tv [untitled] November 19, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm PST
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my understanding that language has now been corrected and the language is before you is the correct language so we'll withdraw that recommendation. otherwise we recommend approval of the proposed resolution. >> thank you. any questions? seeing none, why don't we move on to public comment. i am going to read a number of names that i have cards here. we'll do these cards first. if people who have not submitted a card, you can speak afterward. everyone is going to have two minutes to speak. with that, i'll call a number of folks. kelly, calfield, gir ardo, diamond, and harris if you would line up over here to the side. ms. kelly, if you want to come up first. >> there's a gentleman that needs to leave with childcare issues so i was going to let him go first.
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>> that sounds like a great idea. come on up, childcare or otherwise, disabled issues,z@:% please come up. >> thanks. supervisors i'm a dad, i live in the marina. my son and i use the -- field extensively. i love -- when i heard there was a proposal to put a public food facility there, everything on the water there is private. so if you're there, i coach soccer on that field. it's almost impossible to have any kind of, you know, being able to stay and enjoy the water park longer. so for a family that lives in the city, wants to stay in san francisco, it's so great that you would consider having this. i've been a patron of the mcgiven restaurants for years. they're incredibly focused and make it easy for families to come in. this is a big step. i think there will be great neighbors in the marina. they've been great neighbors on fillmore street. hopefully this will work out.
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thanks so much. >> thank you very much. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is ariel kelly, president of the community association, we are the resident association in the marina district. we have over 500 members and an active dues paying membership of over 200 members. i am committeing this via e-mail. originally when the rec and park department issued the rfp, they asked a member of the neighborhood -- our organization to sit on the board, to select from amongst all the responses to the proposals. after woodhouse was unanimously i believe selected among that panel and moved forward we sent out notice to our membership alerting them this was something that was going on. this was over a year ago. there's been articles about it in the local marina times, there was an article about it in the chronicle. so for any member of the
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neighborhood says that they weren't noticed about this, obviously we're a neighborhood association, we're not a corporation, we don't have a lot of means to reach people but we have done our very best to reach out to our membership and let them know about this project. once we alerted the membership we asked for feedback we wanted to have a survey before we took a position. and we were surprised by the response that we got from neighbors. often times you will see a lot of neighbors saying absolutely not, we don't like the idea of this but we saw overwhelming support from our membership on this project. i included about 20 comments from various members in the letter on pages 3 and 4 that i submitted. so we were surprised. there was about an 80% on a scale of 1 to 10, the average score was eight and it shows clear support for the project for our 11 member board of directors and we voted to support this project. so we ask kind will i that you allow this project to move
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forward. it gives you a public restroom in an area where there is no facility. it includes the bay trail, there is bike parking. so complees support this. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> my name is nichole -- field, i've lived in the marina since 1976. one of the reasons given for converting the building to a restaurant is lack of other adjacent food options. can list three in fort mason, two on buchanan, another at the end of marina green, three on chrisy fields and sureways deli. besides people can no longer walk in that wonderful area, gaze at the magnificent views and breathe in sea area without thinking of their stadiums.
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a restaurant -- stomachs. it would invite more cars, a lot more garbage, and the odor of food, both being cooked and then disposed of. the addition of a seating area would block the view for many.ñ our forefathers anyhow what they were doing when after the panama pacific exhibition all of the buildings were demolished with the exception of the palace of fine arts and that area became a commercially known part of the city free to be enjoyed by the residents and visitors alike. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. next speaker please. >> good morning. this is a historic vote because the marine green has never had a commercial lease in 77 years since the land was deeded to the city by the state in trust in the original legislation for bad commercial leases and this, although was amended, was
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honored by every previous board of supervisors for every project that was proposed to have a commercial lease on the green. this is signature open space. it's not port property. it's not commercialized. and this area of the green is the only part of the green that is open to the open water, the night sky, and it cries for environmental review. and i refer you to sara dennis-philips ips e-mail e-mail about the ceqa determination. this requires clarification. the immediate neighbors were not notified. there was no written notice sent by rtp or the planning department. why subject the planning department involved. if a commercial property on -- wants to change his use, notice its isn't out. not one of the immediate neighbors, excepted me, was notified that this was happening.
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we were deliberately excluded. furthermore, when the packet was sent over to you by the rpd staff, your packet does not contain these letters. they were deliberately suppressed from your notice by the rec and park staff. the rec and park staff. and this is a seriousy$ the president of the coalition for san francisco neighborhoods cannot be here today. so i'm submitting these. i'm asking you to have -- to vote for a continuance on this item until after the christmas holidays. it certainly is not a time sensitive issue. this building has been deliberately left vacant and even before the navy left it was vacant for decades. so it's not time sensitive. please allow for more input from the neighborhood and the lovers of the marina green so that it will enhance your deliberative process on this issue. because as i say, we have never had a commercial lease on the green before. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you.
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before the next speaker comes up i might call a few more speaker cards. allen kaplan, enrique landa, inisha show and craig desantos. if you would line up on the wall there. >> good morning. greg harris, i live on marina boulevard. i wanted to submit the results of ançc%(kcc on-line petition te put together opposing the project. i can give you a copy of that. and just shortly, i don't think it's an appropriate use of public land for the restaurant. and i also -- whether woodhouse is a good corporate citizen or bad one, whether they're taco bell or starbucks we don't want commercial use on the green. everyone says they're green but the bottom line is we don't want
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to see a commercial use out there. there's never been one out there. i know all the employees will be paraded up here to tell you what a good idea it is but they don't have a vested interest in the neighborhood. this is our place and my kids use that for their soccer fields and i don't want to see it ruined by commercial use. i know what it's like at 9:00 at night. i don't want a bunch of drunks where alcohol has been served until 9:00. everyone says we did all this community outreach, we've been talking to everybody. directly across the street from the restaurant. we were never noticed. we're beyond that point. we're told at this point it's a done deal and you can live with it and this -- it's unfortunate and we don't want to see it happen. mr. farrell, i think we elected you as our representative. i don't know if you're representing the restaurant industry or what but you need to do a better job in our
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neighborhood. i'm fourth generation san franciscan also. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you very much. next speaker please. >> good morning. my name is allen kaplan. i do have a vested interest in the marina. i've lived there since 1984 diagonally across the street from the degaussing station and the marina green. i'm here for several reasons. one is, as supervisor ferrell knows, i'm a vocal communicator whenever there is noise and am very sensitive to protecting the neighborhood and the quiet that we have. i do think -- i was thrilled when i heard that something was actually going to be done with the degaussing station which i've run around for 25 years and watched -- it's been renovated three or four times and there was something going to happen and nothing happen and it's kind of an eyesore. i'm here basically to support the mcnifns.
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i've known the family since 1988 when i became a customer at one of their restaurants and i'm a big fan of theirs and i think they'll do a great job of providing a family oriented community oriented localses restaurant with appropriate protections being taken so that the neighbors r not disturbed and this only enhances the community and doesn't act as a detriment. it is taking a long time and hopefully this thing will happen before the america's cup because i also think it could be -- it can be an iconic tourist attraction i think in san francisco, not unlike green's restaurant or parts of fisherman's wharf.
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>> good afternoon. my name is inisha, i am a homeowner on marina boulevard. i want to start by saying i am -- for free market, for free enterprise. competition is good but this is just not the best location for a restaurant. it's not the highest and best use of this particular property. i know the woodhouse fish restaurant. i've eaten there. the food is great. i'm sure the people are fantastic. but there are issues with this location. i mean there's alcohol, litter. anyone who has eaten -- knows what will happen at the -- fisherman's wharf is an example. we will be smelling of fish and chips. it doesn't serve any particular purpose that is not available on the marina green already. there are toilet public facilities on both ends of the marina green. there's ample food. it's not already zoned
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commercial. the restaurant can open, you know, near chrisy fields, the presidio, wherever. it's not the restaurant. it's just the location is completely wrong i think. this is one of the few open places where you can actually see the stars at night, sit out on the green. we don't need, you know, rough crowd walking around, with alcohol and all of that like right in front of the homes. i live on the 400 block and i had no notice from parks recreation, the community association, which i am a member of, i had no idea. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. next speaker please. >> high name is craig desantos a fellow business owner in the tech center. i've been in san francisco for a few years and known the mcnifns. i'm a patron in all the restaurants. any sort of characterize as far
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as the restaurants and type of personnel and patrons that they attract if you've been to any of their restaurants, you will realize that they are very sensitive to their neighbors, they have a completely professional staff, it's a very -- establishment. i'm completely in support of this. i show my support by coomg here today. i that i that the sentment of bringing in commercialization, these restaurants are family owned, they're wonderful places, i would -- i've been a part of their restaurants before i actually knew the mcnifns were running them. i've lived by one of them on church street and i love that it's there. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. before the next speaker i will call a few more cards. bill bowles, christiana rinestein, august schulman, kelly hengan and jud housener.
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>> jack again. i've been going to buck's restaurant in woodside which i know is part of the family. it's a wonderful place. i just want to remind people that in central park in new york city, itbnpic¢ñ a restaurant, is called tavern on the green. it hasn't made central park into some sort of ugly slum. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. next speaker, come on up. >> my name's bill bowles, i've lived in san francisco for 10 years and known the mcnifns for maybe 20 years. i agree with the previous speaker here. you know, there's only one beach chalet. there's only one cliffhouse. there's only one ferry building, and one warming hut. it's important that those places are run well. and they are. and they're not a place with --
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the beach chalet is not a place with drunks roaming around late at night. it's actually a great san francisco icon. the ferry building as well. and with this degaussing station there's opportunity to make that place, which is currently empty, a new spot for locals and for tourists to gravitate to. and the mcnifns are an amazing family, and they are great restaurant owners. i've seen three different restaurants that they have owned, all with different themes, totally become great restaurants and community centers, over the years. they encourage -- well, yeah. they're just awesome guys. so come on, it's going to be a great opportunity for the marina.
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and i mean just think about all the people riding their bikes by there all the time. this is going to be an important tourist, you know, destination. people are going to love it. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thanks very much. next speaker please. name's christiana -- the manager at the market street location for woodhouse. i'm going to read a letter to you and then add my two cents. this is from geg moore, president and ceo of golden gate national parks. he says the golden #há gate recreation area serves parks and visitors -- park visitors on lands directly adjacent to the marina green managed by the san francisco rec and park department so the proposal for a new food service facility at the marina green degaussing station at the marina green attracted our attention. at both chrisy fields and -- park residents are able to find healthy food to enhance their
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experience in our parks. at each locatim restaurant and cafe and take out services are well received. therefore we see the mayor in converting the building on the marina green and support the recommendation for approval of the lease agreement to the board of supervisors. we share the rec and park department interest in serving visitors and community members in san francisco park. we are committed to offering fresh healthy and sustainable food options at national park locations including the beach hut and warming hut cafe at chrisy fields. and we are encouraged to see this goal being pursued ine=nnna growing number of public spaces. we believe that repurposing the marina degaussing station to offer high quality foodj@?ñ opts will be complementary service for park visitors helping enhance the visitor experience. my two cents that you've heard is the mcnifns are a wonderful family, they're responsible, they want to be a part of the
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neighborhood, not an imposition on it. the woodhouse fish companies are both -- a restaurant -- and it will really add -- i think it's going to be much more of a neighborhood cafe restaurant rather than a tourist destination. i think it will be lot more locallals, rather than people who are tourists. >> supervisor farrell: next speaker please. >> my name is august shookland the chef of the two woodhouse companies and i wanted to make a comment that i've been cooking and working in restaurants for 12 years now and the mcnifns have expressed to me and shown me that they are very responsible and i want everybody to know that i feel they have the best community outreach and they are very concerned about how their restaurants are perceived by the public, their neighbors and the way -- whether it's cleanliness on the outside of the restaurant, alley ways, they're concerned about the way
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they interact with the comund cy and their perception to the community. i wanted to voice my support. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. next speaker please. >> hi. my name is kelly hengan, a resident of san francisco for over four years, a graduate i'm a marina green lover. i been going to the marina since i've lived here on the weekends and i enjoy having that space for recreational activities. i think it would be greatly improved by woodhouse. they make the best clam chowder and i'd love to enjoy a cup of it as i walk and look over the golden gate bridge. also other restaurants, in particular buk's, is basically an institution of woodside and has become that -- since it opened 22 years ago. they have employees that have been working there happily for over a decade. if you guys are looking for a
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family-owned restaurant, local family that -- is family oriented and will really improve the space i can't imagine a better fit than a woodhouse restaurant. >> supervisor farrell: thank you very much. before the next speaker, a few more cards, jake -- nichole, howie, megan and gina. please come up to the side. thank you very much. >> my name is jud housener in support of this project. i think it starts with the fact i used to live across the street from their fillmore location and i can tell you as a neighbor, there was never an issue, there was never a garbage issue or the objections i've heard. only the great neighbors possible. as a resident of the city for three years the marina green i'vspent a lot of recreational
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from this place you have a great view of the marina and alcatraz. to add a tax revenue spot with a great restaurant in that location is an icon to the city and in consideration with the fact that you might say the view of those things can be inhibited from the pictures they showed it seems obvious that would not be the case. i think the view would be fine. you would be able to walk by. they showed the path for the bikers so it doesn't seem to be a problem there. i know the mcnifns and can say those are the right people, if you're going to do the project that's the team you want, they will do it right. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. next speaker please. >> very good job on pronouncing the name. no one ever gets it right. my name is jake, the manager of the fillmore location woodhouse. and as far as being part of the community, i know that -- i know
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so many regulars names. i know the community. i can walk down the street on fillmore and recognize not just people that come into the restaurant, but the people in the community. as far as being a family operation, i know the name of woodhouse is derived from a house that the family built together. and i was hired sort of the same day as the interview, and i'm convinced it had to do with my family connection. my parents and i built our house from the ground up with our own two hands and i really appreciate how integrated and sort of community oriented they are. thank you very much. i'm in total support. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. next speaker please. >> hello. my name is nichole preato, i live at 345 marina boulevard directly across the street from marina green.
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and i very recently, very, very recently learned of the proposed project to renovate the degaussing station into a restaurant. as a neighbor directly affected by this proposed project, i received no -- and i emphasize no normal notification that this project was being considered. i strongly, strongly oppose this proposal. i am a third -- my children fourth generation san francisc san franciscan. my long-time resident family, all along -- life-long residents of the city. and i bring up this point because, given the short notice, i've been on the phone with friends, family, who live in neighborhoods all throughout this city. near stone's town, nobod nob hi,
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pacific heights, richmond, you name it, i canvassed the city, all are opposing this project. this is open green space. i think it's considered san francisco is' front lawn available for children playing soccer, and it is not a appropriate place for a restaurant. i'm sure the mcgiven family is a wonderful family. i'm sure their restaurants are well managed. this is not an issue that they have a restaurant or that they're terrific people. i'm sure they are. the station, i agree with supervisor ferrell, it is a bit of an eyesore. i also have enjoyed marina green and -- gated building, all these years. i propose a different use for
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the project, and ask ain sey for a -- sincerely for a continuous so there's more time to rally the rest of san francisco, not residents in the area, to have a discussion on what the appropriate use for this building is. and just as a -- >> supervisor farrell: finish your statement. >> i'm extremely concerned, extremely concerned about who wilwhoalcohol licensing. children use soccer constantly. as soon as one child is injured by someone who is alcohol related accident, or regardless, bicycle rider, runner, anything, i think the city is looking at a huge liability and i find that to even consider it in a recreational area is absurd. it's absurd. so thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. next speaker please.
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>> hi. my name is megan harris and i am a homeowner in the marina and a mother of 3 1/2 year twins that use the green quite a bit and we love it. we are out there quite a bit playing soccer, the views are amazing. this just seems off brand for san francisco as far as i'm concerned because a commercial restaurant -- we have so many designated commercial streets. we've got forti'(ëo mason, chest street, fillmore street, fisherman's wharf. why do we need to put a commercial restaurant there. why not a yoga student, something that will benefit the community, a bike shop, something that people can use, a soccer club. i feel like a commercial restaurant is great for tourists, but i don't necessarily think it's a great
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thing for the community. yeah, i think of it as more of an eyesore. you look at the bridge, you look at angel island, marina headlands and now look at a sign that says fish market? which i'm sure is a great fish restaurant, the employees are wonderful, they looked nice and i'm sure the family is fantastic. to me it's not about the family but the fact we're putting a commercial restaurant which is so off brand for restaurant, it's a potential danger to our community. as nichole said i fear the usage of marina green is mainly kids playing soccer from, you know, they're what, zero to 7. and they're wearing cleats and cleats are hard to stop when you're running across the parking lot. you can slide. there will be cars, people have been drinking. i think it's a huge liability and not safe for our kids. the first kid that gets hit by a
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drunk driver which is a highly possible scenario given the fact that the woodhouse restaurant is going to serve alcohol. so please reconsider this. or at least talk more about it. get more feedback. is this the best usage of the building. and i also would ask for a continuance. thank you. >> supervisor farrell: thank very much. i will call two more cards, zia alline, blaine, enrique, and craig. some of these names are cards i've called and people did not show up so i will give them one more shot. >> mr. president, members of the board, my name is gina best. i do not live in the marina boulevard, but i live in this city and i have used marina green for past 30 years, when i took my daughters for the walk or play
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