tv [untitled] December 1, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PST
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continuance, allow our affected -- to give us more time. >> president chiu: thank you very much. thank you. next speaker. >> hello. my name is -- campo, i'm also living at marina boulevard. this is regarding changing degaussing station at marina green to the fish and chip restaurant and to me just like putting a hot dog stand at half storm in yosemite. it destroyed the nature. i've been walking by this place, by degaus station, for 21 years. like a gal pus island. all the bears, migratory bears, sitting on a roof. and it's such a magnificent
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waterfront. and changing this waterfront to the commercial restaurant is not right. besides, hundreds of kids, they play soccer on saturday, and they need parking. most of the time, the mother, they cannot find the parking, and they circle and circle. and they draw -- they just park in our driveway. so that cause a lot of trouble parking, plus the serving alcohol next to the playground, and marina green is the largest playground in the city, especially on thursday, friday, saturday. and having alcohol serve next to these kids is not fair. let's -- keep marina green like a park for everybody to enjoy, and let's notjp8a commercializet like new york central park.
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thankskm%( sms for voting no to degaussing -- to change degaussing station to fish and chips restaurant. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good evening. i'm just going to repeat what i said yesterday. while it can beçjpdm argued thae degaussing station is of interest and should be preserved, of greater importance is the effect of a restaurant at that location. one of the reasons given for converting the building to a restaurant is lack of other adjacent food options. just off the top of my head, i can list three in fort mason, two on buchanan, another at the end of marina green, three on crissy field, and as always, safeway's deli so surely that argument is voided. besides can people no longer walk in that wonderful area,
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any direction and breathe in the stomachs. a7%( m restaurant in that elecn would change ambience of marina green altogether. it would invite more cars, more garbage and the odor of food being cooked and then disposed of. the addition of a seating area will block the view for many. our forefathers knew what they were doing when after the panama pacific -- all the buildings were demolished with the exception of the palace of fine arts and the area eventually became a non-commercial part of the city, free to be enjoyed and relished by residents and visitors alike. let's keep it that way. thank you. >> president chiu: next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is -- i'm missing my regular monthly community meeting at the tenderloin police station that we have every month but there's a couple of issues
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that are important to me. going down and playing cat and mouse games with the board of clerk's office about the sunshine laws pamphlet that's supposed to be in there, because in every other language there is the leaflets. but in english they seem to have a hard time so now they're saying that they're going to redo it but then i said you should take the other ones out of there and redo the whole thing but no i'm playing a cat and mouse thing but i will be back tomorrow to see if they make copies of that because that should be in the office of the board of clerks. also, i wanted to speak on hiv. as you know, the african-american and latino community is the highest, community is the highest, fastest number of new cases of-6 and harm reduction, i'm a product of harm reduction. i believe in harm reduction. it's very good because it made me a better man.
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i'm a very proud gay black male. so i had a lot of issues around stuff like that. so but i think we need to really, really focus on hep c because it's good to know about how to be safe,; j,v while havig rgetworld, whatever a person des they want to be in. but we have to start pushing hep c because it's coming. it's going to be an epidemic. i believe it because we're talking about everything else in harm reduction except hep c and we have to really, really talk about it because i see it coming in the city because we're just focusing on hiv and prevention of hiv. we need to focus on hep c also. thank you. >> president chiu: thanks. next speaker.
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to the supervisors of the great city of san francisco and also good afternoon, good evening to the clerk and her aide and the sheriffs. my name is charlie pappas cofounder and currently chairman of divity treat patient wellness co-op in the tenderloin, today. times, the worst of times. it was great for our san francisco giants, it was terrible for san francisco medical cannabis patients,x#( or providers, licensed and permitted dispensaries like myself. our employees and their families and our landlords.
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tunnel, however. last month, the city attorney in oakland filed a lawsuit against theap 6!ñ federal government top forfeitures of licensed permitted businesses. last week in berkeley unanimously the berkeley city council decided to follow this lawsuit, and eventually join it. i would like our city attorney in san francisco to consider this, but i do not seem to be on his radar so i am here before you to ask you to prod him, if possible. and i think it may notkr%( k÷ ba solution, but it's atø:é least - an important symbolic gesture. i want to wish you all happy thanksgiving, and just a quote comes to mind in this longejag2 afternoon, by bob dylan, even the president of the united
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states sometimes -- naked. thanks again for your attention, consideration, and this opportunity. >> president chiu: thankd>&j(? . >> got to8jp% go, gobble gobble gobble go, gobble gobble go, gobble gobble gobble go, hey. i want to see this here right here. the transgenders have just left outside the city -- today. thank you for the support. although we're finding out in this city a lot of people civic and civil rights are being cut back on. we hope you, the board of supervisors, will be like the board of supervisors who brought forth the medical marijuana that now 25 states enjoy.
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supervisors to create codes and sros will be coming here december 4. you know sros, you talk about domestic violence, you talk about homophobia, racism. it's inside now. people want to get up from the sheets and run to the street, whether they naked or not. you know the naked truth is that we really want you guys to do what chris daly did. he's the only one that built apartments on the corner of bank burger king. the united states two weeks ago we voted for the president. two weeks today. they emo he that the -- know the united states politicians are working three days a week and no times for the citizens. we don't want you to reflect that. i want to remember you board of supervisors. when ross was the supervisor here you only making 33,000. we voted that youz/( -w would me
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over 115 so that you could do the work -- to san francisco county. so we want you to do what we want you to do for the people. we know world aids day is coming up december 1 at the castro you know, it'sjlj?2 timeñbpj t thanksgiving, think about what you have did for the people in this city. just think about that when you -- that naked bird. thank you. >> president chiu: thanks. next speaker. >> i'm peterú(û warfield execue director of the users library association. two things, library decision-making and the open hours hearings that recently concluded, you may have heard very poor publicity. there's a great deal to be said about that. but i could certainly say that building in which a meeting was about to go on, or had gone on,
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or was goingeijpson, without hg the slightest idea from any kind of signage that there was a meeting happening. and there was nothing very -- there was nothing evident from the signs that were posted that these meetings were extraordinary meetings, only once every five years and that these would help determine what the library's hours would be, open hours, for five years. the library often claims to provide public service, particularly for poor people, and unfortunately it's autocratic method of doing decisions excludes very often those folks and others so that there are, in some cases,l disastrously bad effects. i've previously talked about the impossibly difficult copy system that the library recently adopted. i got a call from somebody who's concerned about library issues
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from time to time, who is poor, and who wanted to print out a single page résume, and had, instead of paying 10 cents, had to pay a dollar to get that cop) card. there is no change provided and there's no provision for just making one copy or less than a dollar's worth. the refreshment to the card has to be a dollar, in dollar increments with no change provided. so a 10 cent copy becomes a dollar. when you're poor, that's a huge deal. and in the past, you used to be able to add coins and also when there were typewriters, do it with your own paper. thank you. >> my name is anna -- aka --4 >ñ jones. i was unable to come -- before city hall because i was kidnapped by the police, and tortured, and threatened with my
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death. i was kidnapped three times. i was -- according to father kyle who came to pick me up from st. mary's hospital, they were going to kill me. they wanted to find any way to take me over to the jail to do it. ascension is your choice. it is our responsibility to consciously choose to evolve. to do this is to live in integrity. living in integrity is behaving part of all that is. ascension is to rise above limited ways of thinking and creating rea÷y&h0o) i made a whole list of things that i think would be helpful if we had had a discussion about the muni. the muni is where this situation started, the hate crimes -- again and again. this is what i wanted to talk to president chiu about. this is the extension -- ascension extension that i propose be built. i could have it built as i know
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welders and people who could do the casting. there are two signs that say there is no soliciting. one is on this little gas ebbo, and the other is on -- if you were to extend it, the bathroom that goes here. currently, there are dpw advertising -- these are temporary gates. they look horrible and have horrible-looking cones in front of8iáçg them. probably more important although this is where i need or was healing but the police put rubber gloves on and threatened to take me away. the city breaks about five laws. it used to be they just perform in the evenings and take away the people from their angst in the rain. now they take away the children's right to ascension, the people's right to talk, and the people's right to heal and use our park as we choose. they're are loud speakers going
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on -- >> president chiu: thank you veryzj'( ksñ much. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment in seeing closed. madam clerk, could we go to the adoption calendar. >> clerk calvillo: item had 3 43 is being considered for immediate -- without committee reference. the board of supervisors hold a public hearing on december 11 at 3 pm with the board sitting as a committee of the whole to consjpxe temporary construction licenses for various real properties by eminent domain for the public purpose of constructing the central subway third street light rail extension project. >> president chiu: the house has changed roll call vote. >> clerk calvillo: on item 43, supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. president chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. supervisor cohen,ñkj4n absent. supervisor elsbernd, aye.pi"o supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye.
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supervisor mar, aye. supervisor olague, aye. there are nine ayes. >> president chiu: resolution passes. and why don't we go to our imperative agenda, madam clerk. >> clerk calvillo: on behalf of supervisor chu for resolution recognizing the grand reopening of the sunset recreation center and commending the project team of san francisco rec and park and the department of public works forf ]w hard work and commitment to san francisco and its residents. >> president chiu: take that one first. colleagues, we have a resolution from supervisor chu. i believe it's -- it has the requisite commendatory finding as well as brown act finding. it's been seconded by supervisor elsbernd. let me ask if there are members of public that wish to speak on this imperative item. seeing none -- you're welcome to speak on the imperative item which is a resolution around -- madam clerk it's the sunset rec
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center? >> clerk calvillo: yes recognizing the grand reopening of thesq9k4$ópimñ sunset recre. >> president chiu: so you can speak on this item. life or death, imperative, what is imperative. imperative, i think, is the right for people to live equally, for this to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, in order to do that, we need to be safe. disabled people who have seizures are not::zjr)z the parks or anywhere because we don't have appropriate actions for them as a seizure victim i would like to see that be an imperative --da'( r a detail brt before you because i have the solution. we could take people, who are seizuring, and bring pup tents to them, bring people who are properly trained in the chinese
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hold our hands, something that's worked for generations. it does not work to thug us as it does not work to thug us as would be because we never change from seizuring, we cannot be mistreated the way we are mistreed. i think it's imperative agenda that we think in terms of the health and welfare and safety of us. if we need our doctors to have notes on the er so that they understand how our care should be taken care of, that's an imperative agenda for all of the people of san francisco so that we're safe. this was something promised by barack obama in his first letter that we not be chartered consistently. the people who continually torture me. the people who hurt me continue to do so. i would like to see that resolved and i would like to talk to all the people because i have solutions and i can't do it alone. i need your help. i need the people's help. and the people need to be able to write after daifts on their
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computers. you're not a bunch of monkeys. you can take input from people and find out what's really going on on the underbelly of the dragon because since the first >> president chiu: thank you very much. public on public comment with regards to this item? seeing none, closing public comment. and, colleagues, can we do it -- take this imperative agenda same house same call? that will be the case. second imperative agenda is by supervisor av loss. >> the clerk: resolution declaring november 25, 2012 international day for elimination of violence against women and girlsjp in the doest of san francisco. >> president chiu: do you have any comments? >> supervisor avalos: you just want to thank supervisor cohen for her cosponsorship. this was brought to me by -- who was having a cultural event,jp!s coming saturday, november 24,
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7 pm at the dance mission center. it will be a really great event and there will be healers there to help heal the world of violence. blessed are the peaceful. >> president chiu: is there a second to supervisor avalos' motion. seconded by supervisor campos. colleagues, this resolution has the purely commendatory finding as well as brown act finding. there is a second. is there any public comment on this item? >> i would like to address the fact that there is violence of me starting a war between the police, as i did december 9, has helped that situation, except up against the old cops that are thugging. they did give me a police report after i was beaten but then they took me because the police refused to call the night ministry over to be tortured at st. mary's hospital where i
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could have been tortured to death. violence against women is not acceptable. acceptable. if there are no cameras1 facilities, including the unholy marriage between the ama, theiq ers where according to the five columbia/jax4 university neurologists who diagnosed me as acute complex seizure victim where you can'tñjpfi get help e these guys laugh as they throw you into toilets. i had a square foot full of bruises and probably a broken cocksic. these are events -- i was who tortured me. russians and people who were not americans originally held me down while the snakeman twisted my neck with about 10 people, the head of the er brought them in because i'm misdiagnosed.
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i have saying happy children to the people in -- and yet in the back in the ers with no cameras and no witnessing these repeated problems happen. violence against women, against girls, yes, we need protection. we need for them to know how to stand up and fight the system that doesn't protect us. we need to have the police be accountable for their actions to wear those cameras on them because people usually watch the tortured people. the person who was driving -- whether they kidnapped me when i didn't qualify for the -- >> president chiu: thank you very much. any other members of the public wish to speak in general public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, again if we can take this same house, same call, that shall be the case. madam clerk, i think we have one more. >> clerk calvillo: one last resolution on behalf of supervisor mar declaring february 24, 2012 the saturday after thanksgiving holiday as
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small business to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses in san francisco. >> president chiu: supervisor mar has offered his resolution that has the requisite purely commendatory finding as well as brown act finding. seconded by supervisor campos. is there any public comment on this item? okay. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. and if we can take this item same house same call. that shall be the case. madam clerk please read the in memoriams. >> the clerk: today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals on behalf of supervisor avalos for the late alex -- on behalf of supervisor mar for the late ms. fay hennic bingham, on behalf of president chiu and supervisor mar for the late mr. allen farley. on behalf of supervisor elsbernd for the"j2x late mr. he hadward patrick mcgovern. on behalf of supervisor campos, supervisor mar, supervisor kim and avalos, for the late
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mr. howard l. wallace. >> president chiu: thank you, madam clerk. is there any more business in front of the body? >> clerk calvillo: that concludes our business for today, mr. president. >> president chiu: i want to wish you and your families, members of the public and everyone watching on sf gov tv, thank you for your service and wishing everyone for a very, very happy thanksgiving. this meeting is adjourned.
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>> we came to seven straight about 10 years ago. -- 7th street about 10 years ago. the environment is huge. it is stronger than willpower. surrounding yourself with artists, being in a culture where artists are driving, and where a huge amount of them is a healthy environment. >> you are making it safer. push, push. that is better. when i start thinking, i see it actually -- sometimes, i do not see it, but when i do, it is usually from the inside out. it is like watching something being spawned.
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you go in, and you begin to work, excavate, play with the dancers, and then things began to emerge. you may have a plan that this is what i want to create. here are the ideas i want to play with, but then, you go into the room, and there maybe some fertile ideas that are becoming manifest that are more interesting than the idea you had initially set out to plan. so there has to be this openness for spontaneity. also, a sense that regardless of the deadline, that you have tons of time so the you can keep your creativity alive and not cut it off and just go into old habits. it is a lot like listening. really listening to watch what is going to emerge. i like this thing where you put your foot on his back. let's keep it. were your mind is is how you
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build your life. if you put it in steel or in failure, it works. that works. it is a commitment. for most artists, it is a vacation and a life that they have committed themselves to. there is this notion that artists continue to do their work because of some kind of the external financial support. if that was taken away, artists would still do their art. it is not like there is a prerequisite for these things to happen or i will not do it. how could that be? it is the relationship that you have committed to. it is the vocation. no matter how difficult it gets, you are going to need to produce your art. whether it is a large scale or very small scale. the need to create is going to
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happen, and you are going to have to fulfill it because that is your life. >> the meeting will come to order. good afternoon, everyone. it's monday, november 19, 2012. this is the land use and economic development committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. my name is eric mar, i'm the chair of the committee. to my left is supervisor scott wiener. supervisor maly a cohen is absent today. our clerk is derek evans.
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mr. evans, can you please give us the announcements? >> yes. please make sure all electronic devices are off, copies submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on december 4, 2012 san francisco board of supervisors agenda unless stated. >> thank you. we have six items on the agenda today. but i've been notified by supervisor olague, item number 5, she has urged us to continue that to item on the call of the chair. that is the resolution to remove all management proposals and activities derived from the sharp park conceptual restoration alternatives report's alternative a18 from the environmental impact report for the san francisco recreation and park department's significant natural resource areas management plan, and to consider proposals and alternatives for the future of sharp park golf course through a separate and complete california environmental quality act review process. so, even though i'll move to continue that to the call of the chair, we still will hear public comment on that item. and my understanding is that item number 6, improved taxi service quarterly report, supervisor wiener's item, that is potentially going to be continued as well. >> for one week. >> for one week.
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