tv [untitled] October 17, 2012 2:00am-2:30am PDT
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pipeline report. and what this legislation does is that it adds the comparison of housing production and regional goals to these analyses. so for example, for the size of the unit that supervisor wiener mentioned. we're addressing this in the annual report already. we're covering a lot of these and this will be the mandated part of these reports. the other parts are going to remain, in the reports and provide them national anthemly annually or quarterly. >> as far as the minor modification goes. it's on page. >> many this is amendment that supervisor olague?
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>> yes, this is an amendment, we're changing the title of no. 2 will be "quarterly housing production reports." and we are requesting this change. and then on line no. 5, we are requesting that this reads, "the planning commission with quarterly housing production report every three months." so lines 4 and 5 we're requesting to be changed. thank you. >> thank you so much. i had a quick question to supervisor olague. i know she made a reference to the aging population. and the need for housing for people, especially 60 years old and above. and i know that supervisor olague and i fit into the baby-boomer generation that we're born between '46 and '64
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and i'm wondering if our dashboard will allow us to look at is there enumclaw -- for example, 80 -120 axi, ami, which i know we're woefully short on. i'm just curious. >> again, as mr. paul mentions. we're woefully inadequate in 80-120 and are we in need of more analysis? it's something that we would obviously like to
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work on with you all, because you understand your capacity. i wouldn't dismiss anything that either of you have said. so i don't know if you can address what was raised? >> so this summary report is the main purpose of it is the comparison. >> it rena is the regional housing needs -- our regional goals? >> our regional goals with abag and collaboration with the department of housing, they provide every five years. and anything else that we want to add we can discuss for further information. we can do it in the reports that we're doing that are not mandated, i guess. >> thank you. any concluding remarks, supervisor olague or campos? >> go for it and i will go afterwards. >> just a quick question, the way it works the report happens
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every quarter then? it's not going to be every six months? it's going to be every quarter? okay, thank you. >> supervisor wiener? >> thank you, mr. chairman. so i am a supporter of public investment in affordable housing. i was active in the formulation of prop c, the housing trust fund before we put it on the ballot and have been an allege advocate for that ballot measure and, in fact as some affordable housing developers will tell you, i sometimes pester them to build more affordable housing in the market area. he have been supportive of the projects that have come before this boor, for example for
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transition-aged youth. so i am a strong supporter of that and that is part of the solution for our affordability crisis. but it is one piece of the puzzle. it is not the entire puzzle. the market does matter when it comes to housing. you know, supervisor olague referred to supply and demand before and econ 101. and supply and demand does matter with housing. and the fact that is that we haven't produced much housing in the city. we have quite a bit in the pipeline coming up, but in terms of actually producing market-rate housing, we have not produced very much. and then when we do, we sometimes do things, like create "family-sized housing."
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which is only affordably wealthy families. so we haven't been doing our part in terms ever actually creating all of the housing that we need. and we know there is enormous demand, because we live in the best city on earth. we also produce almost no new rental housing. it's very exciting in the upper market area now we actually do have a couple of long-term rental projects in the pipeline. but that is the exception, not the rule. so supply and demand does matter and we have not been doing what we need to do in terms of supply. size of units matters as well. in terms of determining affordability and whether somebody can actually pay a rent check or not pay a rent check. so my view, if we're going to have a dashboard, it needs to take into account the big picture of housing affordability, not just one piece of it. if we're going to ask our planning commissioners to say in determining whether to
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approve this project, look at whether this is going to help us with our housing affordability crisis? i don't think that it works to try to convey the impression, whether it's intended or not, that the only thing that really matters is that they need to focus on is whether it is 0-50 or 50-00 or 80-120? i believe this dashboard will not present a full picture of our housing crisis and what our needs are and assumes that public investment is enough and it isn't. it doesn't even include, as i mentioned before, 120-150% and i have asked for that over and over and over again in hearings and otherwise and it's still not in there. you know, when the fact is that unless we have some sort of major change in washington, d.c., and we have a huge influx
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of investment in affordable housing from the federal government, most people in this city are never going to live in subsidized formerly below market-rate housing. they are just not going to and in my district the upper market area, the number of people who are living alone and hanging on by their fingernails to stay in this city and they will not qualify for affordable housing. but they need housing, too. and i think if we're going to do this, it needs to meet the needs of those kind of people, too. because that is a significant slot of our population. i do believe that what this will do is, as market rate projects come to the planning commission, this will be useds a club to say do not approve this project, because look, we're doing so poorly in meeting the needs of formerly
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subsidized housing for 0-50, 50-80, 80-120. and that incomplete picture will be presented, but it will appear that that is the whole picture. and that is what it will be used for and that is my concern. information is important. i think we do net get a lot of information as planning said, these reports are produced. i do not think this is the right pam and i will not be supporting this legislation today. >> thank you, supervisor campos or was it olauge? >> olague. >> i'm sorry. >> i think that supply and demand do matter and i think part of the problem over the past few years is that the supply has been sked and inordinate number -- we have suppled plenty -- at least approvals for very high-end housing at the expense of -- without any consideration given to the whole. so in many ways
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without more information we're kind of the shot in the dark. i know that because at planning as supervisor campos mentioned it's piecemeal. there is no comprehensive consideration given to things and we go project-by-project. that is what happened in a lot of areas like the mission, where you saw project-by-project, the dismantling of entire communities. and with no consideration ever given to the overall impact that some of these approvals have had. so i know when i was on planning, we approved thousands of units of market -rate housing. i approved and i stand guilty. i'm not saying that i just sat there and just approved housing that was below market rate or anything. but i think it would have helped to have had more of a comprehensive view of how our individual elections were
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impacting the whole. and also the long-term view of housing here in the city. because there was the 10th and market project, i know started out as for-sale units and asked for a conditional use to be considered as rental units. you know, 55 laguna, the project i worked foreperson seven and a halfs and we sat with open houses and debated whether that should be 100% affordable low-income senior housing or not or mixed-use housing? recently those project sponsors came back and wanted to maybe sacrifice some of the middle-income affordable housing for the financing of the senior housing? so that is -- these debates are endless. so i think again it would help to have just, you know, more
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holistic approach to this whole thing. i don't think we have the appropriate analyses sometimes or least i didn't feel that way when we were approving project-by-project things. and i think there is always room to include more information. and so i don't think the conversation ends today. >> thank you, supervisor campos? >> thank you, you know, i have been on this board for four years now. and one of the things that i am very proud of is that when it comes to land use decision-making that we have actually moved into the direction of giving the decision makers more information. i will give you an example. we passed the health care services master plan because we understood that individual decisions were being made by the planning commission about projects that had health care implications. and yet there was no consideration for what the health needs of the city were.
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and so the goal of that legislation was to say before you make land use depictions with health implications you want to know if the individual project advances the health care goals of city? and we approved that, because we believed that the more information that the body, the planning commission has, the wetter the decision. likewise, i'm actually surprised had a we're even debated the use and the help that comes with having more information. i don't see anything wrong with the planning department saying you know what? we have specific objectives that we have to meet with respect to low-income housing, very low net income housing and moderate housing and market rate housing and what is wrong with looking at whether or not the approval of that project will thrill move us le actual
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actually move us closer? i think it would be a disservice phot to the public not to do that. with my were actual le in a way emulating what the private sector was doing because these hospitals had an institutional plan, where they actually had more information that the city had. i would imagine that when a private developer decides whether or not to build a specific project, to market antis to determine the need. so i think in some respects what we're doing is emulating what happens in the free-market. the free-market is driven by information. where someone invests their money is has a lot to do with
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what the need is. and so in temples of wes a city in making an investment in approving or not approving a project, why wouldn't we engage in the same kind of analysis that people in theprive sector engage in all the time? at the end of the day, this dashboard only provides information, but the decision of whether to approve a project or not approve a project rests with the planning commission and if there is an appeal with the board of supervisors. that is in the going to change. there is nothing that takes away that power. so i'm still trying to understand what the problem here is? i would think that the more information that people have the better. >> thank you. supervisor cohen? >> thank you very much, mr. chair. listening to supervisor campos's comments it makes me think about our comprehensive
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approach to cell towers an item we haven't taken up in a while, but i remember thinking that we need a comprehensive strategy to help direct where we can be placing cell towers in strategic locations that won't have avenue adverse impact on the communities, particularly these persons that do not want these cell towers in their neighborhoods. mr. chair, if i may ask supervisor wiener just a couple of questions and just really claire fying questions about the dashboard. i'm curious if you could articulate to me that you said that the dashboard only gives one piece of the puzzle. and i'm wondering if you could give suggestions as to what pieces or what is missing or in what areas that this dashboard in this item that we're discussing is lacking? >> sure. as i discussed earlier there
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were a few areas and just by way of example. it doesn't talk about 120-150%. it doesn't talk about size of units. it doesn't talk about changes to density. it doesn't talk about whether it's in-law units? you know, in terms of how the housing affordability and the crisis that we're facing, it's such a multi-faceted problem. that as i said before, unless we have some huge massive influx of federal dollars so we can just build enormous amounts of below market rate housing, public investment is not going to get us out the hole we're in. it's one piece of the puzzle and i will stop using that phrase. [ laughter ] because i have said it too many times already. i'm they are going to start
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creating a drinking game around it every time i say it. it's not even close to the whole solution and my concern is that this presents a distorted and miss leading picturet planning commission whether project x fits or doesn't fit into where we need to go to resolve our housing crisis. this is not comprehensive and i think we all know how this information presented in this specific way will be used. the information exists. the [phr-rplts/] puts planning department puts out reports and the budget analyst puts out reports. this is being presented in a certain way and i believe for a certain goal.
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and i just don't think it's complete. >> supervisor cohen? >> thank you. so i'm going to pose a question to the project sponsor is. from what i heard it sounds like there is at least room for us to entertain conversations so that we can begin to incorporate some of the concerns that supervisor wein has laid out. one of which i do share, the conversation around 120-150. >> yes, i don't know where we don't add that as an amendment. the size of the unit and density like supervisor wiener brought up. those are very interesting and important points that most
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certainly would, i believe, should be included into the dashboard. so as i'm trying to figure out where i am on this particular issue. on a gut level it seems the dashboard seems to make sense of we use them on our phones and licit rally while we're in our cars. we use the concept of a dashboard and you are right. sometimes the dashboard in the car won't tell you the air tire. yes you do have to go find that information. but if we had the information available, and it's already been published. i would imagine that it would be easy to synthesize and bring together on the dashboard. i really haven't heart enough of a compelling argument from the planning department to speak to me as to why i should not support this dashboard and i welcome planning, if you have any strong feelings, not today, not now, but before this item is heard at the full board, we
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could sit down and have a conversation with you. >> i don't know, supervisor wiener, to say it's not comprehensive, i think i will need a little bit more stronger, more compelling reason to not support this proposal. and i hope that you won't leave the table. i hope you will be able to make it good. because the dashboard, i don't want it to be used to tear down projects. but in a positive sense, i want to use this to begin to create and look at had a we're doing and where we're going. i see it more as a strategic tool. thank you. >> supervisor olague. >> i don't see any issue in looking at 150-180.
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we have already asked for the amendment. i don't know how that works and i'm just a guest and i don't know who approves amendments or what. but we haven't talked about the quarterly report and if people wanted to look at 150-180, i don't have an issue with that really. >> it doesn't sound like that is an amendment on the table right now. >> it's not on the table currently. it just came up today, obviously. >> it sounds like supervisor olague is really open to that. well, mr. chair? >> supervisor cohen. >> excuse me, supervisor chaos. >> go ahead. >> i just wanted to speak to what supervisor olague was saying and maybe if we could hear from planning a little bit more. because i'm perfectly willing to make a motion to make an amendment to include ami up to 180 ami. so how would this impact the legislation? >> emily rogers from planning department staff. we might -- i see there is
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another housing expert or two in the audience. director olsen lee from the mayor's office is here, but my understanding is that the rena goals they don't publish goals over 120% of ami. the dashboard is comparing our housing production goals or our housing production compared to the rena goal because they don't publish goals for over 120 ami. >> supervisor campos? >> the thing about tools you can shape them into whatever you need them to obe. i think that having an ongoing discussion about things that can be added to this dashboard, i think is appropriate. and it may be, by the way, that as we're going forward with it, that we find there are some things that are not need or
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snags are some things that are missing that should be added. the main goal is that whatever information the members of this board feel should be included should be included. >> does director lee have anything to add to this? >> we're going to call up olsen lee the director of housing. >> good afternoon, supervisors. olsen lee, director of the mayor's office housing. i was actually here for another item, but i would be happy to jump into this to answer the question. as as the issue about the question
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of 120, and why that is the standard number is not because the other number are not relevant and information is not important about those other number. it's really up to 120 is what our income-restricted units. so the rena estimates are basically up to 120 and these are only income-restricted unit and [pwa-eubs/]ly under basically under the old redevelopment agency, under state health code those units up to 120% of median income. so that whole category of 120-180 was not never codified as units that are restricted under the health and safety code. i have been -- 20 years ago, when i was first at the mayor's office, there was income
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restrictions on older projects up to 150. and there was a whole category of units that were income restricted up to 150. at the time 20 years ago that was over market. clear le the market has changed a little bit at this point and now units are up to 150 are below market. but sort of the fallacy of the rena goal these are units that are restricted and have to come through a public agency to get a restriction on them in some way and undercuts those [ao-eufpt/]s produced by units produced by the market in the 120 and 150 and below that are not restricted by government.
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so one of the dexts in terms of dashboard is how would you identify those restricted from 120 and above? if there is not some sort of obligation nsr or grant and regulatory restriction in and how would the planning department measure that target? would the developer short of self-declare that they are intented to market it the a certain level and the planning department would try to back that into a category for the purposes of the dashboard? so this is a long way of saying that the 120 standard is just based upon sort of the general rena standards people have had sort of positions up-and-down about how accurate the rena goals are? and how achievable those goals are? but just to give you some background, that they are related tot fact that that was
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a standard for determining affordable housing under the state law. >> thank you. supervisor cohen. >> >> the 120 makes sense. >> and how do you estimate 120-150 with different other advice from the mayor's office of housing as well. so if there is no further comment let's call for a recalling on this item. thank you. >> you want a roll call on the amendments? >> first of all can we make the amendments without objection colleagues? >> yes. >> [ gavel ] >> thank you. and now roll call on the item? >> on the motion to send this forward to the board as amended supervisor wiener? >> no. >> wiener no supervisor cohen? >> i[stkpwhra*-frplt/] cohen aye.
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supervisor mar? >> aye. >> mar aye. >> mr. chair we have two ayes and one no. >> thank you. thank you. thank you supervisors olague and campos. miss miller please call the last item on the agenda. >> item no. 4 is ordinance to amend the administrative code for public housing right. >> supervisor olague? >> we're on item no. 4. >> i have another item today that will support low-income tenants in san francisco and promote fair and transparent government. there are a few amendments to the original legislation that i am introducing today. that were working ored on with the housing authority and the mare's office on housing and i will invite the representatives up to speak as well to the amendments, although i understand that they are sub [sta-pbts/]ive. so i don't
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