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tv   [untitled]    November 7, 2012 1:00am-1:30am PST

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are there any other specific issues you plan to concentrate on throughout your turn? >> a couple that come to mind. i introduced in control legislation to make it easier for tenants displaced by fires or earthquakes or other disasters to find below market replacement meant -- rent while their apartments are being fixed. there are some aspects of our rent control laws that make it difficult to find those kinds of temporary accommodations at below market rent. i have been working with groups on legislation that introduced that will help there. i have also requested an economic impact study to be performed on the entertainment and nightlife industries. it is a very important economic
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and cultural sector in our city. we have never really taken a look at what it contributes to our economy. i think that is an important piece of information to have to guide policy making in the future. i have requested a hearing on the impact of historic preservation of other important policy goals in the city like creating affordable housing, having usable parks and libraries, etc. i want to look at how those different policies interact with each other. those are a few things i am working on. >> we are out of time. we will have to wrap this up. thank you so much for joining us. we have been talking to supervisor wiener from district 8. watch for the next episode of "need your supervisor." we will be back with one of our 11 city supervisors. ♪
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>> good morning. and welcome to the san francisco county transportation authority finance committee. i am scott weiner, the chair of the committee, to my far right is commissioner elsbernd, and to my left. and to my left is commissioner carmen chu and i want to thank from sfg tv lowe, and karm anac for the video services today. matter clerk are there any announcements?
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>> no announcements. >> item two? >> approve the minutes of the october 16, 2012, it is an action item >> is there any public comment on item two? >> seeing none, it is closed. is there a motion to approve the minutes? >> could we take that without objection, that will be the order. item three? >> item three, recommend exercising the first one-year option of the legal services contract with nossaman llp and increasing the contract amount by $350,000, to a total amount not to exceed $1,310,000, for general legal consel services and authorizing the executive director to modify contract terms and conditions. >> this is an action item. >> good morning, commissioners, fong director for finance and administration. the authority contacts the legal services with the city attorney for the general contract related items. we also have nixon peabody and
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squire. and nossman helping us. back in march of 2010, the board approved the three-year agreement with two-year options. we are currently in the third year, and the agreement will be expiring on june 30, 2013. back in december, 2011, you may remember, i brought before this committee, an amendment to that contract, to increase the contract by $300,000 to increase the contract to offset the cost spent and legal lawsuit related to the city of the presidio parkway project. >> in february of 2012, you may recall that i brought before the board an item to replace the $200 million dollar line of credit. athat time we were working with abdw and the rates were
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extremely high and we went out and came back with a new where it was yielding us a savings of $3.3 million over the court of three years. with that, we also encured $100,000 in services related to the commercial paper and this is the reason that i am bringing the item, a few months earlier than the contract expiration date. within, the services that nossman performs in addition to just the routine, and legal services related to the operations of authority, they assist us in for the legal services for parkway, island and brt and the formation of the treasure island mobility agency. it has a 7 percent dbe and lbe participation. and this item was brought before the cec on october 24
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and there was a unanimous support. in terms of fiscal impacts, part of the costs for the contract that is funded by mlas with other city departments such as tida and tima for bueda island. we expect to receive more mous and will be using the prop a funds to offset the costs. in terms of me budget amendments we have the next budget to cover the majority of the contract and we will be bringing before the committee of an amendment of $177,000 over the course of the next month, at the mid year point. with that i am looking for a recommendation to exercise the first, one-year option for legal services with nossman llp and increase the contract amount by $350,000, for a total amount not-to-exceed $1.3 million for general legal
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counsel services and i am available to answer any questions that you may have. >> commissioners, david chiu has joined us. >> could you give us a little bit more information about what exactly the extent to the terms and the conditions can be modified by the director. >> they would stay the same, but we would be modifying any conditions or terms that have changed over the course of the time, meaning through the government code, maybe through any city ordinances, and we would might be looking at changing the contract drastically, we are changing the contract not approved by the board and the term of the services. >> i totally appreciate that, we may need to change the contract terms if we change the rules here is that del ineatd.
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>> it would mention that the executive director could modify any contract terms and conditions. >> my point is could we limit the resolution language that it is clear that it is based on changes that we make from the administrative code angle or other changes as opposed to blanket changes. >> good morning, commissioners, this is the standard language. what i am not allowed to change are the dollars and cents aspects of the contract. but, this is actually they are simply to say that the need for a board's action on something like a change in personnel, to the company or things like that, that may be specified in the contract. and may need to be changed but does not necessarily change the contract. but it isn't just to reflect
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city, or other guidelines that may be changing on the board. it is also to deal with the sort of the basics of keeping that contract active. and we can clarify that some more, even in the resolution that goes to the board. >> all right. >> it is not a blanket authority, especially not on the financial side of this. >> and i trust that you and the staff are making decisions that are in the best interests of what we are trying to achieve. it would be good to clarify the circumstances in which the changes can be had and if, again, i think that what you delineated, personnel changes and changes that governor you and administrative changes and those make sense and would be helpful. >> great. >> comments or questions, and we will open up for public comment and who would like to comment on item three? seeing none, public comment is
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closed. >> let's move forward with the full authority with recommendation? that will be the order. >> item four. >> item four. internal accounting report for the trhee months ending september 30, 2012. this is an information item. >> respond. >> commissioners, what you have before you is the first quarterly fiscal year 2013, internal accounting report. this is your birds' eye view of what the financial position is of the authority eit has aamounted for $165 million and liabilities up to $223.5 million. and this includes $150 outstanding commercial paper. total revenues have added up to 19.8 million, and total expenditures are at 3.7 million. and in terms of total cash for the first quarter, we have
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approximately $104.6 million in cash. this is approximately 91 percent of it is approximately sitting in the commercial, sitting in the city's treasury pool. and the investments that we hold are in compliance with the government code and the authority board approved investment policy and the amount that we have in the bank provides sufficient liquidty to meet the requirements over the next six months. with that i am more than happy to answer any questions related to the internal report >> any questions or comments? >> seeing none, is there any member of the public that wishes to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> this is an information item and so we do not need to take any action. >> thank you. >> item number five. >> introduction of new items, this is an information item. >> are there any introductions? >> seeing none, is there any member of the public who wish to comment on item five.
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seeing none, public comment is six. >> item six. >> public comment. >> is there any member of the public that wishes to comment on any item in the jurisdiction of this committee? seeing none, item 7, public comment is closed. >> item seven. >> adjournment. >> we are adjourned. >> >> good morning and welcome to the plans and programs meeting of the county transportation authority. my name is john avalos chair of the committee
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and joined by supervisor kim. supervisor kim is the vice chair and joined by commissioner mark farrell and ms. cohen. we have sfgtv staff helping today. thank you for your work. madam clerk can you call our first item. >> item two approve the minutes. this is an action item. >> okay. we can go on to public comment. and seeing none we will close public comment. colleague do we have a motion to approve the minutes from last meet something okay. we will take that without objection. thank you very much. next item please. >> item three is the advisory commission report. >> good morning chair, commissioners. i am glen davis -- >> would you pull the mic up. >> i am the chair of the
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advisory committee and here to give the report of october 24. we had one action item that is on the agenda this morning and action item six which is about allocating money to c box and those projects. that item was passed unanimously without much discussion but they ask that the staff bring it back periodically so we can follow the funding. with that i can take questions. that concludes the report. it's pretty short. >> just a question about the commitment made for future years for prop k fund. do you recall the nature of the discussion. >> yeah, there was a discussion -- i believe ta is working with the mayor's office. i can't remember the office at the moment for the commitments and
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that is part of coming back to us and the funding. >> okay great. thank you. >> thank you chair avalos. >> thank you very much. any members of the public that would like to comment? okay. we will close public comment. and that is our three. if we can go on to item four please. >> item four is recommend appointment of three members to the citizens advisory committee. >> thank you erica. we have three seats that are open. i believe i did talk with supervisor carmen chu. i think they're looking for a fourth one. we have someone here to talk about these positions. >> yes. good morning members and court ree geary and this is on page 17 of the packet and has 11 member advisory committee and each serves a year term and the
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programs and plans committee and recommends and appoints members. neither staff or the citizens advisory committee make recommendations on appointment. on page 20 you can see a list of folks that submitted applications for appointment to the citizens advisory committee. on page 19 you see information with the current members. to qualify for appointment of the citizens advisory committee you have to be a san francisco resident and appear at least once to give your qualifications. we have three vacancies and carmen wu and fran martin and glen davis, the assistant advisory chair that spoke before you. both have indicated their interest in being reappointed and we understand the chair campos does support mr. davis'
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reappointment. >> okay. thank you very much. commissioner. >> thank you very much. i would like actually request that we continue this item. i would like to continue vetting my district 10 appointee. >> okay. let's have the folks here present and then we can make decisions at the very end who we can move forward and what seats we can continue but thank you for that. commissioner kim. >> i was going to suggest the same as supervisor campos is comfortable with his appointment and move forward with that and leave four and 10. i am happy to hear from the folks here first. >> what i would like to do -- we have three vacancies and i know there are people applying for the citizens advisory committee that would like to make presentations so anyone here that is a candidate i would like to provide space for them to
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make a presentation and we can go on to makes decisions so i have three names of people that are here. okay. mr. davis, if you want to come up first. >> good morning again chair avalos and members. i am glen davis and i am seeking reappointment to the committee. i am doing so and i really enjoyed the role of being a citizen member, being on a committee that is holding government accountable for the money and spending of prop k funds through the intent of the voters. i have a master's in administration and worked in the community for 10 years around many years and education and housing and directly or indirectly affected by prop k funds and schools and the light rail stations or upcoming cal train station, so that's pretty
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much it in a nutshell. i can take any questions. >> okay. thank you. just wondering what do you feel is the greatest input you've had on the committee. >> i would say there's two items that come to mind quickly. one is as the chair was the tree maintenance and the issues that homeowners were having around tree maintenance and the cost to them and the potential liability to them, and i think we've moved that forward and the folks that came before the committee and asking for help with that feel good about what is moved forward through this committee, and then through the full board entirely, and also i would say still the most impactful issue is the private shuttle buses and we had back and forth for a couple of years and even before -- i can't recall right now, but the plan that was put forth and you
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passed about 18 months ago. is that correct? yeah; right. and that still is an issue and i think it impacts the city significantly and maybe more significantly than we thought even back in 2010 so i think that is a pressing issue that affects not all prop k but all transportation in the city and that is something that we need to think about, and also one of the items that is shuffled under the board a little bit is sidewalk repair and how prop k is allocated in certain areas like your district or the district that i live in that might not get as much maintenance as the others and how they measure how the maintenance is done which can be inadequate in terms how they measure but i won't go into the logistics there. i will stop right there. >> thank you for your presentation. next up fran
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martin. >> i'm going to read what i have. i have lon been involved in transportation issues in district town and before i was asked to be on the cac. i worked in the watershed group and met monthly and transportation and land use planning in san francisco. the focus had been getting people from the two counties and the towns together to discuss regional issues and in the future have greater community participation. i wanted better dialogue among the different entities which at that point other that were not communicating. excuse me. when the bay shore cal train station was moved south from san francisco to bis bane our community was dissatisfied with the design of the over pass which would
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heavily impact the neighborhood and future development there. we had our own architect formulate a better design and unfortunately we could not prevail. we ended up with a poor design but better than the first. excuse me. and city's interest. -- >> if you could take off your -- yeah, i just notice that. >> okay. we continue to have planning meetings to the visitation valley alliance representing this and -- and i said many times this rivals importance in the city but we received less notice historically. i want the same attention paid to other areas
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paid to projects in the southeast which include major projects, the bicounty study and extension and bay shore cal train station and realignment. and i hope to see these critical district 10 transportation projects through the upcoming planning stages before i step away from the ta cac so that's it. >> thank you very much. colleagues any comments or questions? okay. next applicant. >> hi good morning commissioners. i am chris wadlynn and a district 10 resident. by training i'm a scientist and my interest in transportation issues has come since i moved to district 10, and quite recently since the cal train over pass, the cal train
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bridge replacement project has come to light. i worked very diligently with the staff of ta and other community members to come to a resolution with that project. supervisor cohen has also been quite involved with that. as far as myself i'm a community activists of sorts. i'm the vice chair of the gardens initiative and member of the portal member association and working on beautician and improvement of the corridor. living in silver terrace gives me an opportunity to have feet in many parts of the district and district nine is included and transportation is important for all of us in these areas, and i want to become more involved in access throughout
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our community in these areas and that includes bike access which i think is good but could be quite improved and i would like to see that happen. beyond the cac i think i would offer community input. i also run a district wide blog that gives back to the community, that helps disseminate information to the community, and i really feel that's something that could be done a little better. that the community engagement doesn't stop with the cac. it involves people in the community to talk to the person on the cac and bring that to the full cac and then to you, so i feel like that would be my role in this. >> great. okay. thank you. >> thank you. >> for your presentation. next
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applicant please . this mic right here. oh you have -- >> [inaudible] >> i didn't realize you had a presentation so you're welcome to use that. >> great. good morning. thanks for giving me the opportunity to speak with you today. my name is ms. young and i live in district nine. it's a great privilege to share with you my qualifications and interest on being on the cac. so i have a very deep passion and interest in transportation, and i feel like it plays an integral role in the landscape of any city and i would like to be involved in the improvements to sf transportation. i wanted to share with you a snapshot from a user standpoint and occasionally a driving although i don't have a car and i am sure these ideas
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are bounced around but i would like to be on the team that makes the improvements and make the transportation system the world class system that san francisco deserves for being a world class city. that involves reducing the everyday barriers for using the transit system. i know people that don't use it because they think it's complicated. they don't understand the signage and the schedules and by increasing ridership you can increase rates and a cycle for overall improved transit system. i similarly have a lot of ideas for traffic easing and bus only lanes and bike safety and sharing programs and numerous other things i thought of and bounced ideas off people i know. i am extremely passion of transportation. i am
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a rider and use bart and cal train. i work on a clean tech automobile company and tesla motors. you might have heard it. we're focused on changing the landscape of transportation and making it much more cleaner, reducing emissions which i think intersecting a lot with the goals of this organization. as a side note i am a collector of subways from around the world. i feel i can bring skills and qualifications from my experience. i'm a financial analyst and worked at morgan stanley and in other mergers and departments so i have a lot of experience of working on collaborative environments and teams and tight deadlines and limited resources and i think i bring a unique demographic perspective to this community.
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i am in my 20's and asian and professional and i use transit and plugged into the network and a huge constituency in san francisco and i'm a traveler and worldwide transit rider and don't have a car and adult literacy tutor and head of the homeowner association and providing work for poor people around the world and i would like to be more civically engaged and i think this is a great way to do it, and i feel i can bring a lot to the table and i would really appreciate your selection of me to be on the citizens advisory committee for the sf cac. thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you for your presentation. colleagues any other comments or comments? >> can i ask a question? i notice you work in palo alto. how do you get there? >> we