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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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ndian heritage month. so it's successful and i'm sure there are a lot more parents that are doing that. i just want to recognize the parents efforts that are doing that behind the scenes. that is really important. so i'm really grateful for this recognition because it means a lot to our community, and it means a lot -- i'm a one-person department. and i'm really super happy to have a great supervisor in barbara -- who is able to be with me and support me and guide me through the3m the district level and the parents that are very active and want to see a change in the district. so i'm just really grateful to 7x;cjo be here, and the support of deputy& to be able to provide us a new space that we have at cesar chavez, andk1vx=áthe chavez community is super excited to have us be there with ab9?é1e
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holler staff. so i'm thankful. i'm like extremely thankful for this recognition because it means so much to the/wv program and a lot of the american indian students and teachers and females who i don't want to keep going but i could. i have a list of so many people that i could recognize because they make my work -- they make me want to work even harder. and working with the youth, that really brightens my day, and makes me want to work even more harder. but here's our parent÷ezc committee cochair, michelle an tone that would like tol few words. >> good evening. i just want to -- my name is michelle i'm from the -- nation which tucson arizona. and i am born and raised here in san francisco, and on the parents of the indian
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education program, we are very thankful/k44k(.ñ grateful for this acknowledgement. we have a strong group of dedicated parents that have been working really hard to keep this program going. for a period of time we didn't have a program coordinator. and now we have one of our own parents who is the coordinator. and so it's been a lot of work from a lot of dedicated parents that have been keeping the program going. we have been very instrumental in trying to get a location for our program. we have been kind of floating around here and there and now we are at cesar chavez,naj we're grateful that we have a room so that we can really get our program running full strength. and it's good to have a location so families can have somewhere to go when they need to. there's no other program in c
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school, and go on to higher education. and that's like gloria mentioned one of our goals for our program is to -- is that we want our graduation numbers to go up. we have a high risk ofobú;c? dropout and we're trying to turn that around. and we're very grateful and honored to be here. thank youfá,?c> [applause.] >> i know we don't have g4sj y-ñz÷k+yd/x right now but i'm going to acknowledge the pac members who have been supporting, with the -- certificate later on but michelle an tone, georgia pratt williams, arin hall, a teacher who isn't here who was supporting way before i was even in the program. so thank you so much for all your -- and all the parents that showed up tonight thank you so much for coming and supporting. >> ?s
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>> i also wanted to mention that i had an opportunity to attend this assembly last week, and learned there were 550 different tribes in the united states, 280 different languages spoken, 20 of them spoken in california. and we did learn ac5ssj little sign language which was -- i hope i don't get this wrong. so correct me, ladies, if i'm wrong. education is not the enemy. so i hope i did thatwwwpoñ
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,0vu4z pngeddle -- >> continuing on, this is for superintendent carranza82k> j.%móx1 jrotc. >> i'd like to call ram ileoto the podium regarding the lowell high school second place finish in the national 2011-12 symposium and academic bowl. first sergeant. >>[!n? and gentlemen and board members. i'm extremely proud to be here on behalf of lowell high school and the students in front of
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you. but let me start with s8,rá' something with you that i'm extremely proud of. i'm also a product of the junior rotc class from mission high school and back here after 23 years of active service. i'd like to present to you without further ado the the number one academic public school jrtv program. this gentleman on my right to your left is cadet -- jordan wong, michael>! mitchell wong. they're actually brothers,
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had never been done before and competed for the championship two out of the four years so i'm extremely proud of them. every year, summer,óéc they five day grueling6xe pretty much like jeopardy. we're going to share with you a two minute video what any went through and share with you a couple of questions and see if we can answer them out here, a couple of questions that these guys had to answer during the competition. so, again, thank you for having us, and i'll play the video here in a second. this is not mine. this is yours. >> and we're going to present to you ac1nydjcouple of commendations. this is an official commendation from the secretary of defense, the honorable leon panetta. i won't&nsbo read the whole message but he says to all the the cadets competing for the academic bowl championship accept my sincere congratulations#)a(%)] for your
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academic achievement. signed the&=g%y4m honorable leonis panetta, june 1 2012. congratulations,!?á$]wd gentlemen.kac> congratulations. >> thank you. very nice[bcwjxp. "y3b
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>> well, before i show the video, they'reyuwcifñ competing again now to have the opportunity to go back for &=!du$ the fifth time this summer, or during this summer. so let me show the video to you guys. >>t(la9yñ ♪
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qfqfw[ pencil and papers ready. the wheels of6ñ?ñ? a bicycle each
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have a radius of 10 inches. if adqñ?ñ?ñ cyclist runs a bike and each wheel makes2> 1400. >> 1400 is correct. 10 points. >> that'só this principle can be violated by a hypothetical entityg0f can selectively open a trap door and only --\ only --) z particles. >> -- >> that's correct for 10sese=v points. >> this is a short0 i figured you guys would get a kick out of it. thank you for having >> so is the video finished?
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okay. so your fellow student at lowell would like to make a comment? >> i just want to say that i'm really proud to be a part of the school who -- is -- so successful. whenever i talk to people about our jrotc they complement on how good you guys are. i wanted to say you guys9tñgwg make lowell really proud. so go cardinals. >> thank yourzyq so item d, student delegates report, wendy lee and megan wong. >> we had the -- on december 1. the -- will be sharing what they learned with the entire student advisory council at our next meeting which isxxjég our public relations committee met with the public relations coordinator heidi anderson of
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the district and learned how the public outreach and communications office for the district works. they also discussed ways to help publicize thej8á7zwmwç student advisory council in ways to collaborate in the future. our sec and -- joint committee put finishing touches on the resolution for recommendations on supporting students who are off track for graduating with the adg=wx we are also looking forward tou"s!i have superintendent carranza stop by our meeting tomorrow as well as -- the new youth empowerment fund managers to talk to us about the -- proposals and make funding recommendations that will total $22 million.l5 finally this student advisory council is looking ahead and working together with assistant superintendent janet shultz. she will be at our next meeting on november 263çñ?ñ?.
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>> thank you. item e parent advisory counciloéñ?ñ? report, pac, pac representative. >> good evening, commissioners. superintendent carranza iz2/
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date we've had three conversations at three different schools and we continue6ek$-vy to get requestsn, parents to come and give whole community conversations in their communities. and along with that work we're going to continue to do we're considering some other options about additional work and additional steps for restorative practices and one of those is to follow up with questions that we continue to hear at community conversations from parents and staff, about data, suspension expulsion rates at particular sites as well as data around class referrals and what are the incidents related to. and so those are some of the areas that we are considering exploring as well as talking to district2)sb,zx staff, and the public education enrichment0oçi7ft fund evaluator to talk about the evaluation process of restorative practices. that's another question we
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conversations about how aren/a(x' sort of practices being evaluated. and so we're in the process of trying to establish aáhbóf meeting with districtx8jgbf staff and the program evaluator to talk about how the pac can inform and play a role in that processa%í:[#v4. regarding a through g, high school requirement graduation requirements, in order to gain a greater understanding of the implementation process of the plan that the district has adopted, and the challenges thatslds are being faced right now regarding the implementation pac has been participatingw7< several different meetings, the curriculum community27)ñzñb meeg meeting, the select joint committee meeting7éy['$ç as well as community partners and we wanted to acknowledge and really appreciate theo//j wq curriculum committee took the time last week to answer and address the questions we hadqikñ regarding the a through g requirements and
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challenges that are currently being faced around the number of students currently off track. so we're using this opportunity to inform ourselves, to inform the type of work we're going to do around this, how we can best support the short and long-term implementation challenges that are happening right now, and where's the best!xkg place to put our efforts and be most effective in the process.g? and so as moving forward, we'll be coming forward with what -- wherrycyááwu_q going to be placing our efforts. and just a side note, we participated in the%ñ fair this -- earlier this month, and just highlighted once&6ñlz" again the importance of language access for our mono g lingual parents. we noticed we have had parents who came in there was greater participation with those parents, parents who were on hand to answer questions in their native language is we want to always keep that irnl forefront of our work we doc&y>urgr how important that is for students and parents in our district to
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have that access. so i don't know if there are any questions this evening. and i'm really happy to be hereto >> commissioner fewer. >> commissioner fewer: thankk3çkwf'd
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next curriculum meeting because we'll beñcñháq discussing the a through g thing again. but,u-6le@4 also since superintendent carranza mentioned]vuçov the assesseéh32:gñ that i think that we should put that on the agenda also. so if you can attend, that would be fabulous. and so we can get this sort of perspective about how parents feel about this assessment, is it easy to understand and how it relates to our parents point of view. thank you52çe&uh >> commissioner. >> i wanted to welcome georgia. we've both come a long way since band class in high school. so congratulations. >> thank you. >> so what do youj. et okay. thank you for your report. >> if i could switch hats for a moment i1 +hópw wanted to take a moment -- i'm one of the parents
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on the -- at the indian education committeeíbg@.$jo wanted to first of all say thank you to commissioner fewer and commissioner murase for having that thought and then putting it into action. it's really important for our children and our students to take that pride andv honor. and we always want all of our children to feel like when they walk'?zom=u that they're all of who they are when they walk through that door and they don'tq [6 have to leave any part of themselves outside. thank you. >>/ç +i2 superintendent. >> superintendant carranza: i want to welcome you to this newgmñ?ñ? role and it's good to have you in this role as well. in addition to the work you're doing around restorative practices there are a number of schools3;w98 training for what we're calling behavioral rti. !
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coming from, why they're coming, and then they're going to have a conversation about how3u.nh they provide multi-tiered intervention. it goes hand in hand withes 0÷ our restorative practices approach. so let's talk about this because ñ?ñ? with that as well. >> thank you once again. >> thank you. item f publictí' consent items4+a0jlz. commissioner maufas. >> commissioner maufas: thank you. at this time i'd like to announce that for item f andrsíyd going forward, that to the board and public, i'm an' oats children center and i will refrain from any discussion and yypx 2g on the consent calendar tonight. my$éo)=;8ç request for a waiver of board policy 3850 is h< forthcoming. >> thank you. item
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is there a motion and a second for the -- >> motion. >> second. >> any items withdrawnel or corrected by the superintendent? >> superintendant carranza: yes. dr. clawferred. >> good4!sp#fw evening. there are three items to be withdrawn. withdrawn from the consent calendar are the following. item 4-vñ?ñ 4(b), 1211k1 on page 116)y8ckee and 117. item 4(b), 121113k7ç>s? on page 123 and,oñ?ñ? 124. both of these resolutions should be administratively approved and wúqr gfb inadvertently placed on the agenda. additional withdrawnbrrk"'xv for item 3(h)f]ñ?ñ?1211-13w8:÷ñ?ñ?ñ on page
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76çcg0. 3(c)kpñ?ñ?1211-13w3 on page 71. theryñ?ñ?ñ cost of 2,200 is incorrect. the amount is being changed#!ruovñ to reflect the correct amount of 1,500k iíé÷d. >> thank you. anygzñ?ñ? items removed for first reading by the board? any items severed by thegoñcjq< board or superintendent for discussion and vote tonigh@.[ q okay. roll call vote will takeb under section oio(oszx. item 8, superintendent's proposal speaker card and action. none]ñç'vextonight. item i board memberswq1uíi/h proposal -- speaker card and
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action. none tonight. item j, request to speak regarding general1q mattersa0lc ;d]. steve seltzer, -- caine, linda cooks, -- din. so go ahead and go to the podium, if i called your name, and you have two minutes eachaw >>hn5
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been made at thatg it's something to be emulated in the school district in san francisco. the realitykym there was physical abuse atie> ló that school by nat]@ñ?ñ? thalia everyhart, the principle. there's a video. >> no namesañ?ñ? please. >> on top of that the principal gave away the band and -- what kind of bus09u#zijjp &c @&c"p% we havec ? in san francisco, in honor of martin luther king where a school of black and'ññ?ñ? latino students has removed the music04úzy g and art programs. and this superintendent is alsoéiñ?ñ? on a board funded by bechtel which wants to have awkdp: common core of program of test,xxñ?ñ? but can't provide funding for music and arts8tei$$ we are calling for an investigation, a@ñ?ñ criminal investigation by the districti7
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attorney, of this principal and the assistant superintendent because of what's gone on in that school. in addition7mépk those staff and members of the school: m ?m who complained, who spoke uppwñ?ñ? about it, have themselves been retaliated and fired and are being harassed by the management of the school district. this is serious business. and this board has had many complaints, from these staff there, from the parents, and has ignored it. so what i'm saying is thereweñ?ñ?ñ has to be accountability by the superintendent and by this board about what is going oñ?ñ? on at that school. it's intolerable, it's unacceptable and it would happen at a white school in a wealthy district in san fravxhd[udd. but it is happening to martin luther king school. so we are taking up the campaign to educate public -- forpj5!t"d the district attorneyt÷ñ?ñ? gascón to3cñ?ñ? take action on this. thank you. >> good evening. i've been here before.
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i saw -- 1971 so as a 40-plus year employee ixyñ?ñ? am now fighting a dismissal charge -- >> hold on a seconds. state your name. >> my name is toby caine. and like÷cñ?ñ? i say i'm fighting a dismissal charge for a incident that i had at mlk. i was part of a situation where the principal was instrumental on me being injuredcgwf3 creating me to have surgery. i was out. i came back, i was put+bñ?ñ? [jua289ñbv=c ulvú(/vhi%j- wz@6
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there -- they're trying to dismiss me simply because i had a blowout with the principal. and all the narratives that i've written and given to have been changed aro[b]p!ir like that i am the culprit. i was attacked twice by studentsñ?ñ? both times i asked for a police report. i was never supported. where are my!ññ?ñ rights. i have no rights. once i started complaining to the union that iv ?ñ had not been represented, you know, or given a police report then i st÷i]y having problems with the administration and i hadn't had problems before. so basically i just want justice. i have -- i'm couple of years before i# and here i am fighting dismissal, and being told that i>yñ?ñ? don't do my job. i informed the principal that i didn't want to go into the counseling office because it was a volatile situation. i went in phone thrown at my head. and they're denying all of this. but it's in writing. there was a letter issued to the parents saying that all of these
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allegations were untrue. but it's allc?ñ?ñ? documentated. >> thank you, mr. caine. >> good evening, everyone. my name's linda cooks. i was teacher at martin luther king school. walked in to take my grades and i've come before the board before. and i tried to figure out what i walked in to take my grades and theéñ?ñ? student who was -- by the principal approached me and said that she was head on ññ?ñ? by the principal. but -- and shea said -- i told her to get her fat a off of me. i looked at my student and said i don't appreciate that type of language but i could understand her. and i started thinking whatz:ur5l i would say. i wrote down a few things, nothing to say but do the right thing. i believe the children are the future. teach them well let them lead the÷3ñ?ñ? way. show them the beauty they possess