tv [untitled] October 20, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT
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>> hello ladies and gentlemen of district five my name is london ried and i am asking for your vote for the district of supervisors. >> i grew up on the same street that all live on, ride our bikes, walk in the parks, shop and eat and take our kids to school. for the last ten years, i have been the executive director of the african american art complex, a 34,000 art space where the kids have program in the arts where local artists come together and different san francisco communities form and strengthen our common bond. i grew up in plaza east public housing. it was a tough place back then, as a number of places in the
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district still are. the economic and family circumstances for everyone were pretty dire. i saw family and friends lost to the streets, to prison and death including two of my siblings, i saw terrible poverty, crime, drugs, hopelessness and violence and joblessness but that was not all that we had. those people that i grew up have something else, a fighting experience resilience, those people found it in themselves to help their neighbors family and friends however they could. we relied upon each other and out of the crisis we created a great community. this is the spirit of san francisco. and that is why i am so thrilled to be able to speak to you today and now, because so many of you watching are my family, my friends, people who form the same communities that raised me up from difficult beginnings into the woman i am today. i can think of no more important calling than to use the skills and my energy to
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give back to all of you in any way that i can. that is what has led me through so many of my life's endeavors volunteering in the major's office as a teenager, and serving on the san francisco redevelopment agency commission sxh the fire commission and just recently getting my masters in public administration. >> i will tackle the tough problems head on. i will find real solutions to the lack of affordable housing and redesign our job training program to give the right skills to the unemployed people around us to make them the perfect job candidate for our small businesses. because small businesses provide most of our city's jobs, i will create a one-stop, for people looking to start one, or replace the huge bureaucracy that scares so many entrepreneurs from pursuing their dreams. with my experience working with local organization and san francisco law enforcement, i
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will create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the district that will lower street crime and gang violence and above all i will help san francisco to be a leader. we will build bike lanes that will connect the city and reconnect the parks and find new ways to power our city in a way that is better for the planet and for our own wallets. i am not alone in having the vision for the future of san francisco that i do, i'm extremely proud of the people and organizations that have endorsed my candidacy because they share the hopes and the dreams, and the passion of the people that i have always depended on. they are far apart from one another on individual issues but they share my belief that working together we can achieve anything. my supporters include, california attorney general har ris, state senator yen, rashelle, norton, wynn, they
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gave me their sole number one endorsement and i am the only one endorsed by the police officer organization, the lgbt club and the firefighter unions and the chronicle who called me the candidate best prepared to handle the district challenges but as gratifying as all of those endorsements are the only one that i want is from the people of district five, i ask you to vote for me as supervisor and together we will turn san francisco into the city that we knew that it could be, coming out of the difficulties into the future that is brighter and more prosperous and above all more cooperative where our quality of life arises from the closeness of our communities and the strength of our spirits. thank you.
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>> hi, my name is davis, i'm running for supervisor in district five. san francisco faces the challenges for improve the liefps of the people that live here. we need leadership to meet our challenges and address homelessness and build affordable housing and build the schools and keep us safe. i am running for supervisor to keep san francisco real. our city is a social, economic and political cross roads. in so many ways, the every-day people that keep this city special, the artists, the students, the young families, the seniors on fixed income, working people and every day people of all strides are having a harder and harder time surviving much less thriving in our city. one of the reasons is that our economic development policies are currently much too focused on the big business interest. we need to reorient our city's development policies to focus on the 80 percent of the
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economy which is our small businesses or mom and pop shops. san francisco needs to develop more affordable housing. the association of bay government says that they need 18,000 new units of housing and we are nowhere close to that. prop c, something that i encourage you to vote for, but let's go back to the ballot in the years to come and pass an affordable housing bond something that san francisco has not done in close to two decades. we need to improve our public schools in san francisco if we are going to be a family and child-friendly city. prop 13 has starved our schools of funding across the state of california and in san francisco for decades. commercial property owners have been on a tax holiday through the reagan and bush era and have received benefits it is time for us to properly tax commercial property owners here in san francisco so that we can make-up for the lack of funding that we receive from the state. i plan to do that by
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instituting a commercial rent tax in san francisco. san francisco needs to be a culturally sustainable city and environmentally sustainable, restoring uni, uni has had a structural budget deficit. we need supervisors who are going to have the political will to find the resources to fully fund our mta system. i am looking at a number of options from congestion pricing to a downtown transit tax assessment district to even a local gas tax or a local vehicle license fee so that we can fully fund our uni system and stop fixing the buses with duct tape and have a first-class transit system in san francisco. another way that we can be a leader is to encourage people to get out of the cars and on to bike by developing a 100 percent renewable infrastructure and making green
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building and agriculture the norm in san francisco. i have been endorsed by the san francisco bay garden and the tenant's union and the lgbt, club and the action for children and many, many more. these organizations know that san francisco needs leaders that can face our issues honestly, without deference to big money. my name is julian, davis and i am running for supervisor in district five and i would be pleased to have your vote this november. >> hello, my name is daniel leavitt and i am running for district five supervisor and i am also an attorney here in san francisco, and to quote, another late attorney, the
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great oliver holmes. as life is action and passion you should engage in the action and passion of their life in the peril of being judged not to have lived. i am here to tell you that i have been engaged and passionate about the issues shaping san francisco and district five at every step of the way. now, is that engagement and passion for me comes from my up bringing. now, i never fought in the vietnam war, i never experienced it. and i wasn't even born until it was all over. but, nonetheless, i cannot help but feel, that most of my life has been shaped by that war's battles. my father was a combat soldier, he returned from the war with many of the same ailments as other veterans including posttraumatic stress des order which left him 100 percent disabled. folks i watched my father, who was a very proud man, beg, with the government for the benefits
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he deserved. and i watched my father, again a very proud man, have to raise his family in public housing, and feed his family with food stamps. it was not until my father and other veterans gave voice to the inexcusable mistreatment of other veterans that change was slowly put into place. now, i detail that story, i share that story with you, because it has shaped who i am as a person, and a candidate. it has instilled in me the need to serve, the need to give back, and the need to give voice to those among us who too often are powerless and do not have a voice of their own. and it has given me a sense of duty, and purpose. i took that sense of purpose, and i studied journalism at the
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edward r. mural school of education because it gave me an opportunity to engage in the issues shaping my community. i took that sense of purpose, and i worked at the office of united states senator cantwell, i worked on her immigration services staff but more importantly i worked on her staff advocating for those democratic values, those values of truth, honesty, inclusion and tolerance. i took that sense of purpose and i went to school at hastings college of law. there i served as vice president of one of the largest law schools, largest public law schools in the country. i took that sense of purpose, and i applied to the san francisco courts indegint panel and there i work on behalf excuse the expression, dirt poor residents who cannot afford an attorney of their own. but i did not stop there. i took that sense of purpose,
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and i founded the radio and television program that originate, on ksfs called folk law to give voice to the issues facing san francisco now these are not the issues that make the 10:00 o'clock news, these are the issues like parking, these are the issues like domestic violence prevention and funding for the arts that are dear to my heart and are dear to the hearts of residents as well. folks, this election, is about the future. but i do know one thing here in the present, i know that working with my neighbors, my community members, whether you are a laborer or someone in the tech field or an artist, i know that one thing, we can overcome any of the challenges that we
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face if we face them together, together, together, together. working on behalf of district five, and working on behalf of san francisco. with that, folks, i want to humbly ask for your support and your vote. and i want to thank you so much for your time. >> hello my name is hope johnson and i am asking for your vote for supervisor in district five this november. i have lived in the western addition in district five for seven years. and i worked in the financial district off and on since about 1994. i'm a renter, and i choose not to have a car in san francisco so i take public transportation or walk or i use a car sharing
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service and i highly recommend that some of you try the city car share or one of the other car sharing services especially as we get more crowded in the city. i am running for supervisor because our elective representatives are not making decisions that are in the best interest of the majority of residents in san francisco. instead, they are making decisions that are in the best interest of the political power brokers, the wealthy real estate developers and the highly-paid city employees. i recently completed two years of service on the sunshine ordinance task force and i served as chair for the last year that have and i saw what i'm talking about first-hand. the sunshine ordinance task force mediates disputes between the members of the public and city hall when the people want to get public information and access to open government. we have to end the cycle of making the rich wealthy while slowly eliminating the middle
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class. i will bring much-needed integrity and ethics back to our city government. i will demand accountability for the use of our taxpayer money and our bond money and make sure that it gets used for services that we need instead of pet projects and special interests. last year we were asked to support a bond for street repair, this november we are being asked for the second time within five years to support a bond for park maintenance, despite the fact that the money from the first bond for park maintenance, $47 million of it has not been used and the committee that is tasked with overseeing it, can't get access to where or the plan for what that money is going to be used for. where is our taxpayer money being used? these are services that should already be in the city budget. we should not have to use bond money or extra taxes to pay for
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them. we are being asked to pay, we are being asked to pay tra taxes while tweeter receives a tax break. hidden in the tax break deal for twitter was also their own muni bus that went directly just to their location as well as a police substation in their area. those services are paid for with taxpayer money. tax payers are required to foot the bill for this, although twitter has enough money where it could also contribute something to the community for helping us provide those services in that area. in district five, i believe that there are three main areas that need a lot of attention but i would like to work on. we need affordable housing, not just low-income housing but affordable housing for people in san francisco with average incomes. we also need to improve muni and public transportation as well as improve public safety.
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with affordable housing, i would like to see us actually negotiate projects that build housing that is affordable, rather than allowing developers to pay a fee in lieu of building housing that is less expensive. sustainable housing is just as important as private profit and we need to balance those two in a better way. i also support test moratorium on condo conversions. when we convert the condos the price of that property is permanently increased and we can't get it back and so we need to come up with creative ways to keep the housing affordable. we approved $26 million to muni and yet all of that money, not one penny of it was spent on services it all went to other departments such as when the police closed down the streets for parades. we need to make sure that money is used for service and not
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distributed to some other department. i work with the community to improve public safety, through community policing and maybe some substations for our areas that we need them in for ourselves just the same way that twitter has. and now is the time to bring ethics and a strong advocate for the people back to city hall. i ask you to vote for me, hope johnson, this november and i thank you for your time. >> my name is kristine olague is i am the current incumbent for district five. this includes the fillmore, western addition, cathedral hill, japan town, lower pacific heights, lower and upper hate, nopa and coal valley and the neighbors. i am running to serve a full term on the board of
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supervisors, representing district five because i have long worked to make local government work better for the needs of the neighborhood residents. all that you have to do is look at how i have spent my entire professional life. i have the most robust record of achievements in shaping local public policy of any candidate running for district five supervisor. my father was born in mexico and worked as a mechanic fixing the farm equipment in the central valley. some of my childhood memory ss watching laborers work for little or no compensation at a young age based on what i witnessed i developed a understanding of economic injustice. growing up in the 60s my life experience has shaped my activism and my desire to promote meaningful change for my community. in 1982 i moved to the bay area and began taking classes at san francisco state university. eventually i finished at the
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california institute of integral studys. i worked for a number of stockbrokerages in the financial district, and my professional career, and at night, i got more and more engaged in the local activist community advocating for various issues important to me including igbtq and tenant right issues. in 1982 my life was changed forever when my mother was involved in a serious car accident. for the next seven years, her care became my priority. upon her death, i quit my job and became a community organizer at the commission agenda. there, i fought for the rights of low income tenants and immigrants who lived in single-room occupancy hotels. i was also getting more active in local politics. in 2003 i co-chaired the proposition l campaign, which made san francisco minimum wage the highest in the country. in 2004, i was appointed to the
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planning commission by then, president of the board matt gonzales. the planning commission makes decisions about how the land can be used best in san francisco. despite the fact that i came from a strong tenant organizing perspective that and i have been fighting or against gentrification for years, opposing the decisions made by planning i served diligently on the commission for seven years, two of which i served as president and three as vice president. i was able to work with everyone despite the political perspective and get things done. my leadership and both on the planning commission are a testament to my vision for the local government. >> i have never been against development and growth, as long as they do not come at too much of a price for current san franciscoans especially vulnerable residents. >> as a planning commissioner i
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was the first advocate that they be good union jobs. development also increases our housing stock which our city badly needs. and now the planning commissioner, i made sure that new housing includes units that are accessible for middle and lower income people. i introduced requirements that market rate housing developers invest in public open space, transit affordable housing and child care as a condition for approval of their projects. for the last nine months, as d-five supervisor, i have demonstrated how i will governor if elected for a full term. my office has worked on parking, and tour bus issues in alamo square and nopa and violence in the poor conditions of our public housing in the fillmore and western addition. and dealing with liability and the overcrowding of muni and ped and bike safety. we are advocating for additional bike lanes on oak
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and other issues. on all of these my job as district five supervisor has been to respond as fast as possible and make sure that city hall is working for everyone in the district. on november 6th, i hope that you will vote chris teen olague for district five supervisor, i am the most qualified candidate in the race. >> hello, my name is andrew resinato and i am running for district five supervisor. i am running because i love this city and i love district five and i know that we can do better, i have a 20-year career in public health and well acquainted with public service and i work closely with the city government so i know my way around the bureaucracy, i work with the private sector establishing and maintaining a eight-year partnership with the san francisco giants to
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educate, and to prevent pertussis from killing children in san francisco. i have a master's degree in economics and i am a music performer and so i am creative. i believe that the supervisor needs to be creative and think outside of the box to solve the issues that face district five in our city. i will work to make san francisco truly a transit city. a developed country is not one where poor people have cars, it is where rich people take public transportation. muni needs to be a viable, efficient, safe and clean transit option for everybody in san francisco. i want to work to make that happen as supervisor. i also will do the simple things like fix the road and the sidewalks that are in disrepair in district five which limit the mobility of seniors and the disabled. as supervisor i will support small businesses. i will talk to small business
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people in district five, they say that are feeling squeezed by skyrocketing grants and red tape and competition for big box stores. i will represent at city hall to address the issues that effect the bottom line. i will work to protect the character and the culture and the diversity of our city by supporting development projects that are consistent with the san francisco value and support our pressing need for affordable housing. as supervisor, i will work hard to improve public safety. i don't believe that we are currently spending our sparse law enforcement resources wisely. the idea that if you bust drug crime, you will decrease property and violent crime has been scientifically disproven. we need to spend our scarce, law enforcement resources wisely, by having police patrol our streets on foot and be present in the neighborhood getting to know the residents. i will push hard for a true
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community policing model as supervisor and that is a promise. i believe one of the most important things a supervisor can do is listen to the people of the district and be responsive to them. i will be responsive to the people of the district not beholding to the downtown interest that seem to control our politics in this city. i will represent the people of district five not developers. i believe in the transformation all power of new ideas. i think that we need a city run hate street museum to be a tourist destination and the history of the area. my campaign is different. we are listening to voters we are not using political door hangers that end up as garbage on our streets and alienate voters. our campaign collaterol is all reusable including grocery bags, we need to walk the walk of sustainability. >> i am running for district five supervisor, and i humbly
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ask for your vote in this important election. thank you. >> hi i'm john riso. i lived in district five for 27 years with my wife and daughter, my daughter went to the public schools here in san francisco. i'm running in san francisco as supervisor to fix some of the city's most pressing problems. i am very interested in fixing education. i was elected twice by the voters to the community college board where i have been dealing with tough issues, such as corruption, severe budget deficits and mismanagement. i have been able to make tremendous progress on all of these to fix the problems. now we need to return our attention to the city's schools.
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the city is not doing enough to help the district. we have a, shrinking cool year while the classes are increasing in size. >> i want to address the affordable, the city fees are going up and up and up and small businesses are priced out of the city and i need to work on that. i also am a sierra club activist. for 15 years working in the green energy field, i am a transit activist as well as well as working on parks. so in the environment i need to tell everyone, that muni is a priority, without muni the city will come to a stand still and it is not working properly right now. other cities can do transit systems even with snow and terrible weather, and san francisco can't. we need to fix it. i've worked in the green jobs area. i have helped push through go solar sf, which has created hundreds of jobs in san francisco and i need to do more of that for the citizens of san
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francisco. i will close with the idea that san francisco and district five in particular need a hard-working supervisor who has a stable background and a proven track record of making hard decision and getting things done. and i'm that person. >> hi, my name is thea starby and i am asking you to make me your next district five supervisor. as a long time neighborhood activist, i am able to speak and more importantly listen to people from all walks of life and all, professions. >> i have gotten these groups to talk and listen to each other. i ha
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