tv [untitled] October 16, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT
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them responsive to us. i know there's data collection, but residents, we want to provide results and really get things done and if it's a structure that will take for a different agency that will take time and so forth, i hope it's a structure where we can be -- whatever the regulation is it's where they have to be responsive. and so i just hope you keep that in mind going forward. >> certainly. that was my report. >> i just have another quick comment to make. i actually very much appreciated the presentation, it was useful to see all the data compiled regarding shuttles just because we've been seep hearing so much about it. one of the concerns i have, though, is a different set of the busses and those are the casino and tour busses. i think that that's a slightly different question from even the employee shuttles. a, they
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tend to linger longer and so the emissions that they might t i think is problematic. also they tend to happen i think late at night and during hours where i think the noise bothers people while they are sleeping. also to kind of completely different motivation, it's not getting people from home and to work but it's a different type of purpose. and so i think as we think about shuttle services it's important to also think about the tour busses and casino busses as well and maybe there needs to be a different way that we interface and develop systems for them. thank you. >> okay, thank you for your presentation. let's good on to public comment on this item. any member of the public would like to comment and seeing no one come forward we will close public comment. let's go to our next item, please ?a .
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>> item 7, update on street streetscape item. >> just another quick intro by way of context, this is an update on the second street streetscape project. in march 2012 we allocated $20,000 of prop k funds for the renewed planning of the second street streetscape. you remember the fallout from the cma block grant. when we put the grant together for this planning phase we included an october presentation to the committee just to update you on the outreach process. christine that is here to update you today and we are today. >> good morning, commissioners. as has been said, my name is christine and i am the project manager for the second street improvement project.
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the second straetd project is a joint effort led by dpw but also mta and the planning department. second street bad mri needs to be repaved. anyone who has been on second street knows what poor condition it's in, and the department of public works and the city don't just want to replace what's there now, we want to implement a complete street project that includes bicycle and pedestrian improvements, landscaping and street furnishings as well. to date we have held two gsin may and september. at the first meeting we developed goals for both the community and the city around second street. those goals include improving safety along the corridor for all users, providing a more
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attractive pedestrian environment, providing a dedicated bicycle facility and facilitating muni operations for both the 10 and the 12. and on the bicycle facility i'd like to point out although second street is an important bicycle route in the south of market area, on the southern end it connects to the port's blue greenway and the bay trail which runs through district 10 and on the north it connects to east-west bicycle routes that take bicyclists into districts tw and -- 2 and 5 as well. so it's really a key bicycle corridor for the city. at our community meeting in may, we also reviewed existing conditions of second street. there were over 100 people that attended so we broke up into small groups and those groups identified likes and dislikes along the corridor. we also developed two cross sections for second street. they developed two because although the right of way is consistent from market all the way to
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king, the way that space is divided up changes along the corridor. from market to harrison we have 15-foot sidewalks on each side, 8 feet of parking also on each side and then 36 1/2 feet for the road way. however, at harrison, 5 feet is taken away from each sidewalk and added to the road way so we have 10-foot sidewalks throughout the area, 8 feet of parking on each side and then 46 1/2 feet for the road way. and as you all know, this is a popular corridor for people to walk from market street to the ballpark or from market street to mission bay. so in this area the pedestrian space gets very constricted. there's also above ground utilities and a lot of barriers to walking. our second community meeting was held in september. we took
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the designs as mentioned that the other part of our first meeting was the small groups came up with the two cross-sections. so what we did between may and september is we rendered all of those small group designs and then grouped them into unique design themes and we found there were 4 unique themes. there are pedestrian improvements, safety improvements as well as landscaping, in all 4 designs. what distinguishes each of the designs is the design of the bicycle facility. so we have a bike lane design, which is just painted bike lanes, a center turn lane similar to valencia south of 19th with bike lanes, one-way cycle tracks and two-way cycle tracks. for the bike lane option, and this is from market to harrison, the intent is to keep the design throughout the corridor all the way down to townsend. is he we keep the
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15-foot sidewalks, keep parking on both sides. that parking space is flexible meaning we can put in bulb outs, we can put in parklets, it doesn't have to be parked cars the whole way. then we have bicycle lanes on each side and one lane in each direction. the center turn lane option is very similar to painted bike lanes, the difference is there's a 10 1/2 foot lane or 10 1/2 feet of space carved out for cars to turn into alleys. the one-way cycle track option is a physically separated bicycle lane. again, we keep the sidewalks, we have about 5, 5 1/2 feet for the bike way,
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then a 4-foot planted buffer. parking on one side of the street and one lane in each direction. the tradoff is we lose a little bit of parking but we're able to physically separate and protect the bicycles. the two-way cycle track option puts both directions of traffic on one side and we're proposing the left side of the street. this eliminates one conflict between eastbound turning vehicles and northbound bicycles. we all know second street is a popular route for paepl to get to the freeway. it doesn't connect to any of the on ramps directly but you can take also full folsom or essex to get to harrison. so there's lots of cars trying to get to the freeway. this moves the bicycles over but it's a very different design, very unique design, similar to when we good to england or australia and cars are on the other side of the
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road than we expect. bicycles would be headed northbound on the west side of the street, there could be additional confusion at alleyways or cross streets, drivers not expecting the bicycles to be coming from the right and also a little confusing for pedestrians. so we would leave about 12 1/2 feat for the bike way and provide an 8-foot planted buffer to separate the bicycles from the vehicles and one lane in each direction and parking on one side. again, we laz a little bit of parking but we're physically separating and protecting the bicycles. as i mentioned, there are pedestrian safety improvements in all designs. this slide is just meant to show some of the common design elements such as raised crosswalks, bulb outs. we're exploring the possibility of widening the sidewalk where
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it's just 10 feet. if we select a physically separated bicycle, there's opportunity for special paving or plantings in those medians and of course bus stop improvements. one improvement that we're really excited about is at second and harrison. all of the designs proposed closing the dual right turn lane. right now it's a free right turn, cars can make that, it's uncontrolled, it's very difficult to cross. and what we've heard at all of our community meetings is that people feel uncomfortable crossing that portion of the second street. so we'll change that, we'll also provide some enhanced bulb-outs at south park along with new traffic signals. as we move into detailed design there's several things we'll be lacking at closely. a lot of the parking along second street is commercial loading so we'll be working closely with the businesses to make sure we maintain truck access and
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necessary loading zones. we're working closely with muni on reducing traffic delay and improving passenger boarding. we'll be looking at left turns. like i said, people like making those left turns for circulation and we want to make sure we're providing left turns where we can but not adding delay to muni. there's a lot of subbasements in the area which impacts the opportunities for landscaping. ad a and paratransit access and our funding for this project is approximately $8 million, funding tlau a combination possibly of one berea grant and prop j funding. friday was our dead lane to collect surveys from the community to help us select a preferred alternative. the community is helping us select which design concept we will
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move forward as a preferred alternative. we're currently analyzing the results of those surveys. we hope it make an announcement of the preferred alternative by the end of the ph and then hold our third and last community meeting in november. that meeting will be to present the preferred alternative and some of the key design elements. assuming everything goes smoothly, we'll move into environmental review in november, expect to have that complete in may of next year, and then legislate the project and move to design. thank you. >> thank you so much for the presentation and just by the way, dpw has done amazing work doing outreach on second street. and the turnout has been unbelievable at both meetings and i just really want to appreciate that. i think outreach is very hard work to do and i don't think it's easy and i think given the number of people we saw, and also seeing people i don't normally see engage in city process, i was
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heart warmed by that and i appreciate all the attention that's been given to this project. one of the questions that came up at the last community meeting was the issue of undergrounding and pg&e and how the east side, we weren't considering extending the sidewalk at this time because of the cost of the undergrounding. do we at this time know how much the cost is? because that was one of the questions that was asked, just so i can get a sense whether it really is possible or not. >> i don't have that cost. i need to contact pg&e and as soon as i get a response from them i'll let you know. >> i know a number of our constituents are concerned because we're doing this big overhaul and the question was why can't we do it all at once. it would be great to get that number out there as soon as possible. thank you so much for your work on this prong and i appreciate all the agencies working alongside with dpw
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>> thank you for your presentation. if any member of the public would like to comment, please come forward and we'll do two minutes. >> good morning, my name is gitad, i'm with the (inaudible) coalition. i wanted to replay to commissioner kim's remarks about the outreach and how encouraging that is. we want to encourage the department of public works with their time frame to add a demonstrate block to the project to help begin to show some of the elements that might be built longer term in the project sooner than later to create more public understanding, awareness and feedback for those elements. that's all, thanks. >> thank you. seeing no other member of the public come forward, we will close public comment and this is an information item so we can go on to our next item, which is. >> item no. 8, introduction of new items, this is an information item. >> public comment? next item.
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when a resident of san francisco is looking for health care, you look in your neighborhood first. what is closest to you? if you come to a neighborhood health center or a clinic, you then have access it a system of care in the community health network. we are a system of care that was probably based on the family practice model, but it was really clear that there are
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special populations with special needs. the cole street clinic is a youth clinic in the heart of the haight ashbury and they target youth. tom woodell takes care of many of the central city residents and they have great expertise in providing services for many of the homeless. potrero hill and southeast health centers are health centers in those particular communities that are family health centers, so they provide health care to patients across the age span. . >> many of our clients are working poor. they pay their taxes. they may run into a rough patch now and then and what we're able to provide is a bridge towards getting them back on their feet. the center averages about 14,000 visits a year in the health clinic alone.
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one of the areas that we specialize in is family medicine, but the additional focus of that is is to provide care to women and children. women find out they're pregnant, we talk to them about the importance of getting good prenatal care which takes many visits. we initially will see them for their full physical to determine their base line health, and then enroll them in prenatal care which occurs over the next 9 months. group prenatal care is designed to give women the opportunity to bond during their pregnancy with other women that have similar due dates. our doctors here are family doctors. they are able to help these women deliver their babies at the hospital, at general hospital. we also have the wic program, which is a program that provides food vouchers for our families after they have their children, up to age 5 they are able to receive food vouchers to get milk and cereal for
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their children. >> it's for the city, not only our clinic, but the city. we have all our children in san francisco should have insurance now because if they are low income enough, they get medical. if they actually have a little more assets, a little more income, they can get happy family. we do have family who come outside of our neighborhood to come on our clinic. one thing i learn from our clients, no matter how old they are, no matter how little english they know, they know how to get to chinatown, meaning they know how to get to our clinic. 85 percent of our staff is bilingual because we are serving many monolingual
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chinese patients. they can be child care providers so our clients can go out and work. >> we found more and more women of child bearing age come down with cancer and they have kids and the kids were having a horrible time and parents were having a horrible time. how do parents tell their kids they may not be here? what we do is provide a place and the material and support and then they figure out their own truth, what it means to them. i see the behavior change in front of my eyes. maybe they have never been able to go out of boundaries, their lives have been so rigid to sort of expressing that makes tremendous changes. because we did what we did, it is now sort of a nationwide model. >> i think you would be surprised if you come to these clinics. many of them i think would be your neighbors if you knew that. often times we just don't discuss that. we treat husband and wife and they bring in their kids or we
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treat the grandparents and then the next generation. there are people who come in who need treatment for their heart disease or for their diabetes or their high blood pressure or their cholesterol or their hepatitis b. we actually provide group medical visits and group education classes and meeting people who have similar chronic illnesses as you do really helps you understand that you are not alone in dealing with this. and it validates the experiences that you have and so you learn from each other. >> i think it's very important to try to be in tune with the needs of the community and a lot of our patients have -- a lot of our patients are actually immigrants who have a lot of competing priorities, family issues, child care issues, maybe not being able to find work or finding work and not being insured and health
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care sometimes isn't the top priority for them. we need to understand that so that we can help them take care of themselves physically and emotionally to deal with all these other things. they also have to be working through with people living longer and living with more chronic conditions i think we're going to see more patients coming through. >> starting next year, every day 10,000 people will hit the age of 60 until 2020. . >> the needs of the patients that we see at kerr senior center often have to do with the consequences of long standing substance abuse and mental illness, linked to their chronic diseases. heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, stroke, those kinds of chronic illnesses. when you get them in your 30's and 40's and you have them into
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your aging process, you are not going to have a comfortable old age. you are also seeing in terms of epidemics, an increase in alzheimer's and it is going to increase as the population increases. there are quite a few seniors who have mental health problems but they are also, the majority of seniors, who are hard-working, who had minimum wage jobs their whole lives, who paid social security. think about living on $889 a month in the city of san francisco needing to buy medication, one meal a day, hopefully, and health care. if we could provide health care early on we might prevent (inaudible) and people would be less likely to end up in the emergency room with a drastic outcome.
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we could actually provide prevention and health care to people who had no other way of getting health care, those without insurance, it might be more cost effectiti >> a lot a ton with the community and we say to ourselves, there is this one and this one. we all compartmentalize them, we have our own agenda. our agenda is to create great work. if you are interested in that, you are part of our community. >> hello and welcome to brava theater. >> we are trying to figure out a way to make a space where theater and presentation of live work is something that you think of the same way that you think of going to the movies. of course, it has been complex
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in terms of economics, as it is for everyone now. artistically, we have done over 35 projects in four seasons, from producing dance, theater, presenting music, having a full- scale education program, and having more than 50,000 visitors in the building almost every year. a lot of our emerging artists to generate their first projects here, which is great. then we continue to try to support figuring out where those works can go. we have been blessed to have that work produced in new york, going on to the edinburgh festival, the warsaw theater festival. to me, those are great things when you can watch artists who think there is nowhere else that might be interested in you being a woman of color and telling your story and then getting excited about it. that is our biggest accomplishment. having artists have become better artists.
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what is. sheri coming back to brava, here you have this establish, amazing writer who has won a clue -- slew of awards. now she gets to director and work. even though she is this amazing, established writer, the truth is, she is being nurtured as a director and is being given some space to direct. >> the play is described as ceremony and -- where ceremony and theater me. in the indigenous tradition, when you turn 52, it is like the completion of an important era. the importance of the ceremony is to say, you are 52. whenever you have been caring for the first 52 years, it is time to let it go. really, here, they have given me carte blanche to do this.
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i think it is nice for me, in the sense of coming back 25 years later and seeing personally my own evolution as an artist and thinker. the whole effort to put the chicano or indigenous woman's experience on center stage is, in itself, for euro-american theaters, a radical position. because of the state of theater, it is a hard roll to hold up in institution. it is a hard road. i am looking at where we are 25 years later in the bay area, looking at how hard it is for us to strive to keep our theater is going, etc. i like to think that i'm not struggling quite as hard, personally, but what i mean by that, the intention, the commitment. particularly, to produce works
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that would not be produced in other places, and also to really nurture women of color artists. i think that is something that has not shifted for me in those 25 years, and it is good to see that brava remains committed to that kind of work. ♪ >> when people talk about the reflection of the community, we can only go from what we have on our staff. we have a south asian managing director, south african artistic director, latino community out rich person. aside from the staff, the other people, artists that we work with being a reflection of us, yes, the community is changing, but brava has always tried to be
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ahead of that trend. when i came in, i tried to make it about the work that shows the eclectic mission district, as well as serving the mission. those are the types of things that i feel build one brava is all >> i want to learn more about e-mails, internet. er >> social networking and e-mail. >> i want to know how to use it. >> the digital divide is
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