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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT

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i have also an in memoriam for someone who just lost their life recently. was in the news. this is for paul addis, a san francisco performing artist and playwright who was best known in 2007's burning man when he lit the man on fire. he wrote and performed several one-man plays including [speaker not understood] and ganzo, [speaker not understood]. after years of struggling with mental illness issues, he took his own life this past weekend. he was 42 years old. his controversial act was viewed by some as dangerous as the act of burning the man, as a dangerous act of arson. and as a subversive protest of how burning man was straight from the core principles. he served two years in prison for burning the man. mental health awareness i think it is appropriate we recognize
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the loss of paul addess, how they failed him and so many others who struggled with mental health issues. colleagues, lastly, i have a video i'd like to show. today i took a tour of balboa park station which i use very frequently. balboa park station is a station that 10,000 people a day plus use to go to city college or get to downtown. it's our biggest transit hub outside of the downtown area of san francisco, in the whole bay area region. and it is completely inadequate. it looks like a hub that you would expect to find behind the eastern block -- an eastern block country back in the 1980s. it has not had any real substantial investment in years. i pushed a little bit to get some curb ramps which is the tip of the iceberg of what is actually needed. this is a video i'd like to show of what the conditions are
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and i hope, colleagues, you can actually take about 15 seconds to look at this. this is what people face every day and it's a very dangerous situation that we have. john, if you could. [video presentation] >> this is the boarding area of the j church and the [speaker not understood]. little pinpoint right here, a child is actually approaching a vehicle almost getting hit by the actual car. you see these poles on the left that stand up? there's actually three feet people walk through every day. these two people just walked past the pole when the car was moving and they don't even think twice because no matter how dangerous it is, people are so desensitized about how this station is set up. and it is actually a travesty that we actually live in san francisco and we put up with stuff like this and this is just the tip of the iceberg. i actually took a tour there with kim weldon who has been
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doing some capacity work, looking at signage around the station. and we looked at -- we just actually built a walkway from the bart station to the -- to ocean avenue and actually there is wheelchair accessibility for approaching ocean avenue to the bart station. you have to go a quarter mile out of your way to get to the elevator to take you down to the platform where the cars run. if you get out [speaker not understood] if you have a wheelchair and get out at the [speaker not understood] stop next to the station, you actually have to go a quarter mile out of your way to get down to the bart station. people have wheelchairs decide they're not going to go there. i think that we should stand for much better in the city and every day we have -- there are so many meetings we've had, colleagues, public transportation authority and other meet ings here where i talked about this station. i talked to the mayor about it. i've talked to [speaker not understood] about t i talked to nat ford about ti talked to all the planners about it, transportation authority about it, to bart about t. everyone says they have plans to get
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something done. nothing ever happens. we don't even have next bus at the station. when we talk about the next bus plans we actually had a transportation authority meeting to talk about next bus. yeah, we'll have it the end of this year. you know, colleagues, there is no plan whatsoever. so, we need to move forward. this is a shame of san francisco. balboa park station is the shame of san francisco's transit first policy. and we have to do something about it. each one of us is responsible for it. if we're looking at our own districts and what we can get for our own districts, we are denying what needs to be happening in other parts of san francisco. people say, okay, we're going to have transit dollars, divide it up equally. equally doesn't serve my district any better. if we talk about doing it equitably, to our needs, then we might be able to talk about how we can really make a difference in these situations that we have in balboa park station. but this is a horrible experience people have and i want to continue to talk about it. but this morning seeing this child who almost got his hand
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cut off or bumped by a train made me really, really excite and had really angry that we are still living in an eastern block society down in the southern part of san francisco. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor mar. >> thank you, madam clerk. i wanted to first say that at our 3:30 accommodation we'll have the honor of having our six san francisco [speaker not understood] with us from state out of the mission district. i would call them a mission visionary. my former colleague from sf state, alejandro [speaker not understood]. and i've been a fan of his since 1975 when he was in his 20s. it's third world communications time degrees publication. but he's been a tremendous leader in supporting city of poets and encouraging all of us to consider ourselves poets as well. so, we'll have him along with a couple of richmond district poets that friends of the library recently honored along with poets in the rest of our districts as well.
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we'll be hearing from a couple of richmond district poets, susan terrence and also david [speaker not understood] as well. also wanted to say that today, i have the honor of helping to cut the ribbon for the grand reopening of our fulton playground on 27th and fulton and it was wonderful. it's a $4.5 million project that allowed us to transform dpw and the rec and park department and the neighbors around it to transform a formerly, and a very stark and bleak playground with mostly tennis and basketball to amazing place that has skateboarding, places for seniors to sit and gather, but also public art and a beautifully renovated clubhouse as well. it should be a tremendous place for the community to build and to continue to flourish. i'm really appreciative of the department of public works and the recreation and parks department for finishing it on time and on budget as well, and
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we're looking forward to working with not only friends of fulton playground to maintain it, but in the spring we're going to be opening up cabula playground. friends of cabrillo makes sure the neighbors have ownership of it as well. i wanted to also ask if we can close the meeting in honor of one of the voices of community radio in san francisco, alan farley, kalw our school radio station. and i'm hoping that we can close the meeting in his honor today. alan farley was kalw, 91.7fm host for 37 years. he died on sunday of pancreatic cancer in his san francisco home or in the home of his friend louis dorsey, he was 76 years old. mr. farrly joined kalw in 1975 after being on the air at kpfa where i came out of as well. i did a lot of work at kpfa and
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kpro over the years. i really appreciated the voiceses of community radio like mr. farrly. he also had a tremendous track record, too. even before radio, he taught at merit college and he was even richard pryor, the famed comedian road manager years ago. mr. farrly, among his programs on kalw, he hosted book talk, a weekly interview with writers, explorations in music and open air which often featured interviews with luminaries with dance and theater. one of high favorite things bay area notables were invite today play and discuss their favorite musical recordings, he was the host of the station's broadcast of concerts by berkeley's symphony orchestra and other performing arts specials. each week he indulged all of us with his work on [speaker not understood]. he was recognized for his california vanity plate which read [speaker not understood]
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by providing a noel [speaker not understood]. he spoke about his love of baseball as we prepare for the parade tomorrow. i know he would be proud today as well as any of us. and [speaker not understood] he also could be heard regularly bringing clarity and even to such mundane assignments as queueing the traffic reports, or telling all the listeners of what the lunch menu was in the san francisco unified school district as well. but off air he was a tireless devotee of the performing arts. he was a regular opening nights for the symphony ballet and opera and the american conservatory theater as well as smaller institutions. mr. farrly is survived by two indonesianes and a nephew [speaker not understood] in the marianas islands. plans for his memorial service -- scheduled for november 19th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the
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war memorial building screen room. please call kalw at 84 1-41 21 for more information. condolances to the kalw family and general manager matt martin. mr. farrly's family, friends, and his many fans. the voice of community radio in san francisco will be sorely missed. the rest i'll submitv. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor mar. president chiu. >> thank you, madam clerk. first of all colleagues i have an in memorial for marta who will be greatly missed by her friends and family and the neighbors of russian hill. she was a leader with the russian hill community association, devoted countless hours to helping in the community and numerous issues, hosted meetings at her home and helped to build consensus among our neighbors in providing wise and thoughtful counsel on various issues. she will be survived by her
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husband terrance ryan on vallejo street. [speaker not understood] alcohol related restrictions in the lower polk neighborhood. at this time the lower polk neighborhood is saturated with alcohol establishments, bars and liquor stores. the office of small business has 60 alcohol licenses on record for the six blocks of polk street from owe facial to california and its side streets. this concentration of alcohol establishments has caused quality of life issues for our residents including noise and public safety issues. drupe while i greatly appreciate the activity on polk street at night, it is important we have a diversity of neighborhood serving businesses. i want to thank the residents from lower poke neighborhood who worked with my staff to create a restricted use district to districts on divisadero, 3rd street and mission street. * since we have so many alcohol establishments, my legislation would prohibit new bars, liquor stores, and tobacco shops, but at the same time it would allow
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existing owners of establishments -- alcohol establishments to continue to operate as well as provide a mechanism for them to transfer permits with conditional approvals from planning as well as 1 08 days to maintain its use during temporary closures. * 180. legislation would allow new bona fide restaurants to apply for alcohol and entertainment permits with conditional approval from planning. the goal of the legislation is to ensure that night life and business activity continues to thrive on polk street while creating appropriate controls to keep the neighborhood vibrant, diverse and safe. i'm also exploring similar controls for the [speaker not understood] polk neighborhood on the rest of california street. the rest of my items i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor olague >> good afternoon, colleagues. i am very proud today to be introducing what we hope is a game changing and life changing resolution to end home owe phobia in professional sports. when you go to our giants ballpark, you can see an old
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timer plaque that says, baseball is democracy in action. in it all men are free and equal regardless of race, nationality and creed. today that does not speak to all of us. this is especially true for the professional athletes who spend their careers in the last closet, never free, never able to be a value teammate respected, and important for not only for the skills they bring to the diamond, but for who they are. today we are joining with the last closet campaign to urge the commissioners of professional sports to meet with the last closet and to demonstrate in word and deed that the door should be open for any and all. of all the thousands of professional athletes in the major sports over the years, everyone has been fearful of the cost of leaving the closet as an active player.
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and not a single one has done so during their professional career. only afterwards do we hear some of their stories, including the irreparable harm and hurt. and those stories lead us to join together to urge that the last closet finally open. we all [speaker not understood] will be better as a result. our san francisco giants give us a spectacular world series victory this week. the giants have been tremendous supporters of our entire community, including the lgbtq community. now is no better time and no better place than san francisco to join together with the last closet to ask baseball commissioner bud selig to be the first major professional sports commissioner to grant an interview, urging professional baseball players to come out of
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the closet and provide the measures to support them. tomorrow morning, more than a million fans in our wonderfully diverse city and bay area will fill this plaza to celebrate and honor our team. almost every community will have a role model on the stage to look at and cheer, but one, the one in the last closet. with that in mind, supervisor campos and i will be introducing this resolution and my hope is every one of our colleagues on the board that is here today will add their name as co-sponsors to join the campaign to change that. the rest i'll submit. >> thank you, supervisor olague. supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. good afternoon, san francisco. and colleague. i'll be brief today. today i'm introducing a resolution for the board to
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consider next week recognizing the 40th anniversary of the clean water act and our city's implementation of its federal regulation. as a result of this landmark legislation, our city public utility commission became the first in the country to implement a combined sewer system, 40 years later we begin renovation of the system. i think it is appropriate for us to reflect on how transformative the clean water act was on our system and the tremendous work being done by the puc to implement these regulations and ensure that our water systems are some of the most advanced in the country. and the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor cohen. supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madam clerk. today i am introducing a resolution -- today i am introducing a resolution to
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urge muni to prioritize funding for vehicle and equipment maintenance rehabilitation and purchase in light of deteriorating muni service. and i'm requesting this be heard at the hearing that i called for last week along with supervisors farrell, [speaker not understood] and chiu about muni's current operational situation. muni has been struggling mightily lately, and it has frequently been very unreliable. we know that in the month of august muni was on time a mere 57.2% of the time. during the second half of october muni missed 60 2 runs during that two-week period. last this past weekend, almost 10% of the runs in the system were missed. last wednesday before -- in the 90 minutes before game one of the world series, three different light rail vehicles broke down in the subway leading to a significant melt
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down of subway service all because of inadequate maintenance. the unreliability of muni's vehicle stock due to long-term lack of maintenance investment and due to not having enough vehicles and vehicles that are broken down is one of the key issues or key factors in the lack of reliability from muni. muni has $420 million in unmet repair and rehabilitation needs for its vehicles. we don't have enough vehicles. it's to the point where muni rarely has any back up light rail vehicles so if the light rail vehicle breaks down, there is nothing to replace it with. we have vehicles that are still broken down that they've been out of service for a long time, sometimes for years, and we don't have the money to fix them. when the [speaker not understood] created the mta in
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1999, the voters articulated goals for the agency. the top two goals are, number one, reliable, safe, timely, frequent, and convenient transit service to all neighborhoods. and number two, a reduction in breakdowns, delays, over crowding, and preventable accidents. muni is not achieving either of those goals, in large part because of under investment in our system. investment in the maintenance of our vehicles in fixing them and keeping them in good shape and rehabilitating them and expanding that fleet needs to be muni's top priority. we recently received $6.7 million in transit performance initiative funding from the regional metropolitan transportation commission, and that money is required to be used either to increase rider ship -- increase rider ship and to improve productivity of muni's system. this money should be used to
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maintain these vehicles to fix the vehicles that are broken down, to rehabilitate the vehicles that need rehabilitation, and to expand the size of muni's fleet, all with the goal of being -- having a reliable muni system for the people of san francisco. so that people don't have to crowd on the platforms, don't have to crowd into these vehicles and can get where they're going in a timely way. the best way -- the most effective way by far to increase rider ship on muni is to have a reliable system so that people have confidence that muni will serve their needs. * the mta, senior management and board of directors will soon be deciding how to spend this tpi money, the $6.7 million, that can be used to maintain and improve the reliability of the muni system. in my view, this is a test of muni management. it is a test about how serious
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this agency is about reversing the decades of severe under investment and the reliability of the system. i am also today on the bright side, introducing a resolution to approve the purchase by muni of 17 new 40-foot hybrid diesel buses. we recently approved the purchase of 45 new buses and new funding has arrived and we're able to purchase even more. so, it's great that the agency is able to move forward and increasing the number of buses that we have on our streets, and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introductions. >> thank you. why don't we go now to general public comment. >> the next item on the agenda is the opportunity for the public to address the board for up to two minutes, generally on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board, including those items on the
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adoption without reference to committee calendar. please note that public comment is not allowed on those items which have already been considered by a board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify. and if a member of the public would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such and remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting. >> thank you. let's hear from the first speaker. [speaker not understood], i live in examiner, for yesterday and i live in other for today. i wish you give our supervisor. as you see, i [speaker not understood] for that [speaker not understood]. i disagree for the damage, some crazy people make it in my city.
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[speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood]. ladies and gentlemen, before i come in here, i visit our mayor's office and he talk about the [speaker not understood] he make it tomorrow, about how we can make it good for our giants. [speaker not understood] the giants in the newspaper, which
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i bring some of them [speaker not understood], we get it and that is our giants. as you know, many more people coming tomorrow to visit us and to support us and we would like to be with you and we would like to be with every one of you. ladies and gentlemen, as you see, newspaper from china, from different country, they talk about giants. i am one of the giants' supporter, as you know, and we would like to see our [speaker not understood], i would like to see [speaker not understood] with us tomorrow. if you like giants or not giants, it's [speaker not understood] for you tomorrow to be with me. god bless all of you and congratulations to our team. in three years we bring it the
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champion two times. it is very nice action for all of you guys. and thank you for your support, all of you. i wish you have time to read the newspaper i give you and i hope to see many of you tomorrow. god bless all of you. and god bless our hero team [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you. i think it's safe to say we'll all be celebrating tomorrow. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. stop the [speaker not understood] for the public library. don't give money to the friends of the library. don't accept money from the friends of the library. privatization of our society not only destroys the public's assets, it destroys social values and the sense of shared community. as you know, the friends of the library made a commitment they would raise $16 million for furniture, fixtures and equipment for the branch libraries. at that time that was supposed to be 15.1% of the total bond expenditure. the friends of the library
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raised money with the cooperation of the library based on that premise. we now have figures from the department of public works which show that the funds have given just 3.6 million to the branch library project. the details show that of that same 8.6 million, 38.8% is for computers, 21.1% is for self-check machines, and only 26-1/2% or 96 3,000 is for the alleged furnitures and equipment. it was the result of a fund-raising campaign by the friends of the library that raised over $40 million and had expenditures of 48.1 million. this is a situation in which the supervisors should be concerned for the citizens who gave money to these private fund-raisers on false pretenses independent of your concern for the effect on a public institution. [speaker not understood]
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without any agreement with the city of san francisco rather than make financial disclosures to this board's finance committee. now even the library administration contends that the friends of the library will not supply them with information. there is no accountability because it is the private corporate fund-raising and the private corporate interests that matter. the [speaker not understood] of society flow to the private interest and the lies always cost more than the money. thank you. >> thanks. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. i have paulette brown here who is going to help me show some pictures, use the overhead. i'm here to advise you on a [speaker not understood] i'm having with the da's office. i'd like to read a part of a letter i wrote to da gascone and have not received a response. this is in regard to may sanchez, my mother, case no. 11
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0 724 99. [speaker not understood] and i'm writing to you because of the frustration and stress that my family is enduring through the bitter process of justice delayed and justice denied. you may remember me from my own [speaker not understood] killed in a drive-by shooting on january 7 of 2007 and still an unsolved murder case with a reward of $250,000. the reason why i am writing to you today is because my mother mary sanchez was brutally assaulted on 9/11 of 2011 at a club bar -- club/bar named [speaker not understood] in the mission district. the person that assaulted her was a marine named juan omego, a.k.a. chino, this was a party for he and his sister. chino and his sister [speaker not understood] were with familiar friends and acquaintances of my mother mary. without getting into further details of the case, supervisors, our family is
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already distraught of the challenge getting justice after. the attorney has repeatedly requested delay after delay after delay and the d.a.'s office seems to not care at all. what is your office waiting for? are you waiting for my mother to die? this stress of delay justice is killing us all. please meet with us in person so we can discuss our case so that was my letter to the d.a.'s office. other points are police and some of them are doing poor investigations. our d.a.'s office chooses and picks the casies they want to prosecute so the victims are left [speaker not understood] and take care [inaudible]. president chiu, i have a problem with my glass. last week and the week before last when i put this glass up you can read it here.