tv [untitled] November 15, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm PST
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to make sure as we have those 4, there's not going to be 5. >> i'm pleased even though 3 suspects were apprehended, it doesn't stop there, there's on-going community-based efforts. i'm glad to hear the big overview how it works in our neighborhood. >> that's exactly the point. it's the umbrella. ipo is the umbrella and all these things fall under the umbrella but it's not just at the bottom, it goes all the way to the top and there are scheduled meetings to make sure the chiefs and the department heads of all those agencies are getting information and feedback what's happening in the specific neighborhoods and then it folds into the predictive policing to make sure the resources are there and the information is shared. again, like i said, i think it's really important that we stress the information flows back and forth from the top to the bottom so the information of what law enforcement is doing is being shared on the streets so that people can share resources and accommodate how they can
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partner with law enforcement and things are happening with the community, not to the community. with that, let me introduce the organization because i think that folds into what's happening in the district so she can answer more questions. deanna >> i would say that one of the more forward seconds of moving forward --. >> i'm sorry, please identify yourself. >> i'm sorry, deanna navar leche, thank you for having us here. i'll just pick up where paul left off. in terms of the organized section, it really emphasizes the importance of making sure there's a bridge between social service agencies and enforcement agencies, that there's an on-going dialogue as paul mentioned in trying to create a strategy that is
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effective not only in targeting individuals that are high at risk and in custody but targeting the faith based community, using our strength as a community in general to mobilize and organize communities to promote stop the violence. i would say this is one of the newer approaches throughout my time in the last 10 years that i've been doing violence prevention i've never seen a component that really emphasizes the organizing piece that really pushes to get out to the community and functions at the ground level. a little bit more about that, in terms of organize, again, it relates to a strategy, it emphasized implementing a coordinated social service strategy. we also are looking into trying to create wrap around programs that address intervention needs, work force needs and in general educational needs which are very much prior indicators of why many individuals end up
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actually engaging in violence. so we want to get to those factors, right, that really inhibit someone from progressing in life in general and at the same time we want to be able to build successful wrap around programs. those are major pieces of the o section. another huge area that is very new in some of our (inaudible) city and county is an education and mobilization section, an objective that really relates to trying to really rely on our strengths in the community residents whether it be faith based groups, individuals who are just passionate about stopping violence, really working with them to create community gatherings and to create in general a plan so they can go ahead as a community and give us input at the mayor's office what needs to be done to really stop the violence in general. so that's the organized section as a whole. the ipo, you know, you will see it divided into the seconds that paul discussed which relate to
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interrupt, predict and organize. as i mentioned earlier, there are specific objectives that relate to each section that really emphasize just trying to bring the umbrella together to create a safer san francisco. so this is just a draft template because we're still creating a lot of, we're having an opportunity where we're allowing input to come in for the next couple months to really solidify this chart. we're working closely with city agencies trying to reflect do we need to shift anything, do we need more input, we're going out to the community, working closely with our faith-based constituents to make sure we capture all the needs in each area. one of the areas that have been activated and supervisor avalos, you were one of the first supervisors that engaged in this setting in the street response team is exactly that, the street violence response team. it's a new approach and it really tries to emphasize
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trying to coordinate and overall strategy whenever there's a homicide or a critical assault that's impacting a community. as paul discussed, this is an opportunity where the purpose is to really focus on an actual critical incident that has happened and it has really impacted san francisco as a whole. homicides impact all families, children and families throughout the city and county so the mayor's office thought it was important to begin organizing a critical response team that would basically create a table of captains from a station, the cbo's that are doing the work on the ground level, the sfcrn that is doing the street outreach and they are involved depending on the incident, dph's critical response team, crisis response services, and the victim witness program and sfusd if it relates to individuals in the
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sfusd structure. how do we activate this? the way we activate this, sfpd provides the information it our unit in 24 hours whenever there's a homicide or critical assault. then following that, what i do is then i assess and determine whether a meeting needs to take place in 2 days or whether we can go ahead and have the discussion in our weekly session. so for homicides we will be responding in two days just because of the critical matter and we want to make sure that family and children and youths and anyone that's impacted receives services in a coordinated fashion. for critical assaults we will be having a weekly meeting from 2.30 to 3.30 every tuesday to review what is happening, how is it impacting individuals and how is it impacts community. i have a team that's going to be working with us to try to actually make sure that there's
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a response, that there's a traction and a tracking mechanism where we make sure everyone that has committed resources that they follow-up immediately and that the families or anyone that's impacted really receives a whole full bredth of service plan. this is a new and innovative approach. we've never done it in this fashion. in terms of confidential pieces --. >> i might stop you for a second. are you personally in direct relationship with any of the families or you are aware of, you know, all the different familiar sis that are impacted by homicide? you personally? just trying to figure out the chain of command on that. >> jasmine dawson is in our office, if i know that family because of my previous work we
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try to work with that family but jasmine dawson is the contact person. we're actually encouraging that we keep these meetings overarching in terms of the planning piece for san francisco but then all the confidence one on one contact that it happen independent from this setting. because it is bound by confidentiality agreements. the service providers are the ones that know the families in depth and they are invited to our meetings to give information in a confidential way but also to link up to the rest of the constituents that are there. in terms of outcome, we are going to be tracking outcome and one big piece that's part of these meetings is organizing community events that really respond to some of the issues going on. currently right now with the 6 incidents that we have responded to, these are some of the outcomes that we have so far. these are the
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areas that were impacted in october through november up to date since i've been appointed to this position we've started these meetings and these are the homicides that have impacted san francisco, we've responded to all of them, the vrt teams have been able to be deployed and actually available to offer law enforcement in certain communities that need more patroling, more beat officers. that's part of our discussion as well because it's part of our full plan to prevent street violence. >> do you have hard copies of this? >> i do. i don't have any available but i can email. >> it's kind of hard to read on the screen. >> and in terms of the individual, again, like i mentioned earlier, san francisco's general office wrap around project is very instrumental there, they are a case management program that is at the bed site when a individual is critically wounded. they are a part of that prevention team that
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really tries to make sure that they understand the needs ftd individual and then work closely with any family members. as i mentioned earlier, dph is a part of this, all members that have been involved in this have been given the opportunity to engage in health services through dph the da works with the victims that need any type of victim services specifically whether they want to relocate or they need any type of assistance in general. then the crn works with the individuals impacted by street violence. they really try to target now deliberately anyone that is part of a homicide that might be gang involved or if there's further retaliation. now they are at the table really dialogues with sfpd, dph and all the cbo's to figure out how they can de-escalate the
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violence. in terms of exchanging information, of course in a confidential way, but there's definitely a more structured way to share information. i want to pause real quick and emfa zultz for the family piece, i would say that family, really really focusing on families as part of our treatment plans now because most often it's those fathers, it's the grandmothers, it's the girlfriends that really try to work closely with us and that actually contact the cbo's or offices to make sure their brother, sister, boyfriend that they actually get the wrap around service that is they need and what we find is that throughout all the scenarios that we have had, you know, the women that are part of these communities have been very vocal and have been one of those that really mobilize and organize their constituents and the voices of trying to promote
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peace. not trying to talk down to our male counterparts, that voice, but i want to emphasize what we've done so far we've seen a lot of women stepping up and being a part of that overall strategy and vision. >> we had a homicide in mount vern run in july, i'm not sure, i haven't had a chance to connect with the family yet but they actually, the mother who lost her son, has been holding vipblg i wills once a month on the date of the event every month since july. yeah, it's true, mothers are playing a large role. there's an organization called the healing circle which consists of men and women but a lot of leadership is women who are part of it then i, you know, it's really important work that women are doing and have met our part of it too. but again. >> thank you, the last part
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like i mentioned earlier, is the community piece so you know we're actually supporting the palsy event this afternoon, we're encouraging all the different peace events that happen in other xhuebts, we're encouraging that organization, working with the babies to try to create some kind of street fair to promote a message to try to decrease violence and offer resources. this again is a new component in terms of a violence prevention approach. it's about trying to break down all the individual service needs, really making sure that we wrap around families and that we look forward and try to create as much community dialogue. it's up and down, top and bottom, so there is no disconnect. hopefully in the future we will strive to create a better response to violence, a more coordinated violence. my hope is that we can deepk
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cease decrease some of these homicide attempts and hopefully just decrease violence. >> you did mention tonight we are having a community meeting at the libby rec center at 6:00 tonight. that's on the corner of montana and plymouth and that will be one of those community gatherings that we have had in the omi we have had a large number of homicides compared to other years. we shouldn't have any at all and it's a chance for community members to talk about what we're saying what needs to be done, investments in the neighborhood, so we can work together. there has been a lot of information, that strategy of working to the with the police department and other public safety departments and community-based organizations is really important. i think one thing that needs to be
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emphasized, we talk about the organizing aspect of the violence prevention work is really looking at the assets and what we need to build on in order to strengthen the efforts around. you mentioned wrap around projects, work force development education, i think those, the lack of those things is one of the root causes of violence and i think looking at not just getting paepl to work together but how we can make greater investments in these places so we can have more opportunity for people to find, or to get jobs or to get greater academic support in their lives. we were able to actually really impact more people that way, we know we're going to be laying the groundwork for real prevention that can stop this from happening in the future. so that's where i think it would be great if we can emphasize
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that more in future budget years. the children's fund is getting reauthorized but also there will be another grant cycle for the children's fund coming up that needs to really address these issues as well, especially in neighborhoods that have a higher incident of violence. that's an important direction to continue to go, we have to increase the investments we make and not just make sure people are working together, to identify what the needs are and how we can respond as a city. if we can make sure we are working to the and responding it that need i think we are making some progress that will play out for prevention moving forward. >> i'd like to add that for the mayor's office what we are doing is working closely to the budget office to be able to identify the resources needed according to the 3 layers i was
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referring to earlier. we need to target what kind of investment in order to make sure this plan is successful and make sure it's in a design or a program that ends up reaching the individuals that are mostly impacted, whether they are victims or perpetraters, of street violence. >> jobs are critical for the part of the citizens that are impacted by violence. up until this end there has not been any investment in work force placement dollars in district 11 and that was something that my office was able to get into the budget this year for the very first time. i think we need to look at where there is limited investment elsewhere in the city, including continuing to make greater investments in district 11 so we can see that impact. we are seeing a huge increase of public dollars. i
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think it's important to look at how we can use them and target in specific neighborhoods where we are seeing a high incidence of violence. >> thank you. >> good morning, supervisors, i'm john murphy, i'm the commander of investigations of the san francisco police department. without repeating what my learned colleagues have already talked about, i just want to say the overarching goal that chief sur has mandated, is no more fragmentation of responsibility for anyone. we as a city family, all the different agencies, have to share information and work together in order to solve the violence in our communities. because public safety is all of our responsibility. so without repeating what's already been said, i just want to talk about, you were asking about the new and more innovative things we are doing. we brought back many of the tried and true enforcement operations such as doing parole
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searches, probation searches, but we're now including other agencies. juvenile probation, the sheriff's department. how it's different is this. an individual might be on probation, he might be on parole, might be on juvenile probation or it might be abdomen paracs release. they may be in an area which is a violation of their probation but it may not necessarily be a crime. so by partnering with the juvenile adult probation we are able to identify people who are violating their probate and then the probation department can take action to that end. also assembly bill 109 has created a situation where we need to assess what's happening with post-release individuals. we're focusing on individuals that have been released from state prison that are on prcs
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that are arrested in possession of firearms. when they are arrested in possession of firearms, or if they are a victim of a crime, i get a copy of the report and i meet with wepbldy still or marty from adult probation and actually bring them a copy of the report. hey, this individual, not only are they on prcs release and they got arrested in san francisco, but they got arrested in oakland, they got arrested in richmond, they may have gotten arrested in san mateo. to that end it's all of our -- the individual might have gotten arrested in san mateo, wendy will make sure we work together as a region as opposed to just san francisco. so there is no more fragmentation of responsibility. the other new thing we came up
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with is an actual calendar. you are familiar with zone enforcement. now we have an actual calendar for thursday through sunday and what it does, i personally do the calendar, i include the specialized units like the hondas, the solos, the tactical units, day watch and night watch and the violence reduction teams and gang task force. and the calendar, literally i assume people tote zones and assign people to those areas both days and nights and the supervisor who is on screen we have their cell phone number right on the calendar. so if something happens or if they need information from me, i can immediately send it to them. for example, just using it as an example, violence in the mission. what had happened was many of the officers, they have a general idea of location
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where the gang ipbs department "can you remembered, i was able to print out and send them the maps of the area and have the tack nick cal units, which are tactical units. you have it stay there, be very vigilant, let's see if this incident is going to escalate and while that's going on we find out whether it is even a gang-related incident. because we have had community based organization members who called me and said, hey, the one that happened at third, that's not a gang thing. it's a personal beef, you don't need to work about it. i think it's working, that the community-based workers are trusting us and reaching out to us to see what's going on. as far as technology we have ramped up our involvement with
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our technology in that we've created a base, a beta base, for people that have been arrested for robberies, people that have been arrested for guns. then we find out exactly where these robberies occurred then with that information the items that were taken a private data base called leads online and we see if that individual has been pawning property off prior so we're able to close those cases also and maybe solve prior violent crimes. to that end, i brought lieutenant plier to organize all the station sit teams and the sit teams are the station investigative teams where each team has, each station now has a stand-alone computer and a 55-inch screen where the crime alerts are streaming through. the officers are seeing what's going on in the city, who is wanted for what, whether they are known or unknown. so it's
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really incruised their awareness. then through that information sharing with the officers we're identifying individuals that have committed robberies and are unidentified and/or are involved in a series of robberies. the vrt team that we've talked about, the violence reduction teams, violence reduction team has about 45 people in it. so it's very effective to put them into the different zones under direct supervision and included in that is we reached out with a new program called the gun stop program. and a gun stop program basically is people can anonymously notify, call the police through the 553-1071, they call the doc and say that i know somebody that has a gun, they don't have to give their name, they don't have to say
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anything. they give us, they identify an individual and if an arrest is made, that individual is get a reward for turning that individual in and/or the gun. and it's all done through a private bank and the rewards vary but it's very effective and so far we've done real well anonymously seizing guns off people. >> how many? >> i think about 8. more than 8 this year. but what it does, remember, some of these people that the individuals are calling on, they are very violent people and they are afraid of them. so when they call, they are calling us, that's a key to us to say, wait a minute, if this person that knows this person is calling the police on this person that this must be a very serious issue. but it has worked where we've gotten, i believe, at least one
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ak 47, several semiautomatic handguns off people without talking about specifics that were just absolute key. then our meetings, we have meetings, standing meetings regarding cease fire. cease fire, we've had cease fire for several years but we tweaked it a little bit. and when i talked about the sheriff's department earlier, what the cease fire brings together is not only law enforcement but adult probation, juvenile probation, the sheriff's department. the sheriff's department has a classification unit, that classification unit, they have control over what happens in the jails. so although someone who is arrested on the street may not claim to be a gang member or they tell their probation officer they are not a gang member, when they go to the jail, if they are a gang member they do tell the classification unit and that's one way we can stop the violence in advance. that's one. two, we started streaming all of our crime alerts to the sheriff's department so who
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better to know the criminals than the individuals, the sheriffs, that watch the individuals and are with them and interact with them while they are doing time for prior crimes? or we have had instances, we have had an instance where the individual committed a series of crimes but they were arrested for the final crime and they are sitting in jail already. so it saves our resources, the police department working for this suspect when in fact he's already sitting in jail and the sheriff's department can tell us exactly where he's at. that's pretty much it, just in an overview of the i and the p part that we have started new. we still are doing, as i said, the probation searches, the parole searches, still doing a lot of the meetings but we tweaked them to make them a little better so we all are responsible. i brought some statistics for you today. first of all, the first slide depicts the homicides of all kinds city-wide this year compared to
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last year. as you can see, there is a spike in the bayview and the ingleside and in the southern. the ingleside case, an unfortunate case on house street, that resulted in 5 homicides. so it kind of skews the statistic that's there, that that's 14 homicides this year. >> i'm sorry, do you have -- i can't see, our screen is blinking and i don't have a hard copy. we've also seen a spike in the caravelle, the like view neighborhood and wondering if that's reflected on there as well.
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>> the spike, when you look at the empirical data, the spike on the numbers, actually the caravelle homicides are only up -- don't mean to say they are only up 1. >> up 1 from last year but for me a trend is something a few years in the making. what was it in 2010 and what was it in 2009 i think we'll see a trend upward that i have been concerned about. but certainly these numbers in the ingleside, visitacion valley and bayview are very high and compared to other years. i know that's a big concern for the department and the ipo strategy has come from that. since we started ipo and summer was very hot, how have we seen the homicides in terms of the trajectory we were on earlier this year, has it stayed the same? >> they have
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