tv [untitled] October 19, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PDT
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general myat? let me thank our panel here. >> thank you. (applause). >> san francisco recreation and parks department offers classes for the whole family. rec and parks has a class for everyone. discover what is available now and get ready to get out and play. henri matisse. frida kahlo. andy warhol.
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discover the next great artist. get out and play and get inspired with toddler classes. experience art where making a mess is part of the process. classes and the size the artistic process rather than the product. children have the freedom to explore materials at their own pace and in their own way. talks love art, especially when they died into the creative process -- dive into the creative process. at the end of the classes, they have cleaned and washup. great way to get out and play. for more information, visit
11:32 am that out and play and get into the groove. rec and parks offers dance classes for seniors. first-time beginners or lifetime enthusiasts -- all are welcome. enjoy all types of music. latins also, country and western. it is a great way to exercise while having lots of fun. seniors learn basic moves and practice a variety of routines. improve your posture, balance, and flexibility. it is easy. get up on your feet and step to the beat. senior dance class is from sf
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rec and park. a great way to get out and play. >> for more information,lclclcl commissioner naomi akers. there she is, and i would like to jump around. normally we go to public comment, but i think we will have time to take everything in order, so i will go now to -- i just do want to announce there is a presidential debate, and there are a lot of people interested in watching it so we would like to expedite the meeting. we want you to express what you want to express but try to be as concise as possible, so the first order is item number one, public comment. members
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of the public may address items of interest within the subject jurisdiction with respect to agenda items may address the commission up to three minutes at such time the item is called. that means if you want to talk to us under our auspices but not on the commission calendar now is the time to do it. >> just a point of order. may i do roll call for the record. >> i told you we were in a hurry. >> you are. commissioner lee. >> here. >> commissioner. >> here. >> commissioner hyde. >> here. >> commissioner perez. >> present. >> commissioner akers. >> here. >> president newlin. >> here. i do apologize. >> we do have a quorum. no problem. >> going back. public comment. sir welcome. >> good evening chair newlin. good evening vice chair, deputy
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director cane -- >> deputy director cane. >> sorry. my apologies. i am dane zacar on and the manager partner of sloan in san francisco. i am here this evening to address a situation of concern regarding incidents that occurred on september 13, 2012. on that date we have civil obedience outside of the area and not typical of the nightly operation of sloan but i felt it appropriate to contact officer chin and the adjustments regarding these issues going forward. i have been in constant communication with inspector van cole and of the entertainment commission. the following is a list of our
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responses to those incidents that night. one we have grown our nightly security staff from five to be between 19 and 16 and we discontinued a happy hour event ta. we hope to reinstate it with different parameters and something i would discuss with those gentlemen. we have lowered the minimums and the reservations and the bottle manager must have accept ratio of male to female guests per table and we have hard liquor and bottles of chaip pain as well. i have hired three additional employees to be
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bottle service assistants and responsible for consumption oversight of our consumers. we have a dress code and are going to maintain that. we held tips training for the entire staff. we have introduced an area for rehydration in which our in house emt may attend to customers for whatever need they may have. i personally provide weekly email updates to sfpd, alu and ec and we will provide update event to sfpd and them in case of any special events. we have focused our music programming even more towards electronic dance music while having a mixed format. we plan to extend the hours of operation to 3:00 a.m. in order to allow for a "cooling off period" and
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not having the entire venue released at once. i set the standard in san francisco nightlife operations and in lieu of this we chose to recognize the opportunity and have that standard in mind. >> thank you. is there any other public comment? seeing none i am going to that we continue the minutes from last meeting. do i have a motion? >> so moved. >> second. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> it's okay. you can abstain on this. >> supposed to continue it. she can't vote on the minutes. either way. >> it's not a big deal. >> are you an aye vote? for
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the record? >> yes. >> item three report from the executive director. >> commissioners i will be as brief as possible. i am trying to make up for not having done this report for quite some time. i was going to introduce commissioner akers which the president has done and briefly sitting in that seat that was vacated by the last commissioner so her term will come to a close at the end of the term he would have closed out and i think june 30 so we have may have more turn over at that point but we will see and the director of the st. james infirm ree and if the chair would like to let her talk about herself if she feels like it. and i hope you welcome her on the staff and help her on
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the job since we won't have one of those retreats for some time. she is going to have to wing it and with your help. i was going to thank everyone for coming to our event on september 18. the party was really fun. i thought a big success. we were all of nine years old and we had elected officials, staff from sfpd. tons of industry professionals. i wanted to say thank you to the record for the key lounge and everyone else who attended and hope that we can even have more fun next year. update the commission briefly on our new enforcement position which is moving through the process of classification and denouncements. we have been working closely with the hr professionals that we work atad min services because as you may recall the position description of sound technician at the time
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we created without the benefit of anyone acting in the job at all, and therefore four years later it was a little bit necessary to revisit the description, update for the realities of what the job has become opposed to what we thought it would be, and then consider classifications of both the current enforcement in the future enforcement positions so we hope to have the new employee hired before the end of the year realistically. if we can do it sooner we will. it's funded for sooner but the process takes a while to get the right person. the panel i have spoken about in the past that we're planning on doing regarding the tech sector and the entertainment or nightlife sector in san francisco was moving along and got side tracked a little bit by the election and the folks at sf city and the tech sector have been refocused until the election on propositions, so i
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hope to by probably next meeting or the one -- probably the one after have a date and a specific lineups for that panel. i think that's going to be a really interesting project to pursue. the nightlife sector position as you may remember the mayor funded a position, the office of economic work force development to launch the city's sector initiative and that is the most formal title we have heard thus far and continue to use that word. the full time funding doesn't start until 2013 so we are closely following that and we will be working with a manager there to make sure that the sector initiative is in lines with the entertainment commission. it's not my job to oversee but it's important to go down the road together and that is my focus
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with respect to that job, and lastly i wanted to update the commission there was some problems on broadway on that weekend that was a million visitors including fleet week, america's cup, bluegrass -- you name it. there was a lot of people in san francisco including some sailors and a lot of people went to broadway. there were problems -- i think roj is going to give you information about that and the officer as well and as a result of some problems the entertainment commission suspended impala on broadway for 72 hours beginning october 12 and through the 15th and that was the weekend that just passed. they served their suspension last weekend and terminated the lease at their location. the termination of
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the lease wasn't related to the suspension, but was coming in any event and before we have any retaliation or problems from the previous weekend we thought it best to go ahead and suspend their entertainment permit and they will no longer be operating at that location and i'm going to sand it over unless you have questions and he can follow up on that. >> good evening commissioners. you will see in your binder my report with lists of incidents and what we have done via citation and other incidents. to re-cap a little bit about the impala incident, that was on the morning of october 7 at around two amat closing. it was an allocation and started literally in the door way of impala and spread and gained in size and
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to kearney street and broadway street and losing control in the neighborhood. many units were called in to break up the fight due to this particular fight what happened it turns into smaller fights up and down the block. we did have somebody who was seriously hurt and put in general hospital who has since been -- is stable and doing fine, and also there is evidence because of that fight that lead to a much more serious incident in a different part of the city later on that morning. justice director cane had said we reacted quickly working closely with central station. officer mathaius and pulling the reports together, getting the suspension written up and i want to thank them for pulling the report and
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cad and getting the information and backing up for that incident and make that suspension happen. the only other thing i want to mention really quick which isn't reflected in this and also working with central station we had incidents at the parlor. one not listed is actual fight that we're chasing down more information on. i am talking to the officer today but we had thefts and so on, so when you're looking at the top section of number one what we have been looking into the one thing missing is the parlor on leven worth so next meeting we will have a follow up report as we spend time looking into that particular venue and the incidents going on there. outside of that really everything there is there. unless you have questions for
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me. i will keep it short. >> any questions? any public comment on the executive director's report? seeing none we will go to the next item which say presentation by laura thomas, executive state director san francisco of the drug alliance and innovative policies used in europe around nightlife and harm reduction welcome. >> thank you. so yes, i am laura thomas with the drug policy alliance and i am here specifically to update the entertainment commission about plans for the conference which is going to be held here in san francisco next spring, and the conference is the -- it's the eighth international conference on nightlife and substance abuse issues. it's been held around the world and primarily in europe and australia and 2013
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marks the first time it's going to be held in the united states and it's being held here in san francisco and part in recognition of the work that san francisco has done to focus on public health and health promotion and public safety and nightlife venues so the entertainment commission has signed on to help with it, and jocelyn has been helpful, so i wanted to give you an update to where we are with the planning process for it and identify a number of different ways where the entertainment commission can participate in some of the content and the program for the conference. so again the first one took place in liver pool in the united kingdom in 1997. this is the eighth conference coming up here in san francisco. the objectives of the conference are to -- many of these will sound familiar to some of the work the entertainment
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commission does. to develop understandings of the impact of nightlife activity and maintaining safe environments. to facilitate the implementation of effective based approaches and nightlife approaches. to have knowledge how these can be managed effectively and network and working on an international and national level so we have a number of different themes. there is certainly an alcohol on alcohol and tobacco and other drugs and how they impact the viernlt. and health and safety standards, emerging trends in club culture, international nightlife tourism, policy and policing and public safety and nightlife associated with nightlife venues, sexual health and preventing violence in these settings and these are a number of themes the commission deals with on a regular basis and as
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a franciscan i think san francisco has a fair amount to say how we manage it and bodies like the entertainment commission are ways to engage the nightlife and entertainment communities in productive ways and improve public health and public safety, so you have the fliers that has the dates. it's at the mark hopkins hotel and it's going to start on may 28 and go through may 30. we've got a number of different speakers already identified mostly from the uk including researchers and trends and drug use looking at club dynamics at large events and we are putting together plenaries and one is focused on alcohol and one on best practices for manager large scale events and
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other scale events and we have been in touch with a lot of folks with experience on that to come and speak, so the registration -- we would love to have all of you there you can register on line and there is currently a $250 fee and given the entertainment commission has agreed to cosponsor i can talk to organizers if we can manage that in case that's a barrier for you and we will get abstracts and people that do research on this but we would love to hear from people in san francisco and if the entertainment commission would like to did a presentation about the commission and how it came about we would welcome that and the best practices that san francisco has identified so that's the short update. i am happy to answer questions. we have a active program
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committee. we welcome more input, thoughts about speakers, thoughts about content and we welcome participation in the planning committee if that is something that any one here would like to do, so i am excited about this. it's really the first time this has been in the u.s., and i think it's -- well, i know that it's it's definitely not a coincidence it's in san francisco and jocelyn has been involved and phone calls and that's been great too. >> well thank you. questions from the commission? sure. >> are you going to address day time entertainment and festivals and parades? >> definitely. i think nightlife is a bit misleading in that context, but yes. i know there is a lot of interest in how people manage the very large scale events like burning man obviously but also the street fairs. how do you maintain a
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safe and positive environment at folsom street fair for example. i know people are interested in hearing about those and yes and we certainly welcome suggestions. >> how many people are you expecting to attend? >> that is a good question that i don't know the answer to. i can find how many people attended the one last year. >> is it in the thousands? hundreds? >> hundreds. but i can find out the answer. >> great. >> other questions? thank you very much. >> sure thank you. >> and we look forward to hosting you in the coming may. >> yes and i am happy to come back at a future time and jocelyn i can send information with her to the commission when it gets closeeer. >> yeah, when it gets closer and coordinate with jocelyn and get the word out again. >> sound good. thank you. >> any public comment on the presentation by ms. thomas?
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okay. seeing none item five police department's comments and questions. >> good evening commissioners. my name is john john locheus and the commander in charge at the metro division at the police department. in this capacity i will be supervising central southern, mission, northern and tenderloin task force and also the alu unit, so i look forward to our continued cooperation, continued good work with the entertainment commission, and please reach out to me if i could be of any assistance to you in the future. >> thank you commander. >> you're welcome. >> welcome aboard.
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>> okay. officer mathaius. >> good evening commissioners. i am from central station. i will do a short re-cap what has been occurring over the last few weeks. as far as at the impala i was talking to people that worked that night and they were saying it was probably the worse night in three years as far as the volume of people. i asked if it was regard ago we had fleet week and tourists with the blue angels, festivals and several things going on in the city that weekend and it didn't seem to have to do with the military. they said that part was fine but we go back to the party buses. on this particular night they dropped off and usually they picked up at two and extremely late coming back at 3:00 o'clock so you had the drunks leaving the are bars and intoxicated and it's the
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exposure that law enforcement has to deal with. if we get them out of the clubs and on the way and then look over at somebody and have a beef and it was quite the night and went on and on and a lot of activity that week. we talked about the party buses. i know there are different legislations going around for that night that was a critical issue that they didn't pick up, so not only they dropped off which is bad enough but they left the people out there so we had tremendous problems out there. small re-cap as far as in the different clubs. we have increase in thefts. ruby sky had a theft and fiddler's green. there was aggravated assault and closed event, the bachelor's of san francisco and a closed event and maiden lane and looking at
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the report the event was run well. it was someone from the outside trying to get in and kicked out and assaulted the security guard and looking at it the venue was doing everything right and kicked the person out and then the security was assaulted. the last one that i'm going to bring up is the parlor and vaj talked about it briefly and there are four or five smaller incidents and i have known that in the past when we have talked to the parlor when they were going side ways -- not side ways but to get their attention they took corrective action so again i think that's what we have to work with here. we had three thefts of phones and wallets and those things and worth a couple thousand dollars. it adds up quickly and there was a fight on october 13 at about 2:00 o'clock in the morning, and i talked to one of the officers that showed
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up said about 20 people were in the street fight interesting i asked what the. >> >> venue doing and they weren't happy with security and a couple of units went out and it abated and people went in the limos to get out of the area and i am going to work with the parlor because we did see improvement how the club was being run and we need to get back to that level, and the last thing is a noise complaint at the parlor again and on the 14th of october at about 12:00 o'clock at night, and those are all the different things. >> yeah. questions? >> i have one question for you. so the parlor bus legislation went through and it's more about drinking and age specific drinking. it's not about their
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responsibilities. is there anything that central station can do to dissuade party buss from coming to broadway? i know you don't let them double park? is that right? you make them drop off at certain spots? is that right? >> right. they can't stop at broadway and go down the street and can be helpful if they're dropping off at a location and they have to come up and that way when the bar is closing they're not waiting outside for the bus. they're going to a different location. the legislation i have seen isn't helping much and we don't have drunk juveniles coming up to the party bus and it's the 50 people on the bus and they're gassed when they get there and getting unloaded. it's working with the different clubs not to accept them and it's looking how are th
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