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tv   [untitled]    October 19, 2012 3:00am-3:30am PDT

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>> may i have a motion to start the meeting. >> second. >> commissioner. >> here. >> commissioner. >> here. >> commissioner. >> here. >> item two is approval of the minutes. >> moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> next is public comment. executive session. >> no public comment. >> item four is executive session. >> move to move to executive session. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> next is legal counsel and real property negotiateor. >> so moved. move to open -- open session. >> excuse me kathleen we're starting.
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>> okay. >> is there a second? >> second. >> second. >> would you like -- >> move. move that we not disclose what transpired in close session. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> okay. item six please be advised that use of cell phonings, pagers and similar electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal of the meeting room of any person that uses one of these devices. please be advised that a member of the public has three minutes to make comments on each item.
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>> good afternoon. thank you for joining today. i have a short executive director's report and the first item happened a week ago saturday and i wanted to share with you. there was a pleasure craft vessel with three people board that was out on the bay and in the course on the bay they struck little alcatraz rock which is located on the west side of the island. in the impact tour a fairly sizable hole in the boat's hull. they were able to get over to the fisherman wharf's area and hook up for a barge doing construction for us and run by vortex who is doing the promenade work
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and the u.s. ghost guard and marine vessel unit responded to assist this vessel and helped the auntie am and needed the help of the vertex so she could be appropriately dewatered and salvaged and without that the crane there they were having a difficult time because of the size of the hole so i just wanted to share that story that happens on the bay a bit and represents the good cooperation we have multimark for identification agency wise and through the private sector and others and i want to commend the u.s. ghost guard, the san francisco police department and marine unit and contractor vortex and their work and especially want to recognize ken vote who was in charge of the
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boat that day and the superintendent who also helped. they remember extremely helpful and professional and rise beyond the call of duty and i wanted to make sure everyone is aware of their assistance and very proud of that solution and the boat made it over to sas liteo and all is well. second i wanted to say a few words about the american cup world series and the fleet week which we had here the last six days. there isn't much i can tell you that you don't know from personal experience or media reports but we are pleased with how things went. there were lessons learned and we will employ those next year but the people that came to the waterfront and running from the golden gate
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bridge to the at&t ballpark was the most intensive i have seen here. i walked that distance i mentioned and it was incredible amount of people with positive energy. there was every mode possible. you could see bicycles, motorcycles and motor vehicles and strollers and wagons and worked very well. we were able to get the cruise passengers in and out on saturday and on sunday they anchored off shore watching the event before coming into berth and worked great. we had a couple of minor medical emergencies and one took place on the jeremiah and we responded to the vessel while afloat and
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we were able to take the individual back and connect with a land side ambulance and get him to the hospital and we are proud of how things worked in a very intensive situation and we are looking to after action reports and comments from the public at large, but generally speaking very, very pleased with how it went but we would have liked the outcome of the giant's games and a's games to be different but otherwise it was a tremendous weekend and there is probably about a thousand port and city staff that need to be thanked. many of them posted themselves at the waterfront all weekend long and several with the real estate division and here today so you know who are you and thank you for that and as well as our maritime division that worked around the clock and homeland security division that worked around the clock so we are appreciative of all the work that went into this and we look forward to doing it again next
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year so thank you everyone for that. lastly i just want to take a few minutes to recognize frank alito that passed away. he was worn to the fisherman wharf's area in 1929 and he passed away earlier this month on october 2. frank and his brother had business arrangements throughout fisherman's wharf and not on port property but they were a fixture in the area. frank went galileo high school and went to the war and when he came back they opened the family business and opened up the alito fare restaurant and a dining room known as the captain's cabin
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and later went into other adventures in the fir fisherman's wharf area and recently participated in the merchant's association. there will be a memorial mass held on october 11 at st. peters and pauls church at 666 fill pert church and in lieu of flowers the family asked for donations made to hos pies and we have that information if anyone would like it and i would like to thank frank for his contributions the area and if we adjourn in his memory today. >> thank you. before we go to the reports i want to thank the port staff and everyone that helped this weekend and the various events. we went on the ship friday night and we
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actually did watch the blue two angels and wched it from two places and i wasn't on the embarcadero and seemed to work well and i want to thank the port staff for their great job this weekend as well and give us confidence what we will see next year for the finals and the america's cup and i wouldn't be surprised if they said let's do it on the same weekend as fleet week again and it would be much. >> i echo the comments of my colleagues and was around the city and bumped into them and they were working hard and we owe you a great deal of thanks making this weekend come off so l i think i said at the last
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meeting this would be a real test and once we got through it and next year's america's cup will be a piece of cake hopefully and i want to thank the city family and staff and coordinating and working together and that in large measure made it work well and the coordination with muni and setting up the bicycle lanes and other modes of transit. i took muni to get down here and was amazed how easy it was and smooth and as director moyer said everyone was having a good time so that was nice to see and the tourists and everyone else enjoy tg and the weather held up too and thank you to the staff. it was above and beyond and thank you. >> is there any public comment on the executive director's report? >> hearing none. >> items of the consent
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calendar. 8a is authorization for proposals and the hazardous waste services and execute annexation of pier one and san francisco special count tax district and san francisco sustainable financing and payment for the port commission of the pro rata share of special taxes, a sub tenant with the pier and llc. >> motion to approve. >> motion. >> second. >> is there any public comment? hearing none all in favor. >> aye. >> aye. >> resolutions 1275 and 1276 have passed. >> item 9a informational presentation on the port planning studies associated with
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approval of the pier 27 james r. herman cruise terminal and each wharf terminal project. >> good afternoon president woo ho, members of the commission. i am diane oshima with port and planning division and i wanted to give informational overview of planning studies that the port and p dc will commences towards the end of this year. i saw joe step in and i want to acknowledge him as well. the port and they have a long history of working together, and commissioner adams you weren't here before, but let me just give you a brief background. as
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part of the pier 27 james r. herman cruise terminal project. it went through the process. it required amendments to their special area plan, san francisco waterfront area plan because there were exceptions associated with that project that didn't meet with the current policies of that plan, and we had approached that process before the america's cup project came to play. when america's cup project came into play we ended up basically not having enough time to do all of the planning work that we would normally do to try and reconcile those policy issues in the context of getting approvals for the pier 27 project and with the cooperation of them and the public we were ultimately able
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to get approvals from b cdc in the form of amendments to the plan as well as a major permit for that project which included conditions that require the port and them to work together on planning studies to further address the outstanding issues that we were not able to address when that pier 27 project was going through, so to that end this informational presentation is just to give you a look forward as to what those planning studies are, and then to give you a schedule of what the next steps are. b cdc commission received similar informational presentation last week so we wanted to make sure the commission our public had the benefit of that as well. melissa could you turn on the -- thank you. briefly this image
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here is a snapshot -- actually not completely up-to-date but it's fine for the purposes of the presentation today in terms of identifying what is known as open water basins within the special area plan. those are the four blue colored areas shown here between pier 27 and the ballpark and the south beach harbor. those open water basins in the plan are intended to be permanent open water areas that are either in place now or are to be created, so that from a b cdc standpoint there is always a place where there is open water and public views and venues around that open water basin to be able to provide that to the public. the open water basin next to pier 27, the wharf open
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water basin and the plaza was the basin that we had to seek exceptions to for the pier 27 project. essentially the planning studies that are required really focus on four specific areas. one -- actually i will start with the second bullet first. the replacement of open water basin between pier 35 and china basin. because there are attributes about the pier 27 project that do not meet the open water basin requirements within that pier 27 area we're required to work with the community on a public process to identify a replacement open water basin between pier 35 and china basin channel. one of the other requirements of the study is a third bullet down, the capital strategies for embarcadero resources and involves a survey of all of the historic piers
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within the embarcadero district to identify what their condition is and the priority for either rehabilitating repairing them or removal of them and this would address some of the interest in removing fill in the bay so they have an interest in having the port really identify what their outlook is and it will involve also a financial strategy for making any kind of commitments. we would have to realistically look at the resources are in order to support that, so we can take into account the current capital and financial situation the port is looking at . the last bullet is balancing maritime and public access needs. when we look at retaining piers we're looking at opening up opportunities for public
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access, but we're also mindful of the berkting needs of the various maritime uses along the waterfront so one of the things we will look at in terms of the pier values are will be the maritime uses as well as the public access opportunities, and if i jump back to the first bullet, and the fisherman's wharf area and a special study they have called out that one of the studies is for us to take another look at that special study area to identify whether we can create an open water basin in that area too north of pier 35, a plaza area as well, and with that we're able to identify those kinds of public resources we will be able to lift some other policies that
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right now are impeding our tenant's abilities to maintain substructure and the restaurant uses in that area, so that process is somewhat separate, but it will also have some implications for the overall scope that we're taking for the northern half of the waterfront north of china basin channel. to do that work the port and b cdc staff have started developing the tasks and the work program to carry that forward. this is just a general timeline how we propose to carry out the work and we envision convening a working group that would be developed by the b cdc and port staff with
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