tv [untitled] November 8, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm PST
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from there it diverges into five different optionses which staff are still evaluating. either phase ii will involve taking down the wing walls as shown here, or remediating some of the hazardous materials and prepping what remains for transfer to a third-party for disposal. * this phase ii looking out here, after the wing walls are removed, the remaining, what is essentially a flat barge at that point, would be cut down the center line in the ballast tank there so it is clean and doesn't contain the sediments that we have to dispose of. but would cut it right down the middle and once it's been bisected it does fit into the grading docks of mayor island. so, what about the flow of funding? it's been a little bit tricky figuring out how to handle this in the city. at no time will the port touch the money. it is a federal funding to
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assist us, but it only goes through federal agencies. the director of appropriations wound up with the department of defense. department of defense hoe the administering agency that does community projects, typically not this large, but they do do this kind of thing on the scale. once we got to this point, oea had a decision about how they -- who was going to execute it for them. and they tried hard to get mayor to take t. they talked to the coast guard. they looked at another agency that could grant it to the port directly and let us go out to bud. and after nine months, nobody wanted it. * bid we were fortunate to find a partner in the end in the united states navy. the salvage aerv of the navy which sits in naval sea systems command. it may be referred to in the staff report sue salve, supervisor for all salvage
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operations of the navy. the navy, then, in order to execute these funds has a previously competitively bid contract with titan salvage for all salvage work on the west coast of the americas. that has been titan to salvage. nav sea has worked with options for how to get it done and where it goes subcontract wise. phase 1, the part all the other options have in common goes with the sections removed this way [speaker not understood]. the previous slides illustrated. phases 2 and 3 get a bit more complicated because we have the option of trying to keep some continuity of contracting and just jump onto the navy's general type salvage and let them work with all the subcontractors. that brings with it some pass through costs. this has a particularly high administrative cost because it is designed for salvage work for ship wreck and there are a lot of unknowns with that.
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alternately, we may choose to go with one of the three subcontractors listed there in the box or a combination of those to ultimately dispose. [speaker not understood] is a company that runs heavy lift vessels that are currently -- currently have a program with a newly certified shipyard in china to take up all the oil rigs, that take them there to be remediated and recycled. they will have a heavy lift vessel in port in february and it is truly just luck if we avail ourselves of the option to catch them here. to have them steam all the way here would add $3 million to the price tag. that is really a target of opportunity. in the previous slides, the slide that showed bisecting the remaining mid section to put in adr, there are two ways to do
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that, allied defense recycling, the maritime ship recycler. we could use bae our own tenant to do that. up next the dry dock, they are a sophisticated and dynamite ship repair operation, demolition is historic for them. the economics don't work out quite well. so, we are looking at that option. the third -- fourth, the fifth option, the tbd mark there, it's still on the table where we, through the mayor and part of the project, asked the navy rather to expend all of its funds in the most productive way they can. and at the end put it in a form can easily be returned to us and we go out to bid. these other options here top wise 80 aepre, nav sea, the navy would start to fund them before they're out of the $3 million. we would be forced to go to a sole source contracting vehicle for those. so, i didn't mean to get too
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much into the wave there. it gets complicated in phase ii and 3. that is the the subject of the resolution that is before you. so, the purpose of the m-o-u is my favorite shout out, by the way, just a side-view. the m-o-u nav sea and titan salvage dry dock number one to begin phase 1 of the work. it gives them something to point to, lest the coast guard a excuse them of stealing it when they toe it to pier 50 of the shipyard. that is also the vehicle that is going to contain the release of liability which is important piece of this. the navy will not proceed without it because salvage operations are inherently risky and if, you know, salvages sometimes sink during tow and they won't be held responsible for that. so, the resolution -- the m-o-u
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that we would be signing -- sorry, the resolution rather gives us based authority with the [speaker not understood] manager and he gave us [speaker not understood] about that. lastly, the m-o-u or the resolution that is before you, the m-o-u would not obligate the port to spend anything. this is all on the navy, but they can't move forward without it. so, what's next? and i should note that as we execute this m-o-u, the navy, titan salvage, their towing subcontractors, are allred i to build. they stated a preference for beginning this process by the end of october. for the tow up to mayor island they want to beat the weather. it is conceivable after a decade on the waterfront it could be gone in a couple weeks. that's what i'm personally excited about. the next couple of steps. in the next week or two, as
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soon as we have two pieces of information back from titan salvage, the general contractor, we will have everything we need to have staff get together on this and make the evaluation as to what the -- which of the four or five options we recommend for the final disposal of the dry dock. and whichever way we go, whether it's through grabbing onto the titan salvage general contractor, one of the subs, we will be back before you requesting authorization for a contract to complete the rest of the work, which will -- only once we hit phases 2 and 3 will involve port funds. that's why we'll be back. that's it. >> so moved. >> second. >> any public comment? commissioners, questions? >> [speaker not understood]. [laughter]
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>> in terms of the bisecting and retaining the mid section, how, i guess water worthy as opposed to sea worthy, may be the question. are there risks attended to that? we have to then lose some sort of boyancy, would it be likely they wouldn't stay in place or guaranteed they wouldn't sink while part of it sits there? >> part of the reason why this project has taken so long to close out is because we have gone through three rounds of having titan salvage and the navy come up with a suite of options for us. and we look at them and say, these are alter i believe, let's go back to the drawing board. they're all too expensive and they're all too risky. we went through a second round of that. and after that there have been, you know -- because we've taken our time with this, wanting to get it right and not spend millions of dollars more than we need to, we lucked into a
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great project manager at titan salvage who is a naval architect by training. and, so, they have been very sophisticated work on the boyancy and the sections and what is going to happen to them. it is one of the risk factors we will take into consideration in phase ii, you know, whether the bisecting work is done at mayor island so it doesn't have to go anywhere or it's done at bae, which means those pieces would then have to be towed back out. it adds an additional piece of risk. so, you know, coming up with the final recommendation on this really is a weighing of risk/reward. the cheapest alternatives, and they're significantly cheaper, you know, appear to be the riskiest, the most expensive, the least risk. so, it's really going to be a policy decision, you know, for staff recommendation to consider. >> one question. would it pursue transferring it
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to dry dock number 1 to dock wise, we would still have to bisect the front and back off of it, or give them the entire dry dock without going through phase 1, i guess, so is phase 1 required to get the money from or get the federal funds? >> if only the vessel that were coming into port for dock wise were a little bit bigger, we would be able to proceed more directly in that way. but it is smaller which makes it cheaper. it also mostly just happens to be here. but we do need to remove the end section so it can fit. and that particular vessel is going to be here. >> and then we would be taking on the liability during transport, if anything would happen, is that what i understood, we had to release everyone else from liability? >> yes. and, you know, the folks that are executing this project, the salvage arm of the navy, their
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general contractor, there are expert folks we're going to find in the country to do this. whether they did it or whether we did it ourselves, we're in about as good a hands as we're going to get. one piece that is -- in terms of alleviating risk, one piece that is still outstanding and we don't expect there to be any problem, but is titan salvage, we were waiting for them to return to us insurance certificates which the city and the port insured on their policy to get the extra bit of risk release. >> if i could interject as well, [speaker not understood] we own today. we had it thrown away once and it cost us almost a million dollars to bring it home. and we have to go out every storm and either folks or machines out there to de-water it so it won't sink. that's how we got comfortable. if he we owned that risk, it would be lovely to transfer it to somebody else.
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we haven't found anybody to do that, so, hope that helps. >> and the navy wouldn't take it. [laughter] >> we're stuck. >> any further questions or comments? i don't have any. it's a complicated project. i guess you're just asking us to go ahead with the first phase and it sounds like we should proceed with that and we'll wait to hear from you what is the next two phases need to be. >> we'll make a recommendation to executive director moyer with briefings questions if you're interested and how we figure out the trade-offs. we'll ultimately come to you to approve a contract vehicle one form or another to extend the port funds to finish it off. >> okay. all those in favor? >> aye. >> okay, resolution 12 -84 has passed. >> item 11, new business. >> any new business, commissioner adams requested to bring forward more items showcasing maritime properties and the jobs associated with those operations. do i have that correctly, commissioner? >> yes. >> thank you.
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anything else? from any other commissioners? >> i wonder if we can get an update at some point on the status of the blue greenway and see how plans are proceeding on that. >> that is such a great time to request [speaker not understood], anxious and waiting to come forward as part of that, also bring forward the recent solicitation for the art for the [speaker not understood]. that's on the calendar for early part of the year, but i'll double-check. in any event, yes. >> i also [speaker not understood] do a presentation before the election so we can see how well we're doing with our [inaudible]. >> that would have been great, wouldn't it? >> we did make that recommendation. >> we did? that got lost in translation. [laughter] >> one item, i know that we've talked about that there will be some impact on what the transportation, everything with the arena, but having just
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experienced the embarcadaro myself on sunday where there was nothing going on, i'm just wondering whether there is ways to get what's interim steps can be -- described in terms of transportation and alleviation. we know that is a big issue going forward. * i can talk to you separately about it. i just think we need to understand exactly what's going on in the studies and whether there should be any input from us, just even before we add onto with the arena and everything else going on. >> certainly. i've been working with the head of the mta and asking that we address some interim steps before we finish all the planning that would go along with the new project. i'll ask him and see if we can get more information made publicly at the commission. >> thank you. >> is there any public comment on new business? is there public comment in general? hearing none, can i have a motion to adjourn? >> so moved. >> second.
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>> okay, all in favor aye. >> aye. >> thank you. [adjourned] mayor lee, supervisors, come on up. and while they are doing that, let's get started. what a beautiful, beautiful day, give yourselves a round of applause. [ applause ] >> fantastic. this is like winning a pennant and how about those san francisco giants. i actually want to marco scutaro wanna be, but it's not
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going to work and today i will settle formality city librarian luis herr ra and i would like to welcome each and every one of you to our ceremony today. this is indeed a milestone because it's not only the beginning of construction to a new new library, but it's the end of the program, which means it's a long time coming. {$}[ applause ], what it means that this is the last project and i want to especially thank. north beach community for your patience, for your persistence and your perseverance to have the state-of-the-art library here in your neighborhood. [ applause ] thank you so much very much. [ applause ] >> let's talk a little bit about this library. it's going to be 60% larger
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than the other library that sits over there. 60% larger. that means more books, more media, wonderful technology, wi-fi access. if you envision this space and if you look that way you have a wonderful adult area. as you walk in from the mason street side, you have an amazing teen center for all the young adults. absolutely. yelling back here, [ applause ] . that was our deputy city librarian, what can we say? a wonderful space for children. this north beach library serves over 30,000 diverse residents and it's way overdue to have a state-of-the-art library. clean it's really a true partnership with our city departments and i want to thank
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our dpw folks and their team. mindy, lena, fantastic work in managing this project. [ applause ] and another superb partner in phil ginsburg, rec and park, thank you. [ applause ] this is going to be an amazing space that ties together the joe dimaggio park and you will hear more about that. it's wonderful to know that it really creates an amazing civic space for north beach and it wouldn't happen wouldn't fantastic support from the community. julie christinsen, a shout out to you. [ applause ] the. so throughout this ceremony, we're going to celebrate and pay tribute to all of the wonderful folks that are making it happen. so without further ado, person that not only has prior director of public works, city administrator and now wonderful mayor for our city; who has
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been terrifically supportive of our city, mayor ed lee. [ applause ] >> how is everybody doing? [ applause ] [ applause ] well let me begin by saying luis, congratulations but you know, when you are as successful as you are have been with the library commission it's like winning the first world series. we're not just satisfied with one project, even though there are 24 of these that have been completed with this one, and the proper use of our library bonds program from beginning from the year 2000 with the great partnership of dpw and so forth. there are more great partnerships to be guilt because guess what we're doing with the bonds that publicly improves, we're honoring these kids' future. this is a place where there is
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going to be invent, sharing, yes, exploring, meeting, oh, gosh, what else did we miss? >> meeting. >> instructor: yes, meeting and sharing and exploring and inventing and reading. of course. we're just going to have so much of this and i'm so happy to be working with the supervisors who also know this. because we're working together on things that you believe in. and i'm waiting for the chance, when board president chiu and scott wiener have their kids and when they come to north beach branch library, they will remember this day, when they bring their kids up to the front and say mayor lee and luis herrera and everybody worked together to get this done. and, by the way, more is to come when we all work together. because today is about a
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confirmation, the biggest thanks goes to the parents and residents of north beach. ten years it took us to get to this place. a lot of ups and downs and winding and turning. [ applause ] and if it wasn't for people like julie and others, who i met years ago and we looked each other in the eye when i was at dpw and we said we're going to get this done and make it even a better libraries, because libraries are centers for our communities. they are seismically safe. they are going to have the most modern equipment for our kids to grow up and promise all of the things that we promised for them to do to become even better residents. the things that keeps me going and everybody else goes in collaboration, we're doing it for you. it's not about us. it's not about announcements, about things that are politically smart for us to do. it's about the future of this city.
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and with these 24 branches, and now the smart thing to do, connect up with great parks. yes. [ applause ] because the vision, julie didn't have a vision of just having a great center library; right? our neighborhoods aren't just going to accept that to be the end. it's to connect it up with world-class parks. that is what prop b is about and why we work together and mohammed comes in and smooths out columbus avenue. because i just road that street and it feels like a construction road [ laughter ] we have got to get all of these roads built and this is what scott wiener and others works on:we have the opportunity to unite everybody and it's up to us in government to have listened carefully, and be responsible with your money and get the job done. are we ready to get the job done?
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>> yes! are we ready to build the future for your kids? >> yes. >> are we ready to support the great parks in san francisco with proposition b? >> yes! let's go forward and keep another world series and escambia keep our san francisco successful! thank you, mr. mayor, we're going to have a celebration this morning. he reminded me it's about community spaces too. so take a moment and look up. look up. because that is where the meeting room will be on the second floor with after-hour access for all the poets and all the kids' story times and various activities. it's going to be fantastic. we want to continue our theme of partnerships and teamwork by acknowledging the great staff that has put it all together and it's going to continue to offer services here in the neighborhood at our current library.
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and i see robert carlson, robert, would you wave? he is a great community advocate here and does a terrific job. [ applause ] other members of the team, begining with our chief of branches, edward melton, edward, great work. [ applause ] elsie wong, another district manager helping to put it all together. thank you for the fantastic job you do. more partners from our city family. i know our attorney team john is here. congratulations for all the hard work, as well as michael. thank you for helping us through the entire environmental impact reports and all that took many, many years of dedicated work. we really appreciate that. and without further ado, terrific tenure, president of
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the board, district supervisor david chiu, thank you so much. [ applause ] >> thank you. >> good morning. the sun is shining on north beach today. i am so happy to be here. i think it's amazing that in the week that we celebrate the giants, we are also celebrating a real tribute to the best baseball legend in history, joe dimaggio! [ applause ] as our librarian just said, the very first meeting i took, even before he was sworn-in, after i was elected was about this library. and i got to tell you, that was only four years of a ten-year struggle. there have been hundreds of meetings coming together. there are high school students today who were preschool students when we started this conversation. and i have to tell you as we all know, it takes a village to
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raise our kids, but it has taken many villages to build this library. i want to start first and foremost by thanking three mothers, who helped to lead friends of joe dimaggio, julie christinsen, lizzy diaz and lizziehurst, thank you for all you have done. [ applause ] and i also want to take a moment and thank all of the parents who are here of all the different schools that we have. yes, franklin middle school, garflied, st. peter and paul, what am i missing? sherman, telegraph hill. thank you all for what you are doing. i also want to thank those who have been advocating for our seniors and disabled, our parks advocates, our library advocates and of course our city staff. we have a lot of acronyms, dpw,
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ruark, our mayor, planning, thank all for what you have done. [ applause ] . let me just close by saying that our work is not done. and if you remember we had opponents who fought this library. who delayed our being here by years, by millions of dollars and by lawsuits. is some of them may be running to be supervisor of district 3. and some of them are opposing proposition b. boo. >> boo. >> they are fighting our kids. they are fighting our families and they are fighting the next generations, but shame on them. that is right. so let me just say we have done a lot of chants in san francisco like let's go giants. i have another one for you, let's go prop b, let's go joe
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d. are you ready, kids? let's go probb, let's go joe d. let's go prop b, let's go joe d. thank you so much. [ applause ] >> all right, is there high-energy today? fantastic. a couple of other colleagues, peers in the city family, tom, who is our arts commission executive director. thank you for joining us. we have a partnership in the arts commission that every new building has public art. i don't know if our artist for north beach is here, bill fontana, we're excited about his work and the opportunity to have beautiful art as part of the project. so bill, thank you. also, we talked about how important access is to our neighborhood libraries and today we have our acting director in the mayor's office of disability, carla johnson.
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carla. thank you for joining us. thank you for being here today. [ applause ] our next supervisor who also does not need much of an introduction because he is at every single library opening. a terrific staunch supporter and advocate for public libraries supervisor scott wiener. thank you for joining us [ applause ] . >> thank you, luis and congratulations on this great day moving forward. i go to library openings partly because mine were done by the time i took office. i have public library opening envy. this project in particular, north beach branch library and joe dimaggio has had a special place in my heart and i have been especially an outspoken supporter of this project and, in fact when we were putting together prop b, the parks fund and we needed to make room in the
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