tv [untitled] October 31, 2012 2:30am-3:00am PDT
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espinola jackson, francisco decosta, leah otis martin from huntersview. [ reading speakers' names ]. >> i will let the tenants speak. so i will speak after them. >> people can come forward. thank you. >> hello there. my name is leo martin, i'm a tenant at huntersview. let me see, first of all, if you don't mind we would like to have the commission's meeting held in city hall for the people that can't make it. it could be televised and they would watch it some day later or whatever, because a lot of people can't get out and a lot of people need to know what is
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going on over here when they had the commission meetings. second of all, i don't think the kids that are on their parents lease should have as much power as these people give them because once they become 18 you can't just take them off your lease, but you are still liable for your kid if your kid does something wrong and gets evicted, the whole house gets evicted because of the bad beaver behavior of the kid and that needs to be changed. any time that the parents let the kids talk to them anyway they want and that is a problem. what else was i going to say? i got my daughter all messed up.
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i was talking about something else. help me out. oh, yeah, the right to return. i'm sorry for the pause, but that threw me for a loop. the right to return, that should go for everyone that actually does move out and comes back in. because everybody that has been there for a while has been through so much, through so much killing. their families are getting killed and not only that, housing in a sense helps handicapped people because in the beginning these places weren't meant for a family to live there and stay there and then the next family lives there and stays and there and we need higher education for our kids to get out and get a
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job to make enough money to move anywhere that they want to move, you know? and we need more people to speak up for our community in district 10, because we're only as strong as our weakest ling, you know? and everybody deserves an opportunity to live a rightous life. you don't have to be fearful for going outside because you might get struck by a bullet and don't have nothing to do with nothing. that is not right. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon i'm jeanise hughes and i'm a little nervous so i will have sai a what i have so say really quick. i was wondering if the meetings could be held here so they could be televised and they can see it from their homes?
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and everybody should have a right to return no matter what the cause is. that is it. >> thank you. next speaker, there decosta. >> supervisors, this morning i sent you all an email and in that email is a link about hud. how the housing and urban development a long time ago, before this silly ordinance that you are all proposing, offered anyone who lives in public housing the right to own their own units. so monies
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were set aside for the tenants to buy their units. those units were not built by the city. they were not built by the state. they were built by the department of defense. and hud made a great mistake by transferring it to the san francisco housing authority, the most despicable agency in the whole nation. we have crimes being committed like this. a lady and her family bolted and then the unit set on fire. and i can give you a hundred more incidents where people leave, where sewage runs all over the place, where the elderly are put in transit from rehab units. the rehab units are demolished, so that john stewart company
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can build whatever and our elderly are put in other homes where asbestos fly all over the place and in months they die and you think it's a joke and come up with some ordinance this. is sickening. this is the city named after st. francis. where is the compassion? why aren't we educated on issues? after all the gang injunctions and after everybody has been removed and after so many have died and after a whole community has been bombarded, now we want to come to their rescue at the tail-end? while the john stewart company, the bridge developers, mercy housing and other big developers want this property to build market-value homes.
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pretending that they are going to give the poor people something, but when the time comes they are going to ask the poor people, do you have a good credit rating? and i want to ask you supervisors, do you have a good credit rating, something above 800 and say 880 points? most of you all don't have it. how do you expect the poor people to have it? think about it. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, my name is tracy. thank you for televising this for other public housing tenants who can't make it. i have to read this. i have a disability, because i can't remember nothing. so i am a tenant of huntersview public housing and i'm going through it the relocation. during our relocation everyone should have the right to return. i have the right to return.
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as time goes by, i realize that this relocation project is an attempt to push the black community out of san francisco. i attended the design meeting in 2009 and found out this year that nothing that we said was taken in, not only that, those who are very low-income are affected too. those who are waiting on the waiting-list for public housing have to have good credit. i have learned that at a meeting months ago they will check credits now. that is discrimination also. is it an attempt to remove the very low-income too out of san francisco? but what about the sick and the seniors who can't help themselves to fix their credit? my community new home is shoved in the corner. here is a picture. i don't know if you can see that. we're down here. but all of the other -- my community is shoved in the
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corner on the bottom where there is no view. but all of the other tax credit and homeowners get to have the million-dollar views. me and my residents are already going through a lot with our relocation, which i put a complaint with housing authority. i can't believe to this day it's still open. going on three months and i know there is no investigation started because nobody has called me for witnesses. nobody cares about what me and my residents is going through, but just care about all of the money that they are receiving to help my community through our transition. i swear under the hud rules no one should be evicted under the eviction protection law, but i see others being evicted during our relocation. anyway, here are some of the rules that i think is kind of ridiculous. why did they take away all of our living essentials, but
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other john stewart buildings in san francisco has back and front door, washer outlets, balcony, windows and a kitchen and bathroom? why do i have to pay security deposit just to move back? and another thing is i will be evicted if i am arrested and found not guilty. these are rules that are ridiculous to my community. the black community has a right to stay in the communities that have stayed in for years. they were brought from africa here and again i'm speaking for bayview hunters point. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, good afternoon. chair mar, supervisor cohen and supervisor wiener. my name is tessie ester ceo of mothers against crime and i ran a foodbank on fridays and i'm
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the coordinator for mother's committee on environmental justice. people speaking on huntersview are so right. there with 250 residents living in hunterview and right now there are only 125. some choose to move and some got evicted, which shethy they shouldn't have. like tracy was saying, i have seen three bridges all my life and right now i see nothing, there is no view and it's not fair. i have great concern about the residents that did move. how are they going to be able to find these people and come back? because they do have a right. right now we have been working very hard with mr. alvarez. he took us through the house rules and everything.
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three weeks ago we had a meeting. i didn't agree with these house rules and we did a petition in huntersview to go over it again. we took it down to the mayor's office, to amy peterson, who is here today, but we still haven't heard from them. one of our main concerns that we're having now we have these cbos and non-profit organizations using huntersview name to get funding. i'm asking you supervisors, you guys need to look into that. they are going through the cbos and getting tickets for this and tickets for that and not giving it to the residents that live there and pay rent. it's not fair. who are the people to decide where the money is going without us being at the table? we're asking you desperately, we have a right to be able to have connection with our services which they are not doing. if they are going to give it to
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somebody else, why are they here? i hope we can continue to work with mr. alvarez and he has given me time and patience working with the housing authority to work things out. but i want you guys to look into this about this right to return. if we can't return, than nobody can return. if we can't have these things -- [speaker not understood] we're being aced out of our own community and it's not fair. as you know huntersview is a housing family development. what about our children? you are telling us that our kids can't do that. our kids have to be in at 6:00. our kids have more say so and authority in our house. that is how they raised their kids, but not mine. i ask you to look into this matter as soon as possible. >> miss ester you mentioned 257 units, but only 125
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currently used? >> 125? it's 107 now? supervisor cohen will speak to this a moment and my understanding is that hope sf u the procedure is that people aren't displaced, but they are staying in the same vicinity, so that as the new units are developed, but you are critical of that project? >> yes i am. i have no problem working with hope sf, but they need to work with the residents. we know more about what is going on in our community than hope sf, the ywca and anybody else. we live there everyday. we know what is going on and without us being at the table, i have a problem with that. i'm the president of the council and community activist and i have been doing this since 1959. you can't tell me about my community more than me.
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i think if they would work more closely with the resident and resident leaders and people in the community, who we work w with, i think we could make a difference. i'm here to look out for the best interest of my residents. huntersview is a family housing development and these people using our names and getting money for programs, they are talking bay program at huntersview and there is nothing going up there and we need do something about that. >> thank you, miss ester. next speaker. >> espinola jackson. i used to be a tenant in huntersview. and the tenants association is the group that makes the decisions to what goes on in that neighborhood. i was the chair of 15 -- we had 15 different areas, housing areas. and we would meet once a month
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to talk about what was in our area. we don't have that anymore. the tenants have lost their voice. they have lost their voice and i hope that you support having it televised, so people can really see what is going on. who is who and who is playing the game on the tenants? i was very surprised when i went to the housing authority commission meeting last thursday to support it being televised. to see a commission, who was a supporter of the lenoir and when i look around and go to different places i see people sitting that did not support the community, but supported lenoir and the health problems that are going on in community. people are dying. they are dying over there. and the thing of it is that it seems as though the only thing anybody is concerned with is
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the big developers. you know, at one time being black living in fillmore and you said i'm going to hunters-point, you would say oh, no i'm not going over there, but guess what? they have learned since 1996 how sunny it is over there. no fog over there and we have got all of these developers, you know, coming into san francisco to build over there. do you know that they build these -- i was looking at, i believe it's on page -- one of these pages. i can't see that well anyway. do you know that they don't even have windows in the bathroom that these people are fixing to move back into? they don't have backdoors. they were promised that the units would be the same size as the ones that they left of the they are now smaller and they are fixing to do phase 2 and guess what happened? they selected a non-tenant to
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work with the engineer and it's wrong. it's politics. i know you may not want to hear it, but i'm here to tell you to look into and make sure that the tenants are listened to. >> thank you, miss jackson. next speaker, mr. paulson. >> when will i see housing again? when will we share precious housing moments? if i have to wait forever, will i have to suffer, suffer the whole land use day? when will i see it come my way? we got money, we got friends, is this my beginning or is this the housing end? when will i see housing again? and return
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it again? when will i see it again? [ applause ] >> thank you. next speaker. if there is anyone else who would like to speak, please come forward. >> hi, my name is maxine and i have been a housing resident for more than five years. and i live at alice griffin. i have been attending the residents advisory board and i have been through the leadership academy. and i also am a shelter monitor for the city for city homeless -- city-funded homeless shelters. i would just like to speak about the right to return that in motivating residents they are going to be for more encouraged when they feel that they have this right in legislation that it becomes law. it's going to take everybody to make a successful redevelopment
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in alice griffin and the other developments. the more help you can get the better and from the other parties involved, supervisors, cities, developers. it will encourage residents to make more effort if they feel they have a guaranteed right. additional screening, i am a very present person in the tenants' association. i'm not on the board, but i come to all of the meetings and there is already a lot of misunderstanding about the additional screening and what they are saying at the meetings that you would need. so i think that would clarify it. also, having the third party to review the claims and discrepancies. the current housing authority hearing process is sort of run by housing authority. that people who are in the
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housing authority do the reviewing and the judgment basically. and a lot of people, advocates and residents, don't feel like they use that system very much because it's sort of an in-house thing. and also about the -- i will just make a comment about having the housing authority at city hall. being on the shelter monitoring committee we used to have our meetings in a smaller place, where we got lots of people who were of course unhappy about sheriff's shelters and when they moved it to city hall it's a much better place for people to access and to listen and to find out. thank you. >> thank you, seeing no other public comment, public comment is closed. i wanted to ask a question of mr. alvarez, who is here. i know a number of questions were made about the process, and i know that that policy is
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really intended to minimize permanent displacement and hardship, but also really protect the rights of residents of public housing. i would just like to know if you could respond to some of the comments? >> sure. good afternoon, mr. chairman and chairman mar, supervisor cohen and supervisor wiener, the boards and commissions in july of '09 passed similar policy regarding this executive right to return. however, the exclusive right to return and this purpose of this legislation is to do that and we support that initiative. i believe there is some misunderstanding. so for the current residents the issue -- there won't be any additional
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screening to my knowledge and there won't be any need for housing deposits and they will simply be transferred to the new property. anyone who has not been evicted or in the process of being evicted or moving day will summarily being able to move. it will be their choice. some of the other questions of the house rules, there will likely be house rules, of particular things that the property management company wants to see differently. in other words, things like music, whether it should go beyond 10:00 p.m. or number of guests and where one can park. those are common elements found in most apartment complexes in the city and county and we don't expect that to be any different than nirelse.anywhere else. the third item that you heard quite a bit about is how we handle appeals.
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currently those are handled by third party attorneys typically. they are under contract to the authority burb they are not employees of the authority and to be very candid, it's rare that we overturn a hearing officer's decision. i think the real confusion as i hear some of what we're hearing is a conversation of what will happen with our current residents as opposed to what will happen at the turnover of new residents moving into the building. lastly let me say i'm very excited about huntersview and it's above ground and i encourage you to take a look at it. it's absolutely beautiful and the views from those buildings will be as intended to be and when we have our grand opening
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you can join us and celebrate what we're doing at huntersview. thank you. >> thank you. colleagues are there any other questions or concerns? let me just ask supervisor wiener and supervisor cohen, we have amendments that were introduced and adopted last meeting. can we adopt the non-substantive amendment that miss henderson produced without objection? [ gavel ] and then colleagues can we move this forward with a positive recommendation without objection? [ gavel ] >> thank you >> thank you everybody for coming out and thank you miss henderson and thank supervisor olague as well. is there any further business before us? >> there is no further business, chairman. >> thank you everyone. meeting adjourned [ [ gavel ].
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>> the meeting you will come it order. good afternoon, everyone, this is monday, october 23, 2012. this is the land use and economic development committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. my name is eric mar, chairman of the committee, to my right is melina cohen and also david camp camp. miss miller. >> please be sure to turn off all electronic devices. documents to be included as part of the file should be
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submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the october 23rd board of supervisors meeting unless otherwise stated. >> i want to thank our sfgtv staff for televising this today. we have 3 items on the agenda. we have had a request to move item 3 above item 2. is there any objection to that, colleagues? please call item 1. >> item 1. >> changes to the planning code, uses, signsing building features, floor area ratio, parking and compliance in specified use districts. >> council member olague
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>> colleagues, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to be here. today i am respectfully asking the land use committee to split file no. 110548 for the purpose of making a minor change to the planning code in my district, specifically the ordinance that once it's split moves forward if you agree with our request, would amend section 231 of the planning code to awill you for greater size and depth from a corner for limited commercial uses in the rto mission district. currently these uses are allowed to have a depth of 50 feet from the corner and a size of 1200 feet occupied square feet, my apologies. the ordinance that we would like to see go forward would amend
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these numbers to 100 feet and 2,500 feet, respectively. the reason that we are here is that this change was actually supposed to be made in an earlier version of the legislation which was actually the main reason that we had been co-sponsors of the original legislation but unbeknowns to us and without consultation with my office at the planning commission, there was a change that was made that actually took this piece out of the original legislation. and so this portion that was supposed to be included was removed from the original legislation and that happened even though not only were we supporting this change but also supervisors president chiu, supervisors olague were actually in agreement with
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