tv [untitled] October 21, 2012 5:00am-5:30am PDT
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world in terms of addressing the epidemic. and i wrote -- mayor lee mentioned it before, but i really want to stress how important it was when we lost $7 million in federal money in prevention and care money. and let me tell you, i remember supervisor campos and i sitting down and looking at each other, what are we going to do? this is a disaster. and we went and spoke with the mayor. mayor lee didn't even blink, and he restored in his budget all of that money. some mayors may have restored half of it and let the board scramble to find cuts or other readjustments to make up for the rest of it and mayor lee did 100% no game. mr. mayor, we are eternally grateful for that. (applause) >> and i think this, what we're doing today, is also incredibly important because for those of us who were there when it
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wasn't such a foregone conclusion that we were going to be able to come out of this epidemic and even see the light at the end of the tunnel, there are a lot of young people who weren't there. and who maybe don't understand what it was like and what can happen and maybe don't always take it as seriously as we need to take it in terms of prevention. and when i came out in 1990 as a 20-year old, one of the first things i did, i went out to the bars of my lesbian cousin who was 14 years older and her partner, they said to me, you really need to start out with gay guys. you shouldn't just be hanging out with lesbians. my cousin's partner said to me, you know, i really wanted to bring out some of my gay guy friends tonight, but they're all dead. for me as a 20-year old, that was permanently seared in my memory. you know, i've been careful
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ever since. but for a lot of younger guys in particular, didn't necessarily go through that. but this is so incredibly important that we continue to lead the way in terms of prevention and education and research because we can beat this disease and i know we're going to. so, congratulations, everyone. (applause) >> i'm pleased to introduce from district 9 supervisor david campos. (applause) >> thank you very much. i'll be very brief, and this is definitely a great birthday present. you know, i've known scott weaner for many years. we went to law school together, and i think something he said about our youth today is something that is very, very important for us to remember. you know, as youth, you always have the concept of the invincibility of youth and we've all had that. you're a young person, you don't think that anything can
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happen to you. but the reality is that for folks who are part of this newer generation, they didn't go through that. and i think it's important for us to underscore the severity of this disease, of this illness, and it's still des mating many communities. and it is especially low-income communities, communities of color, you have gay african-american men, latino men infected on a daily basis. people forget we still have people dying of aids. i had a close friend of mine who recently passed away of aids, michael goldstein, and he was an advocate for hiv prevention for finding a cure for hiv. and you can think of so many michael goldsteins. and dr. colfax and other people mentioned that. their memory lives on. and i think that we owe it to them to continue to recommit ourselves, rededicate ourselves to making sure that we prevent
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the spread of this disease, and that we do find a cure for this disease. and i just think about, you know, the possibilities with this building. this could well be the place where we do find a cure for aids. and if it's going to happen anywhere, why wouldn't it happen in san francisco? we have always led the way on so many different things. you know, the city of harvey milk is a city that has always recognized the dignity and humanity of every person and it's in line with that spirit that we are here today. and i do want to thank our mayor because as supervisor weaner noted, when the $7 million of funding was cut, even though we were lucky that for so many years leader pelosi protected that, the mayor did not blink. the mayor wasn't even a question. and that's the beauty of san francisco. that when it comes to these issues, making sure that we take care of our own, that those questions are no-brainers for us. that is the san francisco way.
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so, i am very excited. i look forward to seeing the beautiful building, the gay man in me wants to see the design what it looks like inside. [laughter] >> so, let's get this going. thank you very much. (applause) >> thank you. i want to say that this has been a collaborative effort on so many levels. and it's been a collaborative effort in the city as well. i want to next introduce mohammed nuru director of public works who was instrumental in helping us launch this project. (applause) >> thank you. i'll keep it brief. i just want to say thank you to the department of public health for being a great partner with dpw. we've had a good opportunity to be able to renovate many of our health centers. we are building the new hospital and today this very, very great project. the project from dpw, we provided architectural design.
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we provided engineering and construction management. and i'd like to thank the team that worked on the project real quick, the project's architect, lamont and banito, please give them a hand. (applause) >> from the engineering james ing and ray louie, give them a hand. (applause) >> and for construction administration jose gordato. (applause) >> and, of course, from the public health side, mark primo from dpw, [speaker not understood] who both led these projects. a little quick note about the project itself, the building is over 100 years old. and while all this work was going on, nobody in the building and all the people who work here, they were not disrutctionved. they were able to continue working. * disrupted and as you heard we are 70%
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complete and very, very happy to be here for this grand opening. and as we heard from all the speeches today, it will be a world renowned center and public works is happy to be part of that. thank you very much. (applause) >> so, none of this could have happened without the support of the public health department. we are fortunate to be working under dr. thomas argon who heads up the population public health unit. we are led by barbara garcia who is also the principal investigator of this project and i'm going to turn it to her. clap lap >> okay. as supervisor campos said, he can't wait to get inside. one of the things about this grant, the face of staff is usually a grant with research. it is either study participants or services. but this is a little different one. we were the only health department in the country to
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receive this. most of this went to universities. one, we didn't have as big overhead as universities do. two, we have a lot of experience in doing building. and, so, we really had to work at making sure nobody got disrupted. i do believe i have a big thank you to real estate because i think we did give them i understand general election a couple times out there. -- indigestion i want to thank them. i see win of the employees who resigned as a retiree, he was instrumentsal. (applause) >> this took space planning and trying to figure out space and it's all you know in san francisco, space can be a conflicting process. i think this worked really well. mark primo consulting with us on all our capital projects and departments. martin who provided a lot of leadership in this area. [cheering and applauding] >> and now that everybody is
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clapping, let's do the ribbon cutting and get inside. [laughter] >> okay. we're going to now do our ribbon cutting and then we're going to invite everybody in to tour the facility to get some hot coffee or tea, warm up, and some snacks. and if we could have the mayor and barbara come up and all of our other esteemed guests.
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executive session. >> so moved. >> second. >> >> move for executive session. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> be advised that the use of cell phones and pagers and similar sound producing electronics devices are prohibited at this meeting. the chair may order the removal from the meeting room for any person responsible for the use of electronic device. please be advised that the member of the public has up to three minutes to make comments, unless they adopt a shorter item >> item a. executive report. >> good afternoon, members of the public, port staff. thank you for joining us today. the very first one is to announce the addition of a new open space in the ports
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portfolio which is one and a half acres at herron's head park. this was a park that was awarded by the 2008 proposition a, park bonds and it is complete, now. we hope to have a grand opening soon, but we did open it to the public last september 7th, friday, september 7th. and as i mentioned an acre and a quarter, which is terrific for us of open space, it includes an lawn area, picnic area and a dog run and added lightings and rest rooms and parking and pathways. and it is open to very good reviews from the neighborhood and we hope that it will become a place that the rest of the city and the region will find compelling as well. >> the budget was two and a half million and we stayed in that. and i want to thank you commissioner brandon for your leadership on this and helping us to move forward rapidly for
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something new and, we are gratified by that and so thank you very much. could i have a round of applause for the commissioner? [ applause ] >> now, we probably caught for all of the amazing port staff,. >> next it is that time that we have been talking about forever and over and which is the combination of the cop fleet week, 49er game, giant's play off games, and i could go on and on, but i am going to talk about the america's cup rigatta. and there is so much overlap that you will have to forgive me a little bit. the america's cup will begin next tuesday, october second, it will be housed this time a little differently from the rigatta of our august in that it will be taking place on little marina green closer to
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the saint francis yacht club because the major portion is for the fleet week activities. we again expect to have eleven racing under, i think that it is 7 teams. and i heard a great description the other day of what the america's cup world series really is described as one of the sailors as the preseason of the america's cup. and so, i thought that was a really great synopssi., running from july 2012 to june of 2013. points of earned for each and the winner emerges at the end of 2013 and roll into the challenger series according to *f with the america cup final match. >> the first rigatta what is raise herd in the san francisco bay, in august. the winner was the oracal racing team. and so we will see how he holds
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up in the second running. so, again, beginning tuesday, october second, the marina green, america's cup village will be open every day from ten to seven and tuesday the second will be a practice day. wednesday the third will be match, racing qualifiers and match racing is where two teams go head to head. tuesday the fourth we will have quarter finals and then of course, we will have the practice session of the blue angels assuming that the weather is permitting for that. >> friday october fifth the blue angels will practice first and then at 4:00 there will be the match race quarter finals followed there quickly after by the fleet racing. and on saturday, october 6, we will open the day with the traditional fleet week of ships around 10 a.m., followed by the traditional fleet week air show followed by the semifineles and then the fleet racing and the
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match race finals and then on october 7th we will have the air show and then the super sunday fleet race and so it will be an amazing time to be in the marina, northern water front area for the america cup world series, the teams are oracle team usa, second oracle team, by russell cuts. and the team known as pirana and sword fish, team korea, energy team, arnamit white, red. and jq morgan and the china team and so we look forward to welcoming them all back into town and on to the great bay. very exciting. as i mentioned we will be holding fleet week at exactly the same time. flee week will be october 3 to the 8th. so it will begin officially a day after the practice session for the america's cup. fleet week was started in 1981
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and has a long tradition here in san francisco. it was started by mayor diane finestien and it is the third year that it is used not just to celebrate the men and women in the military services but also to bring together leaders from around the bay area and the federal agencies with the state agencies and the local agencies so that in the event of a disaster, situation, or an imagine situation, we have met each other and compared notes and we have a working relationship, and that was a vision embraced or created by general michael myatt a retired general who heads our fleet week committee and he calls that the senior leaders seminar which is something that new york is trying to replicate and so it is growing in its popularity. the focus is humanitarian
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relief and it will be at peer, 3032, and so behalf of pier or less than half will go to support fleet week and the other portion will be for the team basis for the america's cup rigatta. and this year at pier 3032, we will welcome the uss macon island. she has been here a couple of times before, but she is bound to be a very popular ship. on saturday morning we will have the ships under the golden gate bridge, we are expecting 3 vessels and 2,000 officers to visit san francisco. there will be three navy ships, the u.s. s. macon island and the sterit and bravel. >> we will have a cutter, which is a high enduhave three ships
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her majesty. and we will have a few that will come in advance of fleet week and they will be first at pier 80 and they will be coming in this coming sunday and beginning on monday. they will be opened to the public down at pier 80 which they will be sharing with the oracle racing team. so another reason to visit. there will be ship trailers, monday, tuesday and wednesday and thursday and unfortunately the korea navy has another obligation and they will be leaving before pat raid of ships. >> if you want to see, get down there next week. >> the ship tours are free and so for the ships at pier 80 they will be available next week as i mentioned and following the parade of ships next saturday, october 6th, we will begin opening to the public for the macon island and many other vessels and so it is going to be an amazing event.
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last year they pioneered something called buy a sailor a dirn. it was popular and it showed such great will from san francisco to the men and women in uniform and there will be over 3,000. that is a lot of meals to buy, if you want to get involved in that you can go to facebook/fleet week and you can find out information on that. but i know that the generosity of san francisco ans and their restaurants when they saw our sailors was really unparalleled last year. and we hoped that we can do that again. >> something that came in after the agenda, which is gratifying for all of us? that president obama announced that the expansion of the downtown ferry terminal behind us in the if herry building has been identified on his list as two critical transportation projects in the state of california and his plan is to
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expedite these two projects through better coordination of the federal, local and state governments in order to put americans to work building a 21st century infrastructure and providing california with more transportation choices. and the san francisco downtown ferry project is something that is spearheaded by the san francisco bay water emergency transportation authority. and they have been doing a great job and their project will improve the land side facilities and allow up to 6 new ferry bursts and as many as 10,000 per day, and so they have been working a draft, eir, eif which we hope to see in the beginning of the calendar year and they have been working with the port and partner and bc bc and so that is one of really great things that we see moving forward now in a expedited
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fashion. >> that leads me for introduce you the partner that wants to give you a sneak peek that the equity office has been working on with the port and many others that share jurisdiction. >> my sneak peek is a sneak speak because our it translating this live to the lap top did not work, unfortunately. but i am going to talk us through this, it is a brief introduction and we will have a formal presentation in a few months. good afternoon and first and foremost, i want to help moyer, and lamb, and others for lending their support and insights in the last few months as we refine and draft the ferry plaza activation plan. we are proposing to activate the back mras plaza and make
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it into the back door. before the formal presentation is made in the next fao months, we wanted to let you know that we are proposing programming and improvements to the plaza. >> today it is a beloved destination for visitors we know that it is vice sited by 23,000 people on saturdays between 8:00 a.m. and 1 p.m. that means that many more thousands are visiting very early shoppers at 7:00 a.m. and visitor and shoppers after 2:00 p.m. >> 7 to 10,000 ferry passengers a day traverse across the ferry plaza more if the giants make it to the world series. it is a hectic place, it is a delivery zone for the ferry plaza and also a service vehicle area for boats, golden
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gate ferries and the building behind here on the black of the plaza and also a drop off for passengers and it is for ferry building deliveries. we receive over 250 deliveries a day. people are amused that we don't have a ferry at the building. and we have a lot of water and pilings underneath. when we show you the formal plan, throughout our formal planning process our mandate was to bring more people to the water front and create a multipurpose plaza and make it a world class destination. the goal is the excitement and to provide a path toward sustainability. so how do we get there, we are
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proposing an 18-month discovery phase, in which we try modest and initial he improvement and we are trying prototyping that was put in places like governor's island in new york and actually times square in new york where they basically bring out movable furniture and allow people to define the new public areas, rather than our vision of how people should use it. >> so, we know that the ferry plaza is beloved. and so one of our exercises during the visionary stage and the planning stage is what other traditions can we propose for the back plaza that we can equally embrace and attend. >> we will show on the back plaza, a jazz festival, a antique market and movie nights. we are also looking toward finding creative ways to crowd
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the delivery and the vehicular needs of the plaza. in the next few months we will meet with key stake holders and i know what we will bring you in the formal presentation will assure you that we are creating a great plaza that will serve as a great gateway to san francisco. thank you for your support. >> so commissioners, that concludes my report. >> is there any public comment? >> commissioners? any comment? >> just one, when you were making the analogy, recording the america's cup races, the one that finally made sense to me if you take the football analogy, is the world series is like the regular season, the cup is like the play offs and the america's cup race itself is like the super bowl. so. >> there you go. >> it fit it all in for me. >> thank you. >> also just thank the staff as you have mentioned earlier for
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their hard work. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> on their behalf. >> david is beaming over there. >> yeah. >> must be good. >> so one question that i had in terms of how this extension that you just mentioned of the ferry plaza, or the ferries, and this funding is not something that we counted on before? >> well, i think that the funding has been something that it is all coming from the water emergency transit authority, the port many years ago. before my time supported the adoption of regional measure two, which raised, i think, one dollar on the bay bridge toll for the project and i know that the water authority has been looking for other funding, but this is very new and good news. >> and what would be the project for the cost in terms of to complete this roughly? >> i don't think that they have shared that entirely with us. >> i don't see that anywhere. >> dan, do you know the cost?
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>> with the ports planning and development division, there are a number of components where pier one is being removed and gate a with be in, and gate f would be constructed next to gate e down here, they are looking at around $110 million by the time that you look the a, f, and g and another one. it would be phased. and it is essentially will be done in three different projects and there is land side improvements as well. particularly to the, in the lagoon area to the south of the building and also between the ferry building and pier one house. >> that is a great investment and that is... that means that there could be more ferry capacity. >> that is the idea, yes. >> and more in terms of planning where the ferry routes would be? or is that to be determined? >> the water emergency transportation authority is doing some coordination to make the
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