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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2012 7:00am-7:30am PDT

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but the incredible frustration of passenger who is are put into difficult situations when they experience switchbacks certainly i echo the sentiments to look at this practice and make sure it doesn't happen. >> thanks president chiu and before we approve the resolution i would like to open it up for public comment. any members of the public like to comment? seeing none it is close. president chiu. >> i make a motion to recommend the recommended actions. >> okay. and we can do that without objection. madam clerk are there any further items? >> no there are not. >> okay. we are adjourned.
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.1. welcome to the tuesday october 30th meeting of the board of supervisors of the city and county of san francisco, home of the world champion san francisco giants. madam clerk, can you please call the roll? >> supervisor avalos? >> present. >> avalos present. supervisor campos? campos present. president chiu? chiu president. supervisor chu? chu absent. supervisor cohen?
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cohen presented. supervisor elsbernd? elsbernd present. supervisor farrell? farrell present. supervisor kim? kim present. supervisor mar? mar present. supervisor olague? olague present. supervisor wiener? wiener present. mr. president, you have a quorum. >> thank you. colleagues, could we have a motion to excuse hrchu? motion by supervisor campos, seconded by supervisor olague without objection, she shall be excused. ladies and gentlemen, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> colleagues, we have our september 13th and september 25th, 2012 board meeting minutes. could i have a motion to approve those minutes? motion by supervisor cohen, second by supervisor campos, without objection those meetings are approved.
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madam clerk, are there 012a communications? >> there are no communications, mr. president. >> can you read our consent agenda? >> items 1 and 2 comprise the consent agenda. these items are considered routine, however ah matter can be removed and considered separately. >> roll call vote. >> on items 1 and 2. supervisor campos? >> aye. >> aye. . >> aye. president chiu? supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor elsbernd? aye. supervisor farrell? aye. supervisor mar? aye. olague aye. wiener aye. avalos aye. there are 10 ayes. >> these motions are approved. next item. >> item 3 is an ordinance amending the san francisco administrative code by: 1) adding chapter 39, sections 39.1 through 39.9, to establish the san francisco right to revitalized housing ordinance and set city policy regarding the right to return to revitalized public housing units; and 2) adding section 37.6(n) to establish new powers for the san francisco residential rent stabilization and arbitration board in
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connection with the new san francisco right to revitalized housing ordinance. >> same house same call. this ordinance is finally passed. item 4. >> item 4, ordinance amending the administrative code to monitor san francisco's hoisting perezer policies and goals and making the requisite finding. >> supervisor olague. >> i just wanted to ask for one -- what will hopefully be the last request for continuance of this item to november 20th because i have not yet had the opportunity to discuss this with the planning department. i want to be respectful of that. >> supervisor olague has made a motion to this bev this item to the 20th, seconded by supervisor campos. colleagues, any objection? without objection this item will be continued to the 20th. item 5. >> item 5 is resolution adopting findings under the california environmental quality act (ceqa), including the adoption of a mitigation monitoring and reporting program and statement of overriding considerations, related to the san antonio backup pipeline project, and directing the clerk of the board of supervisors to notify the controller of this action. >> same house same call. this resolution is adopted. item 6. >> item 6, resolution approving and authorizing the execution of lease no. gs-09b-03014 with
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the transportation security administration for terminal space to be occupied by the u.s. transportation security administration, a federal agency, in the international terminal and terminal 2 of the san francisco international airport with a term of five years. >> same house same call. this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 7, resolution authorizing the issuance and delivery of a multi-family housing revenue note in a principal amount not to exceed $70,000,000 for the purpose of providing financing for the acquisition and construction of a 196-unit multi-family residential rental housing project located at 833-881 jamestown street, known as candlestick heights apartments: 1) approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a funding loan agreement; 2) approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a borrower loan agreement; 3) providing the terms and conditions of the note and authorizing the execution and delivery thereof; 4) approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a regulatory agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants; 5) authorizing the collection of certain fees; 6) approving modifications, changes, and additions to the documents; 7) granting general authority to city officials to take actions necessary to implement this resolution; and 8) ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the note and the project. >> same house same call. this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 8 is from the budget and finance committee without recommendation. the resolution authorizing additional allowance of up to $5.10 per rentable square foot for construction of improvements amortized by landlord over initial term of seven years at eight percent to be paid as additional rent in the amount of $1,929.10 per month for property located at 1455 market street. >> colleagues, any discussion?
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same house same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 9, resolution determining that the issuance of a type 20 off-sale general license to landmark retail group for cvs pharmacy located at 1059 height street will serve the public convenience. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 10 is resolution determining that the transfer of a type 48 on-sale general public premises license from 247 powell street to 165 jefferson street (district 3), to nick bovis for the gdl sfo, inc., will serve the public convenience and necessity of the city and county of san francisco. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. item 11. >> item 11, resolution determining that the issuance of a type 42 on-sale beer and wine license to roger abuyaghi (nob hill restaurant ventures, inc.) for after five, located at 810 van ness avenue (district 6), will serve the public convenience and necessity of the city and county of san francisco. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 12 is a resolution determining that the transfer of a type 20 off-sale beer and wine license from 2200 jerrold avenue to 1201 minnesota street (district 10) to nelly ghassan for the gifted basket, will
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serve the public convenience and necessity of the city and county of san francisco. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 13 is a resolution determining the issuance of a type 64 special on-sale general theater license to jason seifer for the american conservatory theatre foundation, dba the costume shop, located at 1115 - 1117 market street (district 6), will serve the public convenience and necessity of the city and county of san francisco. >> colleagues, same house same call? this item is adopted. next item. >> item 14 is an ordinance amending the san francisco planning code to: 1, consolidate into section 138 of the requirements for privately-owned public open space; 2, create a new zoning administrator bulletin that will contain detailed design and graphics requirements for the required informational plaques; and 3, make environmental findings, planning code section 302 findings, and findings of consistency with general plan and planning code section 101.1. >> president chiu. >> thank you, colleagues. i want to thank the land use committee for their unanimous support of this legislation. as i think we all know, we live in the densest urban neighborhoods outside of manhattan and are always looking for ways to improve live ability and open space. and in 1985 there was a
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requirement in our 1985 downtown plan for one square foot of public space to be set aside for every 50 square feet of office space to create what are known as privately owned public open spaces, otherwise known as po-pos. the legislation that i have is real toy ensure that the public has access to such space. at this time we have at least 15 of these spaces in plazas, rooftop gardens, atriums and small parks, but very few members of the public are aware of access to these spaces because signage has been difficult and access otherwise challenged. and this is legislation that would help to require better signage and access. i will take a moment to thank spur for a report that they put out a couple years ago which highlighted this issue. i want to thank john king from the san francisco chronicle who has been diligent in drawing public attention to this situation, as well as the planning department for their strong advocacy, as well as supervisor wiener who has also
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attended this issue as well. colleagues, i ask for your support. >> colleagues, any comments or questions? can we take this same house same call? same house same call, this item passes on first reading. madam clerk, can you call item 15? >> item 15 is an ordinance amending the san francisco administrative code by adding section 1.60 to require the mayor's office and the planning department to report to the board of supervisors every five years on the implementation of charter section 16.110, the affordable housing trust fund charter amendment. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? this ordinance is passed on first reading. next item. >> item 16 is an ordinance amending the san francisco planning code section 231 to allow for greater size and depth from the corner for limited commercial uses in the residential transit oriented mission (rto-m) district; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the general plan and planning code section 101.1. >> same house same call. this ordinance is passed on the first read. item 17. >> item 17 is an ordinance amending the san francisco health code by adding article 11a requiring: 1, the department of public health to provide written information outlining the rights and responsibilities of tenants, property owners and pest control operators regarding the prevention and treatment of bed bug infestations; 2, dph to develop a training curriculum on bed bug abatement; 3, owners to respond to bed bug
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infestation complaints; 4, property owners to disclose bed bug infestation history for the previous two years; 5, dph to collect and publish bed bug data on a quarterly basis; 6, the health department to conduct a biannual public hearing to review dph's written materials, and adopt amendments as appropriate; establishing enforcement procedures; and making environmental findings. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you. this ordinance is a culmination of three years of work from residents, advocates, property managers, pest control operators, and city departments such as department of public health and department of building inspection. i do want to take time to thank all of those members that have been involved in this very deliberative and thoughtful process, and i'm really glad that we are finally here today with legislation before the full board. i want to just take an opportunity to thank my co-sponsors, supervisor david campos and supervisor david chiu. this ordinance addresses one of the main issues i actually heard while campaigning for this office in 2010. and the issue is how the city manages bed bugs. while campaigning was a key issue that came up throughout the district, even though it is an issue that affects the entire city. one of the first things i did as supervisor was to call a hearing on how the city works on the abatement of bed bugs and on march 28th we heard from
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over 100 residents, advocates and affordable housing developers about the impact that this has on people's lives. so, today i'm asking you to support this legislation which would address three main issues. one, the legislation requires the city provide clear and accessible information on how to properly abate bed bug infestation and the rules and responsibilities for tenants, landlords, and pest control operators. two, in doing our due diligence we looked at what other jurisdictions have done to address this issue and decided to include them in our legislation and have decided to include in our ledthtion asian a provision in new york city administrative code. this will require a property owner or property manager to disclose to prospective tenants written disclosure of the bed bug infestation and abatement history only upon request. third, we require pest control operators to report to dph on a monthly basis the number of units they have treated in order for the city to have a better sense of how to manage
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its response to the issue both in neighborhoods which infestation seems to be increasing and prioritizing our limited staff resources to where the need is. currently we only collect data based on complaints, which doesn't give us a good sense of where the bed bug fib if he is thaitions are -- infestations are. by mandating pest control operators report to the dph we'll have a broader sense where the infestations are. this will have a data driven use of our resources. i believe the approach practice in collaboration with dph and the working group that has been working on this issue for over three years is both measured, responsible, and smart. i want to acknowledge a couple of folks that have really been active in coming to our hearing. and i want to acknowledge [speaker not understood], tina chockv, ben ing, [speaker not understood], rich aer may, sarah short, [speaker not understood], and brad bishop for the bed bug working group
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and on the city sidebar bra garcia, karen con, rajiv, rosemary and [speaker not understood] for their support, advice, and knowledge and the city task force who unanimously endorsed this legislation. we also want to thank the san francisco good health council, the san francisco apartment association and also the sro owners and operators association for meeting with our office as well and giving us feedback. thank you. >> supervisor wiener >> thank you, mr. president. i support this legislation. i want to thank supervisor kim for her work on this and for all the advocates. this is one of those issues that hasn't i think received enough attention in san francisco, and we need to start really aggressively dealing with it. so, i thank supervisor kim for doing this work. i do have one question i want to raise, and i think it's appropriate for the
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responsibility on remediation on the landlord, but i think it's also important to make sure that we're educatesing tenants about how to avoid bed bug infestation because even if you have the most responsible and best landlord in the world, obviously it's best for people not to have to go through the extermination process. so, supervisor kim could comment on those efforts. >> supervisor kim. >> and, so, this is something that i think many of our tenants that have been active in our working groups have also acknowledged, which is that it's the responsibility of everyone, not just property owners, but of course tenants in themselves from preventing bed bugs from even coming into their unit. just some of the work that we've been doing, the sro collaborative who we budget about $1.1 million through dbi, actually spent a considerable amount of their work actually educating tenants on how to prevent from bringing bed bugs into their units. we also fund president mental health association and they actually lead pier groups and support groups for tenants that have issues with hoarding and
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cluttering, which is actually something that has been shown to lead to the increase of the likelihood of having bed bugs in your units. so that is something that we are currently doing. our tenant advocates are aware of that. one of the best things we can do of course is prevent bed bugs from coming into the units and we will continue to do that work. we're also hoping to more effectively leverage existing city resources around bed bugs. we currently have 16 healthy housing inspectors that we can more adequately leverage to use around education and also in bed bug abatement work. and we have two health inspectors specifically that work with sro buildings through dph. but i think that that feedback is good. we've gotten it from several groups we've worked with including the apartment association and we'll certainly continue that education work. so, thank you for that question. * >> any further discussion? colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on the first read.
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to roll call. >> supervisor campos, you're first on roll call for introductions. >> thank you very much, madam clerk. colleagues, i'd like to begin with a piece of legislation that i'm introducing today. as you know, in order to legally operate a parking garage here in the city and county of san francisco, parking operators are required to get a certificate of authority from the treasurer and tax collector and obtain a bond that means the city has the exclusive beneficiary. that's something that we need to happen to protect the city. the bonding requirement is there for that very purpose to safeguard the city in case an operator fails to remit the taxes and collects on behalf of the city. the bonding requirements currently range from 20,000 to $800,000 depending on the annual gross receipts from the parking station. since these bonding rates were
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passed, the financial crisis has made it quite difficult for certain operators to get a large line of credit without actually owning significant assets. this has disadvantaged in particular many small parking operators who do not have sufficient capital to obtain the necessary bond. it has also impacted larger operators who have operated in good faith and have a proven record of responsible third-party tax collection. so, in order to continue to protect the city -- so, we essentially have to strike the right balance between requiring the bond, but also recognizing the challenges that some of these operators face. and in order to continue to protect the city while also supporting the needs of both small and larger parking garage operators, we in my office have been working with the tax collector's office on legislation that lowers the bond requirement for those operators that comply with all state and local laws and have met their financial obligations
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for the proceeding three years. we believe that this legislation, after working closely with the treasurer and tax collector, struck the right balance in protecting the city, but also helping small businesses in particular in this industry. so, i look forward to this being discussed in committee and to having a stantive dialogue at the board of supervisors. and again, i want to thank hillary ronan from my staff as well as our treasurer and his staff for all the work that has been going into this for quite some time. the last point that i want to make is to address something very serious that has been happening in my district, and specifically within district 9 in the mission district. as some of you may have read in the paper or heard, there has been an increase in violence in the mission and it's something that we take very seriously.
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unfortunately, most of the incidents that have occurred have been gang related, which makes it very serious. and i simply want to take this opportunity to say that we, the government and the city and county of san francisco make the safety of our residents a top priority. and my office has been working very closely with the mayor's office as well as our police department and our violence prevention workers to make sure that we do everything we can to ensure the safety of our residents. in the last few days, and even prior to that, we have seen an increase in the amount of police resources that have been dedicated to the mission station. i have been on the phone constantly with chief sur and with captain bob moser who have made it clear they will send whatever resources are needed to protect oures are didn't.
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-- residents. i also have worked with the mayor's office to provide resources to violence prevention workers and to that end an additional $30,000 was allocated to ensure that there is sufficient money for violence prevention workers to augment their hours and to work as many hours as possible, be it nights, weekends. especially given the number of events that have been going on and will be happening in the next few days. most recently, just late last night, early in the morning in fact, there was a shooting on south van ness. and i want to commend the police department because following the shooting there was an arrest made and an indication of the fact that some of the measures and steps that have been taken are working. but the swiftness of the arrest, i think, sent a very clear message that we are
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serious about protecting our residents and that anyone who engages in criminal activity will have to deal with law enforcement. we also believe in violence prevention and we want to thank the community, including groups like the crn and the mission peace collaborative who have come together so that the community itself also takes its steps because the fact is that law enforcement cannot do it alone. so, we will continue to monitor the situation. the city will continue to invest whatever resources are needed to protect our citizens. and we as a community and the mission need to come together to ensure the safety of our residents. the last point i'd like to address is something that happened not only in the mission but in other parts of the city following the victory by the san francisco giants. it goes without saying that all of us in this city and certainly all of us in this room have been thrilled to see the giants win a second championship in the course of
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24 months. there is much to celebrate. unfortunately, a number of individuals used that celebration as an excuse to engage in activity that ultimately is simply reprehensible and unacceptable. we had a number of events that happened in the mission and specifically on mission street. we had a number of trash bins that were set on fire, and we had following the victory many businesses that were covered with graffiti along the mission street corridor between 16th and 24th streets. i had the displeasure of having to survey the damage that was left that next morning, and i can tell you that it is really upsetting and frustrating and angering, actually, to see so many businesses tagged for no reason.
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i spoke to many of the property owners and many of them are small businesses that are already struggling in this economy and that they have to deal with the aftermath of something like that is simply unacceptable. i want to take this opportunity to thank the department of public works, to mohammed nuru and his crew who are working diligently following the incidents. he had a large crew cleaning the streets. and in recognition of the burden that this has on these small businesses, i asked mr. nuru that the city actually help with the clean up of the graffiti. usually it's the property owner, the business owner that is tasked with having to clean it up. but given the magnitude of what happened, i think it was appropriate for the city to take that responsibility itself. and i want to thank him for dedicating the resources to do that. we have an obligation and
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responsibility as we celebrate to ensure that we protect our small businesses. we will continue to work with the department of public works to make sure that we help those businesses that were vandalized. but i think it's important as we move forward in continuing to celebrate the victory by the giants and we have our parade tomorrow and tomorrow it's a busy day, we have not only the parade -- the victory parade, but we also have halloween and we have on friday, november 2nd, day of the dead in the mission. i just make a plea to residents not only of the mission but of the entire city that as we celebrate, that we celebrate responsibly. there is no justification for vandalizing a neighborhood as an excuse for celebrating a victory. it is simply unacceptable. i also want to take this opportunity to thank the members of the san francisco police department who have been
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working diligently, who have risked their lives and have put themselves at risk to protect our neighborhoods. i want to thank them for their efforts, and in particular i want to acknowledge the work of captain mosher and the officers in mission station and i also want to take this opportunity to thank our violence prevention workers who have been working day and night as well helping the police to keep the violence down in the mission. we will continue to monitor the situation. and again, i want to thank all of the agencies and community members that have been working hard to keep the community safe. i rest i submit. >> thank you: ,supervisor campos. supervisor avalos. >> thank you, madam clerk. just about three items for introduction, a few comments as well. * first off, on friday i had the real great opportunity to see some of the work that's been done by librarians at the oceanview branch library. they have been looking at how they can provide better service
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for the neighborhood and the librarian actually -- head librarian leaf braid en, went out and did a month-long survey with the community. actually started last year, and really amazing what she was able to encounter in terms of the history of the neighborhood, the history -- the neighborhood's great activism, actually led to real changes in public safety and improvements in public safety, and really showing just what a department can do in a neighborhood to provide better service. i think it's a great model for other departments to follow. rec and park perhaps. and in that vein i'm actually requesting a letter of inquiry to the department of the environment to look at neighborhood issue in district 11 that is something that has been challenging for four years as a supervisor. in my district we have many oversized vehicles. a lot of them are scattered
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throughout the neighborhood from pares and brazil to munich and moscow. okly we put signs up all over the neighborhood we would never be able to address the issue. these oversized vehicles are actually scavengers. people use the cars to collect a lot of refuse that they recycle. a lot of it is actually material that could go in the dump, but it's actually taken out and sorted for other materials that can be othersed. -- used. what it does is create a huge blight in my neighborhood. some of the grime is left behind by some of the material that's recycled and it's an environmental issue. it's also a small business issue. it's a small business issue because there are many people who actually survive in san francisco, actually scavaging for material. and it's not people going through bins, but actually people finding trash all over the city and using that to make a living off of. so, i want to do a letter of inquiry to the [speaker not understood] to work with my
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office, local residents, ecology and department of public works to find out how we can create a local program to legitimatize some of the work already being done around recycling and refuse collection on our residential streets in the district. and i want to be cognizant that a lot of people are actually trying to survive in san francisco. this is one way that they're doing it. last week i also had the opportunity to meet with families who are receiving after school care in our elementary schools in the southern part of san francisco. i was greatly alarmed by the great need that we have for after-school programming. at hillcrest elementary school which is actually in the portland neighborhood on the border -- it's actually in district -- supervisor campos's district. many residents go there. they have a wait list of 70 families who are looking to get after-school programming. and the hardship on families is
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astronomical. families have to leave work, parents have to leave work early so they can come pick up their kids from school and they're losing their ability to actually maintain a livelihood again. some of them have lost their jobs because they have no after school programming for their kids during those hours. so, i want to -- i'm requesting a hearing with department of children youth and their families as well as the school district. it will be a joint committee hearing between the board of supervisors and the school district to look at our programming, after school programs in the city. what are our strategies for maximizing our programming and what is the actual cost to provide universal health -- universal access for after school programming as well. it is an issue that affects many of our neighborhoods, colleagues, and we're seeing possibly cuts at the state level. we're going to be really hard-pressed to figure out how we're going to keep these programs going that help maintain the livelihoods of a lot of working families in san francisco.