tv [untitled] November 2, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT
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shortly. >> chair kim: good afternoon. welcome to our regular rules committee for november sx4-[ñ 1. i am joined to my right by vice chairkz;t#oñ supervisor ferrell. and we will be joined by supervisor@ju]?v campos. the committee would like tosi$b5bé acknowledge the staff at sfgtvwl marc and jenniferñnd
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>>jennifer. >> linday> chair kim: thank you. please call item 1. >> linda wong: hearing to consider appointingz(gxóg"ñ one member term ending march 31, 2014,qñe1 the commission on the aging advisory council. there is#co÷xy one seat vacant. >> chair kim: katherine rose russo, please come up. this format will stay the same, also for item 2 which is the veterans affairs commission. we ask you to briefly talk about your experience as it relates to the position for which you are appointed to or which you are applying to. if we have questions we will ask them and also priorities and goals you would like to set out
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if appointed to this body. >> my name is katherine russo. this is a reappointment to the advisory council on the commission on aging. obviously, my age i qualify as a senior to serve on it. my background, i've been a social worker anddí"ñh aên tmp lñ k masters in jer entolling. i try to be active on different community committees because as a member of the advisory council it is my responsibility to be aware of the needs and questions and occurrence of seniors, and people with disabilities in the area where ió8ney live. and i try to keep that responsibility in mind. i'm
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different4 the state. and i'm our representative on that. we meet 5n months./npbwejñ and i've really enjoyed the time on the.pd7- committee. we give advice to both the commission and the department of aging. and we:@d knowing what's going on and letting them know. >> chairgmñ? kim: thank you. and by the way thank you for correctingcbñ?ñ? me, this is a reappointmentybñbx by sean lels sean elsbernd burn. we have no questions so we'll open it up for public comment. if there is public comment for this item please step up. seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor ferrell. >> supervisor farrell: i want to thank you for coming forward and for your service and for what is going to be hopefully your continued'r67d)
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representative. i'd like to make a motion move ms. russo forward for seat 6. >> chair kim: we have a motion, and we can do that without opposition. thank you. >> thank you. >> chair kim: madam clerk, can you please call item 2. >> linda wong: hearing to considering appointing three members terms ñ?ñ? ending january 31, 2016 to the veterans.qñ?ñ? affairs commission. there are three seats and eight applicants. >> chair kim: three seats and eight applicants. is that1÷ñ?ñ? correct? >> linda wong: that's correct. >> chair kim: thank you. so we will be hearing the applicants in the order that you are listed on our agenda today. so we will begin with anthony alagñ?ñ?ññ?ñ?ñ anthony alfidii. prepare to come up front. and we have a number of great9-y(9u
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applicants. i just want to say in advance thank you so much. it's so great tokeññcec@ have such interest in our veteran affairs commission because it is a very important body in the city and county of san francisco, and in particular as we have more veterans coming to the city and county, we certainly want to make sure that we are able to have a strong body that's available to advise the city on what we can do to assist our veterans who have served this country so graciously. i want to thank everyone1"58y that's applied. it will be a difficult decision for this committee because there are only three seats open. i want to thank you in it advance. i will call anthony anthony alfidii. >> linda wong: he indicated he does not wish to seat for reappointment, and therefore he wishes to withdraw his application. >> chair kim: i missed that note. we will move on to lee burnette and creighton reed who has let
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us know he will not be able to be here today. mr. burnette. thank you. it's the same format as with the previous item. >> okay. hi. i am lee burnette. i'm a veteran and a student at city college. i served five years in the navy. moved here to start school and actually i've been very surprised and happy with san francisco. it's one of the most veteran friendly towns i've been to and i appreciate that. i feel i'm good for the position because since i've been at city college i was elected the veterans club alliance. i was elected one of the officers there. and basically with that we do pretty much everything, helping veterans get contacted into
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medical care, their education, housing, everything even their finances, and things. so that's a big issue. also i'm a volunteer at david chiu's office. and when i met david, he told me i could work on a passion project. honestly the biggest thing in the city and this state, you knowñ?ñ? since the wars have started, we've had mor?ñ?ñ veterans coming home and committing suicide thanúçñ?ñ? dying overseas. so i've actually joined a3sñ?ñ nonprofit called life for veterans and that's -- what we want to target is not just helping veterans when they call in not jump off the ledge, but also giving them outlets and jobs, and housing. so we've made a couple of contacts in napa valley and we have wineries that are going to be supplying housing and job training for these veterans.
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so it's more than just -- more than just therapy. that's what i feel i can bring to the commission. thank you. >> chair kim: thank you very much. creighton did let us know he would not be here, in case he's here. not seeing him. david adams and mary tramil. >> thank you for having me here today. i started out as a kid in the boy scots and also house of -- and auction i will auxilliary cop in high school. i started out with the public leadership and went into the army for six years. i came to san francisco, been i am on post 34. we hold a meeting every other 6?ñ?
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week at this time. i used to be on sunday for veterans to come and eat and get clothing. also? and been promoted to provostá?ñ? marshal. i am at city college for6 ?ñ?ñ my third semester, i'm a police officer there. the other thing is i volunteer at sfpd 12 hours a week. these things show people that -- in the community also a person that has good leadership)q÷ñ potential. my interest in this board is to of course keep my contacts,cexxpuks and assure veterans in san francisco have a safe, clean placel += be. the other thingm ?ñ? is there's a lot of people that come in. sometimes they're on drugs or whatever, they need leadership. and içlñ?ñ? usually suggest to them the÷eñ?ñ? palo alto clinic.
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i have two veterans down there now. .ñ?ñ?one gentleman went down, he got cleaned up and is living in a successful community based organization right:tñ?ñ?ñ now. so i think it's great. i'm really happy toxññ?ñ? be here. i've been active with the veterans affairs for about a year and a half now, street of course at the war memorial building. zñ?ñ?ñ-i have lots of programs i'd like to implicate and i just need more time. so basically just wanted to thank you, and thank you for your time. >> chair kim: thank you, mr. adams. thank you for your application. so next, we havela$by mikel matto. >> good afternoon. and thank you so much for consideringbá"ç0ãme. i have two items that i'd likegóñ?ñ to talk just a little bit about. i am a marine corps veterans,
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who joined in the state oftyñ?ñ? indiana and i have 15 years with the city. i guess i should ask a question. can you work full time for the city and seven on the commission too? i don't want to tie up your time. >> chair kim: my understanding is that you can, but we can certainly ask our city attorney, mr. givner. thesiñ?ñ? question being, can you work full time for the city and county and still serve on the veterans affairslzñ?ñ? commission. i believe the answer is;m t yes, but if we can confirm that. >> cityyñ?ñ? attorney: yes. >> we'll go forward then. i would like to serve on the commission becausex[ñ?ñ?ñ the issue of not having joined the marine corps in san francisco, the years that you serve on active duty cannot be credited towards your retirement. well, my issue with1]iñtñ thatckñ?ñ?
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is that when i served on active duty, i served right along with san francisco marines and we had the same duties responsibilities. and this was the united states marine corps not marine corps which is where i??ñ?ñ? joined. so i would like to present that issue to perhaps this commission, maybe the board of supervisors, so÷lñ?ñ? that people who work for the city who did not join san francisco -- join the service in san francisco, could get consideration because we all serve side fought or whatever we did in the service. and this is what i did in the marine corps. my second issue is i'd like to see just a little ñ?ñ?ñ bit more done for veterans coming out of the military not only veterans coming out of the military, but also homeless veterans and veterans coming5wñ?ñ? out of pretty
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prison. before i came to2s5cdt$@v the city i worked for the -- as a jobs developer working in a 26 construction apprenticeship programs. so i worked a lot with ex-offenders, people coming out of prison and wase=(ñr in jail and was able to get those people in the 26 trades actively working. that's been 20 years ago. and i still run into some of them today who are now foremen on the job, teaching at apprenticeship school. so when i say do just a little bit more, i used to visit the division of apprenticeship standards because they were sort of the consultants, the police of the apprenticeship programs they would say why do you just concentrate on the 26 construction trade there are over 400iq÷=wlm different apprenticeship programs in the state of california and i can tell you that you don't have everybody working inzóx/ program.
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i said well i can easily answer that question. i don'tcbñ?ñ? work for myself, i work for someone over at the community based organization and they have qá2 restrictedu÷ñ?ñ?ñ me to just working with the 26 building trade?qñ?ñ? apprenticeship programs. but even with that assignment that was a tremendous amounte;ñ?ñ? of work. but it was okay because if it'sptvc8 something you lovegv don't mind. atalñ?ñ least i don't mind. the consult tenants would point out to me that we have over 400 programs in the state of california you shouldn't just focus on the construct) ñ?ñon trades. you ought to tell the director to look at some of thesejpñ?ñ? other apprenticeship programs because some areañ?ñ? just as lucrative as the 26 trades. when i say let's do a little bit more i'm talking in terms maybe people -- and they could be san francisco employees, who work for the city, somebody like me for example, that could maybe talk to someone tod$éa:q=ó[ look,
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let's do just a little bit more@ññ?ñ? and help these veterans find work, whenhuñ?ñ?ñ they're coming out of the military because at the military relief centers, they give you your paperwork and then they ask you if you want to become a reservist. and that's it. so it could be somebody working at the military relief centers and say look we've got a number of apprenticeship training programs here that you can go into or if you want to use your moneys that you saved up while you're in the military to go to clem, a four year university you can@ñ?ñ? do that as well but you have people who want to go straight to work particularly those with families to raise. so if this commission could have a conversation about just a little bit more that you can do to help the veterans coming out of the military the veterans who are homeless, and the
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veterans coming out of the prison, i think san francisco could be the vanguard, as far as that is concerned. thank you. >> chair kim: thank you. you also wrote that you are the treasurer of your neighborhood homeowners association. what neighborhood is that? >> bayview hunters point. >> chair kim: thank you very much. next, i'd like to call up mikel matto and john gallagher. and i didn't announce this forótñ?ñ? our first couple of applicants but i noted that we only have one applicant for seat six, which requires an individuals=ñ?ñ? with a physical disability. but if you would li3úñ?ñ?e to identify as an individual physical disability, it would be helpful for this city as well. we have mikel.
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he's not here. john. >> i'm john gallagher. service connected disabled vetera8ñ?ñ?n. got out of the marine corps discharged honorably. i began working at a work study, i worked at the v.a. clinic, working there for a year moved over to the vet center, which is in chico, california from 2002 to 2003 forx stress disorder, for thosenlñ?ñ? very experiences -- 2003 i worked foríiñ?ñ?ñ a veterans executive committee for rehabilitative services. we're a small shelter only housing five to six veterans at a time. i did case management, did my bachelor's degree in social work and my honors project was near
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homeless veterans in northern california and we received a grant to receive funding when we grew to a shelter the size of 30 bedrooms which exists today. in 2005 i graduated, and worked at county veteran service office in nevada for about six months as a part time temporary worker as a veterans claim representative. that position ended up in -- veterans service office for a year and in 2007 i began in veterans county service office here as a claims representative full time and that's what i've gone doing ever since. what i bring is a wide range of experience for services from northern california which is where the majority of veterans come from and they experience anything from mental health care to claims pensions, disabilities education housing, shelter. because i've been there, doing the work. z#ku
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door, across the streets>o am waiting. i've been doing it every day, since i've gotten out. i work closely with everybody here in the room, and anybody that works with veterans, one hour a week 10 hours a week 50 hours, whatever they end up doing. hope i can get on the commission maybe bring something from inside of doing the work every day that might implement programs that make it better for veterans here. >> chair kim: thank you so much, mr. gallagher. next, we have michael maffei. is michael in the room? okay. >> michael called and said he -- public comment? >> chair kim: we will open it up for public comment. he had not informed our office that he would be here late. so it would have been helpful if he had let us know in advance but at this time we will open itj 9ñké up for public comment. if you'd like to speak, line up
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on the right side of> good afternoon, supervisors.-i÷rm=j i'm steven notesel, i serve on the veterans affairs commission, i'm secretary of theí1fv"gñ commission. and we have some well-qualified candidates, all á.fhsátw them on the list have good qualifications. but i'm here to speak particularly for three who i think are a cut above the rest in termsm-vm%r@! of specific qualification that is applicable to the veterans affairs commission. the first one isñakog @ john gallagher who just spoke. i would like to speak on his behalf. i knowtí5unñoi from personal experience what a competent and
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advocate he is for veterans. like i said from personal experience, working &p gez with the v.a. but also, more than that, i think it's important thk÷ñ?ñ?ñt the commission has, in its -- within its -- on the person who is, for the first time someone who/@c3uu, works for the county veteran service office. we need a greateri5-1ly/ connection with that department, and it would be a great asset to have him workingv0 ubz the commission. if i could just take one second to mention two other candidates, who i don'tm1>2lr know why are not here, both of them, to my knowledge, were going to be here.k5z!w but mr. maffei works for the city of san francisco as an?0 attorney. he also would be -- and he's been to several meetingsa he's shown a great interest on the commission. and he also would be a very special asset to theoi#iz because of his connection with various entities in the city?p7
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including the sheriff's department and the potential we have for advocating:empñr veterans court and so on. finally,5j!!d÷ dr. matto, who is a psychiatrist and has special insight into the problems of post-traumatic stress disorder and so on. hes0ñh be an excellent -- so i ask you to hold your decision, finally in abeyance until you have had an opportunity to speak to those other two gentlemen. otherwise i advocate for mr. gallagher. thank you. >> chair kim: actually both our office and the clerk did try to contact mr. matto and he didn't respond to either calls. i don't know if you have his contact but see if he's on his way. same for mr. maffei. >> i spoke with him recently. he was fully intending to be here. whether it'svññ?ñ? his job as city attorney -- >> chair kim: no need to explain. if you can contact them, that would be great.
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>> wallace livein long time member of the veterans affairs commission. the commission is in need of -- we've never had an attorney onoñ?ñ?ñ the commission. we're looking at a lot of things in that area.4yd:ñ4vwfxñ?ñ?ñ and michael maffei, as a deputy district attorney, and he1#7ct has a very heavy case load, his life is not his.'a8d,÷ññ?ñ? own, he has attended meetings of the veteransr#l6 40ñ affairs commission, almost all theñvta meetings the past year. and he would be a ñ?ñ tremendous asset to the commission. and if he's not here it'sq< becauseesbecause he's assigned something in court or he)i a7 to appear before a judge. but we've never had an attorney and he is very much needed on0$nd)o the commission. and i asked your clerk prioriñ?ñ?
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to the meeting, and she toldtlu>0)[l me that he had called, and said thates going to be delayed. i mzpi don't -- >> chair kim: we have been able to talk to+ it's mic mat that mikelñ;í[oxg/ matto that both of us have called and he's not responded to our calls. >>r i'm not -- and i'll just leave you with this thought ñ?ñ. the commission needs input with the7÷ñ?ñ'j we have that now with our president. we need an attorney. we need input from the county veterans). service office. and we+xñ?ñ? need input from city collegedñ?ñ? which has 1,000 veterans there now. and that's the importantsçf,x!iñ city college, anqoñ?ñ? attorney, and the county veterans service;ma office. thank you. >> chair kim: thank you very.jv:z; muchlñ?ñ?. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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