tv [untitled] November 28, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PST
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we need to deal with if we have one cochair present, to keep that cochair continuing to chair. if there is no cochair present, another member of the council can chair, and stay within the bylaws. >> i choose to amend the motion, to include a limit of two months for a cochair-appointed replacement. >> should we say, not to exceed two consecutive meetings? m d c meetings. c>> chair: do you approve of that friendly amendment? councilmember wilson seconds
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the friendly amendment. everyone is clear? public comment? all in favor of the amendment proposal please raise your right hand and say aye. any opposed? abstained? that was not very painful. (laughter) we have a few more items. we are running short on time. is there any potential for extended time today? five minutes. thank you. the next item is a report from the disability disaster preparedness committee.
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>> thank you cochair parsons. >> chair: delivered by councilmember senhaux. >> disability disaster preparedness committee met on friday. there was a follow-up discussion on the shakeout activities that took place in october 18 and a disability specific activities. the mayor's disability council conducted an activation deal with the sou partners by text messaging the identifying contacts. the results were impressive. there was 100% response within 12 hours. we also discussed the civic center evacuation drill on october 25, about 10 buildings in the civic center area evacuated including city hall, the department of public health, and the war memorial building.
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as part of the evacuation drill, an ada portion the place as well where buildings that had to evacuate people with disabilities and use the evacuation chairs. the activity went well but it highlighted some areas of further staff training with the mayor's office and disability will follow up on. update on the planning efforts on the golden guardian, disaster exercise in may 2013, there was discussion to establish a timeframe from the project and further develop the deal for including participation of people with disabilities in the exercise. one of the main objectives of the exercise was to see how effective -- the shelter plan will work. there was discussion of the committee to limit the scope of the exercise for best results. we discussed the fema
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innovation challenge grant. we propose to project to develop a disaster preparedness plan. mld will be dubbed five the results by the end of november. finally there was a lively discussion around disaster messaging. we look for examples of other messages from other jurisdictions. we looked at what was used for hurricane sandy. the goal was to ensure clear and effective disaster messaging to the public including the disability community. take a breath. several committee members have committed to do the above research and develop tax messaging samples for the committee to review at our next meeting. this concludes my ddpc report;
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i would like to remind members of the public and organizations that our group now meets the first friday of every other month; the next scheduled meeting is on january 4, 2013, 1-3:30 p.m. room 421 at city hall. we hope to see you there. >> chair: thank you very much. councilmember senhaux. our next item, report from the smpta, multi-motor accessibility advisory committee presented by councilmember wong. >> councilmember wong: today i will update the council and the public of two projects. podesta and accessible signals; -- provided information about
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pedestrian signals referred to as apc. special pedestrian pushbuttons at intersections to visually impaired, audible speech and tactile messages. apms are currently placed at 129 intersections. 29 to be installed in the next 2-3 years. how aps are prioritized? crosswalk length program for visually impaired. city/public programs. proximity to transit facility. speed limit. examples of upcoming aps
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installation locations. 19th ave. and l inconln way. 25th ave. at - . sometimes people cannot hear the countdown. these devices can be adjusted by staff. number two, complete streets. this project is in early-stage. seeks to implement aesthetic and safety improvements or users of -- street between mcallister and union streets. in accordance with the city transit policy, improvements
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will primarily focus on - polk street. it is slated to be resurfaced and repaved sometime in 2015. saturday, december 1, 2012, an open house will reveal conceptual designs. time and location to be determined. the next sfmta meeting is scheduled for thursday, december 20, 2012, at sfmta headquarters located at -- the corner of south and -- 7th floor. i wish everybody a happy thanksgiving. thank you. >> chair: we have -
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we are skipping down public comment. seeing none. information items from staff? seeing none, item 14 is discussion item. i have one announcement. i would like to say quickly, ctap, who distributes accessible telephones the blind and deaf phones, they are located across the bay, they're coming to san francisco for distribution at the hearing and speech center on dec. 14th. this contact bob davies at the hearing and speech center if you would like to return your equipment. find out what equipment is available to you. we don't always have the opportunity in san francisco. is a great opportunity. it is a joint effort of the speech center and hearing loss
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>> good afternoon. i know we have a number of people here today for our first item and thank you so much for making the time to be here. hello and welcome to our regular rules committee for thursday, october 18 [*-fplg/]. my name is jane kim and i'm joined by supervisor mark farrell and supervisor david
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campos and we're joined by our clerk, linda wong and we would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgovtv who record our meetings and make the transcript as valuable and makenize jesse larson and mike freeman. >> make sure to silence all cell phones and complete speaker cards and documented to be individualed as part of the file should submitted to the clerk. >> thank you, madame clerk. can you please call item no. 1. >> ordinance amending the health code by requiring 1, the department of public health to provide written information outlining the rights and riresponsibilities of tenants, property owners and pest control operators regarding the prevention and treatment of bedbug infestations. 2, dph to develop a training curriculum on bedbug abatement. 3, owners to respond to bedbug infestation complaints. 4, property owners to disclose
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bedbug infestation history for the previous two years. 5, the department of public health to collect and publish bedbug data on a quarterly basis. 6, establishing enforcement procedures and 7, making environmental findings. >> thank you. colleagues, one of the first thing issues did when i joined the board of supervisors was to call a hearing on bedbugs in the city and county of san francisco. prior to that hearing actually a group of many of our residents from neighborhoods, chinatown and south of market and the tenderloin had been convening meetings fore over a year to discuss what we could do about the citywide epidemic that has been plaguing our neighborhoods. through the work group this legislation came forwards a series of recommendations on what we could do to better abate bedbugs and the bedbug abatement issue here in san francisco.
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this legislation will address three primary issues. the first of course is to actually collect data on bedbug abatement. so to require pest control operators to report to the department of public health on bedbug abatements and to have disclosures and create better information by the city and county of san francisco for tenants, our operators and for our property owners. so i wanted to call up two individuals who have been working very steadily on this project. mr. vining and miss chung. [ applause ] actually before i do that i wanted to give my colleagues an opportunity to speak, if any. do you want to recognize that supervisor david campos is a co-sponsor, along with supervisor david chiu. go ahead. >> good afternoon.
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thank you for this opportunity to speak today. i just wanted to sort of start off by thanking supervisor kim for supporting this important legislation and thanks to the supervisors who co-sponsored as well. i wanted to thank the members of the bedbug working group who put a lot of time and effort into this, but the main people i wanted to thank are a lot of people here behind me. that is the tenants who have come out to tell their stories and tenants ho have come out to our bedbug working group meetings to make sure that we're getting it right and the input that we're giving to the city and county is the input that reflects what tenants really feel and the experiences that they are going through and some of the solutions that they have come up to make this process work better. my name is josh vining. i'm a community organization with the sro collaborative at dolores street services. dolores street and the sro
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collaborative realized that tenants were confused and that landlords were confused and people weren't quite sure what their responsibilities were and their role in getting rid of bedbug infestations. so we started to meet in the mission just to start of make that clear who was responsible for. what and we started to identify some gaps that were in the system. and when we looked at what was happening in other parts of city and talked to some of our other community advocate groups we found there was confusion there as well. so to identify some of the gaps that this were and to see what sort of recommendations we could put forth as suggestions for city policy. and sense then we have been working closely with the department of public health and
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have been giving sort of our suggestions on how they could -- sort of our suggestions on how they can incorporate some of the ideas no their own polices and procedures. and the department of public health has put out their directors' rules and regulations for control of bedbugs of it's a new document and it went into effect july 1st of this year. i would just like to say that we're very excited about that document and we think it makes a lot of important changes and clarifies the roles and responsibilitis is that tenants, pest control operators have in this process and we're interested in going forward and trying to evaluate how well that process works in talking with them in the future. not all of the recommendations of the bedbug working group were able to be adopted by the department of public health. and so we're really excited about this legislationings that does some of the things that the department of public health
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just cannot do and it's outside of their jurisdiction. so we're really excited about this today. we think that the legislation is beneficial for everyone. we don't see it as being very controversial at all and we think it's commonsense solutions to bedbugs and we're looking forward to the full board vote. and we're hope to get get a unanimous vote in favor of this legislation >> thank you. >> thanks. my name is tina chung and i'm a community advocate. we have folk b folks from the mission, chinatown, tenderloin throughout the city committed to improving education and the treatment and abatement of bedbugs. many of us when we have been convening we have met with a lot of tenants and many of us
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are front line staff, really, having worked with a lot of tenants who have firsthand experience on the trauma, the frustration and anxiety that come with bed bing festation. it can affect anyone. it doesn't matter how old you are or how rich or how poor you are. supervisor kim we really wanted to applaud you for supporting this legislation from the very begining that would improve the knowledge and awareness of bedbugs in the city and helping demystify who get bedbugs and to have written rules and responsibilities for not just tenants, but landlords and pest control operators. so we think that having clearer instructions would make the experience of our tenants that
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we serve much better since property management would have a clear understanding of what to do, what to expect what infestations do occur. so nobody is caught surprised. it would mean complaints are taken more seriously and property owners and landlords would have to investigate complaints and disclose two years history upon tenant request. it would provide tenants an opportunity to be informed renters and more vigilant of their surroundings. they are knowledgeable third party that can make a determination and monitor such nuances and requiring are the pest control operators to report to dph and making the information public will be helpful for the city to gather data that really underreported currently. highly underreported, public health concern and our hope in doing so is in the future this is just the first step. more funding will be available to meet the gaps in social
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services as we have talked about, resources necessary for really successful reradication of bedbugs. social services are able to help landlords facilitate a dialogue and process for tenant cooperation and collaboration. so the passage of this legislation is crucial and an important step in curtailing the infestation rate in the city. the groups here today and our allies we urge the board of supervisors to support the proposed legislation and we thank you. >> thank you, miss chung. >> we have the department of public health here as well and our office has been working closely with the department along with residents and advocates on this policy. thank you for being here. >> thank you. my name is karen cohen. i am a program manager in the san francisco public health department. i have certainly been working closely with the bedbug working group and advocates here and supervisor kim's office.
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and that has started with my role in coordinating the revision of our department's rules -- directors rules and regulations for bedbug prevention and control. we had stakeholder meetings and public comment and public hearings and all of those were wrapped up into our new regthat has been mentioned effective july 1st. since that time i have been working with the advocates who are speaking here today to increase public awareness. as an example -- there we go. we have been collaborating on an interior bus placard advertising at muni that will be out in three different languages. the emphasis is that bedbugs don't discriminate and what you can do to look for bugs and if
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your property manager or landlord doesn't respond you should be calling 311. we have communicated with the government library communication center so hard copies will be available at their [tk-efpg/]s and our website is listed for those who use the internet. the rule that the ordinance that has been added today by introductions by supervisor kim is very important, because our current legislative authority doesn't go beyond making specific buildings habitable and by adding this ordinance we would have the authority to do surveillance and to do perhaps additional certification of how the pest operators are working and to help property owners comply with their disclosure requirements. there is one -- so basically as amended for today's introduction, the department is in support. there is one section that i
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only saw just now. and i need to comment on that section. it's section 624. and this is about review and amendment of the rules and regulations for the prevention and treatment of bedbug infetchation. generally speak what this section is doing is asking for our department to have a every two-year public process, where we can update the rules and regulations. so from 2008-2012 was a four-year period. this definitely would improve the time span, but i would request instead of health commission we would say "the department." because in our current process of being allowed and authorized to do rules and regulations does not go through the commission. we included the commission, you know, because it's of importance to them to know what is going on. but it's not a requirement for the commission to be the authorizing or approving agency in terms of amending the rule and reg. so i would suggest
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that it would be adequate to say "the department shall conduct these public processes." in that section. i can talk to the attorney afterwards about that. >> great. i see where you are at. i haven't introduced an amendment yet. >> they do mention in a, b and c things about the commission and i think you could easily substitute "the department." because it's already our authority to do this. >> okay. >> and then i had other information about hotels and violations and i would like to emphasize the website because we're talking about that in the ordinance. there is a goal to have a training curriculum and we have begun in terms of having an outline about what a start curriculum would look like. this is on the sf environmental when you look up the
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bedbug web page it's one of the attachments that includes what are beg bugs that look like bedbugs, but aren't them? so they are training materials and there they are. i think the only other thing to mention about this legislation is that it would require an additional inspector in terms of the certification required after violations. and that could be accommodated either by a salary ordinance request next fiscal year or temporarily or long-term reassigning existing staff and deprioritizing other activities. >> thank you so much, miss cohen. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> i do want to thank miss cohen and doctor bachi for working with our groups and
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recognize the department of building inspection who gave us feedback on this legislation as well. i have been notified by the clerk that we have an overflow room, room 250 and if you are here for another item and would like to give up your seat for folkses here at this item, the sheriff does not allow us to have people standing in the room. you will be able to watch the hearing and come back in for your item when that is up. i have just distributed amendments that i would like to introduce after public comment. to my colleagues i just want to let you know briefly summarily what those amendments are. one was the one that miss kahn just mentioned section 624 and that is the information provided to tenants, landlords and pest control operators will be revised by dph every two years. the amendments also clearly and
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