tv [untitled] October 25, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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industrial uses and adjacent uses in the bay view. recognizing there is unique relationship in the areas and residential neighborhoods are directly across the street. unfortunately with the demolition of one portion of the property this weekend myself and my constituents discovered there is no public notifications in these zoning categories to alert folks to major demolition or construction work that is taking place immediately adjacent to them. i look forward to working with the planning department as well as the city attorney's office and the neighborhood to create this to address the buffer zones so they have the opportunity of opportunities taking place. the second item that i have today is in cosponsorship with mayor lee. it's a proposed term sheet and
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feasibility analysis of the first phase of pier 70 and along with several other sites were hubs of commercial and maritime activity. the partnership between the port and horton development will facilitate the investment of nearly $60 million into the restoration of six 19th century historic buildings. these buildings are absolutely beautiful. if you have before outside the site and structures it's truly priceless and even in the decaying state they have memories that formed our city's maritime history and our neighborhooded. i couldn't be more excited to move this project forward and create new modern uses and open space and return the space to the active
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commercial hub it once was. the rest i commit. >> thank you supervisor. that concludes roll call for introductions. >> thank you. let's go to general public comments. >> the next item is the opportunity for the public to comment within ten minutes on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. please note that public comment is not allowed for those that of subject to public comment by a board committee. speakers using translation assistance will get twice the time to testify and if a member of the public would like a document displayed and state such and return the document when we return to live coverage of the meeting. >> okay. let's hear from the first giant's fan
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as you see my [inaudible] and i am one of the fans of giants like avalos and the other supervisor. the information i would like to given here for our president which i voted for him in 2008 as you know and then i voted today too. why? i suspected and i love what he says yesterday. [inaudible] -- >> i need to interrupt you at this moment. as you know in the board chamber we're not allowed to campaign for any measure or person and i ask to you keep it on topic.
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>> okay. i vote today for barack obama and i wish him good luck and good luck to you and be our president -- >> thankful. >> he left the white house empty. you know that. thank you. >> >> thank you. go giants and of course stop the corporate rape of the friends of the library and you have to look at their history over the sefert decades to understand the abuses of privatization. in 1990 an organization called the library foundation of san francisco announced it had a goal to raise $30 million for a new library. we don't know how much went to the library. we know know that the library was upon dysfunctional and didn't have room for books and took millions more to fix. we know when the campaign was finished the
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friends of the foundation had $23 million in the bank. when it came to talking to the finance committee under leeand yee and decided to go without the city. when the branch improvement program began to was to raise 16 million raised 40 million spend 48 million now the project is almost finished and the only records the city have to show reveal they gave 3.6 million and can you imagine where they're given license opportunities and no one is required to account for the money? this is not just the one recent betrayalal. when someone like david chiu or scott wiener
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prevents the friends from being accountable they are abusing the public that has lasted for over decades and costs millions of dollars and the damage to the democracy is more important and the lies more than the money. thank you. >> next speaker. >> i would like the over head to remain on the screen through the presentation until i remove my last slide. i would like to talk to you again about mayor lee. he started out his tenure with the "i won't run if i am appointed" and we know how that worked out, and i changed slide and grabbed the wrong one. he will attempt to over turn an election using a
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goldberg machine to do it. however we will ignore misconduct with pointed officials under his control. this say letter sent to the mayor and the ethnics commission with regard to jewel gomez and violated the sunshine ordinance and by the task force. "after publicly discussing the matter and the library meeting at issue the ethics determined that the president jewel gomez willfully violated the sun shine ordinance and shouted down a member and during public comment. they then voted unanimously to recommend to the mayor to remove her from office. the mayor ignored it. never responded so on september 24 of this year they
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sent another letter and the ethics commission hasn't received any letter from you asking you advise the commission what action you have taken or will take in connection to this matter. i think it's really hypocritical and a fair term to use when you're willing to take an elected official out of office andis baed on the recommendation and yet make a unanimous recommendation to remove someone -- >> [inaudible] >> thank you next speaker. >> my name is eugene gordon junior. billions of historical light years are raining particulate and martin handbook of physics and mia publishers
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moscow and. qant tum mechanics qeel with physics and atoms and their associations. crystals in particular as well as atomic new clee i and the process is the way properties are established for light is of a universal nature. the simplest form in nature is mechanic nature and changes in parts and space and narrow and sense often meaning classical mechanics and dealing with motion macroscopic bodies traveling at great times of light and free space . the laws of motions and bodies post of light and free space are relative mechanics, quantum
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mechanics". evidence confrontation. imperialism and followers and national and sovereign survival contest continuum. revolution, revolutions to end capital currency and for public ownership of means of production, cooperative collective community. to think this matter in labor classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, dialect tal materialism. >> next speaker. >> you know joseph spoke with pharaoh and told him the dream is one. god showed pharaoh what he's about to do. the seven cows or seven years and the seven ears and he doubled it because it was surely going to
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happen, and it did happen, and hopefully they can read this. okay good. last time it was so bright you couldn't read t i did a really lousily job. hopefully i will improve but what i tried to explain last time i was here is that the bible itself establishes this period of time to the dus trekz of the temp and to christ and had these years so in round numbers it was 560 years. then it gives a spiritual number of three and a half years because if you really study the prophecy carefully the messiah, the lord jesus had to be cut off or killed in the 487th year. hopefully i haven't confused you and believe me i know of what i speak and since
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the three and a half years is after the 560 and god says jesus returns after three and a half and it's obvious it's a spiritual three and a half and logical to multiply the previous figureo i did and i arrived at 9060 years which is strange because the 560 years does not start on a jubilee year. >> >> it's three sabbatical cycles yet when it ends it ends on a jubilee year. 1996 was a jubilee year and from the 70 weeks from the end of daniel which i mentioned before -- >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon board of supervisors and president chiu.
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and so in 1962 january it snowed. i will show you a picture. here it comes up. that's our backyard and the golden gate park is right here and the bridge is over this way and that's part of it, and let's see. here are some more pictures of the backyard and there is snow out there on the street there. and that was 1962 and here is our dog and the bridge in the background in 1962 or 64 rather. yeah. and that is the golden gate bridge and we're on the bay fishing. here i am showing you pictures, pictures of the boat club. it's no longer there. it's on mariposa street. hi mom and
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dad. that's a little bit of history there, and next time the sheriff is going to stay. next time the sheriff going to stay for more than just a day. next time the sheriff's going to stay. next time the sheriff's going to staff. next time the sheriff's going to stay for more than just a day . city you found me just in time before you came my time was running low. (singing). my bridges all were crossed. no where to go. now you're here in city. i just know where i am going. no more
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doubt and fear. >> next speaker. >> the next one was a tony bennett song, one of my favorites. i am james patrick carol and a student at city college. i am here to voice my support for the continuing -- continue egg of the muni up into the north beach. >> >>i think a lot of people would like the option to get out in the evening to go to north beach in the lunge in the afternoon or dinner in the evening. for those heading up to north beach for those here in san francisco is a great option. taking mass transit would be better. the light rail is quick to be installed. it's efficient. it
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is but anyway there of problems with some of the operators lately but my point being i want to voice my support for it. i think it should go forward. i think we should go forward with this proposal, and give all san franciscans and tourists, our families and friends a chance to come to the city, or if we live there go up to north beach have lunch or dinner and check out the things up there. thank you very much. i hope that you do have a great day. >> next speaker please. >> i have an overview. a couple weeks ago i made appeal here to this board after i was assaulted by san francisco soccer league officials wielding pipes. they
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knew i opposed to introducing hundreds of toxic infill material into the ocean view neighborhood and golden gate park. as you know they kicked me in the head and left me blooding with a concussion and after they targeted me on the corporate sponsored website. i lived in texas and louisiana in the south and never seen such a good old boy system and robust and epidemic than right here but i believe people need to stand up to bullies including the foundation shrewd billionaires and the well paid lobbies and business friends and associates who stand to reap millions of dollars as well as other favors from these projects. i have spoken to my friends in ocean view who of lead by the foundation partnership and its
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lobbyist s. the so-called gift that the ocean view neighborhood and the sheraton eliminateistry school will be living and breathing with 24/7 is a concealed cancer risk plain and simple. bullies and their followers don't operate in a vacuum and require responsible people like us to stay silent and ignore the corrupting influence. i would hope one of you sitting here would stand up for citizens and give a balanced perspective or for the children and for the soccer officials and to stop another killing or a spill incident. just this morning i was contacted by tv 60 minutes and with the help of groups throughout the country i will provide the information and background. >> thanks. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon supervisors. i have been putting this picture here on display for a while now. i believe it is a depiction of a bull located downtown manhattan around water street, i think it's ten water street. i place that just to give you an image of what it might be like working at downtown new york for a bull company let's say. then the lord said to moses "go into pharaoh and tell him thus the lord god, the hiewb rues and lead them go and if you refuse to let them go and the hand of the lord is on the kotle in the
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field, on the horses, on the camels, on the oxen, on the sheep and severe testament and the lord will make the difference of the life stock of egypt and israel and had a set time and the lord will do this thing in the land and the lord did this thing the next day and all the life stock of egypt died but the life stock of children of israel not one died and the pharaoh went and not one of the israelites was died and the lord said to moses take for yourself and handful of ashes from a furnace and let moses scatter towards the heavens and in the sight of pharaoh it and
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become fine dust in egypt and boils that break out on man and beast and all the land of egypt. >> thanks. next speaker. >> yes, i am born and raised in san francisco. i have been been back for a while. i am asking some probably questions. i didn't hear if you're allowed to get a response. for instance why can't citizens pull items from the consent agenda? in el dorado county in tal hoe citizens can pull and the amount of time is different than what you
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stated and i took the bus to get here and all the people who may have been spread out around the park -- i call it plaza park were kind of more angry than ever on turk street. they have no place to go when they can't go in the plaza. this skate board thing could be held somewhere else. and the lafayette line and when a park is a park you don't need to construct things and there are other parks happening. this is an example -- how do we call it? the construction mafia and we have $5 million to do this. we want to do this and you're tearing out trees and i applaud the people opposing this. and stand up and keep trees where they are. don't cut trees even if it means dollars and
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sometimes people believe quality of life is the line but quality of life is the line. >> thanks next speaker. >> next speaker please. >> thank you. i was waiting for the attention of the chair and one of the supervisors. i am peter warfield executive director of library users association. on october 4 2 weeks prior to the day of the expiration of the a library promised to two artists who had helped put up the mu ral the library had the bernal heights mural and the others painted out. the library had sent a
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required 90 day notice to two of the artists who had participated in the creation of that mural telling them they had until october 16 to remove it. instead on october 4 again almost two weeks prior to the date they had given those artists they went ahead without presumably heard from the artists -- at least according to the city librarian and went to paint out the mural. there was no prep work. they simply painted over this wonderful 30 year old mural which was approved by the library commission three years plus and had latino and other community connections. we have heard about a so-called community process that was supposedly involved and what we find out is aside from the many problems that we have pointed out here previously the more we learn
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the more there are very questionable issues with regard to that process. the so-called mediator was found by a friend of the mediator and introduced to the supervisor who appointed her. she then turned around and appointed her friend to the so-called community process and it went downhill from there. thank you. >> thank you. any other members of the public wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none. public comment is closed. madam clerk can you move to the adoption calendar. >> the next items are considered without committee reference and enacted on a single call and if a member wants to sef veran item it can be separately. >> anybody want to sef veran
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>> [gavel] >> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of october 23rd. we are back for our 3:30 special order for restaurant appreciation month. let me start off by saying on behalf of our colleagues and our 800,000 residents that like eating in the best restaurants in the entire world i want to thank you those that have been really at the forefront of running amazing establishments and serving up and cooking great food and what i would like to do is go in reverse district number order and start with supervisor avalos from district 11. >> thank you president chiu. colleague i am rising to honor
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the broken record bar and grill. unfortunately jason king can't be here and actually right now putting together a new kitchen in his establishment. it occupies a space where another great district 11 restaurant used to be "momma's cooking" and "broken record" is there established in 2008 and a great place to eat and a great watering hole in this part of san francisco and in fact there is a group of people that come from san francisco and the bay area to come to the broken record. a great selection of drinks and whiskeys and jason is a big aficionado of whiskeys and things his bar and had different things come and in in that
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