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tv   [untitled]    October 14, 2012 3:30am-4:00am PDT

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each one of uslo1xç need look hd into the mirror for the living lord bewqgqocked no more. cell phones, cable tv, all supporting the corporatees stor. d.c. politicians in service to status quo. who seeks to be -- forever, the 40 day general strike be the proper endeavor. i am here speaking truth free of all fear. domestic abuse upon the entire nation, the promised land be the high station. dr. jeffrey mcdonald -- we have all allowed to sit in prison all this time, the mother of boycotts be the call and sets them free. and a woman sheriff in san francisco to lead the sheriffs is just fine with me. and no one in this room and no
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one listening has ever seen freedom and the freedom in the promised -- >> president chiu: thank you very much. >> my name is ron stuts. love and lies. it has been said that when the lion and the lamb sit in peace there will be harmony in the world. this applies to our own inner self as well. because the proper balance between ying and yang, heaven and earth, makes us wholecom with one in the universe. the pride of the lion needs the hunger of the lamb to lead with humility and love. the lambd6ré÷ needs the strengtf the lion to avoid being2n'vu devoured. the result is unconditional love and the kind of leadership that comes from the good side of the÷ heart. ross is a lion who has
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experienced a verygwñq public humility that most people would rather avoid and walk away from. but he5imc has wisely atoned fos anger and insecurity, being meeklysx%3ñ strong enough to asr rededges and forgiveness. be given the opportunity to demonstrate that he has learned for it at home, and in his elected position as i believe that ross is a better man for his recent ordeal,ay
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and the lovex the cruelty on this family are indicative:!-t hatred directed towards them to crush them and 3h1 institutionsike to see regenerallized for victims of the rat race. at this significant time in ouoo lives when humanity has a rendezvous withtba(b destiny -- >> president chiu: thank you very much.o8z thank you. >> hello. heart of constituents of ross,gr7'ñc= have talked abouts commitment to public service. and you have also heard, both here and over the last nine months, of people who are standing up as proponents of domestic violence abuse, and who are trying to reach out to
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women. i believe that these speakers, who are here to speak about domestic violence, are misguided in this event, and that is because the women that they are trying to help have cried out for help. none of their clients is an international film star, who want to a neighbor who is an attorney to confide in, and poured her heart out, and had that attorney, with a dual motive, turn to the district attorney and concoct a case to be used as a political wedge and hammer. on the one hand you are talking about people who are coming here and talking about eradicating domestic violence abuse, and on
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the other you're talking about a singular case, a instance wherekrg÷5 domestic vie label is being used as only a battering ram. i urge you toaáxñ reinstate the sheriff. thank you%ó[oç. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> goodk?bmj afternoon, supervi. my name is beverly, and i am so very honored to be the execut;qw director of the san francisco domestic violence consortium. we are not thezécçy enemy. gorge gascón is notw)f!d the en. ed lee is not the enemy. and you are not the enemy. these wounds% i'm sorry that we all find ourselves hereuvl$t today. many opportunities to make a change were available over the last 10
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ourselves here in this untenablr position. committing domestic violence is a crime. not a progressive issue&9(û. it is not a value of my blind eye when someone we . our conduct is a reflection of not only when we're in city hall, not only when the cameras. you all are supervisors 24 hours aqsi day. i'm the executive director of the domestic violenceb8ohñ consm 24 hours a day, and i would like to suggest that our sheriff should bebe our sheriff 24 houra day. this is:lns a disciplinary acti.
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it's not election stealing. it's what$7ç the voters voted fr in the charter. and until ross'4-í>havior became the subject of this issue, he i'm going to stick to my time but i know that today will take leadership-isq÷ and courage. and i know that you have it. the facts matter. you. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker2z. ÷ffgood evening. from ross mirkarimi has been suspended with pay after he has not been proven guilty. money from the city has been spent trying to persecute someone that is not guilty. mayor ed lee has communiunion
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just to -- in his family, by taking away his salary. with how he take care of his family. he has done all this -- mirkarimi be proven guilty. i am asking for -- mirkarimi to be installed right away. i speaker say woman would be afraid to refer domestic violence. the truth is woman who be afraiñ to report domestic violence because -- what happened toc eliana's family because there are a lot of people who -- is not their business4anká like -- please bring --wu'z mirkarimi. thank you so much. >> president chiu: thank you. >> could i have the overhead
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the overhead. >> supervisor chiu: if you speak into the microphone. >> ms. riserdfú6ñ said that the language of the charter speaks for itself.ó
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confines of official misconduct that is indicated in thedvá' rel brief right here, official now, an important question. what is official. here's the definition ofr@ official. it says here, a person invested with the authority of thesón office. that means they have to have the power of the office. they can't be pract/1r(mz%ñ getting ready for it or preparing for it. they have to have the authority of the office. either we.zj83 are a country o, tierney is what is being offered here. and theygtç8o offer that -- i hd from the attorney for the mayor this morning saying that there was a triparti system that was going to save this from being tyrannical. what if a political machine, per chance, had control of the san francisco. how -- what solace could any
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voter take in that very skimpy protection that she offers. we have only one thing, the rule of law. >> presidenlaw. >> hello. my name is josh wolf, and when i found myself subpoenaed by a federal grand jury ross mirkarimi put forward a resolution saying that the board of supervisors stands with me in upholding the rights of a free press of a reporter's privilege, which we don't have in the federal context. many of you signed on in support of that because you recognize that that was a political witch hunt. again today we find ourselves in a political witch hunt and i hope you will make the sim decision to choose what is right especially during this time of election. after i was released from jail i ended up in an altercation from someone whom i knew from jail.
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i called the police and said i said sorry, we can't help you, there aren't any wns you can zoint us can do. i called ross mirkarimi and within minutes i heard back from the police leadership saying they were going to do something and within short order i was looking at mug books and they were pursuing the case. that only happened because ross mirkarimi was responsivebiyç to public safety issues. he will continue to be responsive as a sheriff if we reinstate him and i encourage what is politically expedient. thank you so much. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. hill. this is a difficult issue, obviously. i think what -órkñ it difficult is that in many ways this is not a legal proceeding, this is not a court of law.q9j)ñ if there's any parallel, it's probably an impeachment president bill clinton. i think most of the people in
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this rg÷yñ and most of you would agree we saw how that process was terribly abused because ofh0 where a personal -- a repugnant was suddenly put into the national limelight and made into something that basicallye"o kidnapped the entire country. i think in some ways this is what's going on here. i'll tell you why. because it's not like this is the first time we've had a high public official98v that's been engaged in domestic violence. in fact, i did a little bit ofq research and, you know, there mcbride who was arrested and charged with domestic violence, entered a6e=f plea like ross mirkarimi did, was sentenced, yet he continued as a judge. by his colleagues to be presiding judge and continues to serve on the bench to this-çñx( day. or how about the case of hayes-white. i have cued up on my phone the
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youtube videoqq;$ audio of the 1 call where her husband is calling in about domestic violence which i don't have it play for you. but there were children involved. head with an object. since quit paying spousal support. and yet when this past may,o÷ mayor lee was asked about the fire chief he said we're going to work with her. so these sortsa)0h'aá of thingse there's a double standard here. why is there a double standard. is it politics? seems to me that there is. i'm sympathetic to the plight the domestic violence victims. i've been involved in that issue many years ago counseling batterers. >> president chiu: thank you very much. thank you. >> good afternoon. michael feinstein, former mayor and city councilmember in
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santa monica. i've learned the publicw will tolerate diversity on issues but will not tolerate manipulation of the public process for partisan reasons. that a violation of the public's trust. before you is an item to remove an elected official for something that happened before they assumed office. if you approve that item what you're doing is opening up pandora's box for partisan abuse which you will never close. the mayor's office said he assumed office right after the election before he took the oath. this is absurd and ludicrous. could the sherif:dev have hierd and fired staff before he took the oath of office. could he have directed his no. now we have a double standard on what it is to be in office to and this kind of convenient double political double standard how wide open this is. what the mayor's attorney
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that this should apply no later than the election day meaning this could beho6fñ wide open for somebody before they were elected that didn't come out elected that didn't come out into public and nowt game as well? so this is a wide open so this is a wide open opportunity foroa>= 5y are the check and balance. but if you remove theñ"?tñ sherf now you are laying a public game, at any time, before they were elected. is that really what you want to do? charade down, you keep sheriff mirkarimi in office, and- make that vote to ensure there's public integrity in this government, so3ép8 the people tt partisan purposes. >> president chiu: thank you. nextv]orátqp)q). >> hello, supervisors. my name is erica mcdonald, i'm
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reinstatement of sheriff ross mirkari-bc@&5j4(p&c"p%all of yoe received lengthy e-mails from me detailing a violent crime committed against me in this city. thank you, supervisor wiener for your compassionate response. i want to give you my case number, 980490385. i believe it's significant because it was a violent felony committed against me and i was denied justice by the san francisco police department. a woman named laura gardner, not only refuse to do photograph my injuries or collect other evidence she gave me less than two minutes of her time and made me get out of her office and she is collecting a paycheck off of my dime. ms. keyser i want to ask you a question. is there such a thing as a little bit of a violent felony?
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is there such a thing as a little bit being dragged over a wooden fence? because that's what happened to me. i don't have a law degree like many of you do but i believe my constitutional right under the law has been violated because someone involved in this case got two days in court for allegations that were nowhere near what happened to me. i want to know why gina flores was given two days in court. i'm here to support reinstatement of ross mirkarimi. because we need his leadership yesterday. i want to ask a question perhaps to invoke a little bit of humor. i wonder who is the biggest liar, mayor edwin lee, the san francisco chronicle, or mitt romney. >> president chiu: next speaker please. >> hi. my name is kathy black,
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executive director ofwc]%u la ca de los madres. the facts matter.41q$ the sheriff admitting a violent act against his wife.#[t he pled guilty to false imprisonment in a domestic violence quais. we have not been surprised by the minimize of the injury and unwillingness to takeñ2 responsibility and blaming others. in front of you today we stand for victim(abq safety. it is also up to us to stand matter what paths they choose to take. accountability. the facts stand, sheriff mirkarimi pled guilty" to abusig his wife and as a result he is unfit to serve as sheriff. two outá]rcz three san franciscs in a recent poll indicated that office. i urge you to uphold the
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findings of the ethicsóí7? commission. thank you very much. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you. next shnllr. int>> withg#f] all due respect s why he know we don't have a -- heart. today people show that he has been elected aqsu% i am -- my name is -- i'm media -- tv. honorable person. he worked with us. ceremonies,jkc rallies, demonstrations, and he helped us so manyñeé'd numerous places, te could not be there. but he was there. he touched our heart.
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where is my vote. the vote that i lost it inwá)g,. he helped me to4a;> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i actually have some letters for you if i could give it to someone to hand over. great. thank you. i want to put on two hats today
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but i just want to first say if i could have everybody realize that you are maybe 20 minutes away from dinner, and just like maybe shake it out a little, stand up, stretch your legs, get some blood moving. throw up when i speak in front of you, so we're hoping that i don't. but i'm here wearing two hats. the first is a resident of district 5. my name's cynthia cruz. i am a volunteer -- i am someone who watches these political things like people watch football. i grew up in a home with a batterer. so this is personal#l?ñ for me. and when i think about the consequences of it, i think about restorative just$bhr i think about the fact that my vote is being takenke9g away.
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and i worry that when i was -- when i voted[e6g for ross, and i know that he always had our back inúmú@w d5, always had our backd never had to worry. i didn't have to pay attention to every singled( vote that you guys had because i knew that what i felt like, what the people in my district felty,yels was going to be supported, i want to put on the other hat of themurç not crying cynthia andy i'm with the league of pissed off voters. supervisor -- sorry, sheriff mirkarimi. we hope that youge2
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hi. i share with you thisuon$÷ litte anecdote. while standing in line to get intoan ethics commission hearing this peculiar event. i a bit withdxhz person in front of me holding a book in his hand, reading the lastuz2d temptation of christ. i joked with him about what jesus would have thought about he observed the sheriff's supportersáand non-supporters and jokingly said those in front were the new testament the ones behind the old testament. upon reflection later there seemed to be substance to his lighthearted quip, especially in light of all the great irony of this, that of the sheriff's restorative justice policies, justice in that sense meaning to restore, replenish, repair, redeem. the old archaic model of cold justice deployed on the sheriff and his family is utterly
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disregarded such a humane approach and has been more akin to the kind of treatment someone sparingly illustrated by examiner's relentlessly taunting columns on the sheriff. throughout this long cruel spectacle we have been shown through and through that an eye for an eye, blinds the eye, freezes the heart, feeds on fear, and clouds discretion, thus a minuscule human error will be equated with something sounding far worse to fit the cause, to show by example, even if the example being shown is a benign one. so for christ's sake let's lighten up, let the man have his life back, let him breathe again, have some soul and mercy. restore him to his elected position and then let's move on. >> president chiu: thanks. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is arnold fields a resident of the bay area for the last 46 years. to start, let's not get stuck oz stupid. with all dueáráãrespect, you dot hold an office 'til you're sworn in. this is a dogb>÷ and pony show. this is officialp84ñ misconduct. before any of you supervisors vote, asku.0ñ yourself, he or se that has never sinned, go ahead and throw the first stone.añ mayor lee, you have a lot of nerve calling out mr. mirkarimi for a.6tóc lack of ethics. you don't know the definitioniff truth. i don't know if you forgot, but public you would
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not run if appointed to3z]fd ma. the fact that you did run says you're clueless onz-#p ethics,a big fat liar. incumbent. when you run, it gives you#m% a major advantage. here's a quote fromhur  a -- newspaper and the mayor two cities down the street, who had to appayku a councilmember just recently. mayor cassidyjoquñ added he wano appoint a candidate who is not going to be in thek#ul0 electio. two, i don't want anyone to have an advantage. that was comingñfkk from a mayoo cities down the street. c, ross was theóhóxrx only one n ross' job, the mayor's job, and ross was the only official to get elected on his own, fair an7 square, and was not appointed.
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and election day does)2j0p nott you in office. i think -- >> president chiu: thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much. next speaker. thank you very much. thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jillian everrington. i have lived in district 5 for 30 years. during recent years when ross mirkarimi was supervisor i noticed tremendous positive change in this district, especially a huge reduction in crime, due to his very hands-on approach. he had genuine concerns for people of all types, especially the disadvantaged. i was always impressed by his communication skills and interest in neighborhood issues. additionally, by his monthly newsletter that kept us informed. altogether, a great leader.
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i believe ross mirkarimi has a multitude of skills to bring to his role as sheriff. academic, intellectual, years of very relevant work experience, and a strong, clear mind, to manage this extremely challenging role. i trust you will reinstate him. >> president chiu: thanks. next speaker. >> hi. my name is -- and i'm iranian activist in my community, and also independent journalist. my whole community has been shattered by -- with what is going on with ross mirkarimi because we see that a hard-working man, somebo$6ó6with a lot of new ideas to make the system better for the jails,$swr keeping the crime off the street, and everything, is being punished more than what he hasgñ done. hes, he lost probably, you know,