tv [untitled] December 1, 2012 10:30am-11:00am PST
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the department of public health created a healthy development measurement tool to help evaluate projects in regards to does it increase the cancer-causing particulate matter in the air from traffic congestion? does it increase pedestrian dangers? $15 million spent in the trauma ward at san francisco general because of pedestrian injuries in san francisco. with the embarcadaro being -- i consider downtown san francisco's roads have already had their heart attack and they're already a loss come out in some ways in traveling. service to all parts of the city suffer from that. whether it be the 38 geary or the 14 mission. the embarcadaro i think there is a lot of sensitivity about that particular location. that is sort of the bypass right now. the heart attack has happened. the bypass is the embarcadaro. that's how you get up to the marina, north beach, down to the highway.
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if you could show my overhead one more time. the air quality in south of market is already really bad. the probability of getting cancer for south of market is 20%. i don't want to have to wear one of these masks just to sleep at night. >> thank you. thank you, mr. whitaker. whoever is next of the five names that i've called. my name is paula [speaker not understood]. i believe brenda already had to leave. good afternoon and thank you for letting me speak today. i live at 2 19brannon, which is within a block and a half of the proposed arena and i'd like to express my concerns about the rapid * pace at which this process for the warriors project has been moving. it's very disturbing and i know it's disturbing to my neighbors as well, to the people that i've spoken to. the neighbors in my area told
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me they haven't had a chance to look at it. they haven't heard about it. i'm hearing all kinds of different things. and i think that it's very important that we're involved with this because truly it will affect our quality of life. our ability to work, our ability to live, our ability to enjoy our homes will be compromised by the traffic and the changes that will happen potentially. i'm respectfully requesting that we slow this process down so that people have the ability to put in the input that needs to be done. thank you very much. >> thank you. my name is dave hartzell, i live on one of the beautiful corridors that was on the pretty picture. the person before me was more articulate than i, but i would also like to emphasize the process is going much quicker
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than any other project of its kind. and that when you go in a hurry, no matter what you do, you make mistakes. and i think the people of the city of san francisco and the county of san francisco are deserving of the same respect that you ask of us. and i think one of the thing that we should be asking is that you slow down and with ask for good governance. we ask that you take your positions responsibly, and you give this the time that it needs in order to have adequate review and adequate public input. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. harte sell. and i'm going to call up five more speaker cards. * peter picandez, walter marchua, henry [speaker not understood], dennis mc kenzie, and lucia sanchez. i was calling the five names
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before the last speaker of the five. good afternoon. my name is barbara [speaker not understood] and i am in district [speaker not understood]. thank you for voicing your concerns that you've heard from the citizens in our district. i have resided across the street from pier 30-32 since 1994 -- i mean, 1993. so, i've been there port side for almost 20 years and i wanted to move to another area like the potrero, but [speaker not understood] move from a one bedroom to a two-bedroom. i've been there 20 years of my life. i spent a lot of time in the neighborhood. things are coming into the neighborhood and i've seen the growth. i've seen the dot-com come and go. it's now real vibrant. all the people that invested their livelihood making it a real good neighborhood now it's too good of a good thing. and everybody wants to come to our neighborhood. the giants came, they improved, the giants did a first class
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development. i warriors, i can understand how the port and city want to develop this pier because they've been trying to develop it. they voted in 1990 to develop the waterfront until there was a comprehensive waterfront [speaker not understood] to try to get the international [speaker not understood] cruise terminal built. [speaker not understood] the economy and the cost of updating the pier now the fiscal feasibility study which you supervisors have actually approved would cost the tax payers $120 million. there's also another thing that is really critical is the congestion. the super congestion in the area. luckily i live in this area because i wanted the multi ple transportation bay area options to me and i walk to bart every day. i don't have to drive a car. but there is a lot of small businesses that are in the live-work units, commuters, people who come and go. and i understand how this plan
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to have 600 additional parking spaces and 200 on the other lot will fit into the city's adopted congestion management program. that affects all the funding and so forth, so, thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is peter. i'm a resident of rincon hill. i'm certainly in favor of san francisco having an arena facility. i submit to you that pier 30-32 is the absolutely wrong location for this project. it took 50 years and a major earthquake to get rid of a monstrosity of the embarcadaro freeway. let's not build another monstrosity on the waterfront. the artist's rendering show the most favorable use of the arena. if you do some simple geography, pick any point on the embarcadaro and see what is going to be blocked out, you'll see anywhere from 24 to 68 degrees of the horizon is going to be completely blocked. likewise, despite mr. wells' protest -- protestations being
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transparent, telemundo be enclosed. you might as well build it underground. the height will be 140 feet all the way around, completely opposite of the giants ballpark, descends 140 feet. people already talked about the traffic. up to 300 days of the year, events they'll have, even though you say 205 now. you know, i submit to you either force them to make nice with the giants and build it as part of the development that they're doing down there where they already said they had considered having an arena type development, or put it down at hunters point since there is not going to be a football stadium down there. seriously we'd be better off letting the piers rot and fall into the water at this point just because someone built something doesn't mean that you should. this notion of his there's 14,000 parking spaces within 20-minute walk, we all know what the behavior of people who
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are going to get off at fremont and harrison, circle close and expand out from there. those people are coming in just as everybody else is trying to get out. it's going to create complete chaos. [speaker not understood]. the behavior is going to be different than giants fans who can be trained to take transit. i'll submit the rest of my comments to you. speaker kim. >> thank you. thank you, mr. [speaker not understood]. good afternoon, walter [speaker not understood] with the carpenters. through the city, you see a lot of work going on, you see the sky cranes. there are still a lot of people not working. these people are ready to go to work. we have a [speaker not understood] right now ready to go to work with all trades. san francisco needs the arena, san francisco needs the warriors, san francisco needs the work. >> thank you. [speaker not understood], with the south of market business association.
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[speaker not understood] and we have a good chance to have a jewel added to the city that we live in. i think it's going to be something we're going to be proud of as time goes by. i have a lot of concerns, one of them is being traffic. as we go back to when we had the america's cup, [speaker not understood]. and yet we didn't really get the traffic [speaker not understood]. it's because of the hard work the mta put out to let people know, don't drive into town, use public transport. public transport we have the trains, we have buses, we have taxis. we even have a ferry system running from south san francisco. on top of that, we even have pedi-cabses. it will be a great place to have, and great for the people of the city of san francisco, not just to see the warriors, but other entertainment that will go on in this venue. i tell you, it will be a real icon of a place as time goes by. we all will be proud of it.
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thank you. >> thank you, mr. kranowitz. good afternoon, [speaker not understood], local 22. first i just want to say the carpenters union are in favor of this project for the following reasons. we believe that these proposed arena is [speaker not understood] for the city and san francisco. because it will generate revenue and will create 3600 local constituent jobs and thousands of permanent jobs. and you were talking about sports also. san francisco has had great success with [speaker not understood]. notably hosting the world cup
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and [speaker not understood] generated by [speaker not understood]. that's going to happen also with the warriors arena. it's going to generate a lot of money. similar to [speaker not understood], the proposed arena is indicated an area easily accessible by public transit. we hear about the bart [speaker not understood] and now we hear the water taxis. we were talking about traffic [speaker not understood]. we believe that [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood].
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so, we ask you, please, move forward with the e-i-r. thank you. >> thank you, mr. sanchez, and thank you to the members of the carpenters who are here. before our next speaker, i'm going to call five more speaker cards. [speaker not understood] jones, [speaker not understood]. ramon hernandez and josh arsey. thank you, supervisors. i'm dennis mc kenzie, long-time consulting education. that's my major private practice where i develop education proposals including cross cultural, sports education exchange programs. also the past 11 years been teaching in the public high schools here in san francisco. i'm here once again on behalf of our students and high school college and all of our youth. as i propose to you and the
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warriors, everyone involved, for this arena to include within it -- within the arena itself a high school education and career development classroom which could be accessible all year round. arenas in this country, this is a perfect example and opportunity to create a model frat silt. d -- facility. i believe sports is [speaker not understood]. to include a high school classroom which these are inherently educational methodologies that can be utilized and expanded. as we all know the education system in this country is far beyond -- well, is far behind a lot of countries in the world today because of our priorities, which i believe needs to be improved dramatically. through the initiation of a classroom [speaker not understood], the warriors arena, i trust that the san
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francisco community can work together in partnership and mutual responsibilities in order to contribute to build a career and educated local work force, beginning with our high school students. through this and real world businesses experiences and programs, this visionary warriors arena has the potential to provide year round access for students, youth and community, a model educational component can serve to establish positive benefits for the comprehensive success of our inter dependent private sector businesses, public service responsibility in our entire san francisco bay area. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. mc kenzie. good afternoon, supervisors and everybody. i appreciate the opportunity to come and talk. i'm addressing on this one, i see the map right now, it looks really great everything.
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and i have two main concerns. one is security and the other one we've been talking about public transportation. as a [speaker not understood], i'm a warriors fannie and love them. no matter what people talk, they're up and down. but my main concern is when i finish the game, going from the game to the bart station to go to east bay, that's my main concern, is there going to be enough security? that's my big concern. and i would love them to come to san francisco. that would bring [speaker not understood]. i work in hotel business. that would increase the business and everything would be great for the city. i'm looking forward to start the building. i'd appreciate it. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. joshua arsey with bright line and i just want to say that
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there was a lot of information today. i think it was really helpful to have at this stage. i think our organization and some of our partners that are here in the community side are really excited just because of what this represents as well as i think supervisors wiener and supervisor mar was at the signing ceremony of the historic jobs commitment around the construction of the arena, community and labor working together. the warriors and the builders working on something that is going to guarantee moving forward with the arena means a lot of jobs and guarantee for local folks will have a chance to start a construction career bringing basketball back to the city. it is incredibly exciting. at the same time, obviously, we respect the voices of the neighbors, of the residents. we're hearing some of the folks here today that definitely have concerns. we want to see those concerns heard and go through a process. we think the process happens starting now, starting tomorrow. we don't think that moving
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forward with fiscal feasibility, for example, and starting environmental review is inconsistent with having a pathway for the residents to have the chance to continue their way in, to have their questions answered and to engage. i think that's respectful and appropriate. so, at the same time you're hearing the enthusiasm, i think a lot of us to do this and bring the warriors to san francisco. but for the neighbors here and the residents, we do hear you. we, i think, i can speak for myself and probably others, want to make sure your concerns are heard and addressed, but we very much do want to go forward and ensure there is a process for folks to engage as we do go forward with the project. thanks. >> thank you, mr. arcey. good evening. my name is [speaker not understood]. i represent all the [speaker not understood] labors, [speaker not understood] san mateo. i think this project is very good for the city. it's going to create a lot of
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revenue, city that wants to spend money to restore the pier. talking about a month old, residents and all that. i think san francisco mta, they take a great [speaker not understood] see all the detail how they're going to have transportation. i think they're going to be addressing all that. and also we have to repair those piers because they're going to fall down to the water and they're going to be worse. so, let's move forward with this project. thank you. >> thank you, mr. hernandez. i just want to recognize mr. hernandez is a member of the citizens advisory committee and appreciate you participating because i know it's a lot of meetings and a lot of hours. thank you. i'm sorry, i didn't call more speaker cards. i have jesus villa [speaker not understood]. gregory reid and [speaker not understood]. if there are any members of the public that would like to speak, please feel free to line up after those speakers.
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good afternoon, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood] high tower, representing the [speaker not understood] and for the public comment i have gregory reid here. he will make the comments for the record. thank you. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. i'm gregory reid with a. philip randolph institute, san francisco. we are here to say we are very, very excited about this project because we're one of the cbos that worked very hard, community based organizations that worked very hard to help get the local ordinance in with this project that is now [speaker not understood] with this project. and with that, we work hard as an organization to help get -- find employment for people who are in the community, here in san francisco particularly, the bayview hunters point area as well as throughout the whole city.
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with all that said, though, we would like to make sure that the supervisors do take the time to address all the concerns from all the people in the city in a hope that after everything is said and done and this project moves forward, whatever, that it could go forward with the spirit -- positive light, positive spirit so that everyone will be happy and be proud of this project. thank you. >> thank you, mr. reid. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is nick penn. i am with [speaker not understood] south of market employment center. we've been working in san francisco community for over 40 years to create opportunities for san francisco residents in the construction industry and we see this opportunity here with the warriors dam and the momentous occasion, you have the buy-in from the developer, you have the buy-in from the
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general contractor to do a work force plan that is going to be successful. we're excited for the new entry opportunities for folks and we're really excited about the opportunity for better and higher. been siting and hearing the public comment. we understand the concerns of the community. we hope that this process will work its way forward, you know, through the community advisory committee or citizens advisory committee or any other forms, mission south of market employment center hopes to be a collaborater in coming together with community, with labor, with city governments to create a plan that moves this project forward in a most successful and less impactful way as possible. so, thank you. >> thank you, mr. penn. sue hester. i want to acknowledge the recent comments asking the board to act with cognizance of the people in the area. we are human beings and the
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planning department and the -- planning department environmental review and all the city agencies are acting as though kind of we are not. they had the big input on election eve when people would walk in precincts. we were down at the quality of life workshop. and, so, there is an expectation that citizens are going to give up thanksgiving and christmas and new year's because the warriors and the city staff are going to give them up because they're paid to do so. and, so, i'll just tell you, people are dead serious when they say this is coming too fast. i still have four meetings between now and christmas, and some of them are right after thanksgiving. the timelines are horrible and
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the giants were a very good model for this neighborhood and they are part of the plan. they met with people over several years and they came up with restriction on the number of events. that is a key thing from the giants and we blew straight through it. what we are asking for is time to have a serious environmental review. an environmental review that deals with the fact that we had two months ago change dramatically because of sea level rise from the east coast. we are going to have sea level right here. if we don't factor them into an e-i-r that we do on a pier right now on fill, we will not be doing our job as citizens or [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you, ms. hester. good afternoon,
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supervisors. eddie young with by line defense project. the two things stated previously is the excitement around this project, around just alone bringing basketball to san francisco. and secondly, jobs. the prospect of having jobs and jobs now for low-income communities in san francisco through the local hire agreement that was just signed last week, for instance. but to seriously address the quality of life and neighborhood issues are incredibly important and we'd like to commend, first of all, the mta, oewd, and the architect for addressing these issues in the process, having sensitivity in the process and addressing traffic, views, night life and open space. and even amongst the committee as well, we've seen as well sensitive in the process in addressing things such as open space. supervisor kim, for instance, had a specific question on making sure it's reusable open space. that goes to show precision being used to address these issues being brought up by the neighborhoods affected by the
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project. and that's incredibly important. and, so, while speed can be sometimes a bad thing, that a slow process in and of itself is not necessarily a good thing either. that just because something has slowed down doesn't mean that that project is then deliberated appropriately. as long as the appropriate deliberations is happening, that is more than enough. and that's what's happening right now. so, again, we'd like to continue the momentum behind the warriors arena project and hopefully continue to see this project move forward and addressing these issues as well. thank you. >> thank you, mr. ryan. if there is no other public comment, and through the chair, we can close public comment. >> close the public comment. >> thank you. if i could just make some concluding comments and then turn to my colleagues. i have another meeting. i want to thank all the city departments and the warriors and also many of our community for being here today. i just wanted to state one of the public commenters had talked about the pace of the project, and i agree. i actually do think that this
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project is moving very quickly through the process more than other ones and for a project this size. but i do also want to understand there are some clear delineations in terms of timelines the warriors are working with as well. so, i think there is a balance that we need to strike. i think a better process and more meaningful process will come out with a better project which will still create jobs. i don't think anyone is in conflict. i really appreciate hearing from members of labor also supporting a meaningful process because i think that means a better project in the end. i think that's a good thing. i did want to address the point about the holidays. we heard that comment and, so, because of that we did move the scoping meeting to mid january so we will not be holding a scoping meeting in december as had been previously planned, understanding that people are during the holidays are distracted, i think that is a very valid concern. we don't expect people to come out in december from holiday parties and a family gathertionses for this.
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it was pushed to january at a committee meeting last week. we will ensure there are going to be required discussions at the cac around * the e-i-r scoping and also the term sheet which will come to us in the spring. i think one of the other valid feedback that we got was how meaningful the discussion is happening at the citizens advisory committee and we're going to try to ensure in the agenda there will be time with the cac to discuss it with the board to give us guidelines and prudhoe bayvs they'd like -- principles they'd like to see in the project as well. we do have the model process that happened before. * i've heard over and over again the giants did a great job. we have a lot to learn from them. we have lessons to learn from the giants project as well which i think the warriors have listened to and are trying to incorporate in that design project. and i do want to congratulate the warriors for being the first private develop erred to agree to the local hire legislation. i think that is a great step in working with labor from the get
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go * is certainly a big step up for this project. of course, i just want to ensure that we're having meaningful participation from the residents in the neighborhood. i think it is just going to make a better project overall because this could be a fantastic project for both the city and the neighborhood. but it could also be a disaster as well. i think we all acknowledge there is a balance that has to be struck within the process to ensure that it turns out to be the former. so, with that i don't know if there are any comments from committee members. i do want to thank the land use committee for hearing this. this is only the first of many hearings. there is going to be a process, our office will work hard to ensure that. thank you. >> i just wanted to add to supervisor kim's comments that let me do my best to make sure my staff is working with neighborhood residents and others as we move other hearings and item forward through the land use committee or to ensure that that happens. i also wanted to say, too, i'm really appreciative of the thoroughness of the presentations by different department staff and thanks to
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rick wells for being here as well as others from the community, too. thank you so much, supervisor kim. can we continue this to the call of the chair without objection? thank you. >> thank you. now, mr. evans, can we call item number 1 since supervisor chiu is here, item number 1. >> item number 1 is ordinance: 1, commemorating the stockton street sidewalk adjacent to washington square park under public works code sections 789 et seq., the commemorative street plaque ordinance; 2, accepting a plaque in honor of jack early as a gift to the city; 3, waiving permit and inspection fees for plaque installation; and 4, directing official acts in furtherance of this ordinance. -- as a gift to the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you. and the sponsor is president david chiu. >> thank you, mr. chair. and thank you for delaying consideration of these items. our jail committee went on for a lot longer than we expected. but, colleagues, the legislation we have in front of us would allow the city to accept a gift of a commemorative plaque to be installed in the stockton street sidewalk adjacent to washington square park in honor of jack early who was not only a beloved telegraph hil
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