tv [untitled] November 24, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm PST
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appreciating the opportunities and the constraints that exist at this part of the waterfront, and there is some very interesting contrast. to the north the piers create much more urban everyone to the north and then you see the bridge and the sheds and the city behind. it's a more shaded side of the pier as the development is under taken. to the south in contrast a very beautiful small section of the bay here that abuts the embarcadero and the park and this is community oriented, a great opportunity for an active community recreational edge. you can see in the red square at the top of the plan proposing to keep that existing element. you
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can see the water marked tower on sea wall lot 330 in blue and the blue color encompassing here and the piers 30-32 and indicating from the beginning we looked at this in a holistic way. this indicates the typical relationship you have along the waterfront when you look down a pier. you typically take the long view down to the water and this is something that occurs here, but there is something that occurs on 30-32 which is unlike any other pier and that's this very spectacular north south access that you view access that you experience as you walk onto the pier and spectacular view north up to the bay bridge so this shapes the way we approach the site planning for the development. this is an early diagram that
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appeared in the press in the spring of this year. it was before we started design for the project but it actually illustrated how a typical development on a pier might occur and you can see in blue the indication of the event arena and the orange for the mix use and retail development and in the dotted lines that is how views are gained along piers, along the san francisco waterfront, long views along the edge of the pier. but what we did in taking into account the full range of different opportunities we decided to actually move the arena around, tilt it around and reinforce the spectacular views and you will see in the site plan how the
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distribution of the different elements is. so this is the site plan for the development and i will present this in more detail in a minute, but the overall arrangement here you can see the venue located in the southeast corner of the pier maintaining public access along at ground level, and i'll show you that in a minute. can you seat very generous areas of plazas and tiers up to a height of 50 at the highest and 35 feet where you enter into the arena. you can see retail pavilions next to the embarcadero and then across on sea wall lot 330 you can see the proposed new development of two towers over the top of mix use development under a podium. now, this is a
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sketch, rendering that we prepared to show how the arena -- this iconic event venue for san francisco would be viewed relative to the city cad and you see the buildings in the town town area scaling town to the waterfront per plan requirements and can you see the main arena at the end of the pier, and in the foreground you can actually see the ballpark. this is a closure view. can you start to see the arena and event. >> >> facility in more detail here and how it wraps around, how public access actually wraps around and up the building. you can see the plazas and all publicly accessible and people to gain a spectacular view of the city and you can see the
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retail pavilions bordering the embarcadero, now if you're walking along the embarcadero warking north this is a view next up to brandon street park and illustrated in green. of course it's not the final appearance but representing that area and you will see how approaching from this side you have this fantastic broad plaza and terrace plazas that lead you up into this magnificent views back to the bay bridge, and this is a rendering showing some of the character in early design thinking how the sowrj edge of the pier could be treated. we see this as a fantastic community gathering place, soundy, wind protected, with the opportunity to gain access into the water, and the opportunity also for biofiltration and storm water management so there is
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tremendous potential here for multiple uses of this area. this is a view if you were walking south from the -- along the embarcadero having just walked around the bay bridge. to the left there you can see part of the pier 26 to 28 pier shed building, and then you could see high dive and reds in the middle of this image and you can see the retail pavilions two to three stories high and similar in height and replicating in form the character -- in form the existing pier head buildings. these are not yet designed and they will of course start to take on a lot more character as they became designed. you can see the arena in the background just to the left. so just looking at more detail in more detail at the plan this is
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again the site plan at a larger scale. you can see here in more detail how the southern edge is treated with the opportunity to step down into the water and have human powered craft enter the water at that stage -- at that point. the opportunity for biofiltration. the very generous public plazas -- actually more than 50% of the site is publicly accessible area in these terrace plazas around the arena and around the retail. can you see the two retail pavilions and you can see the arena, and then on the left-hand side of the embarcadero here on the western side you can see how saw wall lot 330 is laid out. you have the water tower in the
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corner and propose two more towers and residential and hotel and podium at the same level for the water mark tower scpurnd the podium there is a mixture of retail and office and parking. now we know that there is a lot of community concern and interest in the towers and i just would echo the cac -- the notice that we had earlier for the cac workshop on november 20 and that is a great time to get into more detail on these -- on this side of the development. you can also see at the top of sea lot 330 is a green area and where we capped the development back in able to achieve a direct and generous public access along main street back to trans bay and be able to give people an
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area to flow out and on to as they crossing bryant street. now, on this ground floor plan, so this is the street level plan for the development. i will just give you a little more detail on the uses, particularly the maritime uses. so starting at the top of the slide you can see in gray the reds -- reds restaurant and next to that in pink is the proposed fire boat house. to the north of it are three tie up points for fire boats and to the right of that a ferry landing location as well, so we see this northern edge of the pier as being very active maritime use. the eastern edge of the pier we are starting the feasibility for a deep at
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vessel berth and we know the port is interested in that opportunity. along the southern edge you can see here again active marine edges, guest docks for boats to dock at, water taxi, and then the step plaza that meets the water reaching around to brandon street wharf park. can you also see here in blue the arena interior at ground level and part of the bowel of the arean a you can see two of the practice courts. >> >> and -- and the best part and
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could be developed for a range of different flexible uses which we will work with the community on develop ideas for that. the yellow is the retail and you can see here as well we have brought the retail, stuck it back and wide in the street edge at the embarcadero at that point and allow people to move up and experience the site to achieve these beautiful views. for
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public access these are some of the major categories of public access. as i said a great deal of the site is available for the community to use for a variety of ways and you can see here these are depicted in different colors depending on the purpose -- everything from grand stair and the step ramp and the amphitheater that leads you up into the event plaza that takes you into the main entry at the arena at level 35 and event lawn that steps up spot bay over look area and potential out door theater at plus 50 and can you see the entry plaza and the biofiltration on the south side. and this is a detail of the arena building itself showing two things. one, how the
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community access and public access works right at the pier level. you can see that area of the pier that wraps around the side of the building and that provides access minimum of 25 feet wide and it's actually much wider among many parts of the pier edge, and you can see that and there is another idea to create ramp access walk for public access that will wind up around the perimeter of the arena and lead you up ultimately to a view derk up on the roof of the arena itself where people can get a spectacular view at that level and over the top there is a concept how we think that part of the roof may have additional shelter and weather protection for that viewing plaza on the roof of the arena,
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and this say rendering that shows how that transparency of the arena could be realized. this is a view taken inside so people at a ticketed event you can waked around and enjoying the transparent and the views out, and also people walking around the public walk way can actually see in as well and can you see that on the right-hand side of the rendering, so really spectacular opportunities for in door and out door viewing activity. we started to study in great detail access and connectivity to the development and this diagram here just depicts the proximity to different forms of public transportation. you can see how close the site is to the building to the north. well connected to muni in the south
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and trans bay and cal train and water access by fer and he water taxi so with that all of that in mind we are looking at more detail of the site circulation. this shows how bicycle and public walking is proposed to occur and you can see here in red the public access and bicycle way that is proposed right around the perimeter of the piers and then in blue lines that depict some of the major ways of accessing up into the entry plaza for the primary entry into the arean a there is a second entry at the lower level for events non basketball events and that will provide an alternative way into
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the arena. now we have been studying the egress out of the venue very carefully because when people arrive to an event it's over a longer time period. they're flowing in in a less congested way over a greater length of time, but when they leave an event they want to move towards their destination, either public transportation or some other venue, and what we have done is we have intentionally designed a number of egress points that will take people to their prime -- and we
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have this that allows people to walk around to think what they're doing next and not be creating a lot of dense pedestrian traffic right on the street edge. and just by comparison you can see the red dots on the right of the two entry and exit primary entry points into the arena and you can see that green plaza and the distance that -- those points are from the embarcadero. in contrast if you look at the and this is detailed view of brandon
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street. we're proposed single entry point in and out of the garage. you can see that in blue and these lines are in yellow and more importantly and coming from the upper terraces that eliminates that point of conflict at bryant street so we are studying this in detail and at this point i will hand to the more detailed transportation presentation. thank you>>
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thank you. good afternoon commissioners. peter albert from mta. i will talk about our approach to handling transportation and not for just this project but there is a lot of change set for the waterfront and not set within one boundary and connects neighborhoods across the boundaries. this idea is to do that and get out ahead of projects proposed and even projects we know are coming in the next months. we are talking about this one today and i am working with others and taking stock of all of the developments in the general waterfront area. the reason
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for this taking a step back we want to make sure that the traffic planners and the community and anyone with a vested interest in transportation take this opportunity to get out of the ahead of the environmental reviews and register community input and give us a head start in fix being the problems and identifying the issues and fixing long-term gaps and mitigation measures out of environmental review that we have the best projects working with anybody who is responsible for moving people in the bay area getting their input now so we can shape good solutions and finally leverage funding and the timing in place as they're needed. so the assessment area that we're talking about is actually broader than this diagram will show but what i think is important these are
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three projects i am working closely on. pier 70. sea wall 330 and these across the street. but we don't start from a cold start. we have been doing a lot of work already with the community and understanding how to make the trpg in the waterfront work better. i have been to this commission talking about america's cup. that was a tremendously important experience. actually we treated that input from the outreach seriously and we rowntded up the input we got from america's cup and through the progress reports and at the cac meetings of this project and at the hearing we got input as well and on the website you will see pages of community input we managed and structured and categorized it and it's shaping this assessment
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for us. but i don't want to down play how important it was to play with the america's cup. we piloted and tried our hand at new things and erks lie and a project and carried hundreds of people and that is a pilot project that could have a legacy. we have the bike sharing program this spring and we work with the companies to do a proxy bike sharing program and get it place for the america's cup and valet parking and giving pedestrians real time estimates how long it goes from point a, say the ballpark to the ferry building and helping visitors orient themselves around the waterfront and this is a advantage that we have piloted and try our hand at some
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solutions. we had a meeting already and we wanted to make sure everybody understood the big picture. what we did before the roll your she was up part of the workshop we outlined what the assessment was supposed to do and understand the networks that serve the area. it's understanding which projects and not just transportation but which ones are coming down the pipeline and when and a lot of the challenge is understanding when the solutions are already in the books are serving the developments when they come online and inform the ceqa process. to get out ahead of the environmental review is important for us in the transportation world. rather react to it in the last month we are doing this assessment now even before the eir started. we had good attendance of 60 people and six tables. they had maps. these are res deptds and
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advocates and knew the waterfront well. they pinpointed the problems and gave ideas that need to be solved and we went through and got the top six issues in the discussion. we got together and summarized those and set next steps. but these are some of the graphics -- well, these are some of the graphics that we had and it's so important to understand that transportation isn't a snapshot. it's ongoing development process. for instance the transit network that you see in the top is both local and regional and we showed in dotted lines what is coming down the line, central subway, and the loop for mission bay and the loop in chinatown and all happening at different times and part of the assessment is looking at when and get them in place when needed. we looked at the bay trial and the bicycle
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network what is needed and proposed and parking and north of the building and lots or garages and looking how they relate to the arterial net works that feed the freeways and you get a map that would be otherwise impossible to understand and too many colored lines and network but it shows how dense and multimodal this network is. these circles radiated out here show quarter mile and half mile and mile radius. we could do that anywhere and how many bus stations and terminals and bart and that informs these land use projects. now in addition to the networks are the list of projects themselves. we identified three phases. 12013 to 2017 and out to two 032
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because there are different waves happening and different transportation improvements slaitded to come on line. it might be at the end of the assessment we might jump start a project because a major development is happening the year before so it's this kind of clarity understand whag is going on in the land use realm, the terminal and the projects and mission rock at one side and understand what all of these things or some of the muni routes coming fall into place. so just a sample of some of the outcomes of the workshop. we had six maps and summaries. these were they written on and saw gaps and things needed to happen. it's hard to read it but it's there and on the website and if you look on piers 30-32 you will see this but there is a list of comments so
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we know the transit and parking issues. that's helping us make sure as we work with engineers they're getting the input from the people that live and work about this area and the general responsibility in fixing transportation solutions, but the next steps and we're very much at the beginning of the assessment, are the workshops on december 4. one comment we heard loud and clear "give us land use information to match the transportation information" so we have maps that will be layered on top of the transportation networks so we can see where people are living and where the networks need to go and we had an important comment "what are the goals and objectives of the assessment?" . it's one thing to have engineers and it's another that we understand quality of life
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and what makes san francisco successful? pedestrian first and transportation priority and the land use plans and those are things that we would incorporate and taking the inventory of all the goals and objectives and making sure they speak to this area and if need be refined for the outcomes. if we have the goals and networks and the networks and understanding when they come online one thing that would be helpful is try our hand at a few solution ideas . for instance if the neighbors gave the top six concerns and we ran it past goals and objectives and i can't make the cal train because it's congested around the giants game and sometimes they don't go beyond second street very quickly. well, there are solutions to put in place. there are opportunities and check them against the golden objectives and at the end of the day we understand the
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priorities and the goals of the community and the city and we understand what is happening and when both in transportation and land use, our next responsibility would be to come up with solutions that make sense and that get out ahead of the environmental, so i'm very interested in this process just like we did with the people plan in america's cup and before the environmental. the environmental kicked in and gave us great data and back in the people plan and had a plan that was smart and a environmental that had great mitigation measures and i think that is a great proposead and recommendation for getting ahead of the issue and vetting them in the project and with they will turn it over to brad for his report. >> good afternoon commissioners. brad benson special projects manager representing the port staff on the negotiating team.
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