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tv   [untitled]    October 24, 2012 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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and, so, i would love to see us do -- excel on four or five aye at thextionv and do those to the best of our abilities, and that would be more preferable than 10 items that were done reasonably well. * you know, items 1 and 2, i think it's maybe good to have that for tracking, but i mean, the office of small business does this anyway and i'd have no problem with that being reviewed based on, you know, that it's thereby default. but as an action item, i've never had a problem there. i don't know if it has to be documented. so, just a comment of 4 or 5. i'd love to see the streamlining project, one-stop online business which i would tie into the permit tracking system which would be one of
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the goals that would be beneficial to the office of small business. item 3 is a big one, and item 9 is a big one. so, that's just my first comment with reading this the first time. >> does regina really have control over number 9? i mean, of course she is going to go to bat for us. i don't want to be grading her on things that she has control over, and there is not going to be an appropriation. it's going to be simply a matter of lobbying for funds. >> i'd hate to see a judgment on that one. >> commissioner riley. >> yeah, responding to commissioner o'brien's concern, we're looking at 10 being a lot, but we can lump them together. and like 3, 4, 5, 6 could be one under programs. >> right. >> and then you list each program. because four programs in the year is not that much.
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so, instead of listing every program separately, under the programs category, list of four programs. and item number 1, complete annual 2011-2013 annual report by end of fourth quarter 2012. any report, you know, they're due annually, right? so, are we doing, catching up for 2011-2012? >> that's a tight -- i'm sorry, that was a typo. so, complete the annual 2011-2012. >> um-hm. >> okay, because i was wondering how are you going to do a report for 2013 -- >> right. by the end of the year to do that, to do an annual -- [multiple voices] >> so, the end of 2012. >> correct. >> thank you. >> commissioner dooley? >> first, i would agree with commissioner o'brien that i
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think the streamlining project, that whole section, 8, 9 and 10 are extremely high priority. personally, i think that's the highest priority. so, i think we should reflect that. i'm also wondering about item 7 in terms of committee projects. whether that wouldn't just be the responsibility of the committee chairs rather than for you. >> well, i think going back to each committee and each committee has set its objective. and if the committee determines that it wants to change one of its assignments or projects and extend it into the following year, that's one thing. but it is also my responsibility to make sure staff is servicing you to get your projects completed. so, that is -- that's why that
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is there. it is just to ensure that staff is providing you the support you need to complete the projects that you want to achieve during the year with your committees. >> i think, then, it should go down towards the bottom of the totem pole. >> i do, too. >> number 7. because i do think that part of that obligation from the perspective of your performance evaluation is riding on the chairs of the committees doing their job. and if they're not doing your job and you're providing all the support, then i've got a distortion there. so, i think that should go to the bottom. and as commissioner dooley said, some of these others should be rising to the top. >> i think it could be reworded to assure that you provide the support, because if this here is showing there is a completion that really your responsibility is to provide the support.
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>> yeah, i agree with that. also, you know, the fine timelines are pretty in flux to some extent, just depending on how things are going situationally. so -- >> you don't manage us, you manage your own staff because we have our day jobs. >> right. and i'm thinking it more in managing us so that you can achieve what you want to do. should you make any changes, that's your prerogative. but if we're not providing you with things in a timely manner to achieve those things, that's more of the focus that i'm trying to get at. it's not about what -- the decisions you're making, it's about us getting you the information to make your decisions. >> you should change it as mark said. that's not quite what it says. right now what it says is you're responsible for the chair getting successful results. mark is saying you're responsible to ensure the staff reports to the subcommittees,
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which is the way i think it should be reworded. >> we have to be free to screw up on our own. [laughter] >> okay. so, i'll rephrase that so that it clearly states that staff is meeting the timelines requested by the committee to achieve their projects. >> and i'd like to just concur with my fellow commissioners. owe brian, e. riley, and dooley. first, i think like the program that could be one subset. streamlining projects, and i agree with you, commissioner dooley, that should be our top priority right now. >> so, one thing i could see is -- so, we put the steam streamlining project. i think one thing that needs to be finalized in that particular category is whether number 9 is included or not included. *
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and then programs is second, and going with commissioner -- i don't remember, commissioner o'brien or commissioner e. riley, put the programs under one item. and then number 7, and then we could have just, you know, standard yearly, you know, commission operations including annual reports, commission meetings, you know, materials are submitted on time. but lump it under sort of standard operations. >> i think that would be more efficient to do it that way. >> i agree. >> and arrange them in order of importance, 1 being the most important. this list may or may not have any relative importance. >> right.
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>> you have four, four recommendations. >> you mean, four goals, is that what -- >> four comments that have come back. change number 3 to incorporate 4, 5 and 6. >> yep. >> the second item is to streamline 8, 9 and 10, the streamlining project should be all lumped in together with a question mark on number 9. 3 were number 7, and 4 is to lump 1 and 2 into standard operations. >> that's perfect. >> all right. and then, so, does that sound good for the commission, then, with -- before we get into determining about number 9, so,
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the priority would be streamlined is number 1. number 2 would be the programs. is that -- >> yes. >> okay. number 4 is the committee, staff supporting the committee, the commission's committee work. >> yep. >> that would be number 3, excuse me. and then number 4, standard operations. or do you -- yes? >> yes. >> okay. so, now we have the prioritization. and then the next would -- now the final thing is to make the determination as per commissioner dwight's comments about item number 9 as to whether that should be part of the streamlineing oregon -- >> i think number 9 we really need to look at number -- >> number 9 should be performance criteria for you
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because that's not something you can control. >> yeah, i agree. >> it's either at the very least, instead of saying successfully negotiated, would say to the best of your abilities with the resources you have negotiated, or else it should be simply deleted. >> we could say take leadership role in negotiation -- >> advocated. >> let's first make a determination. do you think it should be a criteria that's there, a yes or a no? and it then if so, we can revise the way, you know, to use the word "advocate." >> i realize it should be there and the reason why is to keep us honest because we want to get more revenue. so, just as a reminder, keep us honest. so, i'd say that's the first one. and the second one i'd reword
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it to say -- as commissioner dooley suggested. >> we've alan mullally been lobbying for it aggressively. so, let's keep up the pressure. aggressively lobbying for it, that's objective enough so that we can measure your performance or grade your performance. but i don't think "success" is necessarily in your control, so. >> okay, all right. so, i will make the changes and then we will -- we do need -- i do need to bring it back for you before you at the november meeting for final approval. >> okay. do we have public comment at this point on item number 8? seeing none, public comment is closed. so, that's what you'll do, then, we'll vote on this in november after you reword it. >> yes, i think that is the most proper thing to do, for you to see the final product.
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and then make -- and then have the final vote. >> okay. next item. >> commissioners, you are now on item number 9, director's report, update and report on the office of small business and the small business assistance center, update on department programs, update on legislative matters, update on mobile retail, update on the west portal fire, update on the civil grand jury report on the arts commission, and make announcements regarding small business activities. >> all right, commissioners. so, before you is my director's report. it's been a very busy month. so, at our last meeting, which was i believe october 1st, on
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october 2nd scott halgey convened a meeting with small business leaders with the mayor. and while i will speak to some of the items, president adams in his president's report who was in attendance is going to speak -- elaborate on it more. i just want to let you know that our role for our office is, one, whenever the mayor convenes a meeting, he always has staff there who he needs to have on hand. -- as it pertains to who he's meeting with. but also second, we also presented on the online business portal and had the discussion and the mayor is very supportive of this. * a we have started to move and progressing towards this with the mayor's office of chief innovation taking on some leadership and create and working to create the online
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business portal. so, i just want to let you know the mayor was very receptive, is interested in this. it's part of his 13 -- it's part of his 17-point job plan, number 13. and, so, i just want to move into the next item, which is the online business portal. so, since that meeting we have convened a -- a meeting was convened with the department heads, with the mayor, and with the mayor making a direct ask to the departments, the 13 key departments, businesses have to interface with to open their business, and asking for their support to work with the mayor's oewd, moci, which is the mayor's office of civic innovation, and our office to work on developing this online business portal because we need from them a lot of information for us to be able to create it,
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to develop the road maps for this. so, what i have for you, i'm not going to go into great detail about it right now, but this lays out what both todd, jay and i have worked with about some goals to work towards this online business portal. and one element that is being worked on that we haven't had a presentation with and we will get is the enterprise zone tax credits to apply. they're developing an online application for that. and that is -- they're working to have it be delivered by the end of this year. we have our license 1, 2, 3. and that, our license 1, 2, 3, we have had to extend the
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timeline, but we are scheduled to have that go live january 2013. so, right now jane is is doing q/a testing and then mid november we're going to beta test it at our counter. so, have jane, christian and martha use it while they're working with business clients. mid december do a soft launch, and then in january 2013 do an official launch. while that's happening -- so, with this meeting with the department heads, what we have asked for them is to help -- for them -- the first step that we need from them is to complete a survey of their permits. and, so, in your packet is a permit mapping survey that we are asking the departments to fill out per permit.
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and this is for the permits that are straight on, an application for a department of public health permit, per se, to open to do a mobile food facility. we have separate surveys for the unique items that are impact fees. there are some regulatory items that businesses do need to do, but they don't require an application or a fee to do it, such as needing to post the no-smoking in front of your business. so, those are some of the regulatory items. there are separate surveys that we're asking departments to capture that data and information and provide it to us. so, those surveys are due at the end of the year. and then the next step will be beginning to develop the road maps and relationship to business sector types. so, i wanted you to see what
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the current plan and project plan is for the online business portal. * in relationship so, do you have any particular questions in relationship to that? >> really happy to see it moving forward. >> this is a good questionnaire, online access, online public documents, can they be submitted online [speaker not understood]. >> right. so, and the idea is with department of building inspection and planning, they're developing their permitting tracking system. so, this is not designed -- we're not going to be trying to duplicate, replicate that. we're going to be working to find -- we're going to be working to establish the points where there's intersections with other systems. but some departments, such as
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the entertainment commission are working to move a little more quickly to get their application to be accepted online and to take online payments. so, different departments are at different stages and we need to be able to -- we need to know that. so that as we're developing this, where are the departments. so, some may need -- some may need a little more intensive work and others may be a little farther ahead. so, as we develop the scope and put it out, figure out the cost of what we need to do to accomplish what we want to do, we need to have a thorough assessment of where each department is. so, that's what the survey is for, including having a thorough assessment of all the permits and regulatory items. while i know that jane and martha know almost everything, but i don't want to assume that we know almost everything.
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so, that's why we're asking the departments to fill that out. next, i just wanted to highlight what the invested neighborhoods or disaster response. so, unfortunately we've had a second fire in west portal on november -- i mean october 5th. seven businesses were affected, two properties have been red tagged. so, we are -- we've done one on one engagementses with the businesses. this time around, we have more employees that have been impacted by the fire, so, we have engaged with our office of economic workforce and development to begin to work with those businesses -- the employees who may lose their job because the business is closed, and may be closed for a while. and we are also providing our
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regular any relocation assistance, expedited permitting, legal assistance. and then -- and if there is interest, we will apply for the sba economic injury loan. so, the request for the businesses to fill out the work sheet, for us to be able to submit to that has gone out to the businesses. we're looking to schedule a meeting with them hopefully by the end of the week with the businesses to, you know, make a final determination as to whether we will apply tort economic injury loan. just to go back to ocean avenue, two of the businesses are currently submitting applications for the sba economic injury loan. so, to provide you with an update for that. and then the friends of the commission of the status of women have put together an indigo go site for two
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businesses that are women business owned that were damaged in the ocean avenue fire. next small business saturday is coming up november 24th and if the commission has endorsed it, we are finalizing -- we are working on the proclamations and declarations. jane and i are meeting with jason next week to figure out what our, you know, what additional support we can have. i know that they'll be presenting at monthly next week. >> yep. >> and also we've been contacted by sf travel and they -- american express is one of their key partners and they want to do something as well. so, there is a conference call can sf travel on wednesday. so, i will keep you apprised on this, the november meeting, let you know what has -- what's being developed. legislation and policy, i will
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not go into a greet detail about that. policy matters, mobile retail, i forgot to make a note of this in your director's report. but we've convened a meeting with different departments. and what's starting to happen at the small business assistance center, we've had businesses come in who are interested in opening retail operations in a mobile truck. so, there's a lot of policy questions in relationship to that. retail is much more broad than food. and policy questions about more and more commerce taking place out on our public streets. so, our office has convened a meeting with dph, mta, sfpd,
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dpw, and oewd to start developing one, first, kind of a policy perspective on what we're going to do with this. and then right now there isn't any permit structure for these entities because dpw handles mobile [speaker not understood]. police department has a pedaler's permit but doesn't permit any operation out on the streets or in trucks out on the streets for retail. and retail has -- retail can go many which ways, good, you know, honest retail and not honest retail. so, how do we -- >> [speaker not understood]? >> drive by retail. >> that's been out for awhile. >> which one? >> letruck. >> oh, yeah. >> there are a couple retail clothing -- i've seen the clothing because the one clothing where she opens up the
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back door and the ramp comes down and you can go up in there. >> right. >> i think, director, it's important that we take some cues from the mobile foods. be mindful of the fact that the brick and mortar businesses who have substantially more overhead costs and pay a lot more into their community don't end up with a big disadvantage because of. this i had another restauranture tell me there is an application in for four or five mobile food trucks to go into the west portal district, and he's not a happy camper about it. so, i'm really hope that -- because i think we all learned a great idea. seemed like a good idea to me. i wouldn't say it's a great idea now. [speaker not understood]. be more informed and careful. i'm hoping these things we learned from that coming into
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play discussing what's going to happen. the other aspect also, we all think of a truck doing this. i also see where people will settle -- maybe it's the same thing, but they'll settle by a booth on 24th street during certain saturday mornings and will have a thousand boxes of shoes there right on 24th street. i think they fall into the mobile category. so, we need to take that into account. just some feedback as you're going through this. >> correct, right. and, again, also needing to take a comprehensive look of -- we currently have mobile food trucks, we have [speaker not understood], bike corrals all going into parking spaces. again, taking a look at the aggregate of everything. and also two other -- i mean, as you said, you know, the concern of it could be -- there
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is a legitimate concern of goods and merchandise that are, you know -- >> of questionable origin. >> of questionable origin, thank you for that. and, so, that's not something that we want to make easily -- to happen easily. also the other element is that let's say there could be a-d-a concerns. and if we're permitting things in the public space that are not a-d-a accessible, so, we've had some of those discussions. and if we, you know, if we move into a permitting structure that needs to be taken into consideration as well. not only for the benefit of the business, but also in terms of kind of our policy objective as well for the city.
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so, i just wanted to -- before this really -- i don't think it's going to -- it's booming to the extent that mobile foods was happening, but it is something -- we are starting to see more and more requests come in from wanting to operate a retail type of business. through this means. so, to get ahead of it and not to be reactive of it, we're working on this. we will also be meeting with some of the individuals in the industry as well. those -- to also make sure we get their perspective and understanding and if we do craft a permit, that it's crafted in a way that can support something, but not to the detriment of our neighborhood commercial districts and, you know, goods that are of questionable origin.
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so, we'll keep you -- yes. >> can you report back to us as you're getting these inquiries? it will be interesting for us to get a baseline on what types of businesses are looking to expand the mobile truck thing. just so we kind of get an idea what we're looking at. >> um-hm. so, i'll make sure that we -- we'll ask -- i'll ask martha to just provide that information for us. -- at each meeting and also at committee meetings. * a-d-a update, we are working with asian neighborhood design through their -- through the sf shines program. we got some additional cbd -- community -- community development grant dollars to expand the ability f