tv [untitled] November 28, 2012 5:30am-6:00am PST
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too late. you might think someone with sores is just a nasty transient, but, in fact it could be bud begin festation. so this legislation will push research -- i think it's going to a higher level where it's going to come back on us in a big way. if we start now, you could probably save some lives. >> thank you, mr. james. [ applause ] >> hello. my name is brenda washington and i'm a tenant organizer at the jefferson hotel in the tenderloin and i want to thank supervisors kim and campos for this legislation and i also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who worked from the sro collaborative, who supported this legislation stand to up and be recognized. everybody raise your hand. we want to thank you guys. [ applause ] >> thank you, miss washington.
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i did call up emrano perez, if she is still here. please come up. >> supervisors kim, farrell, campos, i wish to testify anonymously. i have a few random thoughts on bed bugs, the spread of bed bugs. first of all, i don't think we have a clue as to how pervasive bed bugs are in san francisco. a thoughtfully constructed survey needs to be devised and implemented. supervisor kim i would suggest that there isn't an apartment building in the tenderloin free of bed bugs.
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the tenderloin is densely populated. a low-income area, old and neglected buildings, an area in other words vulnerable to their spread. no. 2, interest there is no consistently effective treatment that i am aware of. 3, the treatment protocols do not encourage maximum cooperation because in effect they ask the tenant to turn their abode upside down and inside out. also, although there is a significant number of victims that are allergic to bed bug bites, there are those who are not bothered by them, which might not encourage this
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particular population to cooperate. you will have so excuse me, i'm a slow talker. generally, pcos are incompetent and expensive. they are using pesticides, which have a short-term residual value and therefore, of no lasting worth. i don't know what the california structural pest control -- >> if you could wrap up your last sentence. >> i don't know if the california structural pest control board has even incorporated knowledge of bed bugs into its licensing requirements. i could go on, but at this point i'm rather pessimistic. >> if you want to submit the rest of your comments to the clerk we could read the rest of them of the if you would like. >> i beg your pardon? >> if you would like to submit the rest of your comments to
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the clerk we can read them later. >> i will do that. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisor. my name is richard may. and i have been a tenant counselor at the housing rights committee. you guys have probably seen me more than once. you have heard me talk more than once and the reason why is because this is a pervasive and ongoing problem. and you have heard a lot of testimony today about how it's underreported. all i can do is say absolutely underreported. i can't tell you -- i was at housing rights committee for a couple of years and at least one time a week somebody would come in with the problem of bed bugs. awn yet, when we asked dph for their numbers, they -- i'm not saying that their fault is finding numbers. what i'm
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saying is that the numbers always seem to be inquad yacht inadequate to the numbers that we got. the documentation in front of you, the revision that dph so graciously did. by implementing this legislation, and by dph enacting this revision of the rules and regulations, we are at the forefront of the fight on bed bugs, which is appropriate. since we are also america's no. 1 tourist city. we never want this place to be known as a bed bug haven. so
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by doing the work that you are doing, you are going to combat that. i would say this is one of the best things that can you do for the city. thank you. >> thank you, mr. ray and thank you for all of your work on this. any other public speakers on this item? please do line up. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm sahara shourd the director of the housing rights committee and we're members of bed bug working group. i wanted to applaud your effort, supervisor kim it was a community-based project that included tenant rights groups and property owners, the department of public health and so as a model of how legislation can be created, i think it was a great process. we at housing rights committee as you heard richard say we have been seeing far too many cases of bed bugs over the last few years [-fpts/] it's an
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emerging problem and unfortunately our laws really haven't kept pace with this problem. it's a commonsense measure and it's something that people haven't been tracking because we thought of it as an ancient, you know, problem that again was from a nursery rhyme. but it's absolutely reel as real as you have heard today and this legislation is a great step towards actually [tkra-egs/] the nish of bed bug infestations we have in the city.
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>> [tkpwao-frplt/] this legislation will help me because when you write, it will help me explain to her what she needs to do. bed bugs can happen to the cleanest people. i have tried to complain a visitor could have brought it in, but she can't understand. she is assuming if she reports it to her landlord she could
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get evicted or lose all of her stuff and all of those things, also make it difficult for me to try to solve the problem. i have virtually no authority with her landlord to solve the problem. and so a list of things that spell out what everybody needs to do would greatly help, i believe, me, even other individuals who are trying to help people who have the problem. so i thank you very much. >> thank you. is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed . >> well, i understand the legislation, but i just feel it's not quite ready yet. see, the problem is that i just feel if you have a owner
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operator that doesn't want to comply with this. the way i see how this system works, it might take a year for something to really happen. if they are lucky. i'm going to drop this down here . see when you look at that section that i'm pointing to, the organizations like community housing partnership, the tend loin housing clinic, chinatown development, they had exemptions from the rent board regarding these things. so you are putting the person in danger of being homeless if they stand up because one, they have to record rent or two they have to directly outright sue the owner. and i just think some of the enforcement measures are not good enough. i wonder if you have enough inspectors.
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i wonder if the city attorney has enough staff to file a lawsuit regarding blight or whatever it is, so that the citizens can get remedy. and i just feel like on top of it, the penalties, i just feel like you are going back to old administrative code, which probably really isn't strong enough. so i just feel like we need more severe penalties for the lum lords in our city. >> thank you. >> my name is brian brown. i went through two episodes with bed bugs.
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it's horrendous. i didn't know what it was. people like flight attendants, hotel owners reported it was widespread in san francisco. one friend who owns a hotel says he pays his maids a bonus if they can locate it. his flight attendants won't fly to san francisco anymore. keep up the good work on these bed bugs. they are a really serious threat to the entire city. thank you. >> thank you. is there any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is now closed. [ gavel ] supervisor david campos? >> thank you very much, madame chair. and i want to thank all of the members of public who have come
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out to speak on this item. i also want to note that we have in the audience former supervisor tony hall and it's good to welcome a former member of this body here. i will keep my comments very brief, because i think that everything that has been said, that needs to be said about this matter has been said by the tenants themselves. and i especially wanted to thank the tenants and the residents of not just sro hotels, but different units in the city that have come forward to shed light on this issue. i also want to thank supervisor kim and her staff, who have been dealing with this issue from the moment that she got elected. and i think that this legislation is in many respects, you know, not the culmination, but it adds to the body of work that already has been done and we need to
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continue to monitor this. so i'm very proud to be a co-sponsor. i think it's one of those pieces of legislation that is truly a no-brainer and my hope is that it will go forward to the full board where in my hope there will be a unanimous vote to pass this legislation. and it's a long time coming and i also think that we need to make sure that we continue to monitor it closely. so i also want to say as the district 9 supervisor that i'm very grateful to the work of the people from my district, who have been fighting to eradicate bed bugs for a long time. and i like the slogan that was chanted out that, "bed bugs suck." [ laughter ] and i think that sedsays it all. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor farrell. >> [ applause ] . >> i too want to compliment the creative director on the
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stickers. thank you, to all coming out. and i'm very happy to support this. >> thank you, supervisor farrell. >> again, i just wanted to thank everybody, as everyone has already said. while our office was really happy to carry this through to implementation and bring it to the full board this legislation really came through the input of residents and advocates. you had worked on this issue for years before i had even come into the office and i'm happy to bring this forward to the full board. i think they are some really good fixes within our public health code that will provide us more information and the data that we need to effectively utilize the
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resources that we do have to combat bed bug infestation in the city. not just by complaints, but by pest control operator abatement will help us understand the scope of this throughout the city of san francisco. i did have a number of amendments, which i had articulated prior to public comment and i was hope we could take a motion to amend. >> so moved. >> and we can do that again without opposition. i also just wanted to thank in particular our bed bug working group that has been meeting for the past two years and in particular thank danette lambburg. josh vining, tina chung, ben ing, seth kathman, brad bishop and joyce lam and this is collection not just of organizers and tenants burb , but our pest control operators.
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i want to thank the department of public health barbara, karen kahn and doctor batti and to the department of building inspection. we'll continue to work on this. this is the just the first of many steps, but i think the uniform regulations from public health department. >> move forward with recommendation. >> we have a motion to move forward with recommendation and we can do that without opposition. [ gavel ] thank you everyone for being here. [ applause ] madame clerk can you please call i. no. 2. i. no. 2 consideration of appointments to the balboa park station community advisory committee. >> thank you, we still do have
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further items so if could take your conversations outside of this hearing room. this is a continuation from our last rules committee meeting. unfortunately we had left off some of the applicants that had actually applied for the seats here. so a number of the applicants did already present at our last rules committee. we will not be asking to hear from you again. so i'm going to call your name in the order that is it listed in the agenda and calling first individuals that have not already spoken before rules committee. and so that first person is alexander mullaney. we did hear from daniel weaver. if you are here for another item if you don't mind taking the conversations outside so we can hear our presenter. if we can end all the
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conversation in the room. thank you. so the format is the same. as we had last week to briefly talk about your experience and your interest in serving cac. >> i'm daniel mullaney the [p-urbl/] of the newspaper and operated it for four years. i have lived in you ar at for eight years, but my family has been there since the '60s. i went to city college and currently go to state. i bike, i walk, i use muni and bart. i sit on a few boards. i sit on the ocean avenue community benefit district board. i also sit on the board for the powerhouse, which is a ten-year-old non-profit struggling to turn a beautiful historic victorian building if any art hub for the community. four years ago i suggested at a better neighborhoods meeting to establish the balboa park
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station plan that this cac be formed and tom radulovich, the bart director and the supervisor loved the idea and john implemented it and i have been guarding it and encouraging it since. and i would very much like to be part of it. i'm also here to take on behalf of nicole agbayani, who is the corridor manager for excelsior group who would make a great addition to the board. she is educated. she is working the excelsior to better businesses, make it a safer place. i think that is all i have to say. thank you. >> thank you so much. next on the list we have veronica garcia, who we actually heard at our last rules committee meeting. and next we have nicole
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agbayani. i think, it looks in my notes she was not able to make it. you also heard henry kevane at our last meeting and next i will call up rita evans. >> thank you very much for this opportunity to come and express my interest in serving on the balboa park station citizens' advisory committee. i have lived in the area near sunny side neighborhood for the past 25 years. and as a concerned citizen and representative of the sunny neighborhood association, i have been involved in attending meetings and responding on behalf of the neighborhood association to balboa park planning. i noted -- i wrote and submitted the neighborhood association's response to the
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draft eir noting in particular there was no mitigation for problems related to traffic and parkingle. i have attended the meetings related to the loop and avalon developments. i commute on bart every day and worked at uc berkeley at the institute of transportation studies. i have carpooled a few times, but i have taken bart daily and i'm very much able to represent the interest of the bart riders. i frequently walk in the neighborhood. i walk from my home to ocean avenue to patronize the merchants on ocean avenue. in my work at the institute of transportation studies i manage one of the largest collection of transportation information in the country. i routinely provide access on transportation to transportation agencies and
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practicioners. pedestrians, bicyclists, land use, complete e streets and transit-oriented development. i have been active in the neighborhood association, including representing that group before meetings involving balboa park. i would welcome the opportunity to utilize my experience as a member of the community advisory committee. >> thank you. next we have richard james hogan. and then after richard we have david mauroff. >> good afternoon board, how are you doing today? so i go
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to san francisco state university. i am treasurer of the pre-law society and i am vice president of students for economic justice. i use balboa park station aphid everyday. i believe that my familiarity with balboa park station has come with me going to and from there everyday and will provide invaluable experience that will be beneficial to this committee. and that is about it. >> great. thank you, mr. mauroff and a plied only for seat 3? >> i would like to amend that to seat 1, muni riders' interest. >> thank you.
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would you still like to be considered for seat 3 as well? >> yes, i would. >> seats 1 and 36789 thank you, mr. mauroff and we have william walker. >> i'm sorry, that is mr. hogan. sorry about that. >> seats 1 and 36789 >> hello. i live about six blocks from balboa park and homeowner and have been in the neighborhood for about six years. we formed a group of neighborhoods called the friends of balboa park playground. a lost family families with kids in the neighborhood that resulted in about a million mrs. dollars of renovations to balboa park. the playground, the skatepark and other improvements that have benefited our community.
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on behalf of the neighborhood and a homeowner and someone really interested in improving our community and making sure it meets everybody's needs. i have been involved on a social service level boys and girls club and have built partnerships to get things down and would love to use that experience. just our commitment to the neighborhood and community to serve balboa park. >> thank you, mr. mauroff, you applied om for seat 3, would you like to amend that? >> i thought seat 3 was the most approximate. >> we heard from mr. walker already last week. so no need
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to hear from you again, but thank you so much for coming back to our second rules committee. at this time i will open up for public comment on this item. if you would like to come up and speak and if you came to our last rules committee, feel free to come up for public comment as well. two minutes. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is reana shah robinson and i work at urban habitat and i'm here to speak in support of appointment of veronica garcia. i have had an opportunity to know her through our boards and institutes and knowing the advocate that she is, i think the voice they she will bring will be committed to lifting up the voice of community. she has experience working with community organizations, community members, supervisors, as well as other decision-makes to make sure all voices are heard and lifted up and needs
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are met at the table. in terms of training that she is receiving through our institute, she is learning what it takes to be a really effective committee member. including parliamentary procedures and really understanding budgeting and how to work with staff. also policy implementation. and moving policy. i think in terms of the role that community advisory bodies play it's such an important one to make sure that the community is represented and i know that that is the interest that she is bringing and i think as a student at city college and now san francisco state, as an organizer in both of those places and so many other areas, that is the voice she will bring in. so i would hope that you move forward with her appointment. >> thank you so much. >> good afternoon. i got a chance to get to know richard hogan in our time when i was living in the ingleside
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neighborhood near the balboa park station and we got to further development our relationship both as political science majors at sf state and we both had taken an active participation in some community groups. mestly at sf state. and in our time together i got a chance to see his work ethic and what he applies himself as. we took the l s.a.t. recently and w i think the board would be delighted with his attitude and his effort he would part put form. >> is there any other public comment? if you did come to the last rules committee and if you want to speak at this time?
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