tv [untitled] November 28, 2012 10:30am-11:00am PST
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you heard from the chief earlier. to make the fire station work on north berth of pier 30, we will have to take a kles -- close look how it is designed and mission and has full functionality for the fire department. we also have site circumstances like red's java house. that is a contributing resource to the district the finger piers are in. we need to make sure that is treated in a way that maintains the integrity of the district. secondly we are talking about use of public finance to repay warrior's private financing of the pier substructure improvement. that may involve debt issuance over a 30-year period of time. we need to have a very detailed discussion about how that is secured, to ensure there are ongoing revenues to continue paying
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that debt. that is something we will discuss with director of public finance and others who work on finance in the city. i think jennifer has talked a lot about the project financing that we will address through the pro forma analysis and discuss what the city is obliged to repay and community benefits. how specifically is city through the term sheet with warriors establishing a way to pay for police, neighborhood cleanup and additional transit service. those have to be answered in the term sheet. after the term sheet is approved, it would be endorsed by the port commission and board of supervisors. it is non-binding, reflects intention of parties headed
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into environmental review. during the period of environmental review city staff would negotiate a more detailed set of transaction documents governing the sale of seawall lot 30 and long-term lease of piers 3032 and those would be subject to both port commission approval and board of supervisors approval. that is expected in early 2014. so quite a -- >> before you go forward supervisor kim has a question. >> seems like actually maybe your next slide was going into a schedule. i'm looking at the memo and says term sheet will be before port for consideration. i know there's a lot of concerns coming from our neighborhoods in south beach, rin con hill and mission bay about how quickly this is moving through. understanding how ambitious this is and of course time
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line warriors are under given their lease expiration at coliseum in oakland but being real concerns about answering the questions and addressing neighborhood concerns within this time frame. between february and april is general. can we get a precise time line? >> february is a target date. april 15th is a benchmark. it is not uncommon in negotiations to have a date but have an outside date which doesn't require any amendments or changes in the -- in the previously agreed upon approvals with policy makers, so i don't have a more specific date between the two. we are committed to take as much time to do a thorough
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job negotiating the term sheet and bringing it to policy makers. there is from my understanding based upon other ports, there is an interest in understanding business terms of the deals for this. we welcome that engagement. we were at the port commission and heard a lot of concern about the fact the first four cac have been information transfers from city and port staff in order to bring incredibly dedicated and intelligent lay people up to speed around what is required for water front development. there hasn't been time for internal processing. we have gone to the public in the form of workshops as much as desired in order to have inter ak t workshops that are less kind of presentation, sort of just
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receiving information to understand where this is next going. we view fiscal feasibility as a launching pad. it is the beginning of the process. in no ways the end of the process. it is the beginning of the process of being able to discuss this project and being able to start providing some of the answers to the questions around the impacts. happen within the seek what framework. challenges are identified. i'm happy to go through the schedule. >> i want to say given the fact we have the holidays coming up with thanksgiving and really just a week and a half and through the holidays i think a lot of folks are concerned about their ability to keep up and attend so many meetings and give feedback and ask proper questions necessary. i know proposing to start scoping meetings in december and having the
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terms in february is fast. i'm wondering what we can do in terms of commiting to a process that i think our constituents can keep up with. i think what you said is accurate. we have a wonderful citizens advisory committee but they have other jobs o ther than what we do. we get to spend time every day, focusing and asking questions. we truly want neighborhood input and want to -- whether it appears we are rushing through this process because of how much a priority -- i agree. how much a priority it is to bring the warriors to san francisco. we want to see that happen but not at the expense of the process. >> we absolutely agree. this only works if it truly works. it is not unprecedented to go from an exclusive negotiating agreement to this. we had an a three-month meeting before it passed
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accountability but then took time from fiscal feasibility to have the environmental approvals. we have a schedule i can discuss with you. the proposed meetings between now & january. i will be at the maritime meeting tomorrow to talk about the maritime proposals for the three sides of the pier on 19th as i mentioned at 1 p.m. there is is a land use hearing which will be an informational hearing. we have had presentations in the cac, now the port commission and felt like it was important to do that at the board of supervisors prior to asking decision on fiscal feasibility. depending on what happens today, budget and finance will propose to be at the full board of supervisors november 20th for consideration of fiscal feasibility. because the lead architect is going to be if town on
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the 19th for the land use we propose to have a workshop, not a full meeting. but design workshop on the lot 330 on tuesday evening to take advantage of him being in town. i have heard concerns about that time. we would obviously bring him back after the holidays to do that again. nothing will progress based on the feet back. it would be a shame not the make full use of his time while here given that he had updated thoughts on that development. many of the neighbors are as interested in what is going on in lot 330 as arena. december 4th we are having third transportation workshop in which peter albert will describe more indepth on 19th. that's been announced previously. there is a proposal for community advisory meeting on 11th. if we hear feedback that doesn't work that is not a
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meeting the city or warriors need to hold before the holidays. we thought that was responding to the cac's desire to have another before the holidays but that is an entirely flexible date. then we were proposing two scoping meetings in order to get input as to the scope. it is somewhat unprecedented to have two. one december 13th and one january 8th or 9th. that is the current near term schedule. i want to emphasize as strongly as possible that we feel we are at the cac's disposal to schedule any and all future meetings. >> i certainly think that we probably need to think how we develop the agenda for the cac is that is a citizen-driven process. my feet back is i think that having a scoping meeting which is substantive in the community on eir and hosting december 13th will be viewed as trying to
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ignore public input and feedback. it is a busy time for many of our families and residents. i know the request has been to move the scoping meeting to after the new year's in mid-january, when people are back and will be able to focus attention on this important project in the neighborhood. >> okay. i'm happy to talk to the larger project milestones briefly, which is just while we first fiscal feasibility finding and environmental e are view process. as we talk about term sheet endorsements between february and april that anticipated a draft n environmental report would be published may to june of 2013 and final eir would be in early 2014 along with
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proposed approval of transaction documents. trust consistency approvals that would need to be obtained in the spring of 2014. that would keep us on a schedule tol begin construction december of 2014. >> i want to say one other thing. in addition to the fire department we have reached out to several other city departments in order to begin to create really a citywide team that looks at this project. we reached out to the mayor in order to have initial input of design on open space and access issues. we reached out to department of emergency management to look how a facility and amount of open space could be used in the case of catastrophic events or emergencies. the deep water berth could be extraordinary helpful to bring in large boats. one of the only natural occurring deep water berth that doesn't need to be
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dredged. dem sees potential. we have reached out to entertainment and travel to understand how to design and program this space for its maximum benefits and sf travel was here today. i'm waiting patiently for moscone expansion item emerging as key partner in use of facility. another asset for convention business. i wanted to close and have you understand the scope of early work in order to make sure that the full breadth of the city is involved in potential positive impacts of this project. >> jennifer, just to talk about some of the things coming before the board, today we had fiscal feasibility finding before us, allowing the city to move forward and begin review process. >> correct. >> if we didn't have that we can't move forward to the next step? >> we can't. many of the questions asked about impacts and
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transportation require studies that need to occur as part of seek what. we get to a point in which assessments and evaluation can only go so far until we start ceqa. ceqa is important to stay on schedule but for importantly answer questions this project has raised. unlike prior partnerships, all staff time borne by warriors. so should this not work, should there be problems down the road, they are taking the risk of all this up front cost. our triggers to reimburse do not start. like our meter does not start until all approvals are done and substructure is improved. so this is a risk that our private partner is taking in order to bring this opportunity to the city. >> great. so what question can expect to see before the board in coming year or year and a
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half would be the term sheet that will layout specifically all the mechanisms on the financial components, as well as agreements and other fine detail. >> yep. >> would likely to see if there was appeal of the document that would come before us and any other zoning changes required or any other documents like long-term leases would come before us. >> correct. >> two clarifying questions. in terms of what we expect to analyze under environmental review process the anticipated arena and also development on seawall would be part of environmental documents? >> correct. >> the approval f there was an appeal, would include seawall lot 30 as well as -- >> absolutely. >> in terms of reimbursement costs, when we talk about 120 million, one of the things i'm
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curious about, term sheet agreements s how the city would agree. there could be a gamut one party would make that could be categorized as improvements to substructure to rehab facilities so how can we come to agreement about what is acceptable level of improvements there? >> i think we will have a stronger narrative of what qualifies, then a mechanism for understanding and approving what is a qualified expenditure and not. this is something we have given a lot of thought to. we went through the same exercise and learned a lot and expect we will have a tight process for categorizing and improving what is a reimbursable cost. >> i imagine if it is possible to establish this process that would be the goal. >> that is the goal, yes. >> supervisor kim? >> thank you. i was hoping through the chair that i do want to
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recognize the chair of pier 30, 32 citizen advisory committee is here. it would be okay with the port and city if she could speak as well. >> just let me finish my presentation. >> yes. >> i would like to ask monique to speak and if there are other parties representative, we can do that. ms. moyer. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for allowing me to have a few minutes to speak. there is a broad group waiting a long time. i'm anxious to hear from them as well. i don't have a lot i want to share. i think it is instrmental to look at appears 30 and 32 for a second. they were built as two separate piers in 1914. they will mark 100 next year. they were joined in 1952 when we moved from rail to trucking. this was filled in in 1914 to provide a rail yard to
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support piers 30, 32, 26 and 28. that is where the city had the sugar import section. we were a big importer of sugar. those were envisioned and pioneered to be built with reinforced concrete to make them fireproof. ironically in 1984 the buildings on top of the piers burnt down but pier itself survived. in 1987 there was a proposal for development on 30, 32. by my count this is the sixth proposal to do some sort of significant development on peers 30 and 32. that is completely unique to this site, unlike no other project the port has done. as the port director, something that gives me great pause. we spent a lot of time as you brought up this morning supervisor avalos during the america's cup event
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authority lookinging at that pier in more detail and we determined there is an expensive proposition to remove, let alone try to rehabilitate it. it is sitting pier for us. as mentioned naturally deep berth. that is the whole reason the port exists on the western side is because we have naturally deep berths and can take advantage of that for the benefit so it is important to us. next door we are building the brandon street war f, requiring removal of peer 36, also row inforced and the building of a new park. the entire cost is 32 million. when i think about this, it
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will achieve something since 1987, repair a blighted part and put it into economic use. two, removes significant liability for the port. we are investing little money with respect to commitments on the america's cup to ensure the promenade and pier remain attached in event of seismic event. we will get another berth we desperately need at a cost we currently cannot afford. it is clear from our projections that will go away without investment in future as near as possible, ten years. we are making investment in northern waterfront of almost a hundred million to keep the business in san francisco. in doing so we are attracting business. that is important. it is to host fleet week. ships are getting bigger and bigger.
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when working with piers built in 1914 they weren't built for these types of ships. 30, 32 affords us that advantage. we are getting half million square feet. we are building a park for 54,000 feet at cost of 32 million, very similar to what is at piers 3032. this would allow us to get half million square feet of landscaped parkland plus additional open space, plus all the economic benefits in form of fiscal feasibility report. we don't have that balance sheet in our wildest dreams to invest 120 million to accomplish those goals. it will take a big idea. that was my exact testimony. it will take a big idea with lots of benefits. as i was listening to ms.
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mathis's presentation, i was thinking this will hurt partners in oakland. it is challenging for all of us, but one i'm hoping we can take advantage of of the waterfront and keep this as economically viable as possible. those are the thoughts. i'm happy to take questions if you have them. >> thank you. supervisor kim, did you have a question? thank you. why don't we go to the budget analyst report. mr. rose. if i can ask you to go to the poem. >> madam chair, members of the committee, we have a conclusion and report on page 18 where we state the
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proposed development appears 3032 and seawall lot 10, including rehabilitation of the property at pier 30, 32, multipurpose arena for golden state warrior games and events. public open space. maritime use, retail and related parking. development on seawall lot 330 of residential hotel and retail use and accessory parking. we provide estimated fiscal impacts including one-time benefits of the city up to 53.8 million. direct ongoing annual financial benefits between 9.8 million and slightly over ten million. undetermined indirect benefits from grocery receipts tax revenue up to 120 million as you have heard capped in private expenditures,
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rehabilitation of 3032, reimbursement by port of those private construction expenditures. for use of 66 years of credits for pier 3032, valued at 1,970,000 per year. you also heard when i talked about 120 million that does include 13% return to gsw on the reimbursement of construction costs, non reimbursement construction costs. transfer of seawall lot 330 from port of gsw bay and 34 million and four years of general fund property tax revenues, used to repay a 60 million ifd bond. no new ongoing maintenance cost for the port. undetermined maintenance costs for which funding options are explored by the office of economic and workforce development, port and gsw.
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so based on those criteria the budget and legislative analyst finds the proposed development to be fiscally feasible under the code and therefore we recommend approval of this proposed resolution before you. in accordance of the codes, chapter 29, finding of feasibility as you know that the project merits evaluation and review. we will evaluation and make further recommendations on this project to the board of supervisors when the port submits the term sheet to the board which will contain project details. i would also note on page 18 we state for purposes of the analysis of the fiscal impacts of the proposed
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development, gsw assumed 205 events per year, including 50 warrior games at proposed multiuse arena with total of attendance of 2 million annually. that is shown in table three on page 19 of our report. this report that economic viability of proposed arena depends on hosting a variety of events in addition to golden state warrior games. we would be happy by to respond to questions the committee might have. >> thank you. are there any questions to the budget analyst at this time? if not -- just to jennifer, are there any other departments planning to speak? no, okay. we will opening for public comment soon. before we do that i did want to allow for the chair of the pier 3032 cac speak,
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katy ladell. because you are not a member of the san francisco staff you are required to be under public comment period so two minutes is the time we do have. i allow you to speak up to two minutes. of course if you can i think representing what entire cac's perspective with, where there is distinction and view. also share that. >> thank you. thank you supervisor kim for giving me this opportunity to talk to you. some of us on the cac sent all of you an e-mail this morning asking for a 30 to 60 day extension on the resolution for the feasibility fiscal feasibility study. our main concern and our main request at this point is that we would like to slow this process down. things are going so quickly. i have to tell you, we the
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cac members have not had a chance to talk. the purpose of the cac is we are representing the people who live in our neighborhoods. we need to be able to have a conversation so we can decide what our views are and discuss the issues because we are supposed to evaluate and comment and offer options. but we the cac members have not had a chance to talk. we have had three meetings. those are all mainly information done. presentations, which are very valuable that we have not had the chance to chat. i don't know all of my cac members. so that is what we are asking, is to slow this process down. we need time to be able to discuss the issues, as we are supposed to. also speaking personally and not to the cac, i am something who lives over in that neighborhood. and the neighborhood has not really been heard.
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we have heard all the pro's but some of us are very concerned so thank you very much. >> thank you very much. a quick question. in terms of the letter we did see it come through that was not a formal action taken by cac. sounds like a number of members of the cac -- not all had concerns and sent that letter. >> that's correct. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you. a quick question for probably jennifer matz or -- not sure. jennifer is probably best to answer it. >> jennifer. >> it is -- just a quick question. one of the discussions going forward about this project is looking at projections for events. warrior's games, concerts, family events that are
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going on. the proposal is 205 events each year. i'm wondering how realistic that is. we are not saying -- you know, there are any venues around the bay area or the country that actually have this many combination of sports and other events. has there been like -- you know, when vegas first started they signed a contract with allegedly frank sinatra and dean martin to actually bring. we have acts set up for the warriors? >> i can let rick speak directly to what the warriors have been doing in order to talk to event promoters. what i think is important to note is that 205 events runs the gam mot of the different size of shows. from as small as 4,000 to 5,000 to as large as full capacity for basketball games. when you look
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