tv [untitled] November 21, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PST
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and we also like to avoid making any bell changes. it is very enter connected complicated developing transportation system and obviously bell times have a huge impact on our ability to efficiently use limited buses. we recognize that changing bell times is disruptive for the entire community, including families not using transportation and families using special education services and so we wanted to avoid any recommendation that included bell changes. we also wanted to minimize the number of schools and the number of riders that would be impacted. and we wanted to make sure that we could align our process with the enrollment cycle so that family woulds have the information well in advance and on time for that could inform their decisions with regard to applications for next year. >> so the changes we are recommending is to reduce the
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services to aptis and hove and to eliminate to lou and new traditions the students with iep that requires transportation will not be required by these recommendations. the next few slides go over the impact that the school has. and so, for aptos, last year, we added transportation from carver and star king in support of the middle school feed and hers this year we are proposing deleting the services from the mission area. and we... this is hard to say the number of riders that will be impacted but currently there are about 56, 57 students they are in grades 6 to 8. so obviously some of these students will you know graduate into high school. we wanted to get this information out before the enrollment fair so that the incoming sixth graders will have an understanding of what
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transportation services are available and missionary will continue to provide transportation to hoove, middle school. the next set of changes impact hoover middle school and transportation are the guidelines to supporting the middle school feeders. so last year we added services from moscona and serra area and this year proposing deleting the services from the bay view. we think that the current riders are about 27 if you look at the higher number in the afternoon and this does include the current 8th graders. there are three other schools that middle schools that receive transportation from bay view and they are aptos and lake and those services will not be disrupted. the three elementary school that were chosen, we did not want to change bell times and
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reduce the schools that were affected and that is what informed the decision to eliminate the services at these three elementary schools. and again, it does reflect current rider ship, not necessarily the number of students that will be impacted because it includes fifth grader who go on to middle school and getting the information out before the enrollment fair it will enform incoming kindergarten, and they will have that information before they make their choices. so the next steps are that we would like to communicate these changes for the 13, 14 school year, using a variety of methods including getting information to the enrollment fair and working directly with the schools and families and we are going to develop the letters that can be sent to families and frequently asked questions and feedback forms and have all of that available in multilingual in spanish, english and chinese available and distributed over the next three weeks. and over the next 12 months, we
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need to continue the work to redesign general education transportation service to make sure that they reflect the board's policy guidelines and provide equalable access to this resource. the hope is over the next 12 months we can develop recommendations to redesign the services on time for the 14-15 school year anticipating that there will not be a reduction in the number of buses but a redesign in services. so that is something that we would come back to the board with next year. and then this is just kind of raising awareness. again we tried to do this every time that we talk about reductions in service to yellow bus transportation to just kind of raise awareness about a lot of alternatives and there are a lot of agencies and partners in the city that are working for a variety of reasons to provide alternatives to yellow bus transportation. so i just wanted to share that information. >> so thank you, commissioners
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and i will turnover the projecter, so you cannot be blinded when you return to your seats and i will be happy to answer any questions that you have. >> thank you, miss okeff. anybody have any questions, commissioner murase and vice president? >> thank you, very much for that presentation. i think that it is so important for our families and our communities to understand these changes. my question is about the elementary level, you have listed three schools, but i assume the changes will impact more than those three schools, the elementary level. i am thinking in particular, about rosa parks and there was a major petition campaign about busing from rosa parks to after school programs. so i wanted to know where we
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can find information about the list of elementary schools that are impacted and in particular, about the connection to after school programs. >> thanks, commissioner murase. this is actually the list of schools. so we don't anticipate for the 13-14 school year making any changes beyond this in order to get to the 25 buses. but we do imagine that throughout this year, we need to kind of a planning process to make sure that the services as currently designed do meet the board's policy guidelines and do provide equalable access. in deeper conversations with the school communities and working with the superintendents to think about what adjustments might be needed in the future. in terms of 13-14, it would be these are the only changes that we are recommending for the
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13-14 school year. >> so, i'm work curious, if you can provide us not right now, but some just sort of a snapshot and data, i feel like i have lost, sort of, we had a lot of data around this when we were doing the student assignment. what schools are served by buses. you know? just sort what that looks like now or maybe what it will look like in the 13-14 school year, over all trends, how many students? are we seeing any trends in terms of the rider ship going up, going down, different parts of the city? you know? some of it may be just based on where we have added bus and where we have taken them away. but in general, are we see any kind of decrease or in crease in the number of students riding the buses? >> thanks, commissioner, i will at a future point give you some more data that kind of
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describes the opportunities in 13-14. in the appendix, there is on page 10, i think, that it is... sorry i forgot to put the slide numbers on this. but i think that it must be slide 20, approximately. it is after the visual that has the graph with the buses. and there is an overview that shows how the number of buses has been reduced each year as the number of schools served. and then, how the elementary rider ship, the numbers, so in other words, in 2010-11 school year there were 330 riders and this year there are 1600. at the middle school level we have actually increased the number of schools receiving service and the rider ship numbers did a bit of an up and a downward trend. so this gives you a sense of the ridership but the other data that you are asking for will definitely work to get you that. and it is necessary to do the redesign work as well.
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>> commissioner, fewer? >> thanks. president yee. >> so, i am not... i guess that i am not understanding this part very well. i am so sorry. so i am looking at this on page 9, the current services after school. so, these are the services that we are currently offering. and the ctip one, two, three, those are the kids who live in 1, 2, 3, 4, explain it to me, and where are they coming from and going to? i don't kind of get it? >> thanks commissioner, it is a very high level snapshot, that really does... >> that is generous. >> sorry about that. but what it illustrates is, you know, it takes the afternoon riders, so that we have got about 1600 students riding and
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what this shows is how many of those students live in areas that the city with the lowest average test score which is a ctip 1, 5, or the areas with the highest average test score and it shows how many of them are getting transportation in the afternoon to an sfusd after school program which is what the eed is, verses a private after school program verses some other could be like an elementary or middle school stop. so for example, just taking the first row, there are 712 of the children are going to an elementary, an sfusd early education school. and of those 712, 235 are from ctip one area, from the area of the city with the lowest average test scores, so it gives it a high level, for afternoon as to early education, and is it to private after school? is it to something else?
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which areas are the cities where the children live in. as we prepare the data we will break this down, to answer your question, to which schools and which after school programs and just kind of map it out in a more accessible way. >> okay. >> so we are going to continue to give transportation to 286 students, to private after school programs, is that what i am reading? >> that is correct. >> and that... these are the highest needs students? this c-tip areas, represent sort of the highest? >> one is the highest. >> c-tip one represents the highest. right? and then it diminishes in need as we go to the higher numbers. >> well the board's policy guidelines were that we should redesign the transportation services in order to provide equitable access in particular for children who live in the city with the lowest average test scores, opportunities to
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go to schools in other areas and access to language bath ways and after sxaol programs. and so we have begin to do that work and it is in process that need to continue in that year. so the reduction in the number of buses we have kind of reached that mild stone and the other pieces still need to be looked closely by the superintendent and the team by this time next year, we need to spend the entire year look at how these 25 buses are being served and are they providing equitable access and that is the direction that we are going. because we are reviewing this chart and really there is need
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for more clarification. from when schools to where, i think is really important too. and then, just the way that i am reading it. so we have impact the changes, is hoover, for example. and we are maintaining transportation from the bay view to lick but we are eliminating transportation to hoover from the bay view, but isn't okay i don't know. isn't hoover on the way to gianini? i mean that you are going that way. so, number of rider is it a full bus? i mean, you know i am just
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asking those types of things because i am thinking of the map if you are going to go from the bay view to gianini which is way out there, why wouldn't you just drop kids off at hoover if it is not a full bus on your way. maybe it is too simplistic. i would do it that way car pool. if you don't mind maybe a little bit more information about this. how many students are actually riding on that bus, is there room on the bus? is it possible that we could be, because i think that is a... when we are looking at the routes from the bay view out there, there is like one bus, quite frankly or two buses that will actually get access to those schools. it is not like you can ride the gary line or the fulton. we will go in one direction. this is a neighborhood that also does not have the same
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sort of access from muni out to the west side. in particular, with those questions, is it on the route? are those buses filled? , is there room for us if we were to continue and pick up those riders from the bay view, to go to hoover? what would that look like? >> i will be happy to get that information to you. my understanding is that the buses are full for that, but we will explore to see if that is possible, and i will get you the school by school specific information and i will see if i can grab it before the meeting is over. >> student delegate, wendy ly. >> so part of the board policy is to provide reasonable access to the students but i see that
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there are some schools with small service and more than four services with the reduced services. so my question is, you provided these alternatives to the yellow bus, but have you followed up with the students who aren't getting these opportunities like what are they doing. can they, do they have access to schools if the school bus route is not an alternative? if they can can't walk or bike to school what other alternatives do they have besides muni? >> thank you very much. i think that is a really good question. part of the in prior years, we weren't able to follow up as directly with the students because we did not know who was riding the bus but this year we have that information and so we are planning to send letters and work directly with the families who will be impacted and that is one of the reasons that we want to do it before the enrollment fair so that the children will have the opportunity and the families will have the opportunity to
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consider information before the enrollment cycle begin and so that is part of the work that we have to do and kind of implementing these changes. >> commissioner norton? >> the other question that i thought of was, around after school, because part of this right has been, i mean, it is trying to figure out how to build capacity at school sites for after school. do we have any? i mean, are the sites that are still receiving busing for after school programs, are they... do they still not have capacity on sight to accommodate students? or is there still... i mean, i guess, what information do we have about students' preferences whether to stay on campus or go somewhere else and capacity are we building any capacity as far as after school? >> yes, and that is exactly the kind of work that we need to do this year and plan to do and
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the kind of questions that question need to explore to be sure that the transportation services are kind of addressing the needs of students and taking into account the need for after school. so, that work is something that is currently, there are discussions about and we are planning to go deeper with that work this year. >> commissioner? >> you are on. >> thank you. >> i wanted to, i don't have the report in front of me so i will have to look at it when i return and probably have follow up questions. but i appreciate what i heard about the goals that we have, but i would like to see, you know, i have to say that i presumed that over time in these three years, we are going to stop transportation to private after school programs. so, i need to see why we are not proposing to do that. and if it means that we are
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giving up any, you know, that we are trading that off, against busing to our own after school programs or other, or maybe transportation to or from school to home transportation from some school, because of the capacity of the buses and the system. so, that is the main thing i would be interested in. and also i want to say that again, i have not seen it, but particularly i am interested in that we are expanding transportation for middle schools to support the feeders. i think that is probably really a good idea. i don't know that i understand enough, i would like to understand more about how that is going to work and what that might mean. commissioner fewer? >> yes, you know, what? since commissioner wynns brought that up, i thought that we did have a conversation about possibly phasing out the transportation to privately run
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after school programs and trying to offer programs at every school site instead. so, i think that we should get an update on that. i thought that we were in agreement that was going to happen because quite frankly if we were prioritizing where we were going to bus to, this would not be a top priority to provide transportation to privately run after school programs. and giving transportation to those students that would not be my top choice, when we see students from the bay view getting transportation cut to their schools or from the schools. another question that i just have is also have we alerted muni about these proposed changes? i have heard recently many complaints about the transportation to high schools and that many students arrive late to school because they simply cannot even get on the
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bus. that so many schools are along certain particular lines of transportation where they are just heavily impacted and all at the same time. and therefore, many students are late for school, so they say, i am just kidding. they are late for school because they can't get on the bus and the buses actually pass them up. so you know that we have, probably the majority of our students rely on muni to get to school and i wonder if we could revisit our relationship with muni and what happens it has worked out sometimes where it has been generous enough to have buses especially in the case of the middle school and george washington high school that there is a 38 that is dedicated just to the students when you have you know, 1100 kids being dismissed at the same time at a school. there are over 2,000 students that were able to coordinate that. but however, i have been hearing to school that they are having a lot of issues around this. so as you know, when you are
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late they miss class and so i think that we maybe can be more efficient and we have maybe a better conversation or conversations with muni and align the school schedules with the needs and i think that some principals actually have done an assessment of what or how many students ride which line and they have a pretty good idea. and so maybe we can work with them on this as we are working with them about this... >> did we just... >> about the transportation plans. >> thanks. just gave you a whole bunch of stuff to do. >> thank you. >> miss okeff i know that this is not the easyist thing to do because this could be many different perspectives on what we should be cutting and what we should be keeping. but i do want to commend the staff for honoring the goal of
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reducing the number of buses that we are using. because when we have started this discussion, and i probably started it when i first got on the school board and asked us to move into this for years before it actually got it implemented, but, we all know that we had a lot more buses out there running lines, and then we were getting reimbursed for. and when we were not getting reimbursed for it, that means that we have to take money away from the classrooms. and so we, just to remind people the big picture here is that we are trying to keep as much of the funding in the classroom as possible rather than spending it on transportation and some of the transportation lines ended up to be very inefficient in regards to having only a few kids get on those lines. and those were easy to eliminate. now it is tougher where we have to make tough choices.
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so, good luck. >> okay. thank you very much. >> there is no more comments on this? >> we don't have to take a vote, do we? >> let's see. i think that this is the end of this discussion. and we are going to move on to item n, consent calendar resolutions tonight. and none, tonight. >> item o, we are moving on commissioner, wynns. >> item o, vote on consent calendar moved and seconded under section f. roll call? >> on the consent calendar? >> yes. >> miss ly. >> yes. >> miss wong. >> yes. >> miss fewer. >> yes. >> miss maufus. >> yes.
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>> miss mendoza and murase. >> yes. >> miss wynns. >> aye. >> and mr. yee. >> aye. >> item p, consent calendar resolutions severed for board discussion and immediate action, i think was one, commissioner maufus? thank you, president yee. thank you, i just had a question and this is very similar to the questions that i always ask, this description of services coordination of academic intervention and volunteer support for struggling students, could i get more detail on that? thank you. >> thank you, commissioner. this is margaret khu, assistant superintendent. >> and so greten elementary school has a reading intervention program that is supported by the pta and parent
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volunteers. and so they do school-wide sst to identify the needs of all students and then they do quarterly ssds to focus on students who are struggling in reading. and so the teachers in an sst team identify the reading needs of the students and the teacher gives the information of what students need to a coordinator. and this coordinator would coordinate support for parents and schedule the parents to go into the classrooms to help with guided reading. and this consultant would train all of the parent volunteers in guided read techniques and also training the parents in the school that has all of the leveled books in the building, every level book in the building and so the volunteers can look up the website, identify, which books the
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students would need to read, and then go into the classroom to support the reading in the classroom. that is what it is. this is paid for by pta. >> i am grateful that the pta is able to do that. and how do they report back? i mean, can i... i guess that i am sort of curious how this is impacting the classroom and is this the first time that we have used miss stern and do they have a track record? i would love to see documentation? >> of the success. >> and students, assessed on a regular basis by the teacher using funder and fenel. the reading accessment by the teacher and so the teacher tracks the reading progress of every student, particularly the focal students. >> thank you. >> okay. >> roll call please. >> thank you. >> miss ly. >> yes. >> miss wong. >> yes. >> miss fewer in
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>> yeah. >> miss maufus? >> yes. >> miss mendoza dr. murase? >> aye. >> miss norton? >> yes. >> miss wynns? >> yes. >> mr. yee, aye. >> six ayes. >> on q, superintendent's proposals first reading, none, item r, none tonight. item s, board members reports, standing committee report augmented, buildings grounds and service committee of october, 15, 201 2, commissioner murase. >> report from the augmented building and ground service committee we had two items presentation for the design of the new willie brown jr. middle school including the site plan, the exterior design the materials and finishes. we were fully briefed on how
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much community involvement was present in the design of the buildings. we were shown very cool computer graphics that led us on a virtual tour of what willie brown will look like. it is very exciting to see this, you know, brand new middle school come to life, at least in the presentation. the architects showed the kinds of finishes and colors that will be incorporated into the design. what i found most interesting was, one of the biggest messages about the design of the school was that it would incorporate elements of restorative practice and circle and sort of really facilitate conversation and dialogues based on this school district's emphasis on that. it was really very exciting. secondly, we discussed future agenda items for the committee and the meeting schedule for november and december.
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