politics and it's really too bad that only onedqn[ñ ethics commissioner understood that. you know in your hearts that the reinstate ross mirkarimi as the sheriff of the city and county of san francisco. >> edward -- a member of theñr secular san francisco -- order that helps out tourists by giving them thissafiñ brief cit. so we help lots of tourists. my5wu concern is where, in the state of california, or in the
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united states, canuu8u a mayor, municipal official, remove a county sheriff. is this a ploy!"/ to reduce the county sheriff to a city sherifñ position. the -- figuratively above the law is over the police chief and thek! sheriff. i was disappointed that the the opportunity to subpoena hear her testimony that she gave mayor lee that he should dismiss ross mirkarimi as a wife-beater. this testimony is in -- that commissioner renne tabbed is
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merely hear say and the worst ramblings of a first year law student. it's disappointing we have not heard ivory madison speak. the -- in the commission hearings, i attended, the question was brought up of the presumption of guilt, how many times do you beat your wife, mr. mirkarimi. and, also, i heard that the finding that sentence is evidence of guilt. the sentence is not evidence of guilt. this all unfortunately began at a meeting at the cafe -- four weeks before the -- >> president chiu: thank you very much.
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>> good evening,zez supervisors. obviously a long one. i want to thank you all for your endurance here. my name is gus feldman a field represent with seiu 10-1. as we move forward in the night on this matter i want you to please consider the following questions. numberguwuv one, have thec[ckíñ1 incident of alleged misconduct in any way negatively impact the public at]xw$s large. number two, was the power of the administer this alleged act of +4(#%ñ three, do you believe409 eliana, and if not, why do you believe the city oy/srp&s who have continually said they known better for her family than her,
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herself. also as a fieldru: representati, a union representative, i've had the responsibility and duty in the.r)r past, admittedly in a different jurisdiction of representing law enforcement employees. some casesd:ñ i even had to represent employees who had been convicted of criminal!úf chargef domestic violence. i have never ever seen a case result innéje it's suspension is the standard, from my3óqna experience. and might i say all of those suspensions that i've experienced and wit&(jq" never came close to the length of the unpaid suspension that the lastly supervisors of d3, 5,tóq,
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but after the four days and on the election -- the eve of election day he understand why we did that. he told us outside whee -- he understand why we doing that, why are we fighting prop c, a handful of us. and, you know ross, you made a mistake. you should have not pled guilty. did, when mayor ed lee, when he was running for mayor last november, he have -- remember volunteer to help the chinatown members -- citizens to vote. stencils that they could only i remember a lot of supervisors here tonight that actually went
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