tv [untitled] December 5, 2012 1:00am-1:30am PST
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tortured, and threatened with my death. i was kidnapped three times. i was -- according to father kyle who came to pick me up from st. mary's hospital, they were going to kill me. they wanted to find any way to take me over to the jail to do it. ascension is your choice. it is our responsibility to consciously choose to evolve. to do this is to live in integrity. living in integrity is behaving part of all that is. ascension is to rise above limited ways of thinking and creating rea÷y&h0o) i made a whole list of things that i think would be helpful if we had had a discussion about the muni. the muni is where this situation started, the hate crimes -- again and again. this is what i wanted to talk to president chiu about. this is the extension --
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ascension extension that i propose be built. i could have it built as i know welders and people who could do the casting. there are two signs that say there is no soliciting. one is on this little gas ebbo, and the other is on -- if you were to extend it, the bathroom that goes here. currently, there are dpw advertising -- these are temporary gates. they look horrible and have horrible-looking cones in front of8iáçg them. probably more important although this is where i need or was healing but the police put rubber gloves on and threatened to take me away. the city breaks about five laws. it used to be they just perform in the evenings and take away the people from their angst in the rain. now they take away the children's right to ascension, the people's right to talk, and
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the people's right to heal and use our park as we choose. they're are loud speakers going on -- >> president chiu: thank you veryzj'( ksñ much. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment in seeing closed. madam clerk, could we go to the adoption calendar. >> clerk calvillo: item had 3 43 is being considered for immediate -- without committee reference. the board of supervisors hold a public hearing on december 11 at 3 pm with the board sitting as a committee of the whole to consjpxe temporary construction licenses for various real properties by eminent domain for the public purpose of constructing the central subway third street light rail extension project. >> president chiu: the house has changed roll call vote. >> clerk calvillo: on item 43, supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. president chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. supervisor cohen,ñkj4n absent. supervisor elsbernd, aye.pi"o
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supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor olague, aye. there are nine ayes. >> president chiu: resolution passes. and why don't we go to our imperative agenda, madam clerk. >> clerk calvillo: on behalf of supervisor chu for resolution recognizing the grand reopening of the sunset recreation center and commending the project team of san francisco rec and park and the department of public works forf ]w hard work and commitment to san francisco and its residents. >> president chiu: take that one first. colleagues, we have a resolution from supervisor chu. i believe it's -- it has the requisite commendatory finding as well as brown act finding. it's been seconded by supervisor elsbernd. let me ask if there are members of public that wish to speak on this imperative item.
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seeing none -- you're welcome to speak on the imperative item which is a resolution around -- madam clerk it's the sunset rec center? >> clerk calvillo: yes recognizing the grand reopening of thesq9k4$ópimñ sunset recre. >> president chiu: so you can speak on this item. life or death, imperative, what is imperative. imperative, i think, is the right for people to live equally, for this to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, in order to do that, we need to be safe. disabled people who have seizures are not::zjr)z the parks or anywhere because we don't have appropriate actions for them as a seizure victim i would like to see that be an imperative --da'( r a detail brt before you because i have the solution. we could take people, who are seizuring, and bring pup tents
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to them, bring people who are properly trained in the chinese hold our hands, something that's worked for generations. it does not work to thug us as it does not work to thug us as would be because we never change from seizuring, we cannot be mistreated the way we are mistreed. i think it's imperative agenda that we think in terms of the health and welfare and safety of us. if we need our doctors to have notes on the er so that they understand how our care should be taken care of, that's an imperative agenda for all of the people of san francisco so that we're safe. this was something promised by barack obama in his first letter that we not be chartered consistently. the people who continually torture me. the people who hurt me continue to do so. i would like to see that resolved and i would like to talk to all the people because i have solutions and i can't do it alone. i need your help.
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i need the people's help. and the people need to be able to write after daifts on their computers. you're not a bunch of monkeys. you can take input from people and find out what's really going on on the underbelly of the dragon because since the first >> president chiu: thank you very much. public on public comment with regards to this item? seeing none, closing public comment. and, colleagues, can we do it -- take this imperative agenda same house same call? that will be the case. second imperative agenda is by supervisor av loss. >> the clerk: resolution declaring november 25, 2012 international day for elimination of violence against women and girlsjp in the doest of san francisco. >> president chiu: do you have any comments? >> supervisor avalos: you just want to thank supervisor cohen for her cosponsorship.
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this was brought to me by -- who was having a cultural event,jp!s coming saturday, november 24, 7 pm at the dance mission center. it will be a really great event and there will be healers there to help heal the world of violence. blessed are the peaceful. >> president chiu: is there a second to supervisor avalos' motion. seconded by supervisor campos. colleagues, this resolution has the purely commendatory finding as well as brown act finding. there is a second. is there any public comment on this item? >> i would like to address the fact that there is violence of me starting a war between the police, as i did december 9, has helped that situation, except up against the old cops that are thugging. they did give me a police report after i was beaten but then they
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took me because the police refused to call the night ministry over to be tortured at st. mary's hospital where i could have been tortured to death. violence against women is not acceptable. acceptable. if there are no cameras1 facilities, including the unholy marriage between the ama, theiq ers where according to the five columbia/jax4 university neurologists who diagnosed me as acute complex seizure victim where you can'tñjpfi get help e these guys laugh as they throw you into toilets. i had a square foot full of bruises and probably a broken cocksic. these are events -- i was who tortured me. russians and people who were not americans originally held me down while the snakeman twisted
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my neck with about 10 people, the head of the er brought them in because i'm misdiagnosed. i have saying happy children to the people in -- and yet in the back in the ers with no cameras and no witnessing these repeated problems happen. violence against women, against girls, yes, we need protection. we need for them to know how to stand up and fight the system that doesn't protect us. we need to have the police be accountable for their actions to wear those cameras on them because people usually watch the tortured people. the person who was driving -- whether they kidnapped me when i didn't qualify for the -- >> president chiu: thank you very much. any other members of the public wish to speak in general public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, again if we can take this same house, same call, that shall be the case. madam clerk, i think we have one more. >> clerk calvillo: one last resolution on behalf of
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supervisor mar declaring february 24, 2012 the saturday after thanksgiving holiday as small business to increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses in san francisco. >> president chiu: supervisor mar has offered his resolution that has the requisite purely commendatory finding as well as brown act finding. seconded by supervisor campos. is there any public comment on this item? okay. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. and if we can take this item same house same call. that shall be the case. madam clerk please read the in memoriams. >> the clerk: today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals on behalf of supervisor avalos for the late alex -- on behalf of supervisor mar for the late ms. fay hennic bingham, on behalf of president chiu and supervisor mar for the late mr. allen farley. on behalf of supervisor elsbernd for the"j2x late mr. he hadward
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patrick mcgovern. on behalf of supervisor campos, supervisor mar, supervisor kim and avalos, for the late mr. howard l. wallace. >> president chiu: thank you, madam clerk. is there any more business in front of the body? >> clerk calvillo: that concludes our business for today, mr. president. >> president chiu: i want to wish you and your families, members of the public and everyone watching on sf gov tv, thank you for your service and wishing everyone for a very, very happy thanksgiving. this meeting is adjourned.
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>> good morning and welcome to the san francisco county transportation authority finance committee and i'm scott wiener the chair of the committee. to my right is commissioner sean elsbernd and to my left is commissioner david chiu and commissioner eric mar and commissioner carmen chu will be joining us.
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>> no announcements. >> item two. >> item two presents november 6, 2012 meeting action item. >> any comments or changes to the minute? seeing none, public comment on item two. seeing none. public comment closed. can we give motion to approve the minutes? can we do that without objection that will be the order. >> thank you. >> thank you good morning my name is collin. i'm a transportation planner with the authority and i'll be presenting this item number three which is a contract for
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our -- this item starts on page sevenof your packet. we are required every two years to update the congestion management program and produce a report and that report includes a monitoring effort of the auto speeds as well as levels of service or los on the city's designated cmt network. which is about 200 miles of arterial streets which is 35 miles city freeway network. in addition to that, we also -- specifically required we do transit speed monitoring along the cmt network of bus speeds.
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this contract is to essentially provide for the next round of that monitoring effort. just a little background on some changes we're making this time around. in the past have used floating card method to collect the auto speed data and that is specially driving car at the speed of traffic. a couple times down each segment and that has been traditionally since 1991, the way the cmt data has been collected. we are in the last cmt effort in 2011, we tested a new method which is using priority commercial data including sensors and data from cell phones and other methods essentially that are more robust data set and also cost.
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this time around after finding that method provided results that were very similar to what we got from the card this time around, we're looking to do the private commercial data, which is from a vendor called inrick which is the main source of our data collection. looking to produce significant cost savings on the order about $20,000 just for the data acquisition. we're also looking to work potentially with mtc -- they are working on an effort to actual procure -- access data for the region and potential at no cost to local jurisdiction. we'll be following that effort as well. we're hoping to transition some
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of that cost saving into working more with effort we work to better uncorporate more multimodal measures and more multimodal data to provide more complete picture of our transportation performance. we'll looking to use those cost saving as a way to get into the multimodal aspects and look at some new data sources. with that, this contract is $430,000. it's for this round of the 2013cmt. that's an 18 month period. it also has options for two additional two year periods, which will be the 2015 and 2017 monitoring effort. we are recommending that this contract be awarded to -- after doing procurement process
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involving group proposal, we received three proposals and conducted interviews with all three of the qualified firms and received some quite strong proposals. those are some of the reasons we ended up going recommended -- we had a contract goal with this procurement based on the types of work that it is 9%.
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with that, i'll turn it over to any questions that you may have. >> thank you, commissioner car men chu has joininged us. any questions or comments? have there any public comment on item three? seeing none, public comment is closed. this is action item. is there a motion to move this to the floor with a positive recommendation? is there any objection to that? that will be the order. thank you. item number four. >> recommend award of three year of contracts with option to extend additional one year period. extend consulting services incorporated combined total not to exceed $600,000 for on cost transportation planning services. authorizing the executive director and negotiate nonmaterial. this is an action item.
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>> the authorities on call transportation planning contract support our entire work program for the planning section from everything from the update of our san francisco transportation plan 30 year long range transportation investment plan to neighborhood transportation planning studies, policy, analysis or strategic analysis report. this request is to contract with three firms, three teams of firms to support our work program through an on call planning contract. with this approach, we have multilevel transportation
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planning and services and expertise will have transportation expertise, traffic analysis. the ability to help us work with state and federal agencies. agencies like cal trains will have ability to do design and cost estimation. we'll be well prepared for any request that come our way as well as work program we've anticipated in our budget. this would be three different contracts. not to exceed in total not to exceed $600,000 for the first three years. that's anticipated in our adopted budget and any -- and will be included in future year budget.
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not among all three, there's not to exceed $600,000. i can answer any questions. >> thank you for the presentation. i just want to bring to the public to explain. we have core staff and planners within the staffing of the transportation authority that this provides additional outside consultants, planner and support on a as needed basis? >> that's right. actually doing technical work. actually doing traffic analysis or developing intersection design. say we have a neighborhood transportation plan we're manage, the authority staff is managing a project but these consultants would do the work to say develop the community-based designs or develop the visualizations for instance that's one example. doing technical work.
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another thing that we also some times have some support for project management on large projects. the contracts do have that capability as well. >> commissioner chu. >> just a question as you mentioned that, just a question about how it is that the t.a. coordinates with the mta. we have folks at the mta do design work. how do you coordinate between the two agencies? >> it depends on the project. for any project in our work plan, we will work with mta on their role in the project. in some cases, like in neighborhood transportation plan, mta will sort of on the technical advisory committee and but they might not be scoped to do any of the work. it's a discussion with mta what role you would like to have on
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the project, what make sense for your capacity is there and what works in their work program at the time. there have been cases where we have actually contracted with mta to do the design because it's something they've wanted to do or had the staff capacity to do. it varies by project. the scope and role of mta design staff say versus consultant staff is negotiated on project by basis. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. i think this is -- i think consultants can be pros and cons and there are times when you can save money by allowing the t.a. not to have additional staffing. i think it's just an important how we can do it in-house. i know you know that.
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it's a relatively in the scheme of things small amount per year because this is a multiyear contract. i am comfortable supporting it. any additional questions for comments? seeing none, is there any member of the public who would like to -- were you done with your presentation? >> yes. >> is there any member of the public like to comment? is there a motion to forward this to the board with a positive recommendation? can we do that without objection. that would be the order. item number five. >> recommend authorizing the executive directors execute amendment to the memorandum of agreement with the transportation agency. for the bus route transit project to provide additional $208,000 appropriated funds to
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the sfmta budget. to complete the environmental phase of the project. authorizing the director modifying agreement terms and conditions. action item. >> good morning committee members. please to present this item begins on page 21 of your packet. the project nearing the end of the light of the tunnel. the item today is to update the original memorandum of agreement we forged back in 2008. since that time there's been a number of great progress plans including the development of the environmental analysis selection of alternative by both boards. tremendous work by partners.
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owner and operator of 101 which is highway 101 through the city. this item attributes to several actions. to reflect also the obtainment of a large fta grant. we happily we received a $50 million from the federal transit administration to support the project. part of that funding will be passed over to the authority and part of our previously prop 8 funds will be passed over to mta. this is all to cover some of the work already happened and budgeted for back in the 2010 appropriation as well as reflect the past year. over the past year, the agencies have all done significant work to refine and develop the
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locally preferred alternative both agencies have been incurred a bit of additional cost. we have also added more consultant support to the budget. the memorandum of agreement will also update the project budget to add about $1.1 million of total project budget to bringing total project cost up to $6.7 million range. again, this additional cost is fully covered by the federal transit administration grant and no additional funding is being sought today. finally this memorandum of agreement, the amendment to this mla provides for the milestone-based transition of the project from the authority to the mta. the idea is that following the board's adoption and certification of the environmental report, anticipated to be next spring, the federal government, the federal transit administration would supply the record of decision essentially their approval of the project at this
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stage and at that point, we would hand the project to lead over to the sfmta. this is all been discussed and agreed by the agencies and we're happy to report that to you today and provide your recommendation to the amendment. >> thank you very much. colleagues any questions? any comments? is there any member of the public who would like to public? seeing none, public comment is closed. can we move this forward to the full authority with positive recommendations? seeing no objection, that will be the order. item number six. >> introduction of new items was an information item. >> any introductions colleagues? seeing none, public comments is closed. item seven. >> public comment. >> is there any public comment on any item not on
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