tv [untitled] October 14, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PDT
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2012. >> clerk calvillo: firstition supervisor kim. chamber, supervisor wiener. supervisor wiener willn'a$e su. supervisor cohen. supervisor cohen will submit. submit. supervisor carmen chu.k/ñ submit. roster that concludes roll call for introduction. next> president chiu: let's go to genzsi/$tu!lic comment, two minutes per person. first speaker. corporate rape of the public
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library don't give money to the friendsñy>r÷ of the library dont accept money from the friends of the library. i have a little trepidationxvgd about getting up here and talking about the library today. but of course it's not really.' about the library. it's about what happens to our institutions when they are run by7-bív our increasingly governt partnership. i can't completely -- or at least0dkse properly talk about t just happened, but i think there's a,w price that's relate to that, and that's also relative toiht the public-privae partnership, which is the loss here, you see in many, many places. of an institution, the purpose of which is to maintainiañ'y(spj barriers and promote the
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influence of private money. the public money that is spent on it. there is no accountability for it. there is no accountability for where that private money(bp6[ g. most of all there is no accountability for the sunshine and ethics violations that allo them to operate with impugnity. cost is the credibility in our society. no onehñ6 believes you. no one believes anything in our society.i@wñ there's a quotation i've used many times. it's not part of mya=ñ graphics presentation. that says thaât the casualty of being lied to is that you lose our privatized world? the lieszcg>! do cost more thane
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money. >> president chiu: next speaker pleaseá >> mr. president -- north amerp'[ñ vacantist i'm glad this aty got something right least a small portion of it did. that's why i decided to come upb and speak today. there are issues that have come édq up about mike waive.t have i'm not an attorney. an attorney. i found some of the arguments t0 be extended. it was disturbing. first of all, one of the things idea that the federal government can somehow keep a city or any government frasa:@r protectinge health of their people. we cannot regulate the health of our people because of a federal regulation. that's ridiculous. in fact, the federal regulation is much, much more narrow than
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that. the second thing is the at&t argument that the issue that they're worried about is tissue warming. it's a very typical thing in industry for the industry to throw out a kind of red herring that throws you off track. the one thing we know about microwaves from experience is it does not generally warm things. the effect on the body is much more precise than that. and it really is out of respect that this body did the right thing tonight that i'm bringing that to your attention tonight. >> president chiu: are there any other speakers? please step up. >> good evening, supervisors. what a night. i feel relieved but not in any way jubilant. i wanted to give you some comment about public comment. i've stood in these chambers a
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number of times and watched certain supervisors chastise members of the public for how they've given their public comment and i really think it's not appropriate. i think you have to realize that you're on the other side of the divide, where you have unlimited amount of time to talk, whereas a member of the public has two minutes. you see the clock winding down and you're trying to get in all your points and start talking fast and maybe say things in a way you would not say them if you had more times to say them in a more deliberate way the way you have opportunity to do that. not everyone is a professional speaker like you are. and so i think you have to give the public a little bit of room for being able to say things in a way that maybe you find a little bit harsh or whatever and just recognize that that's what public comment is about. you know, the l.a. city council, they actually have a full meeting of the city council three times a week. and they take public comment
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before the full council, after every agenda item. you guys don't take any public comment as a full board, normally. you have it in the committee. so the public really doesn't have much access to all of you, as a full board very often. and, you know, for a city that's like san francisco supposed to be very democratic your procedures are actually not very democratic at all when you compare them to other major cities. so that's something you also should be aware of. i just really think that it's not a friendly inviting thing to do, to chastise members of the public for how they give you public comment unless they are really really over the top, yelling, saying rude inappropriate things, which i didn't hear anybody doing tonight. i heard them expressing opinions with passion. they didn't necessarily -- i think you have to be respectful of the public. >> president chiu: next speaker please. >> my name is greg cayman.
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i actually wanted to echo what steve hill said. i may not be as eloquent but i too was pretty taken aback at some of the comments of the supervisors in particular, you know, supervisor from district 4. you know, i was really taken aback at how vicious, how mean spirited some of her comments were, berating some of the people in public comment. >> president chiu: if i could -- >> we don't work for you. remember that. >> president chiu: if i could mention that all comments during public comment should be directed to the full board. thank you. next speaker. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? general public comment is ended. madam clerk, is there in he more business in front of the body? >> clerk calvillo: that concludes our business for today, mr. president. >> president chiu: ladies and gentlemen our special meeting for today is now adjourned.
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francisco are supporter of the united states military. san francisco fleetwood association is a nonprofit all volunteer organization that was formed to help organize and execute fleet week. and fleet week in 2012 like 2011 and 2010 has adopted a mission to promote the humanitarian assistance and disaster response missions of the united states military. we also, of course, will have the blue angels and the air show that comes with that. the ships will be coming in and the wonderful liberty call that the wonderful men and women in the armed forces will have in san francisco. the fleet week association also, as i say, has a humanitarian and response. along with the civilian disaster response community, we'll have a senior leader seminar taking place on thursday and friday in which
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the military and the civilian community learn from one another on how to provide disaster response. i should mention that on wednesday morning out at ocean beach, the marine corps and the navy are setting up what's called the shock trauma platoon, a field hospital you and i might think of as a mass unit. and coming into ocean beach in cooperation with the national park service is what we call an lcac, acronym, landing craft air. it will be a demonstration of how medical supplies will be brought in by amphibious supplies during a disaster. out of lake merced, we'll be landing helicopters to demonstrate medical evacuation procedures to the civilian community. having said all that, we have a cast and characters here to speak today and we'll be available for questions afterwards. we have major general mike meyer, retired marine corps.
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he is the chairman of the board for the san francisco fleet week association. we have joanne hayes white fire chief, monique moyer from the port, ann crone enberg department of emergency management. and i have to emphasize the partnership fleet week has with the department of emergency management goes beyond your imagination and the work we do together to create this disaster response program. we also have consul general doyle from the canadian consul. we have commander foster from the coast guard, colonel chet jolly, [speaker not understood] from the united states navy. and of course we have somebody who is an incredible supporters of the fleet week program, mayor ed lee who i am going to turn over the microphone to now. (applause) >> thank you, lewis. welcome. this is the beginning of a great number of events in our city, but i have to say fleet
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week is really one of my best events. it's one that i've celebrated since just being here and senator feinstein helped reignite it. we were very glad for it to just grow. and, of course, it's a week-long recognition of our armed forces, navy, coast guard, marines. they're all represented here today and i want to give a big shout out and shanks for the men and women in our uniforms who are protecting us. as you know, the world isn't safe. there are a lot of things that are happening. we have to always be ready and vigilant. i think a week out of our very busy calendars to recognize men and women is really an extraordinary opportunity to do that. i also want to give a very big thanks to the fleet week association. it's a great blend. and to have the chair, general,
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it's been wonderful to work with. he's kept us very focused on what we need to do. and then for all departments that have already been signalled out today, it's been wonderful to work with them today, both administratively and in organizing this event. this event has become international. that's why our canadian consul general is here to celebrate with us and to get that international recognition as well. you know, in addition to celebrating, in addition to having this great fun and seeing the blue angels fly and practice, the parade of ships that we have and have kids and families visit the boats that will be docked on pier 30-32 and along pier 80. we also have over the past few years done, i think, the remarkable job of practicing what we preach because the humanitarian role of our military is one of the most important roles that they can
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play and all over the world. and for us in san francisco to experience it right down to the very neighborhoods that we have who want to learn what it is our relationship -- how do we work together when a huge disaster might befall us, that is why i'm excited for some of these new aspects to keep rolling out every year. we've done all the other things that major cities have done. we have invested in technology. we've got great websites that ann cronenberg that the vest have embraced with our he can knowledge jai partners. we have the learn sf that i'm personally on. i receive those messages religiously of anything that might happen. of course, with critical mass this week, i was on that cell phone all the time to see whether or not anything in the city was out of character that we really had to make sure we covered. but all the other events as well. we have a great website.
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that's been our main stay for the public to learn and understand what it is to be better prepared. we've also had, of course, more fun ones for people to engage themselves, families and kids on quake sf, a quake quiz sf and learn through a series of questions what it takes for people to actually be better prepared as well. we have had over 190 sirens in our city that utilize the multi-cultural languages to warn people about -- we've been testing them very regularly to make sure they work. the new things we're doing to bring disaster preparedness, to bring the relationships that i think are most valuable with our military, with our coast guard, with our navy, and our marines is to land amphibious on ocean beach 10:30 this wednesday to not only demonstrate, but to allow people to understand these are
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the kind of things that may happen with them should there be a disaster that closes down our major arteries of transportation. we've got to get medical supplies. we have to get food and other emergency equipment into the city. what are those fast ways? how do we work these relationships so that neighbors along ocean beach, along our west side of the city become very familiar with the practicing of this? and i'm excited to see the equipment demonstrated and to see the officers out there engaging with our volunteer programs and the others that we are always engaging in, making sure they practice these things. you know, we are a world class city. when you look at the events that are happening for this whole month of october, you'll realize you'll probably have an additional million people on top of our residents into the city at various times. we are always concerned about everybody's safety as well as their enjoyment while they're having fun.
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there are people that work 24/7 to keep them safe in our city. and i want to thank our fire chief because she represents one of those key departments that do so. that's why i was out there on the chili cook off, chief. 13 different tastes within 45 minutes. me, myself, i paid for that on sunday. [laughter] >> but, again, i do that because i want to be with the men and women that serve 24/7 just as our military and our coast guard do. our coast guard is very busy. every single day being here, they're out there on the water watching for everyone. they obviously have been involved in some life-saving activities already. and then to have the ships that carry our marines and our navy. and i really thank them for joining this whole week of both celebration, but preparedness. our humanitarian activities
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that go on, that get practiced, that engage our neighborhoods are one of the most important and exciting things that we could be doing. so, we take these fleet week opportunities not only in celebration, but great opportunities to practice. and we will always be ready as a result of that. and i want to thank the people of san francisco for allowing us to be more ready and to allowing us to spend resources and money and federal monies and stimulus monies to make sure that our communication, all the things work. because we'll be that much more of a successful city and a city that's prepared. thank you very much. (applause) >> thank you, mr. mayor. and i'd like to call up now major general mike may, the khmer -- chairman of the fleet weeks association. (applause) >> thank you, louis. i want to take the opportunity first to thank this group of volunteers that has worked the last 10 months to put this event together.
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they are wonder of people and wonderful citizens in the city and county of san francisco to make this thing happen. i want to thank also the agencies of the city that have worked with us. first of all, the department of emergency management. we've become really kindred spirits in this whole process and we have been working with the poor, we've been working with the fire department, the police department, and who knows where else in this city. but there's just a lot of things i guess most of all martha cohen works with us on this. thank you for all you do to make this happen. i do want to say the importance of the mission of the disaster response, we have a saying in the marine corps, never put yourself in a position where you have to introduce yourself from the battle field. get to know each other before something happens. and that's what this is about. and we've gotten to know these military and these civilian folks that are going to have to work together when a big catastrophic earthquake happens. we don't know when it will happen.
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we do know that one of these days everybody predicts we're going to have one. there's a lot of other events that go on during fleet week and it's the fun part. the air show is back. the blue angels will be here and they've got a great air show with a lot of different aircraft. there are band concerts all over this city. there is a band concert that we're going to do in oakland. we're trying to make this more than just san francisco bay area. there is a band concert at vallejo, at the maritime academy this coming friday. and we have a band concert at the marines memorial monday night. there is a canine event sunday at pier 80 to show what military working dogs do to save lives. now, there's some events that we're not opening generally to the public, but i want to tell you about one that is very, very special. we had a conversation with the fire department a few years ago, and we recognized that one of the deficiencies in the training in the military was the ability to do urban search and rescue, because you can do
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more harm than good if you don't know how to do it. and, so, the san francisco fire department in 2010 trained noncommissioned officers and petty officer to how to do urban search and rescue. and that paid off in the earthquake in japan when some of those petty officers that had been trained by the fire department in 2010 had been isn't ashore in tokyo to help with the urban search and rescue. * send so it has a real meaningful purpose. the fire department says we know how to do it. when the big one hits we're all going to be victims. we want to make sure anybody that comes in to help us knows how to do t. there are several other events that go on during fleet week. it's on our website, fleet week.u.s. you'll see all the events including the opportunity to go down to marina green to see what we call humanitarian assistance village. and there the military
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demonstrates the kind of capabilities they have to do humanitarian assistance, including bringing water out of the pier -- out of the bay, purifying it and they'll hand you a cup of it and you can see how it tastes. but anyway, we're really looking forward to it and we thank all of you so much for your help and your contribution to make fleet week a big success. (applause) >> thank you, general maya. i can't tell you how much i've learned about maritime operations since i've been involved with fleet week and the complexities of bringing in all of these ships. we have american navy ships, united states navy ships, we have canadian ships coming in, coast guard ships. they all have to be put somewhere. and working out those complexities are the folks at the san francisco port. i'd like to call up monique moya. (applause) >> well, thank you. good morning, everyone, and thank you for coming. there isn't much that i
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