tv [untitled] November 13, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PST
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thank you so much to the clerk's office. i know several different legislative aides from different offices were involvedgññ?ñ?ñ ine weekly meetings. so i wanted to thank everyone for all their work on this effort. thank you. before we entertain a motion to convene into closed session is there any member of the public who wishes to speak on items 5 through 10? i'm sorry, 5 through 11. so if you'd like to speak on itemscñ?ñ 5 through 11. seeing none, public comment on those items are closed. colleagues, do we have a motion to convene in closed session? >> so moved. >> chair kim: we can do that members of the public we are at this time convening into closed
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attorney. >> city attorney: deputy city attorney john griv ner. in closed session the committee through 11 to the full board with recommendation. >> chair kim: thank you. disclose what occurred in closed session. we had a motion and second. opposition. so we did find out that one of it. i think hew?vv2ñ=k outside. this is for item 2, for the veterans affairs commission. suspend our rules so we cand[!er just -- we can reopen this item. >> i move to suspend the rules. >> chair kim: great. so we do have a motion to suspend the rules. in order to reopen item 2 which
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we have continued. mr. michael maffei, i know that you've rushed to get over here so we will certainly hear8÷=erxu today in stead of two weeks. i am so sorry. apologize for taking your time and to commissioners levin and wong for being here. i thank you very much. >> supervisor elsbernd: no problem. i know you missed the format but we asked focusek039 folks to tat their experience. you had members of the public speak on your behalf so we we would like to hear you speak today and we will not ask you to come back again. thank you again. i appreciate your time. i served -- after law schoololi u.c. haisings i served in the united states navy as a jag.
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system because of alcohol and substance abuse. it'sñ?ñ? also the homeless probm in our city. and i would like to assist in bringing my wealth of knowledge to advise the mayor, help with programs, solutions, to identify and treat those uniquenqñ?ñ? conditions that are only to service members due to their military service. so i'm very passionate about this. i'm still a reservist. i've been attending the meetings and it's definitely something i think cries out for a solution and i would very much like to be a part of that. >> chair kim: thank you. it's my understanding you have attended many if not all of the veteran affair commission meetings. >> since i've moved here to san francisco two years ago, i've attended[çh"] many. i haven't had a perfect attendance record but yet. >> chair kim: thank you for your commitment and dedication already. seeing no questions from members, we have entertained a
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motion to continue this to the call of the chair. do we have a motion to continue to the call of the chair? >> so moved. without opposition. thank you for making it here. we will hear this item again and make our final determination on? the applicants that we move forward but we were happy to hear you tad. >> thankxmñ?ñ you. you. >> chair kim: madam clerk,rv items? >> linda wong: no, madam chair. meeting is adjourned. thank you. w"o5vñ>> hi, my name .
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in this episode, we are featuring the romantic park locations in your very own backyard. this is your chance to find your heart in san francisco with someone special. our first look out is here at buena vista park, a favorite with couples and dog lovers. it is as old as its neighbor and both have a significant forest, a refreshing retreat from urban life. the pass that meander we do under a canopy of 0, redwood,
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pine, and eucalyptus. chill out and this environment and you might see butterflies and dandelions. blue jays fly between the eucalyptus. it is ada accessible. public transit is plentiful. six, 24, or 71 bus. we have conquered the steps, we walked the dogs, and we have enjoyed a beautiful view the park has to offer. this is the place to take someone special and enjoyed a beautiful look out. " come to corona heights, located in the heart of this district. it offers a spectacular view of the downtown skyline, the bay bridge, and the east bay. the park is one of the best kept secrets. unlike twin peaks, it is hardly
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ever crowded. on any given day, you will run into a few locals. hop on a 37 bus to get there with that any parking worries. locals can bring their dogs to run with other dogs. there is also grass for small dogs. >> it is a great place. it is a wonderful place for the city to provide these kind of parks. the dog owners appreciate it. >> take time to notice the wildflowers on the grassland. and keep your head on the lookout for hawks and other bird life. take your camera and be prepared to review the city in a way you will not forget. it is prominent with beautiful formations that are perfect to watch the sunrise from the east over the bay. this is another one of our
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great look out. we are at mount davidson. it has the highest point of elevation in san francisco, 928 feet. this is the place for you to bring someone special. enjoy all of the pathways, trails, and greenery that surrounds you. it provides a peaceful oasis of public open space and great hiking trails. the spectacular view offers a perfect place to watch the sunrise, or, sunset, with someone you love. >> it is a good place to get away from the hectic life of the city. get some fresh air. the view is fantastic. >> wear sturdy shoes to conquer the trail, you have the feeling of being in a rain forest. mount davidson is also a great
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place to escape the noise and the apostle of the city with your partner. -- bustle of the city with your partner. it is quite a hike to the top at mount davidson but the view is worth every step. this is the place to bring that someone special. for more information about reserving one of these romantic locations, or any other location, 831-5500. this number is best for special ovens, weddings, picnics, and the county for building. for any athletic field and neighborhood parks, call 831- 5510. you can also write us at permits and reservations. or walking in and say hello at old log cabin, golden gate park.
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and of course you can find more information at >> good afternoon and welcome to the october 26, 2012 meeting of the local agency formation commission for the city and county of san francisco. i am david campos and i am the chair of the commission. we have our clerk is linda wong and we want to thank the following members of sfg tv staff for covering the meeting today. madam clerk if you could please call the role.
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>> commissioner avalos. present. commissioner olague absent. commissioner mar, present. commissioner pimentel. commissioner schmeltzer. >> present. >> there is a quorum. >> thank you very much. if you could call item two. >> item two is the minutes from the special meeting. >> do you have the minutes of the meeting? before we take any action i would like to ep it up to public comment. any member of the public that would like to speak to item two? seeing none public comment is closed. colleagues do we have a motion? we have a motion by commissioner avalos and second by commissioner schmeltzer. if we could take that without objection. madam clerk will
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you please call item three. >> item three is reports and update on cleanpower sf and update on the california puv, suggestions for items to be discussed at the last meeting. >> our executive officer nancy miller. >> yes nancy miller through the chairs. we have waiting for sf puc staff. >> shall we come back to this item? >> why don't we do that and see if anyone shows up. >> commissioner schmeltzer. >> i believe maises hale will be in shortly. >> if there is no objection let's move to item four. >> item four is studies on the voting process and for local offices in the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you. if we could now any mr. fried for a report.
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>> sure. jason fried and we asked some changes made to the report. they sat down with myself and chair campos so they were invited to what they felt were suggestive edits to the report that they felt needed to make the report better. that report is in your packet and you can review it if you choose to make the changes. i wanted to mention because we rarely get communications from outside folks. we did get a comiewgz from cory cook and we got it late yesterday so if you have any questions on it i will be more than happy to try and answer those commission. >> commissioner avalos. >> thank you. i am just reviewing the letter for the first time. could you summarize it for me? >> sure. basically he is saying that the terminology used in the original report is fine. i used
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language that what would be the traditional academic version of the language and he is okay. he doesn't feel there is a reason to make change scption he understands it's it was done accordingly and reasons why i changed the language is primarily it was the language used in the city and since was to deal with san francisco and the discussion going on at the time i wanted to keeplet language the same to that discussion and why i had the definitions the way it was and he wanted changes made that were more traditional in nature. >> are you a academic or a card carrying member of a amdemmic institution? >> no. >> thank you. >> before we take any action is there any member of the public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none public
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comment is closed. mr. fried in terms of here, the lafco we can make the changes? >> yes, you can or if you don't want to. >> it's up to the commission. commissioner avalos. >> i don't feel strongly about makes changes. the report was complete. i am fine with the language and served our purpose here. if there are academics that want refer to the report they can use it in whateve setting they want. >> okay. >> seeing no other action let's proceed to item five. >> item five is executive's officer report. >> just for the record we of
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joined by commissioner olague. >> commissioners the joint meeting is set for the 30th and when ms. hale arrives we will talk about the agenda items for that. at your chair you have the notice of cleanpower sf and it's in the english, spanish, and chinese, so i have really no other report. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions for our executive officer? why don't we open it up to public comment. any member of the public that would like to speak to this item please come forward. >> good afternoon eric brooks and localing the local green party. sounds like you're moving so fast i missed the caa item which is a good sign. >> we're coming back to it. >> i wanted to speak in regard to scheduling and the joint
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lafco caa meeting. i was at the last meeting and the first one started taking on community choice and cleanpower sf and rate setting, and i was -- it was good to hear at that meeting the chair actually say that we need a lot of the customer data and things like that, and a lot more study work to help advise the rate setting process before this is taken up by the sf puc and then the joint lafco /sf puc, and a lot of that data has just a couple days ago come in from local power, but it will probably take throughout november to crunch that and longer to crunch that and apply it to the rate setting, so i would just ask the various bodies to be flexible in their
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time line now. we have gotten this thing passed. it's on the way and now we to make sure we have solid customer data and solid data in what we might be installing and inform the process of making the opt out better. possibly giving us better rates from the beginning or shortly therefore and making sure we're identifying customers the right way with regard to marketing this thing to them so we can way down below what is currently projected as 50% opt out and that is likely to go past the joint meeting next month, so just wanted to put that forward that we want to make sure that we're not rocketing too forward too quickly setting the rates until we have all the information we need from local power and other studies. >> thank you mr. brooks. any other member of the public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none public
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comment is closed. madam clerk if you could call item three. >> item three community choice aggregation report and status update on cleanpower sf and update on california puc. >> and there are several reports and joint meeting that will be taking place and i will turn it over to the lafco staff and we were joined also by barbara hale. >> ms. hale will speak to the first item. >> commissioners. barbara hale, assistant general manager for power. since i appeared before
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you last our commission has authorized us to go forward with a communications, customer notification the taft order with the winning group and we will go forward with targeting the group and what factors that we need to take to add the boards communications and the focus rolling it out, launching the program to customers with service as earliest as july 2013. we expect to be before our commission on november 13 with a proposal for how to incorporate the
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direction from the board into the program, and then before the yourself and our commission in a joint meeting on november 30 where we will talk again about the same concept. how to factor in the direction we receive from the board into the program as we previously conceived of it. what the timing is that we envision to make sure that we're getting -- we're incorporating that direction and approaching the program at a pace that our commission and the lafco commission is comfortable with. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> ms. hale. ms. miller. >> yes. i believe we also have a stakeholder meeting scheduled to discuss -- this is the stakeholder meeting where we discuss the work of local power and we discuss the roll out so that is
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scheduled -- i will you have three more rate meetings and next time we're together i think we can have kind of a complete, more complete package to you give in terms of rates and dates and other information. >> and i would agree -- thank you for catching the items i neglected to mention. i would agree with you except for i'm not certain that the rate fairness board will be in a position to advise our commission yet. i don't expect that will happen until december. >> okay. i do have a quick question and my colleagues probably have other questions but in terms of some of the issues raised making sure people that don't want be part of the program have ample opportunity to opt out is there going to be an outreach plan or a plan for ensuring that that is the case
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especially with communities where it might be more difficult to reach those communities? so i am wondering if you could say a little bit about that. >> yes, we intend to conduct customer notification and education program. components that we talked about previously were very targeted toward the statutorily required opt out. now we're factoring in a preenrollment phase ahead of that opt out. that's the approach we think we're going to be recommending and how to ensure that communication and education that goes with that plan is as responsive and as complete and deep as it needs to be to make sure that we don't have any accidental customers. >> commissioner pimentel. >> what type of outreach strategies do you have to educate the community members about cleanpower sf and how
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will you go about implement them? will there be community meetings or mailers? >> it's a all of the above approach at this point. as i said we just got our customer education and notification consultant on board -- authority really -- not even on board yet, authority to get them on board, so it's of course developing, but yes we see working with community based organizations, using community meetings. i would say that prior to our new direction from the board we had conceived of a more media centric approach and now i think it's more hand to hand engagement if you will that we really need to incorporate more into the program, and largely focused at that preenrollment
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part of the communication, but there is more to come on that as we develop it with bringing our contractor on board. thank you. >> commissioner schmeltzer. >> thank you. and i'm glad to see the fliers that you've -- i guess the samples you have given us. just in looking at the samples, and i know you're just developing your materials i notice that it does repeat a lot that the energy provided by cleanpower sf will be 100% renewable and clean. i think it might be useful when explaining that to mention that -- what the benefit of that is. that the power isn't going to come from power plants that create soot and cause childrens' asthma, and the reasons that many people in the community have for not
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wanting power plants in their community whether it's in san francisco or across the bay in another community as we saw with the trandzs bay cable. this enables people not to get the power from the power plants and enables the power plants not so much demand for them. i think it might be obviously not in such a complicated long way, but just to point out it's not just that it's clean and from solar and wind and that it's not from soot creating power plants. >> that's a point well taken to make sure we don't lose the opportunity to educate about the benefit of that choice. >> and this is a premium. there is a premium because it's a benefit to the air that we all breathe and share. >> thank you commissioner for that feedback. >> thank you very much. vice
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chair avalos. >> thank you. just a couple questions related to the outreach efforts. we talk about opt out but not necessarily opt in that we had in the side conversation. i think it's a great opportunity. i think using us for the opt in process and i think both in opt in and opt out social media is going to be really helpful and i know we have used social media in relation to cleanpower sf but it hasn't been robust and i think there are ways of making it very useful and i think those are strategies that we can employ. >> thank you. we would be very open to spending a little time with our communication folks and yourselves and/or the staff to mind the good ideas you have to reach out to your communities. i refer to as reenrollment and
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the opt in concept and people can raise their hand "i'm interested" and let us know so that we include them in the first phrase of the roll out. >>i think the joint meeting would be great and especially on the subject of opting in and have discussion on that as well. >> yes. great. thank you. >> if i could just add because i think the success of the program is dependent upon the marketing so think it's important that is shared with the commission, and that we have some -- i mean we of participatory in the selection of the consultant and it has been great, but i think how we rollthis out is important and as we know in marin we have a competitor that will
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