tv [untitled] November 23, 2012 2:00am-2:30am PST
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simi, field representative with carpenter's local 22. one billion, that's got to get your attention, including 120 million for infrastructure that you tell me does san francisco have that. we have a privately funded developer that is willing to take a risk and spend that money. now what is that for local 22. we can broad en it to what is in it for san francisco. supervisor avalos, 25% local hire. 50% of those will be apprentices directly here from san francisco. i don't know if there are apprentices but we are over loaded and billed with apprentices and preap presentations. this will provide 2,600 construction jobs over a three-year period. three-quarters of the time
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some of these apprentices can spend on that job will complete their apprenticeship. that is three-quarters of the time needed in a four-year apprenticeship they can possibly work on that single job alone. that is pension, health fund and future, security for their families and a way to stay in san francisco. i'm confident by your vote because i think this is the way to go. i think you are all progressive enough to know this is bringing jobs to san francisco. it is keeping folks, residents in san francisco. put san francisco back to work. bring warriors back home where they belong. i'm old enough to remember them playing at the cow palace that, is where i first saw them. they need to be back in san francisco, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, supervisors. thanks for having me today. my name is ryan row. i'm a san francisco
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resident. i'm also a graduate of san francisco state university. while in school i had the opportunity to be an intern with the golden state warriors. that was an opportunity i'm thankful for. i think it's helped me in my career. being able to stay here in san francisco. i think having the warriors in the city will bring those types of similar opportunities to students and kids and families that i was able to have and make it more important to have internships with the teams and move their careers along. i think the warriors should be in san francisco as well. i think the opportunity is there for students will be more visible and easily achieved if the warriors are here in san francisco, thank you. >> thank you. madam chair, members of
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the committee, my name sal lex rosenthal. i'm here with the california music and culture association. as i believe you know, cmac is california's only trade association representing that life interest. we are industry representatives, nightclub owner, artists, fans dedicated to enrichment and preservation of music and culture in california. a 6,000 to 17,000 seat venue will certainly fill a critical void. cmac is hoping this will augment the burgeoning night life and restaurant scene with an influx of new visitors. we also look forward to working with the warriors to make sure their venue is self managed and local talent and promoters are able to take advantage of proposed new facility. thanks very much. >> thank you.
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>> madam chair and members, i'm with the san francisco travel association. we couldn't be more supportive of this effort to bring a world class sports and entertainment arena to san francisco. as you know, tourism is a major industry in san francisco, bringing in 8.5 billion supports 41,700 jobs and contributes 426 million to the city budget. this would create thousands of more jobs and generate hundreds of millions more dollars in new economic growth, particularly in the tourism and hospitality sector. one of the largest gaps san francisco has in meeting needs of convention planners is lack of large indoor facility that can accommodate 16,000 or more people. we know and this project would give us that. we know if it is built it will be used. we surveyed the largest clients and found 80% felt
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it would add value to san francisco as a convention center. almost half said they are already ready to use that for anything ranging from general sessions to concerts. we know this would allow us the opportunity to host marquee events such as the democratic national convention or republican convention bringing in 15 million to 21 million, sporting events such as an nba, all star or something along those lines. we also know these type of visitors are big spenders and contribute more than your average visitor. they stay longer, 3.9 nights as opposed to 3.4. they spend more. 336 as opposed to 175. they support our hotel industry, 63% staying in local hotels compared to 50%. for those reasons we hope you will allow this to move
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forward. >> thank you. belfry, robert goodwin, akcarian and anthony favor. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm part of the clc member. we be having like three meetings already. i think warriors. the architects have been doing a nice presentation. they want to accommodate citizens, the needs for the arena. so they tried to do whatever they can. i think it is a good project. the way they have been doing is try to accommodate residents around there. to me i'm part of the clc.
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they doing a great job. warriors try to accommodate to work it out. san francisco is there. even to see what the needs for traffic. i feel confident there will be a great project. i tip my hat as a member. now speaking on behalf of laborers. i represent over 4,000 members here. you can see everybody standing up in support of the project. we really need this project to keep going and get all the members back to work and san francisco back to work. i urge you to support this project. >> thank you. next speaker, please. [applause] >> if i can ask folks to
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hold their applause. next speaker. >> my name is robert goodwin. i would like to thank the supervisors for the opportunity to speak on behalf of this project. i'm a long-time warrior fan. go back to days of frank's ownership. joe being mayor, remember games at civic center, cow palace. over the years i have seen warriors evolve. i want you to know this is by far the best ownership i have seen. this franchise will continue to get better and i think it will bring championships to the area. san francisco has the opportunity to get the warriors back. it is where they belong in the bay area. site on piers 30 and 32 are ideally situated for fan
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base. i know they will have no problems selling out to 17,000 seats, probably for all 66 years of the lease. really advocating you act favorably on this and manage the process. the project can be completed by 2017, the stated goal. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. henry canillo, president of the san francisco market association. we have two choices. allow the piers to stay the way they are, don't do nothing, they fall apart and lose what we have, including the park that brings income or invest in rehabilitation piers and creating what will be a beautiful venue. i visualize a cultural hub with a building and arena that will become a landmark.
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we look forward to this th* going forward and urge you to approve this. thank you. >> thank you very much. pier, ignacio, joshua. >> okay. i'm anthony faber, a resident of soma. i looked at the pictures today. looks pretty nice but i'm worried about what's happened with the cac. they are supposed to be an advisory committee. you don't have to listen but you should at least give them enough information that they can give constructive and intelligent advice. that apparently hasn't happened. so i hope you will be, you know, bringing the cic into the loop and keep it in the loop. if we don't have a voice on this, i don't know, there are a lot of people who want this.
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we may not be listened to anyway. if you aren't going to listen to us websinger will oppose it. if you work with us, this might be a nice thing for the neighborhood. there is definite potential. we have to know what is going on. you guys didn't get the cac rolling fast enough so they could come and actually discuss it and take a vote and decide whether to go on. i hope that would be remedied in the future, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, thank you for hearing me. i support the building at warrior stadium today. i personally signed on to a commitment that labor, the community and everyone else has supported to ensure the stadium gets build.
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with all respect to the neighbors, where the construction will be going forward as san francisco natives as a resident who will live here, die here build on the warrior stadium i'm hoping you will support the project. thank you. >> if there are folks or member s f the public in the over flow room. i think there are a few seats that have opened up. if you would like to come over and be able to make a public comment please do make your way over. next speaker, please. >> thank you, supervisor. i'm very interested this this project. i hope it will be continuing. look forward for the golden state warriors to come over to san francisco. bringing more revenue from the city and for the hotel -- i work as a hotel district. i know how will be coming great project for golden
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state warriors, plus the event that we are going to have in the city especially like fleet weeks is going to be bringing lot of money to the city. it will be great. i'm looking for work for that project. i appreciate that. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, ignacio castillo, part of labors 261 in san francisco. as business manager hernandez stated we are here in support of this project. this is great not only creating construction jobs but also permanent jobs. we are looking forward for the board of supervisors to
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approve what is in front of you today and we are in full support, thank you. >> thank you. >> afternoon, supervisors. i'm peter, resident of rin con hill the last ten years. when i studied structured finance at mit when i was doing my mba, you have to consider the costs. the impact will it have on our neighborhood, those are real costs to the city and residents. yet all the study is pushed off . this feasibility study is only focusing on the the revenue and economic benefits but not getting into thoses issues. thank you, supervisor avalos for bringing up the number. at the first cac meeting mr. welch said up to 300 so it is very interesting now all of a sudden sit down 205. that is i believe still
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their aim. again as enterprise they have to maximum their revenue, that is their goal. when you start talking about the parking impacts or traffic impacts studied later, these are different, where only 50 are regular events. the others are one-time where people will come in. the san francisco chronicle published an article in summer about parking of giants fans, how they circle around, looking for spots to avoid the $40 traffic fees. this neighborhood around that venue is very different. bunch of small streets. anyway, i'm surely come to more meetings and address this but please consider this, thank you. >> thank you. i do not have any other speaker cards. if you have not had a chance to speak but would
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like to, line up and we will hear your comments. good afternoon, joshua arsay with bright line. i want to make sure chair chu and supervisor kim you are aware this morning something historic happened with respect to this. this is the first time private project has agreed to follow mandatory local hiring. this is historic. i say that because there is a lot of excitement. one of us on the community side in working with laborers, carpenters and other trades and warriors folks are excited about is the project is fiscally feasible. we needed to know that before we did that. the thing is one of the unsung community heros to get us to do that is abu, from bay view hunter's point. what is historic is abu has pushed to advance community opportunity, particularly in southeast sector bay view hunter's point. abu stepped up and signed
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onto a historic letter of commitment to do local hiring, work with labor, community, the warriors, the developer, the contractor and i think we got what we need as far as fiscal feasibility. i hear some kind of concern to get more informations or more research. that's going to happen. this is a long process. this is day one. do i not want to see a delay face supervisors because there is such incredible momentum to take local hiring, come together with community groups that sign the letter of commitment with the mayor, with our labor partners and with the warriors and folks doing this web core and hunt that are building it. i just actually didn't realize the delay was a possibility. it kind of maybe blunted enthusiasm. the way to pick up on it is don't delay, move it forward and get this done, thanks. >> thank you, next speaker. >> who will we.
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acu. >> thank you. >> i'm james bryant. i'm from the western region. let me just start by saying there is no way we are going to delay this matter. absolutely no way. ladies and gentlemen, let me make this clear. we had a vote last week. we elected a president that said we are going to produce more jobs, all right. this is a mandate for not only the country but san francisco. this is our opportunity, ladies and gentlemen, to make it really clear as you just heard from the community, a community that has unemployment at rates of 20% or more, this is their opportunity. this is their chance. this is san francisco's chance. let me tell you about
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chances. san francisco has had the warriors once. lost them once. this time we are going to get them and keep them for good. ladies and gentlemen, this is the most important dynamic. we in the last five years have turned into a city that has become the ultimate city in success for athletic teams, for activities. san francisco -- i have been here 35 years in my life. i have never seen san francisco as developed as forward as it is. not only economically but socially. as we said, if you had been there at our press conference you would have seen the melting pot that san francisco has. i ask you today to commit yourself to moving this community. commit yourself to saying no way to anybody delay. thank you.
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>> thank you. thank you. >> thank you, supervisors, dennis mckinsey from consulting and education. i have been writing educational proposals over 25 years and teach in the san francisco public high schools for the last 11 years. i provided city and warriors and port commission and number of theserer officials, the mayor in my proposal to include a high school class room facility within this arena. today i provided second readings an updated letter which i provided the port commission yesterday. i will provide the mayor and other supervisors later. here to speak on behalf of the students and young people in our city and this country, the updated proposal that i share deals with potential benefits by
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creating a cross cultural sports and education program as part of my proposal. there are numerous high schools and college stage not just around san francisco but my proposal deals with providing access for government agencies and educational institutions from mexico, central america, guatemala, south america and canada. in other words, visitors cannot be tourists but come here to learn as educational and career guidance program. as well as our students developing that same knowledge and inter national respect to other countries. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for this opportunity. gail cahil. my husband and i live at 88 king street, two blocks from this projkt. i want to thank you and especially supervisor kim for getting the city to
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commit to moving that scoping meeting to january. i urge you, i applaud every effort you can make to put a little more time in the process for citizens of the neighborhood to be reheard. i would applaud any of you in city government that this will be place thered a residential neighborhood and perhaps the most highly dense residential neighborhood in san francisco that. is an important factor. our concerns about quality of life, i trust they will be heard. i cannot thank you for giving us this breathing room. i think you have an opportunity to give the cac a week. they will meet on the 20th to meet pierce snoheda. they can come back with concerns they have highlighted. they can have a multipurpose meeting and i think it will be well worth everyone's time. i believe the best legislation in general and best projects in general come when there is a full, fair interplay of ideas from people. lots of smart people in the
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room. things get made better when that happens so thank you for doing what you have done today. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. hugh hester. i know you will vote this down but i ask you between now and tuesday to get a full schedule on one sheet or two sheets or three sheets of paper. chronological what are you committing to. the conceptual framework has a bunch of dates. they are acting as though these are hard dates. the eir is to be -- this is, for all intents and purposes, 2013. they are going to do the entire eir by 2014 and get it through the port,
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through the planning commission, through bcdc, through you all. you have multiple votes you have the take and rezone the sites. i have a clue to how complicated this schedule is and how compressed this is but force the port to tell you on your record what the schedule is. i was involved in the giants negotiations, which went on for two ballots and eir process and public discussion the better part of two years at the end. they limited the number of events. the giants, which are san francisco, which won the world series, have a severe limit on number of events. you are going to blast it out for this area. you will blast out when this area has had n nor mouse numbers of residents.
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what you are committing to in the eir that is before you is no other location works no other events work. that is implicit in what you have before you. get that all in writing. thank you. >> thank you. >> hi, betty. i'm a resident of san francisco. i'm also a huge golden state warriors fan. reck said about this project because i want to see the team in our city. i really hope you guys push this project forward, thanks. >> thank you. i see no other -- one more. after the other members of the public who have not spoken, please do line up against the wall. >> thank you, supervisors, tom king once more. i support the project but i do have concerns. the presentation was very well done. i didn't hear anything
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about the residents living close to proposal site. will there be a study to examine this impact? that said revenue alsoing increase as visiting team also stay in san francisco perhaps two to three nights, especially with east coast teams and travel days. also nba teams book entire floors of hotels for security reasons. pro sports teams are owned by billionaires, so please be cautious with the final contract. i think two people should be more involved in the decision. one is harvey rose, a superb budget analyst. the other is a san francisco resident named gund. he is very charitable. he and his family own the cleveland team. they would have details, as cleveland as a new arena. they would regard ferry service corresponding to warriors home games. important to keep in mind warriors only play 41 home
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and the average stadium seats 28,000 to 30,000 so additional revenue streams are critical. ticket prices, it is important in the contract to keep them low. especially for families. better teams equate to better revenue and i think the warriors need to improve. >> thank you. are there other members of the public who swish to speak? item number 7. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, we have this item before us. i believe we have amendments being proposed. supervisor kim. >> yes. i wanted to ask a quick question to members of the public who asked about the 205 versus 300 events. is this a commitment to a maximum or something we will continue to work through in the term sheet? >> whatever is most appropriate to answer this
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question. >> i don't think we are prepared to commit to a specific number. certainly will be subject of ongoing conversation. we are happy to engage. >> okay, thank you. i do have some language amendments that i would like to read into the record regarding this item. just in light of much of the feedback we have gotten in terms of ensuring we have true community feedback and input on every step of the process, to respect role of citizens advisory committee to intention of board when we created this with the port i just want to read two further resolves, then amendment to the final for resolved. i sent copies to both supervisor avalos and chair chu. that is for the resolved that future discretionary approves from the board of supervisors will be heard by the cac prior to approval, including the
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term sheet, the dda, the waterfront land use plan amendment and zoning amendments and other transaction documents. be it resolved the board of supervisors urges pier 30, 32cac to hold at least two meetings and discuss prior to board of supervisors budget and finance committee hearing including written recommendation by cac regarding the term sheet. this is the final further resolved, the current language. city will conduct environmental review of proposed project under ceqa . this is amended portion, including thorough analysis of traffic congestion and noise impacts and scoping schedule that will be reviewed by the cac. the rest of the language is already in the resolution. i just want to say a couple things if i may in conclusion. first of all i think that everyone in this room, if not most in this room, really support the warriors team coming back to san francisco. i think that is not really a question. i think among the city
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