tv [untitled] November 19, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PST
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isn't meant to particularly go to you, but that anybody could truly understand, in 15 pages. i mean this is something that has taken me years on the retirement system to come to understand, and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages of reading. so i was very concerned when you started asking me questions because i had some sense of where you were going. and while i think you got some of it, there's a lot of the kind of underbelly that takes a lot of research, a lot of evidence, that just can't be answered by a couple of reports that have been produced by a couple pension it. our job now is to say what we agree with and what we disagree with. president chiu, if we could run through these findings and recommendation here are my thoughts, i'm curious for yours,
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finding one, san francisco employee pension fund is current underfunded by more than 2 billion. i would agree, i think -- suggests that. madam clerk, are you following us as we did through in finding one we disagree with. finding 2, the retirement board did not complete a failure absences subsequent to the funding loss in 2008-09. i mean there's kind of two ways you could go here. if you buy into the grand jury's concept of what a failure analysis is, sure you could agree with that. but having served on the board, analysis of what happened. did it meet your definition of failure analysis? maybe not because you seem to be caught into one specific definition of what a failure analysis is but i believe the board did a very there are row job of analyzing how the portfolio went down so i would disagree with this finding. >> supervisor chiu: i could go either way on that one.
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again, i think supervisor elsbernd has laid out the perspectives that there was a lot of analysis but not exactly as the civil grand jury suggested. i think i would agree with them there was a bit of analysis done so i would probably disagree as well. >> supervisor elsbernd: finding three city must pay increasing contributions to the fund due to underfunding. i think we all agree with that fact. >> supervisor chiu: yes. >> supervisor elsbernd: finding four, the increase in pension contribution by the city are growing at a faster rate than exeand turs on most other city services since 1989. leo, a nod of the head. we will agree with that finding. finding 5, the fund can artificially reduce the city's estimate liabilities by increasing investment return assumptions by increasing years a finding with which i cannot disagree but for the record and anybody who may be watching and
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we heard it from the grand jury there is no evidence whatsoever that there retirement system ever considered raising the investment assumption solely to save the city money and i would hate for anybody to think that was going on but yes i would suggest we disagree with that finding. finding 6 unrealistically high assumed investment return rate ofñihqj 7.66% is driv by concr mandate of city contributions with little regard for prudent management. this is a finding i would have to wholeheartedly disagree with. months of hearings that we had at the retirement board on an analyzing our investment return to suggest that it was done with jts regard for prudent management i think you would have had to be in that room with a blindfold on and ear plugs in. we had significant discussion about what it mentd for our pension fund. and quite frankly had very little discussion about what it meant for city contribution and
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i felt that was appropriate because we are trustees to the retirement system not to the city's general fund. and our job at the pension system as i always understood it as a trustee was to focus as a fiduciary to our beneficiaries, not as a fiduciary to the city's general fund. so i would strongly disagree with no. 6. >> supervisor chiu: i would disagree:&jqkbu well. >> supervisor elsbernd: finding 7, again this is like no. 5, studies show that public funds with low risk investment policies performed as well or better than those with risk studies. that. other studies say the opposite but yes this statement is factually correct. >> supervisor chiu: i would disagree with that statement. i think the suggestion of that statement is that we should be looking at low risk investment policies and i'm not sure if i'm comfortable with saying that. >> supervisor elsbernd: fair enough. i appreciate it. we will disagree with that
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finding. all right move to the recommendations. recommendation no. 1, san francisco employees retirement system board addresses the 2 billion underfunding in the san francisco employees retirement system pension fund by forming a high level task force a panel of experts and community groups to develop courses of action. this is a very specific finding and one i would disagree. i think the city has been proactive on this as evidenced by a number of measures passed by the electorate without such a task force, you have an elected board of supervisors, mayor's office, i don't think we need an additional layer to address this. >> supervisor chiu: i agree. last year with proposition c we formed groups of city officials and experts and community groups of public to figure out how to move forward. that is appropriate when trying to come up with a proposal but i think an ongoing continuous task force, we have an awful lot of task forces in the city so i would agree that's not something
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i would support at this time. >> supervisor elsbernd: recommendation no. 2, adopt a realistic and consistent formula for estimating assumed expected return rate. i would actually agree with this and frankly i think we already do that. so i don't have an objection to this. >> supervisor chiu: neither do i. >> supervisor elsbernd: no. 3, san francisco employees undertake investigation and failure analysis study of investment policy report and rcht to the members of the public. i think we're already doing this and i'm more than happy to agree to it because it's been done and will continue to be done. >> supervisor chiu: has been implemented. >> supervisor elsbernd: okay. recommendation no. 4, investigate quantify and address all major risks in the portfolio and make this information public. same response i agree because i think this is being done, has been done and will continue to be done. >> supervisor chiu: correct. >> supervisor elsbernd: recommendation no. 5,
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investigate less volatile and risky investment policies that would attain sufficient returns to the san francisco retirement pension fund. once again, i think we are always looking to minimize our risk if we can achieve the returns that we need to achieve. so i'm happy to agree with that. we are always looking for less volatile and less risky funds that achieve that return. >> supervisor chiu: agreed. >> supervisor elsbernd: then the last one, religious no. 6, replicate upjohn comparison studies using san francisco data to apply findings to the san francisco pension fund. with this one i would disagree. i think we are doing more than additional analysis and i don't think we need to plug our numbers into a formula put together by some other people. i think we do more than enough analysis and i would disagree with this recommendation. >> supervisor chiu: and for the same reason that i disagreed with finding 7 i would disagree with this as well. >> supervisor elsbernd: madam clerk, i think that fills in the
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budget analyst have we responded appropriately? okay. with those changes if we could send this item=jpy forward with recommendation, that would be the order. any other items in front of the committee? >> alisa miller: no, no further matters. >> supervisor elsbernd: thank you everyone for your patience. we arei%( uíááy
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ladies here really enjoy the exercise and the play and it's a lot of fun want this program is not for the faint at heart. it's really intense. the ladies come out. they are really going after it. they just love to play and compete. anyone can sign up. we're looking for more players. the women come from all over the city. we enjoy the program and we are getting people out to have fun in this beautiful city. >> rec and parks womens' volleyball program is available at richmond rec center. please visit us onlin>> this is the re for the board of education for october 23rd october, 23012, is called to order. >> commissioner fewer. >> here. >> miss maufus? >> here. >> miss mazzucco and dr. merasi?
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>> present. >> miss wynns? >> dr. murase? >> here. >> thank you. >> mr. yee? >> present. >> thank you. >> and miss wong here. >> and miss ly. >> here. >> i would like to stand up and joint us for the pledge of allegiance. okay. we are going to we have a fairly nice agenda for today and hopefully we will zip there
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it. >> item a, approval of board minutes of may, 8, 22, october 9ed. >> any objections? >> seeing none? >> mr. yee. >> yes. miss fewer. >> yes. >> maufus, yes. >> miss norton. >> miss wynn? aye. >> and mr. yee. aye. >> item b. >> presentation of the board of education superintendant report. >> superintendant carranza? >> thank you, members of the board and the public and good evening this evening and i am very excited to say thank you for joining us and as you can tell, we are very, very excited because before i shared my thoughts for the evening, i want to say go giants.
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>> yes. [ applause ] >> so, we want to congratulate our home town giants on a great, great playoff season. and victory in the world series. so, what i would like to do is share a few comments with you this evening. we were very, very honored, a couple of nights ago to be part of the university of california san francisco community partnership's fourth annual partnership's celebration. this took place on october 18th and i am pleased to announce that two of our collaborations were honored that evening. the first of which was the learner and community partnership award, which went to our physical education partnership and that is comprised of the pd department, shape up san francisco and our lead department. they were awarded for forming a pe advocates team that examined
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the quality and quantity of the pe offered in the san francisco unified school district. we were also recognized for our partnership for our staff award and this went to a program called enhancing young woman's health through university partnerships. it is an innovative program, it is a 12 partnership between ucsf woman's health and usfd school health and wellness centers. i want to thank all of the staff members and all of the staff members from ucsf from their collaboration and particularly to claudia, and steven. speaking of partnerships i would like to call your attention to one of our strongest partnership and that is the bridge to success program. and that is a partnership between the city and county of san francisco, the department of children, youth and families, san francisco unified
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school districts, city college, and san francisco state university. you will see available out in the foyer, some information regarding this partnership. and the goals of this partnership are actually very simple. the goal is that we want to create a strong college and career pathway that is pre-k through post secondary in our city. the brochure is available for your information and it will highlight the work and activitis that happens, including a college fair that happens every year, parties for incoming freshman and i want you to know that the last registration party that we held at three different sites enroll for the classes. for more information visit
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i want to want marine karo in helping us to make that a reality. and i want to update everyone about the practical steps that we are doing to build the instructional core for our students. one of the core, and you will hear more from the board of education, the redesign of services for our special needs students which we know means looking differently at how we offer our general education services for all students, to support our school in learning and planning around these strategies we have had over 550 of our staff members participate in professional development in ininclusive practices and response to intervention, which we call rti. i am very much looking forward to schools refining and implementing these plans, to help us to continue our culture shift and practices to students providing services for students
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with disabilities. >> and i want to thank the educate ors who have taken advantage of these professional development opportunities, this is also a reminder to all of our families that we will hold the enrollment fair on saturday november third, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p p.m. at the concourse exhibition center east hall and that is located at 620, 7th street. this is an opportunity to meet the faculty, staff and parents from the sfusd schools and to learn more about what the schools have to offer and more about the enrollment process and help with the questions that the parents may have. >> if you want more information, visit
3:19 pm i also want to tell you about the articles. and today's article focused on dual language programs in the schools and i encourage you to pull that up on-line and take a hard copy as well. and finally we said again and i will keep reminding folks that tuesday, november the 6th is a very, very important day. and it is election day. so, please remember to go out and vote, please vote your conscience. but whatever you do, vote. you need to vote. and please consider all of the measures on the ballot very carefully. our schools in our state really depend on you voting. finally i am going to end the way that i started my comments, go giants. [ applause ] >> okay. thank you, superintendant. we are going to move on to item
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c, recognitions and resolutions of commendation. >> i will call on superintendant carranza for awards. >> thank you, president yee, at this point i would like to ask principal michael rical if he is here to come forward and introduce to us our rave distinguished service award recipient for this evening. it is my pleasure to be here as the principal of a middle school but also as a musician and as a student. because the person that i would like to introduce you to today, sherry whitney is not only a
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teach ner my school, she is also a teacher for me and a teacher that i never had, so i want to thank her for that as well. to give you a little context. she is the band director and when i met her about five years ago i was astonished at her description of what she did. and furthermore, i was surprised at what her students were able to produce. i have been in a lot of middle schools as well and my 17-year-old career and never have i heard of a developing group and it comes out in what they play and how they behalf and how they act and how they work as a unit. how they are able to go into a an organization and go out and get the seats out and clean up everything and it is something that goes beyond just being able to place a piece, it is a
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cultivation that comes from someone's urgency to use every moment and you don't do that without dedication, you don't create a jazz band that can play at a college level in middle school unless you are there every morning before school with your kids on your own time. you don't do that unless you are willing to go out of your way to raise money for instruments you don't do that unless you are willing to take the adhoc principal and give him lessons because you are going beyond your job description, i am willing to do whatever it takes, because i love it and i want to thank her and introduce her to all of you today. >> thank you so much.
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>> congratulations. >> i am extremely moved and very touched by this award, i have a list so if you have a baton, and you want to cut me off, just start singing or something, like the academy awards. because that is how i feel. in my career, which has been a long career, i have never had this, anything like this happen to me. i would like to thank the school board for setting up these rave awards, thank you so much. there is all kinds of music teachers out there that all do special jobs. and i'm touched and honored to be singled out among you. can you please rise?
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if you are a music teach er in this district? >> i would like to say that i appreciate your support as a administrator, we can't do it, it takes a village, doesn't it. of course, my husband is here. you see i am going a bit. you can't give a band director a microphone. my friends and colleagues, the visual and performing arts department in the san francisco unified school district is extremely special, that is rob daniels is back there, can you please rise? thank you so much. and sally, i can call her my great friend. sally ryan. who hired me. and by the way it is her birthday. >> yes. ♪
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♪happy birthday to you ♪ >> louder ♪happy birthday dear, sally. ♪ >> and of course, aim, the association of the ininstructors of music that is extremely special too. i have been a teacher in other district and that is one of the things that makes us special. jillhendricks. and last but not least i feel blessed because i have the most wonderful students in the world and the parents that the parents are just phenomenally great and now i will sit down and be quiet. thank you so much.
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[ applause ] >> thank you, miss whitney. well deserved. and at this point, i would like to ask orla okief to come forward to introduce to us the rave special service award winners. >> good evening, superintendants and commissioners. i am pleased to be able to announce this awart for the student nutrition team of wilkens and orteza who have been nominated by their colleagues and i would like to read out in what was shared in congratulating them and thanking them for their support. they were nominated because they secured a donation and i don't know if you would like to come here and wait that will be great while we sing your praises. you can feel comfortable. and that they secured a donation 3,000 lunches and
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snacks for the third annual sf promise college, and career expo and they did not only save more than $5,000, but the donation was delivered and supervised and they helped to supervise the distribution of the meals and some of the qualities, are examplely follow through, and friendly, customer oriented service, strategic out of the box thinking and creative problem solvers and really nice to work with and going way beyond what is expected of them. for the past three years, they have worked to help provide meals for over 3,000 students at this off-site event and they have always had a yes attitude from the beginning and worked hard to accommodate the question. they promised on time and with a smile, but they worked around many complicated parameters. the career expo is the only
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fair held during school time where we provide transportation for all students and chap rones. most are held in the evenings where only some of the students can get it. this ensures that all of the students have access and the nutrition team believes in the concept of the event and wanted to be sure that all of the students got a nutritious lunch for the day, and they are thanked very much for doing that. >> thank you, so much, that was a very shocking honor to have this... >> this never works for me, superintendant and i am sure
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marine karu, and this is indeed an honor and i wish to thank you, especially for recognizing, noi, so i don't know how i would have done what i have done over the last 16 school years. she is the only employee in our central office that is actually been here longer than i have. she is in her 17th school year. and she has been my right-hand all along the way. so i can't thank her enough. but, to close, i am sure that you have bigger business to get on with. i do want to recognize every student nutrition worker in our department, collectively, they serve over 5 and a half million meals every school year. thanks to all of you. please please. >> thank you, very much and congratulations to all of the award winners, president yee, we would like to also present an
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