tv [untitled] October 15, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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kids can't go to the charter schools. we've got a charter school sitting right there on old golden gate he will remitery and i'm not sure if one child in our community goes to that school. but hey, we're going to celebrate our eighth annual black family day this saturday and next year we're really going to commit to dealing with our black families. without a grant from dcyf, anybody else who will get together in this community, we'll change our whole community. i don't believe that city hall has the answer. it hasn't had the answer. we've been from newsome to willie brown now to mayor lee. i don't think city hall has the answer. (applause) >> thank you very much. next speaker. i wanted to kind of get back up. i made a couple notes and a couple things i wanted to first and foremost echo mr. ace on the case. because i really appreciate, first and foremost, supervisor olague for entertaining the conversation around hosting the
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hearing. (applause) and also had conversations with supervisor cohen and supervisor campos. and, actually a lot of what you've heard just now, people said they did not believe the hearing would actually happen, that we didn't really want to shed a light on what was going on, and that this idea that san francisco does not want black people here and that all of this is a concerted effort to get people out. so, i appreciate that this was hosted and that we've been able to move forward. i also want to acknowledge commissioners fewer, mendoza and maufus. i really appreciate the work that commissionerv mendoza has done to be able to help us do some things in terms of community based organizations and being able to advocate. i'm very happy to be able to consider commissioner fewer an ally and appreciate the comments that she made because in the words of pastor harris who just spoke, it's not going to really happen just with the school district or with the
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board of is ups. we have to engage the community and the parents and everyone. * sups. i think in terms of policy and making changes, we have to begin the dialogue here because you all sit in policy making body. with regard to the board of education and board of sups, i'd like to see -- hover is gone. in terms of institutional history and leveraging more, how that happened and maybe didn't happen or what was supposed to happen, really beginning to engage and have conversations around that, but beginning to drill down and actually have some movement. i think that it's important to have people who know the history but also have people who are living right now to make decisions to leave the city because of [inaudible]. some of the other things. >> thank you. thank you. >> is there any other member of the public who has not spoken who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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colleagues, we have another also pretty substantive item that is still on the agenda. but i want to give you wang opportunity to make some wrapping remarks. obviously there's not going to be a solution for this very complicated issue, but i think it's important for us that we continue to talk about it. so, with that, supervisor olague. >> i want to make sure that, miss davis, were you able to complete your comment? did you have something? because it seemed like the clock went off -- the one thing i started to say, i know you all work really closely with dcyf and the school district. convening somebody that has in the same way that you operate, dcyf, representation from the board of ed. as well as the school district and families and parents because you all are funding things and the people who really know whether it's working or not are not in the room when you make the decisions about how to continue funding or whether it's really effective. so, as you talk about convening more groups, or you talk about
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what the standards look like, i feel like, you know, the school district and teachers have all these things that they have to check off the list. they have to make sure they're meeting these outcomes. it's not the same and you're funding people to do support work for teachers and they don't even know what the teachers are supposed to be doing. i think that has to be a little bet better aligned. i mentioned hoover because he ran some numbers for me. we think about discrimination and the majority of our schools, aside from maybe some of the high schools, don't have 100 black students in them. and you're talking about really being a minority. and to ms. tatum's point about most of the folks that are african-american that live here, most of them live in public housing and there is a stigma associated with that or living in hud housing. you know, you come into it living in a very -- a neighborhood that people think is bad or you live in a population -- a pocket where people think it's bad. and it's hard to come in and feel great about yourself, especially if the teachers are like, oh, they're from that spot over there. so, i just think there are all
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these factors that need to be explored more and i really do hope between the hrc and this committee we can begin to do more work to partner with the folks in the neighborhood who are most impacted. (applause) >> i'll just say some really, really quick comments because i know there is another item after this that's pretty significant. but i want to thank everyone for coming out. and i do agree with the what pastor harris said. it has to come from the bottom up. there has to be some will that come directly from the community. ultimately i think that in our school system, i think systemically there is still a lot of prejudice. i really believe there is still a lot of racism. i'm not calling anyone a racist. that's not what i'm implying. but i think sometimes there are lesser expectations of students of color and that then, especially when i'm listening to the statement that was read from coleman advocates, or that
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one student really feels that, you know, when a teacher tells you, well, you have to go to city college because i just don't think you have the whatever to make it at a uc or the state college, then i think you're setting somebody up. they internalize that, then. i think you're setting somebody up for failure. so, i think that eventually, you know, if we do decide it should come out of this body whether we're going to have a task force that we want to create, you know, through the board or whatever to really have more targeted conversations about that, that would be up to you all i guess or to all of us to decide that. then it should be a body, i think, that does include students because i think we need student input. they're the ones that are experiencing whatever it is they are directly. and again, as i mentioned earlier, i think those are sometimes things that are really hard to measure.
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and then finally, i think -- well, we have a lot of work to do. and i think i'm glad to see that the housing authority folks are here because i think that's something we really focus a lot of attention on out of our office. so, i'm glad to see that you will all are here even though it is just a housing body. the reality is many of the people that live -- that are african-american that do remain in san francisco live in one of these -- at one of these sites. so, i think that we need to have a healthy way of engaging people who live in these communities. and we have talked before several times with kyle and with director alvarez, the importance of making sure that there is programming on-site. and i know that maybe the money is not there, but i think we need to find out, then, how to collaborate with some of the cbos and others around the after school stuff, around the mental health delivery services and that sort of thing. so, i think it's always important that when we engage in these conversations that we
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have a healthy dialogue and relationship with you all because you need to be part of this conversation as well. so, again, i'm not sure where we'll go. i think the idea of having a really concentrated conversation about this issue is not a bad one, but i do hope that when we do have that conversation that the young people that are directly affected and that face most of these challenges within the educational system are part of the conversation. so, if we have a task force we should have at least three student seats or something like that. >> thank you, supervisor olague. commissioner mendoza? >> thank you. this is a very, this is a very great and difficult conversation to have. and i just want to thank everyone for being here because this is a dialogue that we need to continue to have. and i just have several comments that i want to make.
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as i'm listening to folks that have shared their perspective and view and the solutions that folks have, i want to be really clear that on the district side, that this is the main focus and priority of the work that we do, that this is the reason that i think many of the board members continue to stay and work hard, particularly around these topics. and that this isn't something that has always been viewed the same way that this board is viewing it. and i really think that there is political will and a big push on the priority piece of this. and having said that, i think we also have an amazing staff that's helping to try to move this along. but as many of you know, this is, as one of the comments that were made, this is 50 years in
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the making, 60 years in the making and we're trying to undo a wrong for so many of our kids and our families. i want to highlight that the work that we've seen in our superintendent zone with the sig funding that we've actually seen some growth and we are moving toward the full-service model, and that we actually had to fight our families around what, what good looks like. and it was a really difficult conversation for us to have with our families because so much of our education system is rooted in mediocrity. so, trying to convince our families that there is a better should not have been a conversation we were spending any time on, and we did. and it took us a year to get through that. there has been growth in the last three years. it's slow, and it's not enough
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and we acknowledge that. we're starting to see a lot of the blending of services both at the city and the school district, which include after school and out of school time. and i think that that has been a tremendous support for so many of our kids. but i also want to acknowledge that all of our 21st century funding has been eliminated in our high schools and that has impact. and these are the constant things that we're dealing with. we work off of a budget that's projected and then we're told you really don't have that money. so, the scaling up and then scaling back is just part of our reality. and it's not an excuse, but it's a reality. but we continue to invest in our communities and we continue to invest in our schools. and i think for somebody who not only sits on the board, but sits in the city, that that's something that we all strive to, to accomplish.
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sending our kids to school, having the school be a safe place and extending opportunities are all areas that i think are really crucial. we have many partners in making all of us work. and supervisor cohen had asked where are the issues. and there's many issues and it includes parent involvement and employment and health care and mental health and the poverty that strikes so many of our communities. and the poverty is directly affecting the academic achievement in our students. and, so, yes, this is an entire community issue. this isn't the school district. this isn't the city. this is our issue and we have to address it as ours. there are organizations like college track and y city beacons in our wellness centers. all of these are helping us to move forward and we need to continue to invest in those organizations. i want to make two
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controversial comments, and i say this with a knot in my stomach, but i say this, not only do i now live in the bayview, but i have two kid that are now in high school. and i have to watch our babies throughout the bayview struggle. and i, i want to put on us a vehicle. the things that we allow to happen [speaker not understood] and the liquor store on every single corner in our neighborhood, that is not a school district issue. it's all of us. it's a community issue. and we need to be bold enough to stand up against those issues. and the other thing that i want to say -- and i say this with all due respect, but the idea that we're delaying the building of a brand-new state-of-the-art middle school that was not serving our kids in the bayview hunters point because we're not employing enough folks is challenging for me. and i say this wholeheartedly because there are members of our board that are fighting to
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ensure that local higher happen in our school district, which we are not mandated to do. but we will fight to make sure that local higher becomes a priority for the school district as well as for the city. but to prevent a school in the bayview to not be built, to be delayed so that our kids cannot come back to their community and thrive in their community in a brand-new building is disheartening to me. and i hope that we can all come together to figure out a way to make sure that that building gets built. thank you. (applause) >> thank you very much. if i may just add a couple comments. i know we have a very complicated item on the agenda. you know, in a prior life i actually represented the san francisco unified school district as a lawyer on the consent decree case. one thing to remember is that san francisco unified was
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actually under court order for more than two decades because of discrimination. and a federal court order, you know, overseeing the operations of the school district could not fully address all of the issues that we're talking about . and during that time each year the school district was getting about $40 million from the state to address those issues. so, just to provide some context. so, my suggestion would be to the folks, the supervisors who requested this hearing and to many of the people that i hear, i do think it would be helpful so that we don't have a situation where we talk about this and nothing happens, to set up a small working group to come up with some suggestions in terms of moving forward whether it's the creation of a task force, whether it is, you know, something larger, because the reality is that we're talking about public education. but there are so many different issues that are a part of this that this would be a disservice to the community if we only, you know, tackled that issue.
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and i think that what commissioner mendoza said is absolutely true, that the school district is not going to be able to deal with this on its own. there are so many different issues that have to be a part of the discussion. so, my suggestion would be that, that it may be through supervisor olague's office that we form a small working group of folks, and then come back, you know, to the committee, that we continue this item to the call of the chair so that we have an ongoing discussion. but i think it's really important to the members of the community who took the time to be here, to make sure that we don't drop this ball, if you will, and that we do -- that we continue to move this forward. i do want to acknowledge the deputy superintendent to see if he wants to add anything to this presentation. you know, it's not easy for a school district to have these
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issues discussed in this way, and i appreciate the fact that we are having the discussion and that the school district is a part of that. >> thank you. and we won't shy away from the dialogue. it is a courageous one, an important one we need to have. our strategic plan is built on. we did our leadership commission, [speaker not understood] to make sure we address this issue, that we narrow the gap. you have our pledge, our commitment to be a part of any city-wide collaboration. we know we're a key -- we share responsibility on this topic and you can count on us to be here. we had lots of our senior district leaders here listening, learning, taking notes, and we need to do more of that. so, thank you for the opportunity for this first sharing of information. we were kind of talking here about want to make sure we put together a portfolio of a lot of kind of thorough numbers and statistics that folks have begun to question and will continue to do more of that. but thank you for the opportunity today. >> thank you. again, so, thank you again to
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the school district dcyf, coleman advocate, members of the community who have been working on these issues, thank you to all the agencies. so, colleagues, can we have a motion to continue this to the call of the chair, and we will follow-up. so, we have a motion by supervisor olague, seconded by commissioner maufus. if we can take that without objection. and, again, we will continue to monitor the situation and we will come back. and, so, i urge this working group to get together sooner rather than later so that we can continue to move this forward. thank you again. madam secretary, can you call item number 3? >> thank you, supervisor. it is file number 120 8 92, and it is the memorandum of understanding between the sfusd and the san francisco police department. >> this is an item that i introduced at the board of supervisors at the request of
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commissioner maufus. it is a very important item and one that is actually complicated and i want to thank also the youth commission and so many of the youth that have been working on these issues. i'll be honest. you know, it's more of an open question to my colleagues, to the school district, and to the community as well. this is a very complicated issue and one that i think deserves and requires adequate discussion. i do wonder the extent to which we can completely discuss and fully analyze the issues that are implicated given the fact that we're talking about, you know, being 6:10. and, so, i'm not sure how colleagues want to proceed, if we want to continue with this hearing and finalize the discussion tonight, or whether or not -- i also know that people came out to be here to testify and people, of course, have every right to do that.
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so, i'm not sure -- i want it hear from my colleagues what their thinking is. * want to hear commissioner maufus. >> thank you, co-chair campos. i had a visual challenge today. i can see there still remains quite a few people in the chamber, and i know they are waiting for this topic. what i had absolutely hoped for is really, as we had the topics discussed earlier, a long and thoughtful and full and robust conversation about this issue. for me it is not only personal, it really is also a part of the work that i do as a school board member based on my own history and the history of so many children and families that i know in sfusd. and, so, it is never off of my radar. it's sometimes moved to a back
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burner, but again, it is never off of my radar. and, so, i am number one, happy that it is here. but also want to recognize the time and that we may be limited, incredibly limited in what we can get done today. so, i absolutely want to respect those who have stayed and have come out, but i also understand that i don't think we can have a long conversation about this tonight. and if it is at all possible -- and i do truly, truly beg for the understanding of those community members who have stayed, that this be perhaps if at all possible the only agenda item at our next committee meeting so we don't have -- run into this issue. and we know that we are going to be discussing this fully.
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and we give people an opportunity to come back and plan to be here for this item only. that's my request to the chair. i certainly want to hear from other members and i know staff well. >> sure. commissioner, i do have a question. and maybe this is a question to the school district. in terms of the timing of this document, the m-o-u, is there a time sensitive need that requires us to move or take up the item at a certain time? >> no. kevin, superintendent of community family support department. i have a suggestion. my presentation was really about talking about how we're in this process right now and who i've gotten feedback from. but that we're still gathering feedback and input on an expired m-o-u. so, i welcome the comments. but that's really more importantly why i'm here tonight is to hear what people have to say because i've been meeting with some groups, but i still need to -- we need to
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collect some more input on the expired m-o-u because the way that the current m-o-u that is expired is written, i predict that probably 90% of it will be rewritten. that's how much of that document needs to be revised. >> my suggestion, then, would be why don't we begin by taking public comment from the youth that are here, everyone that's here. and, so, why don't we i'll read some of the comment cards, the speaker cards. laura [speaker not understood]. leah white, violent vazquez, tina [speaker not understood], [speaker not understood]. kevin bogus, and then anyone who would like to speak, just come on up. you each have two minutes.
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good evening, members of the board of supervisors, board of education. my name is leah white. i am the program manager for bernal hoods neighborhood center, [speaker not understood], this is an action based justice program which engages and empowers young people to be accountable and take part in creating aid more equitable future for themselves and their generations to come. as i know everyone would agree, our youth education and the environment is very important. as a world class city i would hope that we also make it a priority of this in developing world class citizens. the past three years bernal heights neighborhood center has
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[speaker not understood] addressing the issues that we encounter during [speaker not understood]. sfpd's implementation of the [speaker not understood] program. sfpd is a former model of community policing has been creating more problems than they were helping. so, we decided to collaborate with our fellow organizers at ymac united players, boys and girls club as well as the officers and captain at ingleside police station to encourage dialogue between all parties. also, members of the board of supervisors, david campos and avalos have participated. this has allowed us to hash out issues and develop solutions and build relationships we would not otherwise be able to do without the [speaker not understood]. our last summit was called justice because we are all in agreement the issues are coming from us. i want to introduce two of my
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organizers that helped in putting these sum its together and what kind of work they've done. * summits. hello. my name is violet vazquez. i am from the bernal heights neighborhood center movement program and also a representative for united players at balboa high school. firstful allied like to begin with thank you for going to the process of creating the m-o-u. myself and my piers at the movement program have gone and educated -- been educated on the m-o-u. . i feel there are a few missing details such as the school resource officers being involved at the school community by helping put together programs on campus and/or being involved as a regular on the school campus. * i feel the youth know the officer more as a person it would create a bigger sense of security and it's the goal of mutual respect is to be met, i feel that the youth should see
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that the officer is putting in some initiative to really get to know the person and to make them feel protected instead of feeling being profiled or judged. the person i have gotten to know a few officers as people and i have a higher respect for them because i know them and i understand that they are people and they're only here to do their job. that's important for all youth to understand and to youth. another issue i have with the m-o-u is youth should be involved in the training of officers that will interact with us on campus. this way we can put in our own input to make their job easier on campus and also our life easier at school. thank you. good evening. i am tina federaka. i am a part of the movement program at bernal heights neighborhood center.
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i'm a youth leader at tower and also ymac which is based at coleman. i read through the draft of the m-o-u. i agreed on most of the policies drafted down in this m-o-u, but so that it is not necessary to have one officer assigned to more than one school site. and if this officer is assigned to a school site, the officer should have a good relationship with the community, the school, and especially the students. i myself am not really comfortable with the cops being around the community i am in because all of the profiling of cops. but i was a part of this youth summit that had communications and interactions with the officers from the ingleside station. officer bode and officer silrob. i grew a community relationship with these guys. it's the fact they took the time to spend time with us and build a community relationship made me change my heart towards the way i look at cops. because at the end of the day,
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i realized that these officers are still human beings. officers in general should have training that involves themselves contribute a youth -- to contribute themselves to a youth program organization, especially with a youth program or organization that are usually more -- that are using [speaker not understood] by cops. and [speaker not understood] in the city of san francisco to have more community relationship with youth of san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. (applause) good evening, supervisors. [speaker not understood] and youth commission and the rest of the community. my name is [speaker not understood]. i'm the director of community engagement at bernal heights neighborhood center. as part of the efforts to bridge the communication gap between the community members, youth and police, we in district 9 held a youth s
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