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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2012 10:30am-11:00am PST

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lot of calls, it turned out that there were none, not until after midnight unfortunately, there was a shooting at thatím&6]ua time. so it turned out toxrtí+dç be a rather quiet. but still, his a very informative experience. i toured the station beforeg# the ride-along didle=sp roll call and for that";,pihd c.e/og lt. darrylb fong was in charge thatyq1o>ñ4e night.xd sgt. jesus pena did theo;(o.hñ ride-along. i rode in his car. and had a spontaneous tour ofnkilzj4q ythe emergency call center on turk street. which turned out to be very enlightening to see howbb c.a.d. center works firsthand. that turned out to be terrific and lori stern, the operations
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manager there, took considerable time to go through the details of that operation. and i commissioners that haven't experienced that yet. there are two things that i kind of came away with i'd like tõ éa' share with the other commissioners. one is the challenges of the northern policing district. it's very -- av[4óvpv very diverse district, but very dense in 7wy population. itú)5y5ibxv includes the western district and public housing there but also the high rises in the russian hill area,2=jnrd the mansions in pacific heights, and+7of lot of activities and22ñ celebrations in the city. and then of courseg&ç6 jx there's the marina. so there's quite a bit of demand, you9gtg'g9 on our officers here. and apparently a lot of calls.ñ
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notwithstanding this particular night. the other things that struck me wíp+qe notwithstanding the challenges of this area is that there is aws [x challenge of staffing there. during roll call, where you would ordinarily expect to see perhaps two o6ios?gj for each car that's going out all but one car only had one officer going out. so they -- you know, as -- they're not alone but they are experiencing staffing challenges&=m7opv] there. notwithstanding&t&sqs that you couldn't really tell because everything was very professionally and efficiently organized with the staffing that was there. and very much under control. and well done. so i am very appreciative to captain mannix and lt. fong
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sgt. pena and lore lori stern for a terrific night at northern. >>to extra body that night too. >>).mstoo. >> commissioner kingsley: i brought them good luck perhaps. >> vice president marshall: i want to thank the chief and fellowd=yg $nujá attended the celebration of the 25th anniversarynkkív+ october 25 25 second world series game. i wanted to say at its very heart, omega is a balanced prevention agency. that's what we're about. some of the kids said chief king. and they know my fellow commissioner. so for you to say thank you to them for being part of the solution not part of thehym@&y problem, they appreciatehqs;f3d6 iñxbelieve commissioner loftus was there. >> i wanted to be there. >> vice president marshall:
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commissioner dejesus an??b?w kingsley. thank you foré31ú6 being there. >> it was a wonderful event. >> it was a treat to be there. the speaker was martin luther king's speech writer who helped him write the i have a dream#g speech. it was a wonderful $ué5l-e6 so thank you. >> thank you. anything further? announcements and scheduling of items identified forgb>çñp] consideration, at future commission meetings. commissioners, anything you would like to add? we have a packed agenda coming up in the future with big) á h items on there. what do we have for%i$or9 next week which is the second tuesday of the'÷ jx >> while you're looking at that maybe i can ask myw3 fellow commissioners we're working on the agenda for december 59x6
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is. any community members, if you could reach out to inspector monroe5dnt&=1ñ want to make sure that agenda is thoughtful and helpful. >> commissioner, of course you will havelaitçx +e8í/o domestic violence on the agenda. >> it will be on the agenda. >> so far, only the[8/z:ñ albert taylor update and that's commissioner kingsley's. so i was going to ask you if you wantedrh)muñ to appear -- or#ór*y did you just want and update from him? >> i think givenpñ age, probably i'd like to ask for him to appear so1ógf loç i think an update will be fine. >> that's fine. yes, absolutely. >> another commissioner may be preoccupied next week with a lyéix bigmjj+runq >> i'm sorry that isn't scheduledd.gx÷b8v for next week, isñr it? >> we haven't scheduled but he's up in 90 days. >> ask i@u"%$u ask, december 5, did you say that was -- >> yes, meeting with the commission on the status of women. >> did i read correctly, we had eñ
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a hearing scheduled that day is this i received something that said we had. >> that's right. thank you for catching that. >> can't do both that day. >> no. we'll reschedule the hearing. >> okay. >> thank you. >> ordinarily dark on the second wednesday of the month and there was talk about having thatåe wednesday, we'd use it because we're going to lose the wednesday forhjwmç thanksgiving. but i suggest maybe we should go dark that second wednesday. >> i can't be here because i thought we were going to be dark and i'm going to boston. >> we will be dark next [u6kl wednesday. >> we didn't have any big items. >> great. commissioners, anything else you would likeem÷l to add to line item 3(d)? yes. >> one announcement. we're going to be in the district thisax z e month also, commissioner. police commission will be holding a special meeting this month ataénv[áeq a location other than city hall. the commission will meet in thíp middle school 460 arguello, here in san francisco wednesday
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november( comments from the public@s]#=qlv and richmond station captain concerning public protection issues. >> thanks very much, inspector. is there any public comment regarding line items a3bcor d. hearing none public comment is closed. pleas5 >> discussion and possible action to appoint moises romero as to patrolc' special officer calvin wily or take other action regarding request for appointment action. >> before moving to the next three matters which are the appointment of assistant patrol officers thexd commissioners you have in your packet the background of these officers. and before -- i have to let you know a lot ofok the information isb/ia privileged. there was discussion as to what we could actually see before we make the decision as to hiringoé÷ authority for assistant patrol
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specials. so if we could sort of discuss this if you would like. we can see in the packets the been reviewed byw san francisco police department and they've been approved. but we cannot discuss any specifics. a lot of it has been redacted because social security numbers, bank account numbers, addresses, phone numbers, important inf+ we cannot discuss that on the record because it's privileged and confidential and -- attorney last night also provided me with a( ] cautioning us on releasing this information. soñ any information the commissioners have regarding firstt ç applicant david randall -- >> you said they have been approved already by4i:9t the department is that correct? >> hector who is presentr$@a tonight sgt. would you like to come forward. >> good evening. the backgrounds have been thoroughly reviewed and they've been approved byw3 the department. the background investigations, to review the packets, to make
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sure everything was in there, and they the2z &jñ backgrounds are favorable f&eñ>uá there's nothing inbb(15i there. >> let me ask further. i don't know if this is aw3pb2xhpwn process -- does that mean recommending them? >> well that's -- >> or areoewe -- i don't remember us doing this before. >> i think you're recommending them. >> are you actually recommending them? >> the backgrounds are favorable and the department is recommending them for appointment based on your final decision. >> i know we have the:plt decision but it's different than saying you're recommending them. >> their backgrounds are fine. >> i think that's what he's &,+sq6ñ but i'm saying... thank you. >> okay. >> commissioner chin has a question for+÷/3 the city >> commissioner chan: so i reviewed all of the applications. i did have some concerns about -- do i just not publicly state those concerns and vote
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based on thosed >> -- general high level, discussion about the topics of the concerns, but the records'#k6kw themselves are exempt from production as well as information in the records. so there shouldn't be detailed discussion of the/%u 3ñz content of the records here in this public forum. so if you feel that you can't get ajdw % discussion or back sponsoring patrol special officer or the assistant applicant, themselves, it may be that you'll need to make a decision based on7#h:ñ the records that you've been able to review, and ifd+ is against the appointment, that's going to be your decision. >> commissioner chan: thank yousmb(ç/8ç. >> president mazzucco: fisher kingsley. >> commisaeñ?ñ?>q3 kvñioner kingsley:
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there are just a couple of us that have questions that are specific to this. the voted ?ñ? for that particular applicant, and then seek the information -- because i'd hate to vote no on an applicant without allowing the opportunity to provideññ> i think that would bey em fine. certainly the commission could vote to continue it upon the request of a commissioner, or the vote of the body. if the packet, youipfiugk feel, isn't complete, or if there are questions that you would like additional information submitted for review and consideration, there would be no problemu! with that. >> commissioner kingsley: tha$oñyño@v you. >> i have a question that i think i can ask. for addressing all threettí the -- okay.
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we'll÷h0k-q wait. i'llqi >> so are there any questions or recommendations regarding possible action item tokf-o 5ld appoint moises romero as assistant patrol special officer to the beat of special officer calvin1wkzç[hl(iñ[ó/x wily? >> i request that we put this over2m >> commissioners. >>gx &$ i requestj up at another time to allow for some questions to be addressed. >> on -- >>q ”ö application. >> and i would agree. i'm more interested in given some things that i've read here,n4se the department is recommending him so, i just would like to know some more, and in-gf to make a decision absent that and seems we can't do that now.
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that's why i would concur with my fellow commissioner. >> what i will do at this point in0: >> i mean i think it's appropriate if the department cant-:dázé explain the factors that were reviewed, and the basis for the recommendation& appointment without getting into any of the specific details. that certainly would not be a problem. >> that's my question. even if we postpone this how are we going>>/qp to ask the relevant questions that we need to ask. >> if commissioner have specific questions on a packet they can submit that to5y;÷$ñç sgt. justino who can follow up with the sponsoring special patrol officer that can get answers h and those will be included in the supplemental packet for the commission that would be subject to the same rules as far as they would bekníxz! non-public record but that may be a way in which the commission can request supplemental information and get answers to the questions that the commissioners have. >> that soundg. ó]é8 fine? >> that sounds perfect. >> vice president marshall: maybe at that time, rather than hear from the department n
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can hear from the department then about that particular person. okay. >> so we'll do at this point in time in light there is-$- [k a motion to take this matter off calendar, do i have a second? >> second. >> all in favor. >> ayes. >> line item 5 please. >>!i+6pnd take public comment on thisdy$zb< item. >> public comment regard thanksgiving item? hearing none, please call line item 5. >> line item 5, discussion and possible action to appoint david randall cabrera asnd patrol special officer to patrol&jlgrv special officer scott heart or take other action regarding request for appointment. action. >> you have this packet in this application. are there any questions? regarding this appointment? mr. david randall cabrera please come forward. come forward with the scott hart, who is recommending yoåç
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thank you. commissioners, do we have any application. hearing none, public comment's now closed. commissioners do i have a motion? >> i would move to accept the application. >> do i have a second? >> second. >> all in favor. >> ayes. >> congratuljyyíh@&c @&c"p% >> thank you. 6d28 >> line item 6, his discussion and possible action t┌4 ñ appoint edward jim asçó assistant patrol special officer to patrol special officer cot hart or to take other action regarding action. >> do you have anyhés ç questions regardings ç mr. edward yim's application. >> i have some questions. there's one that i will ask off line and one i think ixd can ask on line. on the cover packet, on the cover letter to the packet looks like it's signed by the
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lieutenant, says was -- does not meet requirements frr peace officer standardszlñ?ñ? and training guidelines. i wanted to ask about that. >> maybe the lieutenant can answer that question or the sergeant. approximate. > investigation was resubmittedand some of the information that was missing was provided to me that's why i put it through for recommendation. >> this letter is moot. >> yeah. >>s%(!z and then i#ncñj= think that's significant enough to wait to postpone this and then we can direct our questions off line. >> do we have public comment or comment from the sponsoring patrol special or the applicant regarding this? hearing none, public comment's now closed. do i have a motion to continue this matter? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor. >> ayes. >> this+qvsz matter will be continued
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until we can have that one questionp q$gv answered. >> is there a processcpñ?ñ in place so the question will get to the department and to the people and we can get it back and get it back on calendar? because -- >> the thing is i know they wait a long time to get up here and sometimes -- a year and a k x, half. so i don't think we should just throw it off calendar without having a process. >> well you should set a date for usyik#y[nu to get the questions to the department. we really should do that. >> yes. submit your questions through inspectoráz >> put it on the calendar the next time we meet nhméuñ- 28 is the next time -- >> that was put on the calendar for november 28, our next date. >> the committee meeting? >> if we compor# handle this -- >> it/zn$ >> we need to get these officers -- >> do you have a7!!t 3"2ígk[2 >> she has another question too.
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>> thank you very much. please call line item 7. >> line item 7, public comment on all matters pertaining to item 9 below, closed session, including publicófsa comment on vote whether to hold item 9 in closed session. >> a public comment regarding our closed session matter dealing with litigation with the city, and disciplinary matters. hearing none, public comment is now90céá >> vote on whetherwéñ?ñ? to hold item 9 in closed session whether to assert the attorney-client privilege with regardñr to item #, a san francisco administrative code ÷@÷ñ section 67.10. action. >> have a motion. >> -- >> second. >> all in favor. >> ayes. >> thank you very much.
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>> regarding our matters. >> not to stloas. >> ayes. >> please callwz%÷"#$ i think we'd like to adjourn in honor ofav chief kevin cashman and association vice president officer kevin martin. >> who would be -- likeegtn.÷ to join me and the rest of the san francisco police departmenté:r wishing commissioner chen the best next week. >>!u >> ññ?ñ? in her impending wedding, her nuptials. >>+.l congratulations. >> line item >> by a motion. >> move to adjourn. >> all in favor? >> ayes. >>?ñ?ñ thank you very much,
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evíylfeú]> @&c @&c"p% good luck. >> we are ready to begin. welcome to unico i'm albert and i'm very pleased that today we have a number of distinguished guests joining us from the ribbon cutting ceremony, so allow me now a few moments to introduce our guests first of all please welcome san francisco mayor mr. edwin lee. [ applause ]
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>> >> next please welcome singer, song writer and unico cast member, quopola. [ applause ] >> we also would like to welcome the director of the san francisco zoo, miss tania peterson. >> and now, ladies and gentlemen, let's please welcome unico, ceo mr. tabashi yani. [ applause ] >> and last, but not least, please welcome unico usa chief operating officer, mr. pani... [ applause ] >> at this time, i would like to ask unico ceo, mr. yani to give us a few opening remarks. >> mr. yani please.
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>> good morning, everyone. yeah, i am now so much excited because of for the opening soon and also i would like to express my personal experience 45 years ago i was 18 years. i passed 15 this usa, in san francisco, is my past experience to around here. and also, i much say i am a 49er. [ cheers ] >> because i was born 49 year and also, for each century, do you know, today, today is a
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day, you know, today is steve jobs passed away, one year ago. i give steve jobs so much and this is a place of innovation, i try to make innovation here for us today. thank you very much for listening. thank you. [ applause ] >> thank you, very much. >> may i now ask mayor lee for a response please? >> thank you. and mr. yuni thank you and welcome to san francisco, welcome unico for to the square it is a great place to be, this 30,000-square foot flag ship for the west coast and i have been wanting to tell you that i
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have known about your store to my daughter for quite some time, who have been religiously shopping for their affordable and very well-designed clothing for quite some time, and of course, i'm very intrigued being the next model to follow joe montana. but, i'm happy to be here and joined with, of course, tania peterson our zoo director and so many friends. i also had to wake up to my wife saying, we are going to the store today, are we not? so she is there already, we are already focused on the orange section of the store to get ready for this weekend. but i want to not only congratulate unico for locating here in our very exciting part of our city, the international part where so many millions of visitors come every year.
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in fact, last year in 2011, over 16.3 million visitors came to san francisco and most of them found their way to unit square to the best shopping in the world. this is the center for arts and culture and of course it is our innovation capitol of the world and we are doing all of the right things to continue our success in the city. part of that success, is to work with great corporate citizens like unico and their efforts to make sure that they give their best effort to hire san franciscoans. today we celebrate not just a flag ship store but a store that has made corporate responsibility at the helm of their friend. there is over 500 people that they have already hired in this store. that is a fabulous contribution. they have worked that magic with our office of economic
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development, having spent weeks to train people who may not have gotten this opportunity. but for their out reach in this store, and then, they created a buzz and excitement in our city. i know that people will not only appreciate the fabulous fashions here, that you just look at these prices, for the kind of quality that they have. and i know that we have smart shoppers like supervisor kim who will be here in a minute and others who look for that casmere brand and also are very affected by the price sensitivity of the quality store. and then i want to just give a shout out. there are people so excited here in san francisco for this store to open. paul english from the richmond area of san francisco was here at 5:00 a.m. and i have to give a shout out to her. she and her friend michelle were the first two people in
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line here. i want to welcome you to the flag ship store in san francisco. congratulations mr. yuni and kenny, thank you for your wonderful work in setting this up and working with us so well. >> thank you, very much. yeah, you are very, very good serviceman, and the whole san francisco. thank you. thank you very much. >> and i think that we are, yes? >> by the way, when you get in there, you have got to see the magic mirror, that is something that is going to blend technology with your fashion. mr. yuni on behalf of the city in a way in which we are so proud, so thankful for this opportunity to welcome the flag ship here, we would like to declare this unico day here in san francisco. [ applause ]
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>> thank you, very much. mayor lee and thank you very much everyone. i think that we are ready now to spread the unico ribbon for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, yes? if we could have, here we go, just underneath, yes, please. yes, i think that everyone has, yes, thank you very much. so, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to do it on the count of three. we will go, 3, 2, 1 for our guests and for our executives, obviously we have a number of very interested photographers here so please give us your best unico smile possible. ladies and gentlemen, so if we are ready, 3, 2, 1, all right? >> 3, 2, 1... [ cheers ] >> thank you very much,
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everyone. and i think that we will be opening in probably... >> yes? >> we will be opening very, very shortly. one moment please.